FULL AGENDA FOR T^E A.G.M. PAGE 4. NOW AVAILABLE EouB. —Fluid MechanlM for Hydraulic Engin­ eers 88/9 BOOKS Rogers—A Student's His­ FOR YOUR STUDIES tory of Philosophy ., 20/9 Pleser and Fleaer—Or­ IN ALL SUiSJEOTS ganic Chemistry ,,,, 61/6 Winton and BayUss — are Obtainable from Human Physiology , 43/9 A, McLEOD, A, McLEOD, "Brisbane's Best "Brisbane's Best Bookstore,*' Bookstore," 107 ELIZAiSJQ'IH »T., 107 ELIZABETH ST., BRISBANE BRISBANE The University of Queensland Students' Newspaper Registered at G.P.C, Briabane, for Vol, xvn, - No, 24 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1948 transmission by po.st as a periodical. YOU HAVE AN APPOINTMENT! Q£JQm 10 II 12 15 Election of 'iUi'iMAJic^ ^i^HUa.^ ^ "^ktOcOULSVs- Union JC 7.30 p.m. Friday, Oct. .15, Geology Lecture Theatre. Officers And you choose from amongst these- — The Three Candidates for President BOB DANIELS N. E. S. JACKSON "Commerce Procession Committee, ALAN ROBERTS He has also given valuable support on In proposing Bob Daniels Combining popularity and an the Arts-Commerce Society Com­ Alan Roberta is a man whose (Civil Engineering III) for the abiljty to get things done with mittee in its renewed activities directed towards the improvement of conscientiousness in the stud­ important position of President a keen interest in, and wide staff-student relations. ents' interest, keen-mindedness of the University of Queensland knowledge of, student affairs, Following on the ground-work laid and ability to make decisions Union, we consider that he is the Neil Jackson is an excellent by this year's Union Executive, Neil's make him admirably suited for choice for the position of Union policy, both immediate and long man for the job. range, is concerned with the- develop­ the responsible post of President, President for next vear, ment of Union facilities at St, Lucia (during the difficult transition Alan edited "Semper" for the first Neil came to Varsity by way of half of this year and has co-edited it Churchie and a period in the busi­ period). He advocates closer staff-student since then. He has discharged his ness world. Then followed a spell of duties in an efficient manner, and has instructing in the R,A.A.F. and a year co-operation.and understanding in all branches of student activities. On shown great ability to attract en­ In New Guinea. Next year he will thusiastic helpers. be in his final year Commerce and the basis of his experience in busi­ will thus have time to devote to the ness before coming to the University He has been active in many aspects exacting duties of Union President. he realises, too, the need for better of University Ufe, Prominent in the This year he has been Commerce representation of the Varsity to the Debating Society, he was one of the delegate to Union Council, a member general public. three debaters sent south in the of the Commem, Procession Central He stands for continued support for Inter-Varsity Debates for the Committee and Convenor of the N,U.A,U,S, to realise its potential as Philippines Cup this year. He is a medium of close contact with other serving on the Debating Society's Australian universities. Only quali-, Committee for -1949, He can be re­ fication, a result of his Commerce lied on to speak up forcefully in the training and his Scotch ancestry is students' interest when the Presi­ that Union should keep a close watch dent's job so requires. on N,U,A,U,S, expenditure, ("Reason­ He has been a consistent supporter able" was the word he mentioned.) of N,U.A,U,S„ and believes that Finally, he advocates wide pub­ Queensland must earn the right to licity for all activities of the Union criticise the National Union by posi­ and of the various student bodies to tive contributions to it, and not con­ encourage the greatest possible stu­ fine its relations to carpmg criticism dent interest and participation. with minimal co-operation. Vote Jackson for President on Fri­ He has definite ideas on staff- day, 15th. student relationships, maintaining Authorised by— > that, while there can be no doubt that • B. E. THOMASON, more harmony exists here in this LOIS FREEMAN, and sphere than in Southern Universities, • Like some of you, we have N, E. PARKER, and that this harmony, has a highly known him for several years; but desirable influence on tbe University for those of you to whom he is not and the student body, yet there is so familiar we present a brief ac­ room for considerable improvement count of some of his activities dur­ in other ways. He believes that the ing recent years which, we feel, staff should be invited and encour­ help to recommend him as a very aged to participate to a far greater suitable person for this position:— extent in the activities of the student body, and cites the lively atmosphere Pre-war—Went to Brisbane Gram­ of intellectual discussion that flows mar School, 1934-38, Part-tune from this in other universities. He War—With R,A.E. 9 Aust, Division believes that the present tendency to during the War as a Platoon confine the staff's role to that of a ' Officer, far-off figure on a lecture platform, Post-War—Returned to University, as far as the great mass of students 1946. 1946: Executive member very energetic and industrious per­ is concerned, is fatal to the triie con­ Engineerhig Undergraduates' sonality. We recommend him cern of a University. Society; Student representative- strongly to you • because we know He completed Arts I, last year and Combined Advisory Committee; that in the fulfilment of these duties has changed^ to Science this year, Convenor, Blood Bank Com­ he has proved himself to be a capable thereby acquiring a broader view mittee. 1948: Vice-President, and level-headei administrator. thauniost stiftJents of the particular University of Queensland Union The valuable experience which Bob oMidiSons of the "academic" and ' (Day—Male); Executive, Enghi­ Daniels would bring to the job of 'tecfihi(i§J^Wes of the University, His' eering Undergraduates' Society; Union President, coupled- with his serviS6Naq[^e R.AJ^.F. included a Convenor, Procession Commit­ pleasant friendly manner and sound period InOaorheo. * tee; ' Queensland University personal character, fits' him -well to . We\noii^lri'aite • hhn in full confl- . .Delegate, Universities Com­ guide our Uxiibn affairs and to repre­ dence thabhe i^Ul serve his term of mission Conference, Sydney; sent the student body in all its cour office -in aPenergetic, efficient and . Student Dhrector of Orientation, tacts with students- and those in capable"maftnet. 1948-49; appointed Lieutenant authority,.both in the .Universit and Troop Commander, 11 Con- in the'.State.--. •-^ Nomhwe^by . ' struction Squadron," R.A.E. (Signed) . •'^ii\ '^'^^ GORDON TAYLOR;^ '•iiU;;t^(C.M.P.).:- .. •"••••• HERBERT A. COPEMAN, M«d. IV. -^ ti.*v- , ELEANOR COOKSJf r-':.;(^;you will realii«, the axtent and DELL DOWRIE, ArtsJII. ' R. J. MAi3aswg;r IV.. 'iiltaj^tV'ol :'thN» astivitiw reveal' a • - ^fiiSSii&M;'' ^^ML:^':•-.<.^,:r^• .-.,^:.•-.;: -:••-.• m-iU. '-.'•'•.•'••i'.if^'h}t' Tuesday, October 12, 1948 Page Two SEMPER FLOREAT (3[l0r^at Co-Editoi-s: ALAN ROBERTS and BERT CORNEIJIUS. Sporting Editor: TONY CRAIG. Social Edltrfiss: RAE COX. I.lterai-y .Staff: CHARLEY CA.MERON. JOHN BURKE. BILL WHITE. ^ LOUIS GREEN, ELEANOR COOKE. Ciiief of Staff: OWEN EDGE Business Jlunager: "BILL RODGERS Art Plnff- TOY nOf;r,E>rKAMP, .lOY ROOnEXKAMP. .TOY ROOOENKAMP. Vol. xvn. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, .1918 Nf). 24 For Secretary U.QoU. GKOFF, I5KNNKSS BILL KNOX In nominating Geofl' Benness Came to this seat of learning for the position of Hon, Sccfe- n couple of years ago in search lary, we i'cel that ho is admir- of knowledge. Took on the De­ ably suited to fill tiic posiiioii. bating Society, 1947, and proved a capable^ and energetic Secre­ tary. On' Orientation Commit­ tee for 1949. Is not attached to, or semi-detached from, any poli­ tical club. Has keen interest in Uni, affairs. Will strive to maintain esprit de corps despite shift to St, Lucia, Man Vice-President (Day) HERBERT A. COPEMAN .JOHN JAMESON We, the undersigned, have John Jameson came to the very gi:eat pleasure in nominat­ University in 1945 from Too­ ing Mr. Herbert A. Copeman for woomba Grammar School, tak­ the office of Day Vice-President, ing up a course in Medicine, He for several substantial reasons. is now in his fourth year, John's An old boy of the Southport connections with the Union and School, Geoff Benness entered the Primarily, because we know University in 1946, and has just re­ that he is the right man for the with its constituent club.s have cently successfully, completed the position. He has had the neces­ been many. third year of his Medical course. sary qualifying experience in As a member of St. John's College, Geoff has always been prominent in student affairs as committee College affairs; he Is universally liked member of the U.Q.M.S,, U,Q.U, and respected by all who have been Councillor and member of the acquainted with him. Although Finance Advisory Committee for Geoff has not previously been on Union Council, he has corh- the past twelve months. pleted his examinations .for the year and will have ample time to be­ come fully conversant with affairs of the Union and to get into the routine of his duties, thus being well prepared for the busy period when the new academic year opens. Geoff's policy for '49 is somewhat flexible.
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