'elers out to prove Israel is safe for tourists. Please see story, Page B-1 i j ...j rS) *=r rSo-J r--. r"-- i.u —i ^* .it en rar <r *=*i • *t i5" } t-u IK ep I —, • J. Ui r>- WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS • FANWOOD Vol. 16, No. 2 Friday, January 12, 2001 50 cents Around Busted burglar may be behind 15 Westfield break-ins Town ty that Baran burglarized one may be responsible for two other backed up by the Elizabeth sido, Pitmenu said. THE RECORD-PRESS home in Clark and as many as burglaries in the township, Police Department, arrested Clark police are also likely to 15 or more in Westfield. according to reports. Barnn at his Elizabeth resi- file burglary charges against CRANFORD — Township Baran is currently being held Baran was tracked down dence, according to police Baran, according to Lt. Don Red Cross offers class police apprehended Jan. 5 a man in the Union County Jail in through a combination of high- reports. De-Aquino, who said "charges are for future baby-sitters they suspect is responsible for a Elizabeth in lieu of $25,000 bail. tech advancements and old-fash- West Hold police are still pending." Hanm is suspected of number of residential burglaries He is scheduled to appear ioned police work. At one of bur- investigating several cases burglarizing at. least one house WESTFIELD — "Baby-sit- in Cranford, Clark and Friday in Union County glary scenes in Crunford, police where Baran may have been in Clark, but investigations are ters Training" for local youths Westfield. Superior Court. were able to lift a "latent" finger- involved, according to Lt. John still continuing, DeAquina ages 11-15 years is being Following an investigation, The two residences Cranford print, according to Sgt. Frank Parizeuu. "We're looking into it," noted. offered by the American Red Eric Baran, 32, of Elizabeth, was investigators believe Baran bur- Hnnley. The print was sent to Parizeau said, noting Baran was Hanky said Baran is believed Cross. charged by Cranford police with glarized are on Woodside Place the Bergen County Sheriff's interviewed over the weekend to be a career residential bur- Courses are scheduled to be two counts of burglary, two and Stoughton Avenue, accord- Department for process in their by Westfield police. glar who "usvs mass transit^ tcj held Jan. 22-25 for students of counts of theft nnd one count of ing to police reports. While the Automated Fingerprint Parizenu said Huran is sus- travel into surrounding munici- the Edison Intermediate criminal mischief. As of Woodside Place burglary Identification System, and the pected in 15 Westfield burglar- palities." According to Cranfdrd School and Feb. 12-15 for stu- Wednesday, no charges had been occurred in November, the one system matched the print to ies, beginning with several on police, Baran has lived 'in dents of the Roosevelt filed in Westfield or Clark, but on Stoughton Avenue occurred Baran's. Crunford officers then the town's south aide in Elizabeth since late October and Intermediate School. Each police in those municipalities little more than a week ago, on obtained a warrant and nt November. Lately, the string of moved here from Michigan, course is slated to run from 3 were investigating the possibili- Jan. 2. Police also suspect Baran approximately 4 a.m. Jnn. 5, thefts has moved to the north where ho lived for about a year. p.m. to 5 p.m. and will be held at the respective schools. Areas covered in the course are supervising children; age- appropriate activities; han- Westfield weighs dling emergencies; performing basic care (feeding, bathing, changing diapers); making good and responsible decisions; concierge service keeping everyone safe inside; and watching kids outside. Errand agency will would require of us. We can pick- Cost of $40 per pupil up or drop off dry cleaning, gro- includes a course handbook. perform daily tasks ceries, handle TV or phone ser- Seating is limited. vice in home — rnthur than hav- Registration closes one week for town commuters ing the commuter lose half a day. before the first class in each We can lake cars for repairs or go session. Sy THOMAS SCOTT lo'the florist. There is no limit to the errands we will accommo- For registration or more TiltiKKCORIM'RESK ^.. date." ,: information, call Linda Johnson at (908) 232-7090 or WESTFIELD — A cohctarge ': Shannon indicated that a cqjti- visit the Red Cross office at service proposed to make life eas- tract terms between the ier for town commuters got a one- West field Concierge nnd Errand 321 Elm St. in West field. year nod Tuesday night from ('overage Service nnd the town Mayor Gregory McDermott and could bo drawn up in the next few. Union freeholders assist theTowa Council. weeks, but before awarding any The service involves six per- kind of contract, council members Project Graduation effort sonal assistants or "gofers," who will have to consider; potential SCOTCH PLAINS — The would tackle local errands for contract terms. i?< Union County Board of Chosen commuters who are too busy at Officials will also have to con- Freeholders has donated work. sider the possibility of going out $5,000 to the Scotch Plains- The Westfield service, to be to bid on a concierge service, Fanwood High School Parent- known ' 'as the Westfield Shannon snid. Hut most council Teacher Association to help Concierge and Errand Coverage members were tjuick to .acknowl- NICOLE DIMELUVRECORD-PRESS Service, wilt be run by Ray Mikell edge that no other applicants with the PTA's Project have stepped forward j to otter Graduation efforts. On Tuesday, Fanwood police 8gL Tom J«Nc (Ml) Interviewed CONTACT We Car* Executive Director of South Plainfield, and a stuff of Mtcheel Nicholson and CONTACT voluntMr Patricia L. Schwslje for tha next episode of "CopTV six will see to the needH of such n service. "A safe, fun-filled, drug- and Weutficld commuters. The ser- Councilman Lawrence alcohol-free celebration is the Fanwood," which Is broadent In ma borough ovar ceWe-access TV35. Tha episode It achadulad to b» airad In Fabruary. vice, which will be headquartered Goldman said a one-year detil goal of Project Graduation," in a portion of the south side; with the Westfinld Concierge and said Freeholder Linda Stender, train station, is modeled after a Krraml Coverage Service — in who sponsored a related reso- successful concierge service in lieu of a long-term commitment lution. "This worthwhile pro- Badge broadcast earns honors Maplewooel, which has received — made (.lie; most sense. "Where gram for high school seniors is nntiotiiil media coverage. a door hasn't been knocked down a model for other school dis- awards — one local one nation- Fanwood* as Best Community Support for a Westlteld to pursue this type of service, we tricts. We applaud the efforts of Fanwood cop show al," said Fanwood police Sgt. Oriented Police Television concierge service iff high, at least should go with a one-year term all those involved in its activi- and Channel 35 volunteer Show. among town officinln. "This is i\ and see how it. does," Goldman ties" begins production Thomas Jedic. "One wos from "We are also being cited ne 'a 'go' prospect," waid Town said. "I fit is not doing u good job, The program began in 1990 model for community policing' AdminiHtrator Thomas Shannon. we could look at it again, arid, and has more than 2O0 gradu- of all-new episodes by the Community Policing "No ini|K!dim<mtfl. It would be some others might be out there ating SP-FHS seniors partici- "We like to raise Exchange, a notional publica- good to create a .situation and see who could do better." pating every year, according to •y THOMAS SCOTT issues and promote tion on community policing," if it can flourish." NJ Transit, which leases the a press release issued by the Jedic added. Mikell said this week the ser- south side train station to THE RKCOR1)-I'REHH concerns for safety freeholders. The TV3B broadcast has fea- vice is especially helpful in u soci- Wcatficld, is also pleased with Funding for Project FANWOOD — When it before problems can tured community policing seg- ety whflre, in "many commuting the; prospect of a concierge ser- Graduation is provided by cor- comes to raising issues of local arise." ments on topics such no the households, both the husband vice, Shannon noted. In fact, porate sponsors, the Scotch concern or promoting safety, proper use of the 911 emer- and wife working," there seems to he little doubt the — Thomas Jedlc gency telephone system, identi- "We can take: care; of personal concierge service idea is a worthy PlainB-Fanwood Board of "CopTV-Fanwood" has carved one, Education, the Scotch Plainfl- out a distinguished reputation Fanwood sergeant, ty theft, gun Hnfety, school bus or household business thai will Fanwood Municipal Alliance, that goes beyond the borough's and TV personality safety and ATM safety. "We liko free" them up from doing errands "The downside is — in a year, the Community Against borders. to raise issues and promote to have mejre time with the fami- it's not there;," said Councilman The show, now in its fourth concerns for safety before prob- ly," the entrepreneur said. "We Carl Salisbury. "That's a pretty Substance Abuse organization will do just anything a commuter limited downside." and the Board of Chosen season, appears locally on the North Jersey Crime lems can arise," Jedic unid. Freeholders. cable-access Channel 35 and Prevention Officers and the New episodes of the program Among the activities includ- has been named as an award- other from the National air on the average of every 45 ed in Project Graduation are a winning production on state Community Policing days, noted the sergeant, who and national levels.
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