t uiHWiw'tiiWBiBiiHHiiwHHWiiififtirmHmimniimmiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiHBiwiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiwiiiiiiiwwinfWBHWi^ iwwnnnnnfnwiinnwfniiiiiiwfiwiiiiiiiifin:?m'ffrj jPriests of Three Dioceses Are Invited Archbishop to Dedicate Convent jTo Forty Hours^ Closing at Seminary! Five members of the Hier­ tor, announced. Bishop Hubert Newell of Chey­ Men's Communion, Confirmation, Two Blessings in Colo. Springs archy -will attend the closing of Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will enne. the Forty Hours’ .devotion at St^ officiate. The sermon will be de­ The closing ceremonies will ba + + + Archbishop Urban J. Vehr’s nex has 13 private rooms, with boasts, besides its graceful church Thomas’ seminary, Denver, Tues­ livered by Bishop Mark K. Car- followed by a dinner, to ba schedule in Colorado Springs this adequate toilet facilities, and two and the rectory, a $300,000 grade day,: March 10, at 5 p.m. roll of Wichita, Kans. served at 7 o’clock. Sunday, March 8, when he dedi­ rooms to be used as an isolation school, a completely modern high An invitation to attend the Other Bishops who will be in Took Four Years to Carve solemn closing has been sent to attendance are Bishop Joseph C. cates the new addition to St. ward. school (the former grade-high every priest in the Archdiocese Willging of Pueblo, Bishop Mary’s parish convent, will be a ’The project entailed also the school), a spacious new gymna­ of Denver and the Dioceses of Charles Quinn, C.M., exiled Ordi­ busy one. complete renovation of the old Pueblo and Cheyenne, the Very nary of Yukiang, China, now in sium, and a new convent. Rev. W. J. Kenneally, C.M., rec­ residence at St. Thomas’, and At 8 o’clock His Excellency convent building. A new chapel will'Celebrate Mass for the cor­ was built downstairs, and eight Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations porate Communion of the men of private rooms upstairs, where the Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1953—Permission to Reproduce, Except on the Pike’s Peak region. He will chapel was formerly situated. Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue speak in the Mass and also at the A duplex at the rear of the men’s breakfast that will follow convent property was converted in the Antlers hotel. into a large community room, a The Archbishop will confer kitchenette, a sewing room, an the sacrament of Confirmation on ironing room, "and a library. a large class of children and adults The firm of Carl Hartman & in St. Mary’s church at 4 p.m., Sons was the general contractor DENVER am O L IC the ceremony to conclude with for t h e project. Blanchard & Benediction. Drew had the plumbing contract; Following the church rites. and ’Thomas & Sweet were the Archbishop Vehr will bless, at architects. 'The Santa Fe Studios 5:15 p.m., a magnificent new sta­ of Church Art designed the tue of Our Lady of Fatima sit­ R E G IS T E R chapel. » uated on the grounds of St. St. Mary's parish plant now Mary’s high school. VOL. XLVIll. No. 29, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1953 DENVER, COLORADO + + + Bfthop Mark K. Carroll 'The dedication of the new ad­ dition to the convent will follow the blessing of the statue. New Convent in Colorado Springs Millions in Misery Benediction in the convent chapel will close the evening. Mother M. Felicitas, Superior of the Lorettines, who conduct Appeal Mar. 15 St. Mary’s high and grade schools, will be accompanied to the bless­ ing ceremony by her first assist­ ant, the Vicaress, Mother Agnes Marie; the head of Sacred Heart For War Victims province. Mother Marie Lourde; A collection for the and in staying the curse of Com­ and council members in charge of Bishops’ Fund for Victims munism in Western Europe, the education depa'rtment, which thrives on disorder, of War will be taken up in poverty, and discontent. Mothers Mary Florence and Mary all churches of the Archdio­ The Bishops’ Fund agencies Luke. Mother Mary Luke is a cese of Denver on Laetare operate at a low administrative former teacher at St. Mary’s. Sunday, March 15, according to cost, because most relief is dis­ Mother M. Lilliosa is superior of a letter issued by Archbishop tributed directly through Vatican St. Mary’s convent. Urban J. Vehr. channels or by working hand in hand with indigenous Catholic Archbishop Vehr will dedi­ Archbishop Vehr asks every­ one to be as generous as possible agencies in war-stricken areas. cate the new convent at 5:30 p.m. in helping to alle-viate the misery We, in beloved America, have on Sunday. He will be accom­ and suffering of millions of been largely spared the awful panied by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor refugees throughout the world. aftermath of war in hunger and William Kipp, pastor of St. The letter follows: misery. We, especially favored by Divine Providence, can assist Mary’s. ’The Rev. Michael Kava- ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER our less fortunate brethren nagh, a.ssistant, will be deacon in CHANCERY OFFICE abroad. Kindly give what your the solemn rite, and the Rev 1536 Logan Street means permit. • THIS BEAUTIFUL STATUE of Our Lady of Fa­ Faithfully yours in Christ, tima was carved by a Colorado Springs sculptor, Thur­ Robert Freudenstein, the parish’s Denver 5, Colorado man Dillard, out of a four-ton slab of Colorado Yule marble from other assistant, will be subdeacon « URBAN J. VEHR the ghost town of Marble, Colo. The Very Rev. Monsignor Wil­ Archbishop of Denver The statue, shown here in the outdoor studio where the artist liam Kelly, superintendent of St. ■worked four years, has been moved to the grounds of St. Mary’s high Mary’s schools, will act as master Archbishop's school, Colorado Springs. It will be blessed by Archbishop Urban Engagements J. Vehr Sunday, March 8. ' of ceremonies. Almost all the priests of the Pike’s Peak region For Nocturnal Adoration Society are expected to attend the cere­ March 2, 1953 mony and to be guests at the din THE NE’W ANNEX of St. Mary’s March 8. The annex, with the modernization of Reverend Dear Father and Joint Graduation the former convent, to which it is attached, com­ ner to be served the clergy fol convent in Colorado Springs can be seen pletes facilities for the 30 Sisters of Loretto who Beloved People: Archbishop Vehr to Offer lowing the dedication. at the right in the photo above. Archbishop Urban staff St. Mary’s grade and high schools.— (Regis­ On Laetare Sunday all dio­ J. Vehr ■will dedicate the new structure Sunday, ter photo by Knutson-Bowers studio) ceses of the country will take a for High Schools Work on Now Convent collection for the Bishops’ Fund Almost Completed for the Victims of War. This is Midnight Mass on March 6 COMMITTEE • ISSUES POSTERS a onee-a-year appeal by the Work on the virtually new con­ Bishops oi the country for funds Scheduled June/ tion is practiced it brin^ a won­ vent of the Loretto Sisters at St. to continue the world-'wide relief Archbishop Urban J. Vehr Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of derful increase in faith an d Mary’s is almost completed.">'rhe of the Catholic Overseas will celebrate Midnight Mass supernatural life and gives the March Is Observed as Vocation Month Denver will preside in the joint new annex is done, and all that Agencies: NCWC War Relief in Holy Ghost church, Den­ greatest assistance in living the The month of March is being all over the country, many of Services, and the Bishops’ high school graduation exercises They_ are prepared to assist for Catholic high schools of Den­ ver, for the Nocturnal Ado­ life of a really vital member of remains to Ije done in the old part observed as Vocation month which could not be filled for schools in arranging vocation pro­ Emergency Relief Committee. the Mystical Body of Christ.” of the building is to put the fin­ throughout the Archdiocese of lack of sufficient posters. ver in the City auditorium Sun­ ration society on the first grams. They are also working in We are told that the plight of day, June 7, at 3 p.m. Friday, March 6. ishing touches on the bedrooms Denver with most schools con­ The Vocation committee is a conjunction with the speakers’ many thousands of people still ducting special sessions to bring group of archdiocesan priests Other graduation exercises an­ On this one night of the year Special Meeting Set upstairs. bureau of the Serra club, which homeless and suffering in Eu­ the adoration will close after the home to students the necessity chosen from among the alumni will arrange to send competent rope is pathetic and a matter of nounced in Archbishop Vehr’s Mass with Benediction of the The $100,000 renovation and of more vocations to the religious of St. Thomas’ seminary. speakers to parents’ groups. great concern to all freedom- list of engagements are: Loretto Blessed Sacrament. This service March 19 for Clergy construction project, begun life. loving men and women. Eleven Heights college, Sunday, May 31, at 4 p.m.; Regis college, Sun­ will take the place of the annual Archbishop Urban J. Vehr has August, 1952, has resulted in am­ The Vocation committee of the At St. Francis de Sales’ million expellees in Germany and announced a very special meet­ Archdiocese of Denver has again Austria and untold numbers of day, May 31, at 8 p.m.; Sunday afternoon Holy Hour. ple facilities for 30 teaching All the members of the Noc­ ing of all pastors and assistants sponsored the preparation of a refugees in the Near and Far St.
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