, ~' " .~ ~. ~ ,'" .~"'"- , \ ~( .' ~ ....... " All The News Of All 'r'os,s~~~;.. The Pointes ',; ',t, 4,',' Every Thursday Morning , (JOJflJ)~ej~NeuJs!C:ov~age. of. Ml" the' Pdintcs ;,, " , ..... ~. ~: ~~..- .. ~. ... , VOLUME IS-NO. 43 " \:J' . ,:GRrOSSE~,POINTE~MICHIGAN, OCTOBER '28~ 19,~~~ EnteftCl 8S Second C1au Matter • ~, J' ~. ~, "r' . • f ... " • .tt: the Por.\OWc:. at Detroit. Mlc:h. Fully Paid Circulation' . I , , HEADLINES They're. Grateful to Blood .Donors " r., . " Farms Ask Expect Big. 01 t.~.' Halioween Parties " . .WEEK Passage Qf Turnout _at," As Compiled by Ih. BOlid:lssues, , , Gross. Pm'll. News Expected to Draw .PoIIs .Tuesday , . ' Vo.ters~ Approval:- R,equested National, ,State and Coun'ty TJi'ursday, 8ctober~ 21 For F~nancin9 of New 'Sewers Offices to Be 'Rlledi FORMAL AeiREEMENT 0 n And, VIater Ir:'take Project' 4,OOW Youngsters Farms Has loc,al Issues ending the occupation of Ger- . many and restoring its .,freedom -- was agreed upon by the United Fo.r, the third. ti~e, Farms Annual Community.Celebration') to Be Held Saturday Night In a few days, ,millions of St~tes, Britain and France. The 'property ow~e~.vo~ers,:wi1l be At High School and Parcells and Pierce Junio. r Highs Americans will trek to the texts are expected, to be signed given. an opportunity - to, ex- polls ,t~ vote in nationai, state- by the three 'western powers and presS' . the~ wishes;. ~or or Grosse Pointe' will' play .host for the 15th year to 4,000 and local elections. On Ti1es-~ the German Federal Government aga.inst ~~e, s~wer bond issue. young: merry-makers on ,'Saturday, October 30, at Pierce day, November 2,' 32,173 vn Saturday. WhI.ch w!ll ,b~ on th~ ballot Junior'High School, Parcells Junior High School and Grosse Pointe electors will have an- However, France and Germany for ~h~,?Ju~sday, Novel!:ber Pointe High School.: 'Ele~ent.ary school pa~ties, will be held opportunity' to' cast: their bal-, have not reached an agl'eement 2, electIOP. " , .. ' at' the,: Trombly ,and Defer lots for those'whom they wish. on the Saar problem. French I I ' The" city's sewer 'problem is so hi!" ' , , to have represent them in the Prf3:mier Mendas-France indicated B C' desperat.e, .that if the' vqters turn SC oo,~. , , / various offices. that he would insist on a Saar down the ~ssue" the city. offI.'daIs' At the HIgh ,Schoo~ the doors , usy orner. ~ Fanus Bas Local Issues solution before he signs the Bonn I will plan ,to, carry out .the proj- will open at 7:30 p.m. ,and. close The only Pointe community treaty. T G t N ect . anJ."w~~,. b~t over, a l,on~er_ at 12.,~The parti;s at Parcells and 0 e ew whicn has a local issue is the Friday. October 22 P::~Od ?f i~~.e a~~ ~t ,athbl~t m- Pierce will be'held from 7:30 to S. I L. ht Farms. That city is asking )ts , I Cpay:: . m, x ra es 0 e aX-Ill. ' taxpayer-voters to apptove two THE ENTIRE PROGRAM of s zgna 19, the rearmament of Germany ap- . TWo. Issues Proposed I Have Three Orches!ras . additional'bond 'issues, sewerone for facilities$380,000, for.to peared threatened by -the dead- Two bo~d issues will' be placed Entertainment for" ~ll interests County Now Convinced That bring relief to residents 'plagued lock between France and West befo~e the vo~ers on November and tastes will be provided at all One Should Be Installed with flooded basements during Germany over the Saar proolem. 2, .the sewer Dond, fOl; $380,000; . ,. heavy rains; and ~another bond Plans had been made for West and one'for $150,000 for construc- three schools. Dance 'b~nds h;ave at Moross and Chalfonte issue, for $150,000, to pay for a German Chancellor Konrad Ade~ tion of' a water intake statiori in been obtained far. those who en~ water intake- booster station in natier to sit in a meeting with the M'unicip~~ P~rk. joy dancing: At ~i:rce,' ~erbie I After a three-year 'battle, the Far.ms Municipal. Park. the 14 North Atlantic treaty The. sewer rel~ef problem fIrst Ross and hIg mUSICIans WIll be I the Farms has finally con- Michigan voters will ballot for powers as a' sign of the 'Bonn Re- made ltsel~ felt In 1948,. the year on'hand; at Parcells, Tom Sheri- vinced the Wayne County candidates for two national of: public's approaching sovereignty, the bond Is~ue wa~ pr,esented to dan's, band will hold forth' at the R dC" t. t t f- flces, for the Uruted States Sen- equality and right to arm. the taxpayers tWIce and each . ' . oa ommISSIOn na a ra t' d th H f R t~ t" d d ' HIgh School ,the dancers WIll fie light is necessary at Mo- a e an e ouse 0 epresen- J'11e was urne own. '''swing and sway" to the music tatives. Saturday, October 23 The problem of sewer relief f F d C' , h t ross and Chalfonte. State Electiftns . 0 re nssey s orc es ra. v THE SAAR DISPUTE betwee'n ?ecame e~pecll~lly, ~~ut~ fo!lo~- . Professional acts of all types ~eyeral months ago, COU1;.ty State offices 'to' be filled are France and Germany has been mg heavy, concentrated ,-:amfal1 will provide entertainment in the offICIals, u~on recommendatIon those of Governor, Lieutenant settled, clearing the way for West on. August ,19 and 25;, durmg the three aud'toriurris Later there of Farms CIty Clerk Harry Fur- Governor, Secretary of State,. At~ Germany to join the Western ra~fall o~ September 30; and will be a 1full pr~gram of full- ton and Farms Police Chief Wal- torney General, State Treasurer. defense camp, an official an- agam ~~rIng the heavy down- length movies. and shorts. tel' ~o~t, ~ondu~ted ~ survey to Auditor General, state senators nouncem~nt revealed. pour WhlCh last~d. ~or 10 ho,:!rs The cafeterias will be heavily determme If a light}~ necessary and.,state representatives ... l French informants said the ac- on Octo~~r. ~, ~egmnmg at 6 p.m., laden with good things to e~t, in- at Moross and Chahonte. In -Wayne County, 'the elector':' 'I ' " -,,' '. and lastmg. tIll 4. a.m" the fol- cludmg .hot dogs "Sloppy Joes" Matter Postponed , ate \vill vote to retain present cord on the 800-square-mile coal-' ' .. .', . :.:. -';p'lcture. by Fred ¥unnelts' lowing day. '. ' . ' t if' 1 . • h rich Saar is an elaborate docu- As an ad~ed mcentlve to 'prospec~1Ve donors to g? to t~e UmtaTlan Chtrrch, ".~ast ~ef-' . , Homes;' Stores Flooded (, dough.nuts, -pot~to ~hIPS,> apples, Followmg. t~e sutvey, the co~ y 0 Ic~a s or pu.t ~t ~!s i,n ment dealing with the 'l'olitical ferson and RIvard, petween 2 and 8 p.m., today, and contrlbute to ,tl:~e "blqo~ '~llectIon: . po.p, cld~r, ca~~;y bars, etc. Every- County mal,n!amed tI:at. there th~lr stead., .T~ese.offlce~ will .be and economic aspects of the little the Ne'~s, nrin~s th~. ,pictnfJe ..:~L;a."'gtotuvwh'O)G~'W:~hh~...nn.p.ot:tant ~hig:';fs:"~'41~¥ to' right ,~. In each ca~e< base~~nts., ~~. t~ll~g ~1.11be. sol~ at ,~ost. was not suffICIent traffIC to, war- for prosec~tmg attorney, sher~, territory lying between France .. ~', 'E\ "!~ "'. ... :,.<:':l'}~", ",:', ..... ',1 "c~'~.<':'''''S;:;1;;:'r~i''II.'' "\' ',.,' ',',,: 'c'.: ,.boJ;l"l~. and b~smess ~~t'abli~1'i~ " '; "' rant'thelight,'so the matteryv~s Co~?ty .. <:!~~kl'..:;g.g;tnt~.:tr~~,s~!~r. and Germany. The agreement be- are. N A:L H~KKEN, 2~ ;1Y.&.:A~Y:YE(;)~AN" *" ..:r,?;I~, ',.J.J ~n,p~';:~~~T~I~.£E~~!~:,<?~: ;~t~,!"w~ne., !.looded, .. causmg S~peZ:lsors Neede.d held open unti:I some future'a~t'e': '~lSt~l' o~':deeds, dral,n"co~nu~1- f tween the two countries provides ,the Grosse. Pomt~"Blo?d Cou~cil; an~, K:A:~ R~~ 1feal lla~.E~e an _1~J.e,cpon ne~yy damag~s to stor~d .prop- T.her~ 1;:; stIll Cl: ~hortage of sup~ for further study.' . SlOner and' two co~oners .. for the Europeanization. of the of gamma globulIn for, protectlbn agamst polIo •. M~ty h"e~,eIve~, blood pjasm~:r :wnile recov- er~y and equl:pp1~nt. erYIsors 'at all.thr.e~ schools. Men According to' Chief ,Hoyt 'since . On the non-partisah judicial Saar under the Brussels Treaty ering from mU!ti~l~::~ractu.res, suffere~'" ~, ~~. acci.4enK~K~~y,~~p'en~ ,~O,~,~~"eks,Jl).~:~hospi-: '":".'~'lio~e~'atfe.eted~ by the ?ail?~aIls .are ~ee~ed and ,ar~ urgently r:- the Co'ul1try D~y School ;noved side,- o~e circuit judge must ~e Organization. I tal when ~he..reeerv.eckalmost.fataI: bUJ;ns,'fIve months: ago. Hlodd trans.fusl~n~"helped her clamored,for,r,elief ~nd_J)etItIo~- ques.t.(!d to call and offer. theIr from Grosse Pomte bO\llevat:d to ele~ted ~o.~~l"a .vac~n<;.y fo~ the to recovery. C{lildren ar~ "ineligible t9' give 'blood, .but 'that ,'d6nated by' adults very. often' ~ the F~~s c~rmcll fOl;"1l sO,lu- serVIces. Re~ Johnstone IS the Co~k roa~, an.d m~rged' with'De- ThI!d ~u~l~lal Cll'cmt for a term t hI" . th' n" . , hon -to the problem, demandmg 11lan to call for Parcells at TU .. trOlt Umversity Sch()()l to be- whIch WIll end December 31 Sunday October 24 goes 0 e p .save eIr, v.es.
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