A world of batteries THE CONFIGURATOR - THE EASY WAY TO FIND YOUR PARTS In our configurator you will find upgrade products to servers, desktops, notebooks, printers, digital cameras etc. The configurator contains more than 3000 different models and systems from manufacturers, among others: IBM, HP, Dell, Toshiba, Fujitsu-Siemens etc. By using the configurator you will be certain that the products you buy will be compatible with your established system. Please be aware that when buying memory or hard disc drives, you will need to have your established system updated to the latest BIOS version of your model. How to use the configurator on your local EET Nordic website: With the configurator you can find products in two ways: Model-tree: Make a choice from the or Searchbox: Search for your model in by scrollbar at each level. The levels are: using the search box where you enter the 1 Producer • Serie • Model 2 your model specifications. After using either the model-tree or the searchbox you can see all the parts that match your search including the specifications, real time stock and price. With MicroBattery you get: • All batteries are 100% compatible • All batteries meet or exceeds the original manufacturers specification • MicroBattery are made with the latest technology using the most up to date cells • MicroBattery provides 1 year warranty • MicroBattery are also able to support old and end of life notebooks • MicroBattery support brands from A-Z (Acer to Zenith) www.eetnordic.com INDEX NOTEBOOK Page ACER ............................................................................................................................. 4 APPLE, ASUS................................................................................................................ 7 DELL .............................................................................................................................. 8 FUJITSU-SIEMENS ..................................................................................................... 10 HP ................................................................................................................................ 13 IBM / LENOVO, NEC ................................................................................................... 21 PACKARD BELL .......................................................................................................... 22 SAMSUNG ................................................................................................................... 24 SONY ........................................................................................................................... 25 TOSHIBA ..................................................................................................................... 27 SUPPORT ................................................................................................................... 30 PDA ACER, ASUS, DELL, HP/COMPAQ ............................................................................ 31 HP/ COMPAQ .............................................................................................................. 32 MITAC/MEDION, PALM, SONY, TOSHIBA, MULITBRANDS ...................................... 33 MULITBRANDS ........................................................................................................... 34 MP3 / iPod / PSP APPLE/iPod, SONY ..................................................................................................... 35 www.eetnordic.com NOTEBOOK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 321 MODEL BATTERY PHOTO ORIGINAL P/N DESCRIPTION AC ADAPTER DC CORD ACER Aspire 1200 MBOHBT.0186.001 1 14.8V 4300mAh MBA1006 MBC1042 Aspire 1300 MBI1310 2 14.8V 4000mAh MBA1007 MBC1042 Aspire 1310 MBI1310 2 14.8V 4000mAh MBA1007 MBC1042 Aspire 1350 MBI1418 3 14.4V 4400mAh MBA1007 MBC1042 Aspire 1360 MBI1205 4 14.8V 4000mAh MBA1150 MBC1043 Aspire 1400 MBOBT.A0201.002 5 14.8V 5850mAh MBA1007 MBC1042 Aspire 1410 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 1450 MBI1554 7 14.8V 4400mAh Silver MBA1007 MBC1042 Aspire 1450 MBOBT.T2303.001 8 14.8V 4400mAh D.Grey MBA1007 MBC1042 Aspire 1500 MBI1425 9 14.8v 6450mAh MBA1027 MBC1054 Aspire 1510 MBI1418 3 14.4V 4400mAh MBA1027 MBC1054 Aspire 1520 MBI1205 4 14.8V 4000mAh MBA1165 MBC1054 Aspire 1600 MBI1254 10 14.8V 5880mAh MBA1027 MBC1054 Aspire 1610 MBI1205 4 14.8V 4000mAh MBA1027 MBC1054 Aspire 1620 MBI1205 4 14.8V 4000mAh MBA1027 MBC1054 Aspire 1640/1640z MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 1650 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 1660 MBI1205 4 14.8V 4000mAh MBA1165 MBC1054 Aspire 1670 MBI1517 11 14.8V 4000mAh MBA1165 MBC1054 Aspire 1680 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 1690 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 1700 MBOBT.A0807.001 12 14.4V 6600mAh MBA1151 NA Aspire 1710 MBOBT.A0807.001 12 14.4V 6600mAh MBA1158 NA Aspire 1800 MBI1488 13 14.8V 4000mAh MBA1165 MBC1054 Aspire 1810 NA NA NA MBA1165 MBC1054 Aspire 1820 NA NA NA MBA1165 MBC1054 Aspire 1830 NA NA NA MBA1165 MBC1054 Aspire 1860 NA NA NA MBA1165 MBC1054 Aspire 2000 MBI1474 14 14.8v 4300mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 2010 MBI1474 14 14.8v 4300mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 2020 MBI1474 14 14.8v 4300mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3000 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3020 MBI1206 15 14.8V 4400mAh Grey MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 3020 MBI1585 16 14.8V 4400mAh Black MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 3020 MBI1586 17 14.8V 4400mAh Silver MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 3030 MBI1553 18 11.1V 4000mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3040 NA NA NA MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 3040 NA NA NA MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 3040 NA NA NA MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 3050 MBI1553 18 11.1V 4000mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3100 MBOBT.T3506.001 19 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3200 MBI1553 18 11.1V 4000mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3500 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3510 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3600 MBI1553 18 11.1V 4000mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3610 MBI1206 15 14.8V 4400mAh Grey MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3610 MBI1585 16 14.8V 4400mAh Black MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3610 MBI1586 17 14.8V 4400mAh Silver MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3620 MBI1643 20 11.1v 4800mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3630 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3640 MBI1643 20 11.1V 4800mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3650 NA NA NA MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3660 MBI1747 321 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3680 MBI1553 18 11.1V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 3690 MBOBT.T3506.001 19 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5000 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 5010 MBI1205 4 14.8V 4000mAh NA NA Aspire 5020 MBI1206 15 14.8V 4400mAh Grey MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5020 MBI1585 16 14.8V 4400mAh Black MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5020 MBI1586 17 14.8V 4400mAh Silver MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5030 MBI1553 18 11.1V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 5040 MBI1206 15 14.8V 4400mAh Grey MBA1036 MBC1043 www.eetnordic.com NOTEBOOK 4 6 7 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 321 MODEL BATTERY PHOTO ORIGINAL P/N DESCRIPTION AC ADAPTER DC CORD ACER Aspire 5040 NA NA NA MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5040 NA NA NA MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5050 MBI1553 18 11.1V 4000mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 5100 MBOBT.T3506.001 19 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 5110 MBOBT.T3506.001 19 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5500Z MBI1553 18 BT.00603.010 11.1V 4000mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5500 MBI1553 18 BT.00603.006 11.1V 4000mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 5510 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 5540 MBI1643 20 11.1v 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5550 MBI1553 18 BT.00603.006 11.1V 4000mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 5560 MBI1643 20 11.1v 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5570 MBI1553 18 11.1V 4000mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5580 MBI1553 18 11.1V 4000mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5590 MBI1643 20 11.1v 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5600 MBI1747 321 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5610 MBOBT.T3506.001 19 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5620 MBI1747 321 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5630 MBOBT.T3506.001 19 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5650 MBOBT.T3506.001 19 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5670 MBI1747 321 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 5680 MBOBT.T3506.001 19 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 7000 MBI1747 321 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 7100 MBI1747 321 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 7110 MBI1747 321 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 9010 MBOBT.T3506.001 19 14.8V 4400mAh NA NA Aspire 9100 MBOBT.T3506.001 19 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 9110 MBOBT.T3506.001 19 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 9300 MBI1747 321 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 9400 MBI1747 321 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Aspire 9410 MBI1747 321 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 9420 MBI1747 321 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 9500 MBOBT.T3506.001 19 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 9510 MBI1747 321 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 9520 MBI1747 321 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Aspire 9800 MBI1743 21 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1027 MBC1054 Aspire 9810 MBI1743 21 14.8V 4800mAh MBA1027 MBC1054 Extensa 2000 MBI1205 4 14.8V 4000mAh MBA1165 MBC1054 Extensa 2300 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Extensa 2350 NA NA NA MBA1036 MBC1043 Extensa 2500 MBI1205 4 14.8V 4000mAh MBA1165 MBC1054 Extensa 2600 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Extensa 2900 MBOBT.T3506.001 19 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Extensa 3000 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1021 MBC1038 Extensa 3100 MBI1643 20 11.1v 4800mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Extensa 4100 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Extensa 4100-D2 MBI1444 6 14.8V 4400mAh MBA1036 MBC1043 Extensa 6600 MBI1444
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