% • V • • 'iW' " I' I MALCOLM AND MABEL MOUSE FOLLOW DONOHUE'S SPORTS ATCH THE PASSING SHOW W COMMENT IN'OR SO IT SEEMS' THE EDITORIAL PAGE ()N EVERY WEEK ON SPORT PAGE XVH, No. 7 WOODBKIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1935 PRICE THREE GEN&'tf ROM OUR STATE BOARDS WAR The 1935 Graduating Class At Woodbridge High School TWO MORE PROBES IMPERILS U.S. FID OF RELIEF RACKETS' FRONT FORR.R. CROSSINGS LOOM IN TOWNSHIP WINDOW Utility, Highway Agencies Grand Jury Investigation,'' Clash On Authority ,,,,- pderion, hurrying to Inquiry By A Local from Uc'in 1 umday Over $6,000,000 ii-anhcd into one of the Commission Seen ylvnnia Railroad s«te» McELROY WIRES EATON ,jrnioli«hcd it—the gate, WOULD SUBPOENA LIST (I,,, ,-nilrond. But before done towards ro- [Township Hopes Bacharach North Head7~Staff Of 7 thc damage, someone J Will Sway Wallace l.< l,lnining the railroad for Examining Complaints At Washington Of ERA Clients ,,,,,, ,,f the large class, the :ilM,.;,te pormon for the Disagreement over the Developments in the Town- ,',j'mr Was* nt Womlbridge distributing agency for the ship emergency relief situa- , ,,l will ho preached this $6,000,000 allotted bv the ; ll0th l m 1 tion up to this morning in- ~'f ;: :u/ ?Z ih« St Federal works' fund to New ,„„. reason for an nuditor- Jersey may seriously ham- elude: f per Woodbridge Township'? Agitnlion for a sei ,,.io memWs of the Town chances of obtaining early inquiry by the Middlesex ! rniltre nrc certainly .becom- elimination of its seven dan- County Grand Jury into ' ,,l,.trcperoui, to »aV the gerous grade" crossings. charge* of "chitelling'' bn I Party line« have been In the first place, the sum the part of reliof client! and ' .n frequently, within the is not deemed sufficient by the few weclci, and it ii diffi- ulio into allegation! of ad- ' State Board of Public Utility miniitrative irregularity ia I in decide whether the boji Commissioners to finance reimova doing lomi re«l thinking or of all Class A crossings in the the ERA. | juit discovered lh«t Jt'i TOP ROW—Peter McMiehael, Joseph Joy, Stephen Eacz, Fred Nelson, Edward Novak, Louis #b"ke, Elmer Krysko, Jule Limoli, Frank Bihon, Carl Jnnke, Alex Ket- State. In addition there is con tler, Joe Pricz, Charles Thomas, Emil RololT, Peter Konowitz, Morris Paloy, Emll Urban, John. Fleming, George Di Stephano. Consideration by Town- [ tn be orn«ry. We hope flict between the Board and tln> |,o former. The Towtaihip SECOND ROW—Bill Miller, George Boross, Edward Mazanowski, Joseph Herickes, Emil Mueck, George Crumm, Edward Kozinsk!, William Toryak, John Tapley, •hip official! of tha crtatidn ' ' State Highway Commission over Edward Rcisman, Louis Weygand, Harry Lemchak, Matthew Litka. of a- non-partiian board of * „„ time or place for iheer which agency will have supervi- mctioniiti. THIRD ROW—Milton Jursik, Warren Pearce, William Connolly, Robert Barna, Robert Ahlering, Julian Ander, Edward Karalos, Wilson Habercorn, George Gerek, three to examine witneuet ,,1, .i sion over tho fund. William Mandy, Hannah Bernstein, Lillian Weincr, Elizabeth Fevcnscak, Eleanor Grurtdman, Helen Hcgedus, Wanda Sokalska. and recordi to lift «ccui». ' HI t'ommittccmen might as- To protect the Townhip inter- FOURTH ROW—Winifred Bjornsen, Alfred Tyrell, Frank Balcore, Michael Ndaies, William Matu-:z, Warren Jensen, Thomas Feeney, Louis Totih, Tliomus Gerity, broader outlook on tiic (-'sts, Leon E. McElroy, municipal Mich j| Yacovino, Blanche Sclioctibrun, Ella Blake, Sophia Handel, Marjorie Miller, Emily Newman, Grace Walker. tiom of a similar nature, ' I problem of rond repair, counsel, yesterday wired United FIFTH ROW—David Deutsch, Louise De Nyse, Alfred Galey, Arthur Ashley, Bill Toth, Thclnla Anderson, Lyman Peck, Margaret Nilscn, Stephen Danko, Alberta thereby to aid in the inquiry ' ultimate interests of tax- States Senator W. Wan-en Bar- Stetin, Ethel Lepinsky, Lillian Nifer, Flora Jensen, Barbara Kalb, Marion Bavth, Muriel Hanson, Anna La Vigna, Emily Je'ssen, Irene Feterek, Lillian Bedner, Barbara already under way. no to be conserved. An hour and ltaprescntativc Charles Stern, Marion Sudhy. [ !'i,{ of approximately A- Eaton, requesting that they SIXTH ROW—Leonard Campbell, Willard Dunham, Mary Rebnicky, Kathryn Sindet, Audrey Pateman, Adelaide Ilarned, Eleanor Merrill, Evelyn Krcger, Clnire Ralph North heads a staff ii is represented in the take such steps as might be noces- Ferbel, Margaret Brennan, Johanna Frolinger, Lillian Bergman, Mary Fazckas, Edna Byrne, Pearl Harris, Margaret Janni, Ethel Lovas, Marie Leffler, BJvelyn Katen, of seven probera who are ex- .'hfares for which Mr. Spen- ™ry t<> »>(1 t'lL' 'ol'"l project and Ruth Krt-yling, Margaret Pogyena, Grace Anderson. „ , ,.,„ „. ,,,„.,,, „, amining -specific' complaints " 1'iilly requested—and was assure its early undertaking. SEVENTH'ROW—Jack Dunigan, Mary Palculich, Madeline Krouse, Grace Mott, Evelyn Melded-, Evelyn Lid.lle, Ritn Lybcck, Vio a Moore, Margaret. Samons, of insufficient relief filed ' I -an emergency appropri- Bacharach See« Wallace Edward Keating, Louise Bergmuellur, Ruth BulfUp, Bertha MuMy, Hedwig Bergmue'er, Shirley Spiers, Edna Dombroski, Ella Homer, Kathryn Holland, Lmmn Burger, with the State ERA council a1 $18 000. 'If this attitude Harry liaehanu-h, president of Harvey I.iind. -• 'the' taxpayers may be the Hoard, went to Washington EIGHTH ROW-John Kovacs, Betty Peterson, Gertrude Varasca, Concetto Scafidi, Anna M.oe, Ruth Stern, Litka, Helen Nash, Angelina bt. Mane, Anna C'hrist- by the Township Committee. I'ipon, within the next few this week to determine whether enson, Alice Dcmlcr, Mora Balfour, Virginia Raison, Margaret Hogya,. Ho'en Revitg^a. Katrine Peterson, Helen Peak, Edward Mcderau. Arthur Gibb, as personal tn meet an expense several Secretaryy of Agriculturg e Wallace agent of Lewis Compton, that fipure. loot's not be g could not di-signnte the utility Fords Postmaster? established the office hero -Hghted! commission to handle the money. COMMITTEE LEARNS on Monday and set up the The conifre.-wional act setting up SPENCER WILL TRY Board May Tent Eyes AM Ears procedure to be used by Mr. If Mr. Spe-ncer renewed hit tlio huge works fund of S'1,800,- on to effectuate the above 000,000 contemplated, appnrent- North, who has two men and jr», he would probably win. JAM IN TAX AUDIT one woman as case investi- |yt placing the Highway Hoard in $18,000 ROAD BILL Of Pupils As Aid To Teachers nittecman Bergen, alio a controj. _ .. gators. Three State audi- rcpr>rnscn.tat.ive of 4h* • -First "It"is poii.Jell out, however, that 1 rd, which would be the ma- hclwa^'^i^ ^^^^ Are Only Near- NEEDSEXTRAWORK tors began examining the the Utility Hoard is the on! DN COUNCIL 111 records of the Woodbridge- beneficiary of the improve- agency clothed with the authority it, wai abient Monday night to determine which crossings Sighted Or Deal, Dr. Lowery TellsTcHobl ConiS Carteret bureau on Wednes- n the project wai voted shall be removed first and it is Greiner Concurs In Move Expeicivfc day; n. Since Mr. Bergen, un- the hope of Township officials that sioners; Eye Work Already Begun By ERA Nurses tlie present line-up, •• the it will ultimately be given thhe To Reintroduce Beaten, Records To Be Records. balancmce of power and could not purse strings. Thhe Board has POOR LIGHTING IS REVEALED IN 187S BUILDING records the onably vote ag-ain»t the continually shown itself to be sym- Repairs To Streets At Special Session These are w J«l corn- e, it might be adopted-—on pathetic with the local situation Scientific investigation of pupils' sight and hearing is municipality's specif" "•• ji-H,, xond try. and it is believed tihat if it is mission would subpoena uJi'.. given the power that it will bring TERMED A~VTTAL NEED contemplated by the Board of Education as-ait aid in prov- NO ONE BLAMED-YET Iking on the Town Committee about the removal of the live ing adequate instruction to township children. der the plan now under con- i- ;i solemn obligation and no, ssirigs in Woodbridge ami the Committeeman Frederick A ape cml meetm of the sideration by the municipal- crO A. Spencer of the First Ward Tests of lighting efficiency and students' eyes have I - E u.t'inlrer should remain away from' two on the main line at Iselin already been begun in the township by two State-employed Townhip Committee prob- ity. A Republican, a Demo- ivgular meetings without serious an,i (jolonia. stated yesterday he would visual defect nurses. And the Board is seriously contem- ably will be called for Tues- crat and aii independent reason and previous notice of his Emmet T. Drew, secretary to introduce again his motion : plating renting from the State day to consider authoriza- would be appointed and pro- inability to attend. Otherwise his tne Hoard, stated yesterday he for an emergency appropri- Department of Education an au- ceedings of the bureau constituents have a right to com- expected to ascertain the status of ation of approximately-$18, diometer at $5 a day to discover tion for an extended audit v;;iiii. , .the affair curly next week. Upon whether children are hearing into the records of 'the Tax checked against local knowl- it will hinge largely Woodbridge 000 to repair important thorough- edge of conditions and per- As a matter of policy, the fares in Woodbridpe and Fords. their teachers or just pretending WALSH HINTS COPS | Collector's office prior to Jan- Townhip's hoi>e of a major parti- they are. Such an investigation sonalities. T.wn Committee ha» elected to cipation in the fund. Mr. Spencer feels that the ac- uary 1. i;ivc resident* another oppor- tion of the Committee on Mon- may, however, be delayed, until Unforeseen complications have William Maloney the beginning of tha next school EYE SALOONS HERE The legal argument on tunity to be heard on the mat- day night, if repeated, will bo re- arisen which will need the action Friends of Mr.
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