@Bernadette A. Da Silva Montreal. Qu,Bec

@Bernadette A. Da Silva Montreal. Qu,Bec

f - .. ,. , lI' .. 1 , l" i j• • McGUL UNIVERSITY 1 THE POST-COLONIAL STATE: UGAIDA 1962 - 1971. A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE . FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH -IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQl1IREMEMS FOR THE DEGREE OF MiSTER OF ARTS BI @Bernadette A. Da Silva Montreal. Qu,bec August 1985. 1 s • • ABSTRACT u .. • . The lIubJect of th!. thesie 18 the nature ot the poet- oolonial ita te in Atriea as exe.pl1tled by the proeusee ot ..tate for •• tion in Uganda ,during the 1962-71 periode It h the contention of the theeh thaet an 9bderetanding or, thele • proceeeu le neceeearl for an underetandlng of the poet­ colonial etate. state for ..tion ie a direct r.sponee on the part of poli tical leader.' to the preesuree and proble.s created bl eoc1eta(l. tCJt'oes. Thue, a study of these proeellee will shed turther ~léht on the ralationshlpe betw.en varloue , , eoeietal toroes.... ae _11 ae betlleeri eocletal forcee and the • ta te. Thie Ihould, in turn, enable us ta &see 8 e th, nature of the atate, in part1cular vhe~her It existe at aIl, and if la whether i t playl an Instru.ental role or whether l.t i8 art autotlQaous to'rce. On the buie ot the U,anda aaterlal, the f thesis telte the varloue hlpothe818 re,ardlng the funct1011B of \ the etate and concludee tha~.whlle it do~ndeed exiet, the ·f at•. t. ".(acII ~any eonltra1nta on He autono.y, a eondition re­ , tll"Cted in the poli~ee puraued bl the poli tical leaderehip ot the country. ot state autono.l_ As ,the statela pos1tion·buo.e~ .t.rong.r, ,> there ia a gradual a!litt ,in the Itaté-Ioclety relatiouehlp, '" putting the etat.. in a eo ••andfng pos! tion. The~e poet-i.ndepen- .. dence proqesetu ..ot etate foraation J.n Uganda unColded .durinl "th • 1 decade Iro. 1962 1971 under th. Obote r.gl~e. i - 1 . ") ~ .,. .. 1 • r . " -- -- --------------------..--~.~~~ 1 , PRECIS , Le auj,et de cette th•• e est la nature des état. Africains après la colollha tion de.ontrée par le processus de for.ation de l'état d'Ouganda pendant la pér10de 1962-71. L'idée de cette thèse. eat de dé.ontrer que la c0JP.l\ehena1on de ce proc.eaua de ~e toraation "t nécII,a1re à la eOlDprehen.1011 de l', éta t poet 'oolonial. Ce procedu8 ,eri une réponse directe dea hOIl.es poli t1ques à la preaa1on- et aux ditfi-cult. problèllll crées par lu torces de la société. Par conséquent. une étude de ,Cil phéno.ène •• ttra ,d'avantage en évld.nc~ II' dltfér:ents rtla.tiona' '- i. , ". , 1 'entre' les ",orcea divera de 1a société .. 1ne'1 que la relation, ' , 1 l , " ':~ ~rl l'état et ce~ dlv',rs torce~. Cecl-nou'a pex.-~ettra ,tl'é'valu~: , /, , ,~a nature de 'l'~t,,~, ,Pa-rtlc~liè1"eaent Ion ex1.8te~'ce .Ia.~ 8~-P;;' ., , la .i cet étâ.t J,oue un roI, 'in.tru.entai oU b1.en c. n'est t\u' une . Ir..... t toree JLut.ônoae .. .sur la bau dÙ.,,, lfat4rlel recuil11 .sur, . l'Ouganda , ' ~ \ , , cette th'en _'value 1 1.. difrérente., hYJfOth~.el conceraa.nt lea ~ , . -\, , \.' .. fon.ctiona de .1 ""ta t et c~nclu. '<lUe ahe .1 '0811e-é1 existe~t '- ,et',!4lçtiveaent eU-ée font face à a. lIult1ples ~on.tra;ntel con- t. cernant leur autonb.h', oette o-ondi t..1~n e~t ~pparente .. danl la '. \, , ' , \1' ""' .. • po.li t,1qu, aui v6", par -le ch.r d. ce pa78. t. proq•• aui d~ ror.a- tiorl état une de dl~ r'.~lt. ~an. 'aug.~ntat1on·de, . , l~autono.t& • \ ' cet état. A .eaure que ,la' pO,li tlon de, l'état Il r~l1to..rce 11 1 , 1 . ' ,,'a une. tràqlt().rlaUon dana la relatio.n état-société .. ttant l' ét.. ~ . '. '/. .. \" Il .,\ cô •• -' ~n'posltlon.dè ande.· c.. procel8u~ de for'__ t1ori d'état . ... .. ~ , ' \.' .. ~prè. l' tnd'épendance ,'n Ouganda St sont. aie en évide'ne .. dÀna la '"' . " eUe.de' entre 1962 - 1971 .Qua,l. r'li •• Obote •. , " , , :. 1i -• .. , : . ,. ; , • 1 - .. .' , , , 1 " , .,~. ... .".. ,1\ ~ l \ i, , .. \, , ........ J . .. ," '" --~- ----------~----~------------------..........~ .. ~e .... ?~ ..... , TABLE OF CONTENTS ClfAPTER ORE "IIfTRODUC TION" - " i Introduction •••••••••• ~ •••• ',' ••••• 1 1i The State and Ite, Place ln the L1 tera t ure ..••••.••••••.•• 3 .. .,l' 111 '. Central Argument,•••••••••••••••.• 12 "'- 1v 1 Autonolly: What and Why 1e lt a i~o;i? ••.•• •01 •••• 16 v Organisat1on of ~he 'VOW-)a •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 9 " . '. CHAPTER TVO "INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE: At{ OVERVIEW Î , Introduction ..•••....••..... : •... 23 " '. 1 \ 1~ Buganda I.e Central , " Abtor •••••••• '••. e •••••••••••••••• 24 ~ , ii1 Develop.en t of < 'D1strictism' •••••••••••• ~ •••••• 29" -. lv The 1962 Conet1 i;..utlon •••••••••••• 32 " v MSitQr Thelles 1n tJgandan ~ " ,0 6 '::te Format!J;>n ••••••••••••••••• 34 , -, vi The Role ot the upe in . State For.ation •. '\' .............. 39 \ \ " >. CHAPTER THRE1 "CLASS STRUCTUIE JI UGANDA" , -, . f / • . 01 , \ ~ " ~ i. f-r Introduction ••• : • ~ •••• ,. .......... 49 . ~ f ~ fi" . .. Mac~o/Micro ,- . ~ ,J D1stinction •••• • •••• • • •• • •••••• " 50 d. ' 111 .l(ho Controls the ~Po.t- .. Colonial St.te? o.' •.•••• 0 .......... 59 iv Autono_y ot the Poet-Chlonial State: • Real ot t\pparen t? ........ 6 J • AU"&!l:1J1~ the Strength or 1 .oc1~1 1a8.88,.8. 0 •••••••••••••••• 67 - '- - ~ c '. , 11i .-~ ~ a , .... ; 1 •.," .. '. \ \ '. ", "\ , ., 't • .. Il , , .. ... l, 1 . , '. l J 1 ~ , .,: " >:. ~. ,"', ... ";' , • Q a " CBAPTn FOUR "OBOTE'S IDEOLOGY" li . 1 f •••••• '. ',' •••• rlitroduc. tian ••• '! ••• 75 il Oôote a Reoonciliation l ,L,.der? .. ~ ..•...... ~. "',.' .•... 76 i11 Obote and the 'Dev.lop•• nt ' . ot 80ciali~. 114 Yganàa •.••••••.•• 81. iv Other Poli tioal ., , Pretüene ..' •••••. o •••••••••••••• 85 v Pulling th. Piecea r To·,.th.~ ........................ ... 88 - CHAPT.!R FlVE "EXPLAIIIIG IHSTITUTIONAL CHANGEn 1 'In ..................... 94 ifrodu~t1bn , " ,11 Chani1ng Balanc.-ot-Pow.r •••••••• 97 • v ill Contl:lcts and D•• an:da •••• o •••••• 103 , ) . ~ lv Obo t • f a Percept1 one " ',' ........... 104 v. R,.pondlÙ:, to Cris..h ••.•••••••••• 107 ... 4 CHAPTER SIX "éBSERVATI0NS'ABD COICLÛDING REHARtS" ......... ,. 11 S BIBLIOGRAPH! •• ; ••• ~ ......... ' .•••• : ................. 1 ~6 .. ' ~"p .No. 1· Ug~Qa 1ro. Ind.pendance to 1967 III ....................... 'Mo •• 28 ~ ~ . Map 10. 2 Ulanda At'ter the - . " ' 1961 'Phall,e ••••••• ~ •••••.••• '.,' • ~ .39 Pleur. No. 1 Diltinctlonl' 1~ the . Thr •• -tie~ Structur••••••••••• ;.54 .... .. " ,, , ' 1 " " ........ 1 ' .. " • '. " . ... s. C 5 3 " ... , ACIBOWL~DGMEftTS. , , It ~I fittinl for .i to thank several people whoee help ha. been invalu~ble to the completion of th1s work. Profeslor t . , , t Baldev RaJ fta7ar vho sav t~18 Theais ,et over the proposal stage and o~f the ground. Your co ••ente vere aoet helpfu1 in forcing ae to stay on track vith ay ideae. l have tried ta use what l learne~ about developing a framevork for analysis and .etlcking to ft rlgoroue1y, ~ro. your cl~ases - 8ucces8~ul17 or not? Profes8or Frank Kuhz vhoae commente and criticisme gu1ded this vork from beglnning to end. T~nk-7ou for your tille and patience aspeciall7 vith my clu.sy vay of vr1tlng. Others vho have read' and"coa.ented· on this vork. 70ur thoughh '; have be~n acknovledged and acted upon. My ($.i1y vho have been ever patient vith Ile a·nd the noise of the t7pevriter going to' all hou.-re ot the 1I0rning. A .pacial thants to my parent~, for '. ~ ( , . encouraging Ile to co •• this far. ~' : Bernadette Da 511 va ',( 1985) ~ , , ~ .. ~" ", lc~ , ., .'~ , , " , • , l' \ l' , -'. t -~--- s • # • f , CBAPTER -ONE • • INTJmDUCTION • \ / The subject of thi. thesis is .ihe nature of t'he post­ ., " colon1al .tate in Atrica. lbe post-colonial period has, 1n f Afriea,. been nrked by a general tend'eney to.rds an extr8lle , cln,tral1zi.t1on of the state. This phenoaenon has involved draaatic changes oC the politlcal systems lrom lederal to \Uli tâ'ry foras' of govern.ent coupled w!th a dgnifieant ~ , d~a1n1shlng ot the povers ot local administrat\Ons'. Oveull, there has been a tremendous reduction in the nu.ber of avenues open through vh1ch society could influence the state and a corresponding inereaae in the pow~r of the state to influence soc1ety. Most of these changee have been legitimized . , under the banner of soc1alism and, in turn, have helped to " provlde the socialiat rhetorie of the government with an air or credibility. It le theae changes in the institutional 1ntra~tructure of thè etate and the tactors that have been . instruaental to th1e proeesa of change, (a proeess vhieh has been referred ta as state formation), that fora the core of \ thll etudi: state tormation has been aOlt succinctly deflned by .. Thom.s Call~gh1 as a "set of eoapl ••entary and eompeting proeesses that deal vith the creation, consolidation, and \. extension of an organization of do.inatlon over a population " • • Q f •r 1 t, - 2 - l, in a given terrltory using an administrative apparatu& backed ;- , b7 a c,oercive capability and V&rIous'~it1mating ideas".:2 It i& the struggle, by the governllent. to est&bllsh the state aa the aole, legitill&te polioy making unit empowered to make lava that pertain to &11 in the territory. On one level. L i t consiste of attempts tç roster a sense of n&tlonaliBm vithirl the country. Related to this, it ls an.attempt to deal vith the aultiple sovereIgntles syndrolle that affliets .ost de­ veloplng etates. Other power centres muet be rendered super- fluou8 r in affect dlmInlshing thelr ability to &ct as alter­ native centres of authority that rlval the pl&ce and power of the st&te. -On &nother level. sta te formation 18 an attempt to viden the territorIal reach of the state. This la done by penetr&ting the society thua brlnging the state into contact vith those aectora of the society th&t vere hltherto outside its reach.

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