Charlton, Massachusetts

Charlton, Massachusetts

TOWN OF CHARLTON, MASSACHUSETTS WORCESTER BOSTON CHARLTON Location: South central Massachusetts, bordered by Spencer on the north, Leicester on the northeast, Oxford on the east, Dudley and Southbridge on the south, Sturbridge on the west, and East Brookfield on the northwest. Charlton is 17 miles southwest of Worcester and 40 miles southwest of Boston. Total Area: 43.95 sq. miles Land Area: 42.71 sq. miles Population: 12,981 Density: 295 per sq. mile This snapshot contains details about the following items: Population Economy Land use Housing Public Safety Education Transportation Traffic Safety Data Sources: The Massachusetts Department of Transportation / Geographic Information Systems / Education / State Police / Division of Unemployment Assistance / Housing and Community Development, The US Census Bureau, Massachusetts Association of Realtors, Massachusetts Institute for Social and Economic Research (MISER), The Warren Group and Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission 2 Washington Square, Union Station, 2nd Floor, Worcester, MA 01604-4016 Community Snapshot Charlton This snapshot contains data on: Population-Economy-Housing-Education-Transportation-Public Safety Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission POPULATION ECONOMY Population Employment Past *Projected 16,000 Labor Force % Unemployed MA 14,000 12,981 12,000 7,100 10.0 10,000 6,900 6,700 8.0 8,000 6,500 6.0 6,000 6,300 6,100 4.0 4,000 5,900 2.0 % Unemployed 2,000 Employed Pop. 5,700 0 5,500 0.0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2035 Source: US Census *CMRPC Projections approved March 2011 Source: MA Division of Unemp. Assist. Population by Age & Gender Estimated Median Household Income > 80 70 - 79 86,857 2009 60 - 69 64,496 50 - 59 40 - 49 30 - 39 81,313 Charlton 1999 Age Cohort Age 20 - 29 65,148 MA 10 - 19 < 9 1500 1000 500 0 500 1000 1500 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 $90,000 MALE FEMALE $100,000 Source: US Census 2010 Source: American Community Survey 2009 inflation-adjusted dollars Families Below Poverty Level Occupation Charlton MA Charlton MA Total Jobs 0.08 45% 41% 7,000 0.07 40% 6,000 0.06 35% 6.7% 6.7% 5,000 0.05 30% 24% 25% 4,000 0.04 4.8% 4.9% 20% 13% 3,000 Percent 0.03 15% 10% 11% 2,000 0.02 10% 0.01 5% 0.5% 1,000 0 0% 0 1990 2000 Professional Service Sales Manufacturing Construction Farming Source: Source: US Census LANDUSE Foreign Born 4% %Water Charlton MA 12% %Residential 15% 2005 72% %Open Space 10% 1999 4% %Built Environment 1985 5% 1.6% 0.9% 0.2% 0.1% 0.3% 7% 0.0% 0.0% %Agriculture 0% All Foreign Europe North Latin Asia Africa Oceania Born America America 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Source: US Census Source: MassGIS Find Excel version of these tables at: Page 1 of 5 Community Snapshot Charlton This snapshot contains data on: Population-Economy-Housing-Education-Transportation-Public Safety Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission HOUSING PUBLIC SAFETY Building Permits Crimes per 100,000 Residents 110 120 Charlton MA 95 100 85 88 81 7000 80 73 62 6000 60 5000 4000 32 28 40 25 24 3000 1681.6 1482.9 2000 1246.3 20 639.3 1000 242.1 93.1 0 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Source: CMRPC / MISER / US Census Source: MA State Police Median Sales Price Traffic Accidents Single Family Condo CHARLTON % of Region MA -SF MA - Condo 600 4.00% 466 493 483 $400,000 500 431 408 391 3.00% $300,000 400 332 $200,000 300 2.00% 200 $100,000 1.00% 100 $0 0 0.00% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source: The Warren Group/Mass. Assoc. of Realtors Source: Mass DOT Highway State & Local Police Jurisdiction TRANSPORTATION Housing Mean Commute Time 2000 2010 Charlton MA 3,760 4000 28.3 30 24.4 23.1 3000 25 2000 20 15 848 27 1000 277 Minutes 21.6 22.7 52 10 0 5 Owner Renter Vacant Chapter 40B 0 Occupied Occupied 1980 1990 2000 Source: US Census Source: US Census PUBLIC SCHOOLS K-12 Selected Population Commute Pattern Low-Income Special Education Free Lunch Reduced Lunch 4,000 80% Limited English Proficiency Drop Out Rate 3,500 0.68226977570% 3,000 60% 40 34.5 29.3 2,500 50% 26.4 30 2,000 40% 3,571 20 1,500 30% Percent 1,000 0.209973252 20% 10 5.2 5.5 500 1,099 0.107756974 10% 3.3 564 0 0% 0 Within Community Outside to Community Community to Outside FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 Source: MA Dept of Education Source: US Census 2000 Find Excel version of these tables at: Page 2 of 5 Community Snapshot Charlton This snapshot contains data on: Population-Economy-Housing-Education-Transportation-Public Safety Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission POPULATION 1990 2000 % Change Total Population 9,576 11,263 17.6% Persons per Household In households 9,373 11,063 18.0% 1990 2000 In group quarters 203 200 -1.5% 1,400 PERSONS PER HOUSEHOLD 1,200 1,000 Total Households 3,159 3,786 19.8% 800 1 452 554 22.6% 600 2 901 1,150 27.6% Households 400 3 636 744 17.0% 200 0 4 739 853 15.4% 1234> 5 > 5 431 485 12.5% Persons Mean persons / household 33-1.7% VEHICLES AVAILABLE Total Households 3,159 3,786 19.8% 0 121 109 -9.9% Vehicles Available 1 749 899 20.0% 1990 2000 2 1,519 1,925 26.7% 2,500 3 530 648 22.3% 2,000 4 200 136 -32.0% 1,500 > 5 40 69 72.5% 1,000 Mean vehicles / household 22-0.5%Households 500 WORKERS BY GENDER 0 Workers 16 years and over 4,859 5,790 19.2% 01234> 5 Male 2,669 3,105 16.3% Vehicles Female 2,190 2,685 22.6% COMMUTE MODE Workers 16 years and over 4,859 5,790 19.2% Drive Alone 4,099 4,993 21.8% Commute Time Carpool 539 461 -14.5% 1990 2000 Transit / Taxi 6 49 716.7% 1,600 1,400 Bike / Ped 67 108 61.2% 1,200 Motorbike 30 6 -80.0% 1,000 800 Work at home 118 173 46.6% 600 Workers COMMUTE TIME 400 Workers not working at home 4,741 5,617 18.5% 200 0 < 5 mins 204 141 -30.9% 5 - 9 mins 231 306 32.5% 10 - 14 mins 659 621 -5.8% 15 - 19 mins 886 656 -26.0% 20 - 29 mins 1,084 1,498 38.2% 30 - 44 mins 1,078 1,382 28.2% Time Leaving For Work > 45 mins 599 1,013 69.1% 1990 2000 Mean travel time to work (mins) 24 28 16.0% 2,000 1,800 TIME LEAVING FOR WORK 1,600 1,400 Workers not working at home 4,741 5,617 18.5% 1,200 1,000 5 to 6:59 a.m. 1,499 1,811 20.8% 800 Workers 7 to 7:59 a.m. 1,414 1,893 33.9% 600 400 8 to 8:59 a.m 746 872 16.9% 200 0 9 to 9:59 a.m. 219 157 -28.3% 10 to 11:59 a.m. 65 82 26.2% 12 to 11:59 p.m. 682 655 -4.0% 12 to 4:59 a.m. 116 147 26.7% Source: Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP 2000) Find Excel version of these tables at: Page 3 of 5 Community Snapshot CHARLTON Information depicted on these mapsis for planning purposes. Data obtained from MassDOT, MassGIS, CMRPC Produced by the GIS Center : Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission. 2 Washington Sq,Union Station, 2nd Floor, Worcester, MA 01604-4016 This snapshot contains data on: Population-Economy-Housing-Education-Public Safety -Transportation Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission £31 SPENCER LEICESTER ¤ BROOKFIELD AUBURN AutoCrashClusters06_08 Railroad ¤£56 AutoCrashClusters06_08 Water Bodies Interstate LEICESTER Water Bodies SPENCER D Open Space U.S. Route Interstate A T O E R E R B T Trails State Route U.S. Route N CHARLTON EAST BROOKFIELD R OX FS ORD AUBURN STURBRIDGE O O D W I O R State Route T H K O A F E AD F E O T F C R I L A D D S E A A O L E R O U T S PIN O L S C R D G D E D K A A E Y O R O R R R O R W O O A R SOUTHO BRIDGE H A A D D E T P D D F A I C DUDLEY I O M T N R C S Z E S E G P E S E M R N D E A O T E S J L E H P U D R A O N N M U Y R T J R S M R O L H R E R E M A O O E A T A D O D U D N A D M A A A D A O R R D P D 31 D M E O R I G H L E D I £ R O ¤ O E V D I L L D N E A L S O D N R T D O E R O R A 49 G D D O 90 A A A E O O £ S ¤ A D R O T R E R § ¨¦ W O DAM E RO D O T AD E D B O T N R X P T A O E A S D O Y V D R T I R I E O C L IK D NP F E A 33 L R O U F D R ¬« T S A I H U TT T T SE S S A S HU Y P C H H A SA E B AS T M P V U R I T M O R C N N E A D A A K S I O M P P R N N 20 OXFORD E STURBRIDGE R E U IC R £ T O N ¤ G S H H T O A T C I R D SE M 69 L U U O E ¬« H D R OAD 20 L C O R A A A O ROAD DGE £ O R RI ¤ E S R A B NE B D R R AS GE D TU STU M RID S RB 77 P U ¬« 51 I T S ¬« E R 169 D D O A A £ P O ¤ CHARLTON A A L R O R IL R D H F T R D R E N D I D E O A G M D B O D X O A A E A F O O R R O N H R R D E R D L ROAD A I E N T HAL R R R L D O O O O C L A G O D Y R A R R R O D E E D I O B W M D A R A H D A D P B G L A L O D N E H O I E R A L T R D L U O D A L A R G U R E A N L O U 31 O I G D D O T R B £ R ¤ A D A F PUTNAM ROAD D S O H N D I N N R A O R O D U I R R E O F B S B T A T I E L L R O E V H H G V O S T R C E E T N D E R N I L U A S N O R I S E O A O L R A R B P S R D L G Y O A L A E R D A L H O D A L B D N A S O D E T A C I H V D S O IL F O R R L A N R E B A E Y R R E O T A M O E A D A R K D S E D D E H G R R O G I V A P R H O N E N REYN R OLD D S ROAD O A R K D O I D N A SOUTHBRIDGE A G D O R R O Y A E D L ¯ D ¯ U D DUDLEY Miles Miles 0 0.5 1 0 0.045 0.09 Source: MassDOT Traffic Safety NB : Color Coded # is Regional Rank † TRAFFIC SAFETY HIGHLIGHTS Sum Fatal Injury ¹ PDO ³ HSIP Auto Crash Clusters 2006-2008 Community Crash Crash Crash Crash ² EPDO Eligible STURBRIDGE RD / MASONIC HOME RD CHARLTON 51 0 11 40 95 Yes STURBRIDGE RD / SOUTHBRIDGE RD CHARLTON 28 0 11 17 72 Yes STURBRIDGE RD / CARPENTER

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