Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council Minutes of a meeting of the Full Council of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council held at Zoom video call on Tuesday, 23rd March, 2021 commencing at 7.30 pm Present: Cllrs A Kennedy, R Graham, S Browne, Stephens, Bedford, Wymer, K Ely, R Haine, E Hume, E Kelly-Wilson, G Kenworthy, E O'Rourke and Imran Absent: Cllr S Porter Apologies: Cllrs W Hewitt, Khanon, M McDonald and M Rohim In Alex Warner (Principal, South Central IoT), Jess Annison (Vice-principal, South attendance: Central IoT), Nia Haines (Fundraising Officer, Milton Keynes YMCA) Delia Shephard (Town Clerk) (Clerk) and Gill Long (Support Services Manager) Min Ref FC20/21-197 Members' apologies for absence It was RESOLVED that the apologies for absence listed above be noted. FC20/21-198 Members' declarations of interest in matters on the agenda There were no declarations of interests made by Members. FC20/21-199 Minutes of previous meeting It was RESOLVED that the draft minutes of the last meeting be approved as an accurate record of proceedings. FC20/21-200 Public Speaking Time There were no representations from members of the public. FC20/21-201 Institute of Technology The Chair welcomed Alex Warner, Principal and Jess Annison, Vice-principal of the South Central Institute of Technology (IoT) which was located over several sites with the principal campus at Bletchley, co-located with MK College. The Principal and Vice-principal gave a detailed presentation about the development of the IoT to date, the planned campus, the curriculum and the current and planned student body. Also discussed was the Innovation Hub to be funded in part by the Town Deal and the implications for the community of Bletchley from these exciting developments. The Chair expressed the Council’s thanks for the very helpful presentation. FC20/21-202 Minutes of recent committee meetings including recommendations therein FC20/21-202.i Newton Leys Pavilion Advisory Committee 2 March 2021 It was RESOLVED that the draft minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2021 be noted. FC20/21-202.ii Finance Committee 9 March 2021 It was RESOLVED that the draft minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2021 be noted. It was RESOLVED that the recommendation of the Finance Committee (Minute Item F20/142 Asset register) be accepted and that the asset register be approved. It was noted that the planters moved to MK Council storage during the changes in 1 Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council Queensway in the summer should be removed from the asset register at a later date if it was unlikely they could be re-used due to their condition. FC20/21-203 Grant Application from YMCA Milton Keynes Nia Haines, Fundraising Officer at YMCA, spoke in support of a grant application from Milton Keynes YMCA in the sum of £2,500 as a contribution towards repurposing existing office space in order to provide additional bedrooms for young people. It was unanimously RESOLVED that a grant in the sum of £3,200 which would provide for the complete conversion of one room be awarded. The reason given for awarding this amount was that the project was very important for young people in the community at all times but the work of the YMCA was critical during the current housing and pandemic related crises. FC20/21-204 To review and comment on planning applications submitted to Milton Keynes Council FC20/21-204.i 21/00559/NMA - 86 Queensway Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2RU - Non material amendment to planning application 18/00388/FUL Minor amendments to the plans and elevations of Unit A It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no comments on the minor amendments. FC20/21-204.ii 21/00609/DISCON - Street Record Rowlands Close Bletchley - Details submited pursuant to discharge condition 10 (Lighting) attached to planning application 19/03001/FULR3 It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no comments on the discharge of condition. FC20/21- 21/00622/FUL - Unit 15 Stadium Business Court Lyon Road Bletchley Milton 204.iii Keynes - Replacement of existing roller shutter entrance , new entrance steps, landing and ramp and new signage above the entry doors. New windows, doors and air source heat pumps to the side elevation. It was RESOLVED that the Town Council would make no comments on the proposed development. FC20/21- 21/00677/CONS - SGN Gas Depot Bletchley Road Newton Longville 204.iv Buckinghamshire - Installation of a gas tanker off loading facility for injection of renewable gas into the national gas distribution network (Aylesbury Vale application 20/03539/APP) (Resubmission 20/02839/CONS) Members noted this was a resubmission of a previous application. It was RESOLVED that the Town Council, whilst welcoming the changes to the previous planning application particularly the changes to the flame stack, would re-affirm its relevant comments on the previous application ie i The proposed development would most likely have a negative impact on traffic in the area. The proposed development would result in 20 additional movements in and out of the site (following construction) not counting deliveries or maintenance vehicles. There was no detailed information on 2 Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council whether the vehicles will be able to handle the road junctions in the area (eg Tesco roundabout Buckingham Road, Newton Longville crossroads) and this could result in difficult manoeuvres and additional pollutants from the increased traffic. In 2005 when the Newton Leys outline planning application was decided the traffic for the landfill was taken out of Newton Longville and a new entrance was built in Newton Leys for lorries to access directly off the A4146. This appeared to have been part of an shared intention on the part of the involved LPAs to keep traffic out of Newton Longville which this proposal now contravened. Newton Road through West Bletchley would also be badly affected by the traffic movements. ii There might be unacceptable levels of noise and air pollution from the site. There was the potential of an increasingly unacceptable cumulative effect of traffic noise when taken together with the 24 hour noise already coming from the nearby rail site. iii There would be an adverse impact on residential and other existing amenities. Residents were concerned about the detriment to the visual amenity in the area around the site. In the Design and Access statement the site was described as being in the “countryside” and whilst it was noted that Newton Longville is a rural village what was not noted was that the location of the site is in a residential part of the village which connects with Milton Keynes with no gap between the two settlements. The impact of the site on the Blue Lagoon nature reserve was also not clear (During this item the Clerk experienced connectivity problems and was unable to remain in the meeting. The internet instability continued during the meeting and the Support Services Manager took over the role of Clerk at times when the Clerk herself was not present.) FC20/21-205 Variation of order of business In the absence of the Clerk it was RESOLVED to deal with agenda item 10 next. FC20/21-206 Eaton Leys - Dog bins and Community Centre Following discussion about the future of the Eaton Leys development it was RESOLVED that Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council would i work with the developer to ensure dog bins were provided at Eaton Leys as soon as possible in locations that dog walkers require them (ideally dog bins and emptying to be funded by the developers but to be undertaken by the Town Council so that service is consistent across the parish) and ii express interest in running and owning of the community centre that is to be built at Eaton Leys. FC20/21-207 Changed use of premises at Bletchley Library and location of future Town Council meetings A written report had been circulated before the meeting and its contents had been 3 Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council noted by members. It was RESOLVED that this matter should be dealt with in confidential session because it involved a lease and potential legal action and therefore this item was deferred to the end of the agenda. It was RESOLVED to deal with agenda item 9 next. FC20/21-208 Election of one Town Council representative to sit on the Lakes Estate Renewal Forum Following a vote it was RESOLVED that Cllr Hume be the Town Council’s representative on the Lakes Estate Renewal Forum for the period to the next annual meeting of council. FC20/21-209 Draft specification requirements for new Web site The Support Services Manager introduced a non-technical specification for the Town Council’s new website which indicated the functionality which was wanted. Members had previously been invited to comment on the specification before the meeting. It was noted that swimming and counselling needed to be added to the A-Z of services. It was RESOLVED that this draft specification for the council’s new website be approved and that officers proceed with a procurement process in line with the Town Council’s financial regulations. FC20/21-210 Report from the Gateways Signage Working Group Cllr Stephens introduced a report from the Gateway Signs Working Group and provided detail of the consultation outcome on this project. The Chairman reminded Members of details of the council’s consultation policy. It had already been resolved to introduce four new gateway signs and based on the consultation outcome it was RESOLVED to locate the signs in the positions previously agreed and minuted which were supported in the consultation.
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