NEW RHB TITLE Reformation Heroes Diana Kleyn with Joel R. Beeke w Written for older children and teens, equally enjoyable for adults w Beautifully illustrated by Caffy Whitney and others w Attractive 11” x 8.5” coffee table format, printed on glossy paper w Helpful glossary of terms w Bibliography for further interest w Makes a great gift w Useful as a history text ISBN 978-1-60178-028-7 Hardcover, 256 pages Retail: $25.00 / RHB Price: $18.00 The Reformation did not happen instantaneously; it was something God patiently arranged over a number of years. As you read this book, you will learn how the Lord used some people to plant the seeds of church reform long before October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther published his ninety-five theses. Luther’s story is well-known; we trust you will find it interesting and instructive to read about him and about forty others (John Knox, Peter Martyr Vermigli, Zacharias Ursinus, Willem Teellinck, etc.) who contributed to the Reformation—some well known and others not so— most of whom are Reformation heroes. To provide a more full picture of the many-sided Reformation, chapters are also included on the Anabaptist and Counter Reformation movements. The book concludes with a brief summary of the influence of the Reformation in different areas of life. “Diana Kleyn and Joel Beeke have once again found a way to make history both interesting and challeng- ing. By grace, Reformation Heroes is a book that will help capture young minds and hearts for Christ.” —DR. SINCLAIR FERGUSON “Reformation Heroes is a valuable introduction to important figures in the Reformation. The stories told are inspiring and encouraging—and should be remembered among us as evidences of the grace of God at work. —DR. W. ROBERT GODFREY “The authors are to be warmly commended for giving our young people fresh access to the riches of the Reformation, namely, God’s saints who did such great exploits for the kingdom of the Lord Christ.” —DR. MICHAEL HAYKIN “I hope this book will help awaken youth in America to the vital truths set forth so clearly and boldly by the historic heroes of the Reformation.” —DR. R.C. SPROUL “This beautifully written and illustrated volume provides a sure resource for inquiring young minds to cap- ture the thrill of God’s work in the lives of men and women primarily in the sixteenth century. Reformation Heroes is a magnificent achievement.” —DR. DEREK THOMAS www.heritagebooks.org 1 Reformation Heritage Books NEW RHB TITLE The Law of Kindness: Serving with Heart and Hands Mary Beeke “And be ye kind one to another,” begins Ephesians 4:32. Christians are called to this standard, but how seriously do we take it? In The Law of Kindness, Mary Beeke examines the idea of kindness, shows how it is developed, and gives helpful advice for putting it into action, with spe- cific chapters addressed to wives, husbands, parents, teachers, and chil- dren. Readers will be struck by their own lack of kindness, captivated by God’s kindness toward us in Jesus Christ, and motivated to cultivate more of this precious virtue. “Mary Beeke—wife, mother, friend to many—is herself Mrs. Kindness personified. When she writes about this theme, therefore, everyone should listen. Full of wisdom, grace, story, and a substantial dose of down-to-earth heavenly realism, The Law of Kindness is a unique and remarkable book. Christians and non-Christians will find it marvelously honest, realistic, and practical. Both deeply challenging and wonderfully helpful, this book will surely be a modern classic of its kind.” —DR. SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON ISBN 978-1-60178-029-4 Paperback, 256 pages “Mary Beeke has given us an invaluable source of reflection upon a Retail: $13.00 much needed Christian virtue—kindness. In doing so, she has provid- RHB Price: $9.00 ed us with breathtaking examples of Christian kindness in action, inter- spersed with practical applications on this Christ-like fruit of the Spirit. TABLE OF CONTENTS This will prove a deservedly popular book, one that readers will return to again and again.” —DR. DEREK THOMAS Introduction Part 1: Kindness Examined “The Law of Kindness is greatly needed and immensely practical. We 1 What is Kindness? were struck by the practical help for understanding and implementing 2 The Roots of Kindness a quality that is in such short supply in the world, and unfortunately, 3 Our Motives even among Christians. For Christians, kindness is commanded Part 2: Kindness Learned (Ephesians 4:32), exemplified by our heavenly Father and our Savior 4 The Kind Wife (Luke 6:35), and made possible by the work of the Holy Spirit in our 5 The Kind Husband lives (Galatians 5:22, 23). With all of that going for us, unkindness is 6 Parenting With Kindness inexcusable and unnecessary. This book needs to be read and its teach- 7 The Teacher’s Role ings should instruct and motivate us to make kindness a law in our lives 8 Bullying (Proverbs 31:26).” —DR. WAYNE AND CAROL MACK 9 A Letter to Children and Teens Part 3: Kindness in Action “Kindness is in short supply in the twenty-first century not only in the 10 Kind Thoughts culture but often in the church as well. Mary Beeke has done us a great 11 Kind Words service in addressing this basic Christian virtue in an embracive and 12 Kindness to the Least of These engaging manner. Her knowledge of the Scripture and her personal 13 Your Kind of Kindness experiences combine to illustrate the content in a helpful and practical Appendix: “Mommy, please don’t go!” fashion. The book’s compelling attraction is the uncomplicated, effort- Study Questions less way she engages her subject. Everyone will profit from reading Scripture Index The Law of Kindness.” —DR. JAMES GRIER Reformation Heritage Books 2 (616) 977-0599 NEW RHB DEVOTIONALS The Everlasting Word Frans Bakker compiled and translated by Gerald Procee With great pleasure we offer this daily devotional of meditations from the late Rev. Frans Bakker (1919–1965). His devotionals and meditations proved to be comforting and edifying to many of God’s people in the Netherlands. Writing in a simple but pen- etrating style, Bakker emphasized the fullness of Christ for needy sinners. In The Everlasting Word, all of Bakker’s published meditations have been translated and compiled with additional selections from his sermons. We trust that the end result is a collection filled with great nuggets of spiritual wisdom that you will enjoy. May this devotional be both an encouragement that edifies God’s people and an admonition for a life with Christ in the present age. “I recommend these meditations to the English-speaking audience with much joy and thankfulness to the Lord. My advice is tolle et lege: take up and read these spiritual gems for your personal or family devotions and, with the Lord’s blessing, you will find wholesome food for your souls.” —REV. CORNELIS PRONK ISBN 978-1-60178-027-0 Hardcover, 656 pages “I consider it a great blessing that another selection of Bakker’s writings is here trans- Retail: $28.00 lated and published in English. I trust that the Lord will attach His blessing to these RHB Price: $21.00 meditations so that many will benefit from what they read. Did not the Lord promise that the memory of the just is blessed (Prov. 10:7)?” —REV. PAUL DEN BUTTER “These pages are filled with the profundities of the Christian life, but they are communicated in simple, seemingly unstud- ied, language. Frans Bakker obviously had a tremendous gift of communication, but he wrote only in Dutch. Now, English readers can enjoy the riches of his work, and be drawn closer to the Christ whose praise is throughout this daily devotion- al. Highly recommended!” —DR. MICHAEL HAYKIN Their Lives and Your Life: Children’s Devotions on Bible Characters Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. (1 Corinthians 10:11) This daily devotional for children focuses on the lives of people found in the Bible. Over the course of a year, your children will survey Bible history in a way that is more that just gathering facts. Their souls will be challenged to see how God works in the lives of His people. May God use these short meditations on Scripture to work in the souls of our children, helping them see their need of Christ and preparing them for the day of His return. ISBN 978-1-60178-030-0 Recommended ages: 9–12 Paperback, 384 Pages Retail: $13.00 RHB Price: $10.00 www.heritagebooks.org 3 Reformation Heritage Books RECENT TITLES Puritan Evangelism: A Biblical Approach Joel R. Beeke BACK IN PRINT! We are glad to present a new edition of Puritan Evangelism. Its brief analysis of the character- istics of Puritan preaching, methods of Puritan evangelism, and the inward disposition of the Puritan evangelist has been a help to many. It carries the same careful examination as the previ- ous edition, but with updated references and new attractive format. May God continue to revital- ize our modern day evangelistic efforts with these encouraging reminders from our past. “Puritan evangelism gets a fair and even-handed treatment here. Joel Beeke is one of the best students of Puritan faith and practice in our time. Puritan Evangelism will provide you with a better understanding of the way that the Puritans really did evangelism while remaining serious Calvinists.” —REFORMATION & REVIVAL “This is a well-written, easy introduction to the subject of Puritan evangelism, and an important reminder that gimmicks and showmanship are not God’s way to evangelize.” —THE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER (RHB, 78 pages) $6.00/4.50p Striving against Satan Joel R.
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