TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 348, Number 2, February 1996 A CONSTRUCTION OF THE LEVEL 3 MODULES FOR (2) THE AFFINE LIE ALGEBRA A2 AND A NEW COMBINATORIAL IDENTITY OF THE ROGERS-RAMANUJAN TYPE STEFANO CAPPARELLI Abstract. We obtain a vertex operator construction of level 3 standard rep- (2) resentations for the affine Lie algebra A2 . As a corollary, we also get new conbinatorial identities. 0. Introduction The identities of Rogers and Ramanujan have a famous and interesting history. They also seem to appear at the crossroads of various mathematical disciplines, as is symptomatic of an important piece of mathematics. These identities play an important role in the representation theory of affine algebras and have also made their appearance in an important work of R.J. Baxter on the hard hexagon model in statistical mechanics [Ba]. Some years ago, it was observed in [LM] that the character of certain repre- sentations of affine Kac-Moody algebras, when suitably specialized, coincided with one member of the classical Rogers-Ramanujan identities. The explanation of this fact was given by J. Lepowsky and R.L. Wilson in a series of papers [LW1-4] They (1) constructed the standard representations of the affine Lie algebra A1 . The rep- resentations of level 3, in particular, yielded the interpretation and proof of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. The main new concept used in their work was that of “vertex operator” which has proved to be extremely fruitful, and has been also used, for example, in the construction of a natural representation of the Monster simple group (see [FLM]). Lepowsky and Wilson showed the remarkable interaction between the repre- sentation theory of affine Lie algebras and combinatorial identities and provided a general framework for the study of this relationship. This approach has been used successfully in a number of works, [LP1-2],[Mi1-3], [MP], [Ma]. Among these, the work of A.Meurman and M.Primc [MP], gave a construction of all standard (1) A1 -modules and a Lie-theoretic proof of the generalizations to all moduli of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities due to G.E. Andrews, B. Gordon, D. Bressoud, H. G¨olnitz, [A],[G], [Br], [G¨o]. This line of research, however, had not produced any combinatorial identities that were unknown to the specialists. In a previous work, [C2], we had stated certain identities which we believed to (2) underlie the standard representations of level 3 for the affine algebra A2 . The Lie Received by the editors January 12, 1994. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 17B65, 17B67, 05A19. c 1996 American Mathematical Society 481 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 482 STEFANO CAPPARELLI theoretic proof of such identities is the object of this paper. Here we give a vertex (2) operator construction of the level 3 standard A2 - modules and give a proof of the independence of the set of vectors provided in [C2]. While this work was in progress, Andrews gave an interesting combinatorial proof of one of these identities,[A2]. His method of proof is based on certain techniques that he developed in his study of Schur’s theorem. It is extremely interesting to note that Andrews’ motivation for such a study was the search of a combinatorial interpretation of the q-trinomial coefficients, that he and Baxter had developed during their research about certain generalizations of the hard hexagon model. It is clear that a whole infinite family of possibly new combinatorial identi- (2) ties corresponding to the higher standard A2 -modules remains to be investigated. This is presently under study. It will be important to investigate also the possible applications to the study of statistical mechanics models. Recently in [MP2] our combinatorial identities have appeared again in the study of a different specializa- (1) tion of the fundamental A1 -modules. 1. The algebra (2) A2 (2) We construct the affine algebra A2 using the results of [L1]. Let Φ be an A2 root system, ∆ = α1,α2 abaseofΦ,andLthe corresponding root lattice. Let , be a nondegenerate{ form} on L normalized so that α, α =2for α Φ. Let σ beh· the·i automorphism induced by the Dynkin diagram automorphismh i ∈ determined by σα1 = α2, σα2 = α1. Denote by σ1 the reflection with respect to α1 and consider (1.1) ν = σ1σ. Then ν has order 6 and is a “twisted Coxeter element” (see [Sp], [Fi]). It is known that twisted and untwisted Coxeter elements satisfy the properties (1.2) Σνpα =0, (1.3) Σp νpα, β 0 modulo M h i≡ for all α, β L, M the order of ν, summations ranging over ZM . In this setting∈ the central extension 6 (1.4) 1 κ κ =1 Lˆ − L 1 −→ h | i−→ −→ −→ determined by the commutator map Σνpα,β Σpνpα,β (1.5) C(α, β)=( 1)h iωh i − splits since C(α, β)=1,ωbeing a primitive sixth-root of 1. Hence Lˆ is the direct product L κ . Set ×h i (1.6) Q =(1 ν)L. − License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use (2) LEVEL 3 MODULES FOR THE AFFINE LIE ALGEBRA A2 483 1 Observe that since 1 ν = ν− we have Q = L. Now Theorem 6.2 in [L1] gives a − ˆ unique homomorphism ψ : L C∗ such that ψ(κ)=ωand L acts as the identity. → Set T = Cψ, the one-dimensional Lˆ-module affording ψ.Lethbe the complex- ification of L, i.e. (1.7) h = L Z C ⊗ and extend ν to h by linearity. Then h splits into two ν-eigenspaces (1.8) h = h(1) h( 1). ⊕ − Formtheaffinealgebra (1.9) h˜[ν]= h tn Cc Cd (n)⊗ ⊕ ⊕ n Z a∈ with brackets i j (1.10) [x t ,y t ]= x, y iδi+j,0c, ⊗ ⊗ h i [d, x ti]=ix ti ⊗ ⊗ for i, j Z,x h ,y h ,andccentral. Denote by s its commutator subalgebra ∈ ∈ (i) ∈ (j) (1.11) s = h tn Cc (n) ⊗ ⊕ n=0 a6 and consider the subalgebras n (1.12) s = h(n) t , ± n>0 ⊗ ±a (1.13) b = b[ν]=s Cc Cd +⊕ ⊕ Then we may observe that the commutator subalgebra of s is one-dimensional and coincides with Cc. Hence s is a Heisenberg Lie algebra. It is well-known that the induced h˜[ν]-module ˜ (1.14) (h[ν]) (b) C, U ⊗U where b acts on C trivially except for c which acts as the identity, is an irreducible representation of s. As vector spaces, (1.14) is isomorphic to (1.15) S = S(s ), − the symmetric algebra on s . − The action of d defines a grading on S.Forn Z,x h(n),writex(n)forthe n ∈ ∈ operator on S corresponding to x t .Forα hdenote by α(n) the projection of α onto h . Define, for α h, ⊗ ∈ (n) ∈ z n (1.16) E (α, z)=exp( α (n) − ) ± (n) n n>0 ±X License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 484 STEFANO CAPPARELLI where n Z, a pair of formal Laurent series with coefficients in End S.Set ∈ (1.17) VT = S C. ⊗ We can finally define, for any a Lˆ, the vertex operator ∈ a,¯ a¯ + (1.18) X(a, z)=6−h iσ(¯a)E−( a,¯ z)E ( a,¯ z)a − − where σ(¯a) is a (nonzero) normalization constant, α,α 1 να,α 2 ν2α,α (1.19) σ(α)=2−h i(1 ω− )h i(1 ω− )h i − − for α L. Also∈ set, for α L, ∈ n 1 (1.20) α(z)= α(n)z− − . n Z X∈ Letν ˆ denote the lifting to Lˆ of ν with the properties (1.21) (ˆνa)− = νa,¯ (1.22) νa¯ =¯a νaˆ = a ⇒ It is important to remark that (1.23) X(ˆνa,z) = lim X(a, z) z ω 1z → − 1 where the limit notation on the right hand side indicates the substitution of ω− z for z. This property is important for the following developments and it constitutes the motivation for the definition of Q in (1.6). We can now state the theorem that gives the commutation of two vertex opera- tors in this setting. It is a particular case of Theorem 8.1 in [L1]. Theorem 1.1. Let a Lˆ, such that a¯ L2 = α L; α, α =2 . Then ∈ ∈ { ∈ h i } 1 [X(a, z ),X(a, z )] = ε (ν2a,¯ a¯)X(ˆνa,z )δ(ω 2z /z ) 1 2 6 2 2 − 2 1 1 + ε (ν 2a,¯ a¯)X(ˆν 1a, z )δ(ω 4z /z ) 6 2 − − 2 − 2 1 1 + ε2( a,¯ a¯)Dδ( z2/z1) 62 − − 1 ε2( a,¯ a¯)z2a¯(z2)δ( z2/z1), − 6 − − where 1 2 1 2 ν− α+ν− α,β ν− α+2ν− α,β ε2(α, β)=( 1)h iωh i. − Remark. Notice that, because of (1.23), this result will determine the commutator of X(a, z1)andX(b, z2) for any pair a, b Lˆ2. ∈ License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use (2) LEVEL 3 MODULES FOR THE AFFINE LIE ALGEBRA A2 485 Define a nonassociative algebra (g, [ , ]) over C as follows: · · (1.24) g = h Cxa, ⊕ a Lˆ2 a∈ where x is a set of symbols, subject only to the linear relation x = ωx , a a Lˆ2 κa a and { } ∈ [h,h]=0,[h, xa]= h, a¯ xa = [xa,h], h i − ε2(¯a, a¯)¯a if ab =1 − [xa,xb]= ε2(¯a, ¯b)xab if ab Lˆ2 ∈ 5 0ifab / Lˆ2 1,k,...,k ∈ ∪{ } for a, b Lˆ2,h h.
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