Applications received during 16 to 22 April, 2018 The publication is a list of applications received during 16 to 22 April, 2018. The said publication may be treated as a notice to every person who claims or has any interest in the subject matter of Copyright or disputes the rights of the applicant to it under Rule 70 (9) of Copyright Rules, 2013. Objections, if any, may be made in writing to copyright office by post or e-mail within 30 days of the publication. Even after issue of this notice, if no work/documents are received within 30 days, it would be assumed that the applicant has no work / document to submit and as such, the application would be treated as abandoned, without further notice, with a liberty to apply afresh. S.No. Diary No. Date Title of Work Category Applicant 1 5934/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 RAJWADA DEVICE OF Artistic MR.RAKESH KUMAR PHOTO DIRECTOR OF M/S. SHIVAM BETELNUT PVT LTD. 2 5940/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 The Map To Your Literary/ Dramatic P.Uma Entrepreneurial Journey 3 6191/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 CHITRA JAGAT PART-2 Literary/ Dramatic LOKHIL PUSHPABEN COLOUR EDITION BHAVESH 4 5953/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 Oas ki Boondein Literary/ Dramatic Sapna Kekre 5 5957/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 New Vision Party Literary/ Dramatic Dr. V. Jaganmohan Reddy 6 5966/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 Lost n Found Box Artistic Prachi D. Adwani 7 5970/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 MIDWEST FOOD Artistic MIDWEST FOOD TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY 8 5975/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 WIN COMMITMENT A Literary/ Dramatic Madhuri Mehta DEVOTED FRIEND/ ANA WANTS A RABBIT 9 5932/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 BIOGRAPHY OF Literary/ Dramatic BEKKAM JANARDHAN PANDAGA SAYANNA 10 5942/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 Naam Ean Thotrom...? Literary/ Dramatic C.Tamil Venthan 11 5943/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 CHHOTA TARKASH Literary/ Dramatic GURCHARAN SINGH 12 5955/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 Multi Tool CNC Literary/ Dramatic Nikhil Damle Machine with engraving & Milling 13 5967/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 WIN'S GRATITUDE THE Literary/ Dramatic Madhuri Mehta THANKFUL COAT/ THE HOSPITAL HORSE 14 5980/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 Native Kangra Family In Artistic B. M. ANAND FOUNDATION Typical House LLP 15 5981/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 Farmer With Bullocks Artistic B. M. ANAND FOUNDATION And Plough On His Way LLP To The Fields 16 5938/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 KAYA YOGA Literary/ Dramatic Nachiketa Das 17 5950/2018-CO/SW 16-04-2018 COMPUTER SOFTWARE Computer Software PROFFICIENT TECHNOLOGIES 18 5969/2018-CO/SW 16-04-2018 VOICE OF GOD TV Computer Software Deepak Kamala 19 6190/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 SHANGI Artistic MR.SAMIR R. SHUNGLOO. PROPRIETOR of M/s, SHANGI FOOD PRODUCTS. 20 5962/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 SANSKRITI SUDHA Literary/ Dramatic KUMUD MOHAN 21 5936/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 Didda Literary/ Dramatic Ashish Kaul 22 5939/2018-CO/SW 16-04-2018 Traffic Information Computer Software M/S ROLTA BI AND BIG Analysis for DATA ANALYTICS PRIVATE Transportation LIMITED 23 5951/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 TARKASH Literary/ Dramatic NAVEEN SINGH 24 5961/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 FM (FRIDAY MURDERS) Literary/ Dramatic Mr. Sameer Chand / CHANNEL M 25 5959/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 LOGO OF THE Artistic BULLS & BEARS [BROKERS] COMPANY BULLS & LTD. BEARS [BROKERS] LTD. 26 5971/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 The Lost Leaf Literary/ Dramatic Shayar Aviral 27 5973/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 WIN HUMILITY THE Literary/ Dramatic Madhuri Mehta EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES/ EMERALD AND THE GEMS 28 5937/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 Blockchain Unwrapped Literary/ Dramatic Ankitt Gaur, Li Zhiwen 29 5964/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 WIN'S TRUST THE HEN'S Literary/ Dramatic Madhuri Mehta EGGS/ THE TRUSTING FRIENDS 30 5968/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 Uniformed Man In Bed Artistic B. M. ANAND FOUNDATION With Gun, Surrounded LLP By Locks 31 5976/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 Kangra Man Smoking Artistic B. M. ANAND FOUNDATION Pipe While Woman LLP Feeds Child 32 5941/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 Half-Past Lives Literary/ Dramatic Sree Sen 33 5965/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 WIN LOVE JOY OF Literary/ Dramatic Madhuri Mehta LOVE/ LOVE REDEFINED 34 5979/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 Herdsman Leading Artistic B. M. ANAND FOUNDATION Sheep LLP 35 5982/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 Kangra Woman With Artistic B. M. ANAND FOUNDATION Spinwheel (30-6-65) LLP 36 5933/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 Literary/ Dramatic Ananya Pal 37 5954/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 My Soul Breathes Your Literary/ Dramatic Karishma Kapoor Name 38 5956/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 Tirukural Book Wrapper Artistic V. PRAGALATHAN PALANIVEL 39 5960/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 INDIA MINORITY Literary/ Dramatic DURGA NAND JHA REPORT (AN ENQUIRY INTO INDIA'S MINORITY POLICY AND ANALYSIS OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS OF MUSLIM COMMUNITY OF INDIA) 40 5977/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 Kangra Princess With Artistic B. M. ANAND FOUNDATION Lamb And Ladies In LLP Waiting 41 5978/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 Goat Herdsman With Artistic B. M. ANAND FOUNDATION Stick ( 1-7-1965) LLP 42 5983/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 TRAVEL TITHI Literary/ Dramatic MEENU ARORA 43 5935/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 NATASHA Literary/ Dramatic S. Naresh Balaji 44 5952/2018-CO/SW 16-04-2018 VOICE OF GOD TV Computer Software Deepak Kamal 45 5958/2018-CO/A 16-04-2018 SKYKING Artistic VINIT M KARIA 46 5963/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 WINS RESPECT RIP VAN Literary/ Dramatic Madhuri Mehta WINKLE/ WE LOVE OUR EARTH 47 5972/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 WIN'S COURAGE THE Literary/ Dramatic Madhuri Mehta HAWK AND THEIR FRIENDS/ THE BOY, THE BULLIES AND THE LION 48 5974/2018-CO/L 16-04-2018 WIN INTEGRITY YONAS' Literary/ Dramatic Madhuri Mehta EXQUISITE GIFT/ THE HUNDRED-POUND SHEEP 49 5984/2018-CO/M 17-04-2018 FluteX by RaySon4 7 Music AADESH BANKAR 50 5991/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 Ki Visale Yar Hota Literary/ Dramatic Nilesh Heda 51 5993/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 RAGPICKER Literary/ Dramatic Ankush Dayanidhi 52 6004/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 Rock And Dhol Literary/ Dramatic Amit Karia 53 6005/2018-CO/SW 17-04-2018 Anime Generation Computer Software JAINULABUDEEN S A K Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network 54 5996/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 Flow Chart for Bisection Literary/ Dramatic Anant Kurhade Method in Numerical Method 55 5999/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 Internet of Things Literary/ Dramatic Sachin R. Jain 56 6000/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 BE SMART BE SAFE Literary/ Dramatic KANIKA SHARMA 57 6006/2018-CO/SW 17-04-2018 www.crestkerala.com Computer Software BRIAN S RAJ 58 5986/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 Laws of Jungle Literary/ Dramatic Bhaskar Sharad 59 5997/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 Flow Chart for Newton Literary/ Dramatic Sukhadip Chougule Raphson Method in Numerical Method 60 6001/2018-CO/SW 17-04-2018 In this described work Computer Software Rushikesh Vilas Kolhe deals with the creation of a computer application that analyzes and designs structural elements i.e. Slab, beam and column. The program developed analyses and design of structural elements. This project is created by using Visual Basic. 61 6013/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 Design and analysis of Literary/ Dramatic Mrs. Jayashri v. Chopade Mercerization machine shaft 62 6015/2018-CO/A 17-04-2018 Genie Polish Packaging Artistic Asian Paints Limited label 63 5994/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 NOFN-DCNMS Literary/ Dramatic NULL 64 5992/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 Step up Journal Literary/ Dramatic Priyadarshini Shukla 65 6003/2018-CO/SW 17-04-2018 Convolutional Neural Computer Software S.A.K. JAINULABUDEEN Network Model for Predicting Skin Based Diseases and Evaluation of Risk Assessment 66 6007/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 “STUDY OF MICRO Literary/ Dramatic Dr. Soma Sharma FINANCE AS A TOOL FOR ALLEVIATING URBAN POVERTY WITH REFERENCE TO NAGPUR CITY (1998-2008)” 67 6008/2018-CO/A 17-04-2018 KAMAT STAR Artistic Kamat Yatriniwas Private Limited 68 5985/2018-CO/SW 17-04-2018 Sculpture Generation Computer Software JAINULABUDEEN S A K Using Generative Adversarial Network 69 5987/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 Chautha Dhandha Literary/ Dramatic Ayodhya Prasad 70 5989/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 Kavyoday Literary/ Dramatic Sonali Mohan 71 6009/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 A Comprehensive Literary/ Dramatic Manipal Academy of Higher Assessment Tool For Education Diabetic Foot Syndrome (M-CDFAT) 72 6012/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 LYRICS Literary/ Dramatic Parvesh kumar 73 6016/2018-CO/A 17-04-2018 Termishield Packaging Artistic Asian Paints Limited label 74 5990/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 Digital Signal Processing Literary/ Dramatic S Selva Nidhyananthan Laboratory Manual 75 5998/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 STORIES AF AN INDIAN Literary/ Dramatic VIVEK KESHAVSHARAN JAIL DOCTOR BY V K SAXENA SHARAN 76 6011/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 GPL – GLOBAL PREMIER Literary/ Dramatic Chandrashekhar Shetty LEAGUE AND ZPL – ZODIAC PREMIER LEAGUE 77 6014/2018-CO/A 17-04-2018 ROYALE PLAY INFINITEX Artistic Asian Paints Limited label 78 5988/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 The Central Goods & Literary/ Dramatic Charan Lal Sahu Services Tax Acts 79 5995/2018-CO/L 17-04-2018 Fate! Literary/ Dramatic Rutvi Sompura 80 6002/2018-CO/A 17-04-2018 AICPE LOGO Artistic SHARAD TAORI 81 6010/2018-CO/A 17-04-2018 ROYALE SENSATIONS Artistic Asian Paints Limited GALAXY label 82 6024/2018-CO/L 18-04-2018 The Circle of Divinity Literary/ Dramatic Harihar Prusty 83 6026/2018-CO/L 18-04-2018 NOFN-SLA Literary/ Dramatic Centre for Development of Telematics, 84 6033/2018-CO/SR 18-04-2018 HARI NAAM KA Sound Recording Gaurav Krishna Goswami SUMIRAN KIYA KARO 85 6035/2018-CO/L 18-04-2018 Kaljayee Shree Literary/ Dramatic Shyam Sundar Bhatt Parshuram 86 6047/2018-CO/SW 18-04-2018 SeisP3 Pore Pressure Computer Software NULL Prediction Using Seismic Velocities 87 6056/2018-CO/L 18-04-2018 The Accident Of My Literary/ Dramatic Anahita Devesi Birth 88 6059/2018-CO/SW 18-04-2018 www.clasimu.com Computer Software CLASIMU LLP 89 6061/2018-CO/L 18-04-2018 DESIGN AND Literary/ Dramatic Dr.
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