This Week COVERING rowNiam OF One Section BULMDCL. MADlaON aUSUSOBO. UATAffAN 16 PAGES AND MAT* WAN M>U>U(Ui ataubtr 91st YEAR — 44th WEEK Natiwal lidHnrlal MATAWAN, Nr J., THURSDAY, APRIL 28,1960 Single Copy Tea Cents Borough Plan Board New Ambulance For MaUwan Township First Aid & Rescue Squad New Position I County Dwfio Head ForEV.Silcox Cold To 280 Houses Vie* FrMldent Of . A proposal to downgrade lot Merchants Trust Co* sties so the frontages would be H feet Instead of. 100 feet met Seeking Comes Kenneth H. MoQutea, preddeat of th* Merchants Trust Co. of Re* with bitter objection from William BUI Regan, manager of the Cliff- E. Tierney, chairman of the Mat- Dank, tnnounced today that Evsrt wood AC, newly organized light V. Sllcox. 80 Mala St.. Keyport. has awan Borough Planning Board, senior baseball team, for boys 15- Whan the matter was presented been appointed a vie* president of to-19-years-old, announces the team the Merchants Trust Co., which will tor the board's reaction Monday. will begin its games as soon as . Howard Seigel, East Brunswick, open a branch bank in Holmdel Matawan High School completes its Township 00 Routs S3 next month. whs has a 22-lot Danemar sub- spring diamond schedule. The division already underway in the Mr. Sllcox will start bis new po- team is seeking bookings with sition on Monday. New Brunswick Ave. section of the other squads. Managers may con- borough, wanted to know the tact Mr. Regan at LOweJl 6-2077. Mr. Slloox was associated with board's reaction to a 280 house de- the Peoples National Bank, Key. velopment on the Siano tract, Mat- port, for M years, and served as awan Rd. This 117-acre tract once president and a director lor IS wis considered as a site for a Municipal Hall years, lie resigned this position on neV Matawan High School. Dec. J8, IDM For th* past three ' Mr. Seigel. explained he would years he has been treasurer of the Contracts Issued South River Trust Co,, which hss utilize only 100 acres of the tract, a branch In East Brunswick. the remaining 17 acres, In a low Matawan Approves JOHN W. APPLEQATB area, he said he would donate to Mr. Sllcox Is a graduate ol Key- the borough for a recreation site Additional Funds port High School and has lived or any other municipal use, Mr. most of his lift in Keyport. He Is Contracts totalling $S.44> were Officers at the Matawan Township First AM aad RescM Squad are I Geergt rhomnaoo, captalai Sam Dllks, secead lieutenant and chairman vice president and a director of the Applegate Named Seigel noted that even though this awarded Tuesday night by the land was low and might require pictured aba** with their new •nhtjlanca. which has bees pat, .Mel the ambulance coriinlueai Ed«ardAwl«rM», a«tkl»aJ oaatala. and Borough Savings and Loan Associ- Matawan Borough Council for the sSfvkelalUtimasUp. Left f right ar* Job* Balatoa, chief eaejaeatt IM 0—m., tlrsi BwH—t ation; treasurer ol the Keyport fill for some purposes, he was get- renovation of the former Fanners Democrat Leader ting no reduction on It WhM using Branca, Monmouth, County Chap- and Merchants National Bank ter, American Red CWu; a mem- OOP Organization Us option to buy the property and building. Main SL, which Is to be Clean-Up Day __ Spring Roundup ber of Caeaaraa Lodge M. FaAM. It would cost him fSO.OOO Just to converted for use at a new munic- Holmdcl Viewing Rev. Ilickcy Safe He Is 1 former member of the Key- Renames Woolley get It to turn it over to the town. ipal building. CeaswOwasaaa Geaelev* Doa- • Th« annual spria| roundup aell has aanwmred that lbs aa- ftili I* held at the CUffwood FUC Must Approve Extensions The contracts, together with the John W. Applegats, Matawan, Mr. Seigel emphasized his pro- aual spring Cteaa-up Day ter la* Two New Schools Elementary 9 e h • • I Wednesday In Plane Crash Tuesday was re-elected fur his fifth 80.000. purchase price of the bulk!- Beraugh *f Matawaa will t* lor all chlldrea who will reach posal could not be carried through Ing. exceeded a $50,000 bond Issue J-llgh, Grammar To ' Scientist Killed consecutive term as chairman of at the 100-foot front because of the Thursday, May I, aad If neces- their firth birthday sa ar before tho Monmouth County Democralir authorized to finance the project sary wlU b* eoatletwd on Friday, :; Sept. H. The roundup will be at need to convince the State Public and a $ZS0O budgetary appropria- Replace Small Units, In Bay Plunge lUecutlvo Committee III. Repuh Utilities Commission there would May*. the nutwood Memerlai School, llcan counterpart, J Ruairll Wool tion as a down payment. To make A high school of Its own and* A noted Dutch scientist wsi kill be enough users per mile to make Matawan residents are urged CUffwood A vs., from t Is II a.m. luy. wa. renamed hy the 001' ot up the def)clt, council passed an new elementary school to replied ed and three other persons. Includ- the extension of water and sewer to tak* this opportunity to dean far those with last Barnes start- Itanlrallon emergency resolutioution appropriate- „. ' • yards, attics and cellars the three smaller unlti scattered ing a priest formerly aislgncd to utilities to servij the new homes fo| with A to M and from UiM Ing $7900. The money, witith tthhe JfaJfa partkoUrh ta clear out throughout the township w«re de- I* 1:10 p.m. for thta* with last St. Joseph's Parish. Koyporl. were Mil Viola lluran, lll»hland>. economically self-sustaining. The was elected vkco clmliman. by lite approval of the DepMtaimt—ef 4^^, nm m>y be a fire hazard. clared by George Klnkade, secre- aamn starting with N lo Z. hurt Saturday afternoon when a developer noted It -had been his Local Government, will be taken Mrs— . Donoel- -l alt- o reporte- d- tha- t tary, to be the new objectives of light plane plunged Into Hnrllun Domocrata rupturing Mra. ICutlu^n intent to erect a "package" sewer Th* Matawan Township Board I'rnrol. lulr Haven Mr. I'rvrot from free surplus balances. the Slimmer schedule for garbage trie Holmdel Township Board of af Education has made It man- Bay, about one-half mile off the plant to serve both bis subdivision A total of 21 bids were received collection win start May U Gar- Education now that they have wltft- Keansburg pier. ''•Hilned re-election, citing her re- and the new Matawan High School, datory that nth child Is re- cent np|x>)nlincnl to tho Munmouth by council and architect Frederic bage collections will be made on drawn from the regional study with quired ta have Immunisations The dead man wai Idrntlfled as when It wai proposed to erect that Fessler at the last meeting for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- Keyport. County llnnrd ol Kloclloni. John structure one-quarter mile away at for smallpox, D.P.T. vaccine, Dr. Cornelius J Dakkor, Geneva. I'erruoglnni. llolnmr «>minl».liin- general construction, heating, days during the summer months. Questioned about what would The Identification wai made by Jo- Aberdeen Rd. and Ravine Dr. three Injections and poliomyelitis, or, was elected treasurer, rojilac plumbing and electrical work on coma In place of the regional .three Injections. seph L' Helnrlch, Now York, an the present bank building and a inn the Into Dr QtHirne HH Mee Now that the prospect Is that study, Mr. Klnkade acknowledged Parents are advised Is secure Army Reserve brigadier general l\an, Spring Loko. A tntimunl ol the school will go up on Route new addition to be constructed In the board had Inspected the New jwiilien proof ol the Immuniza- ond an overseas supervisor for the rear,, Matawan Rotary silence wa. observed In Ur. Meu- U, Mr. Seigel declared that h» Providence High School In North tions from lha weU baby clinic American Telephone ft Telegraph hun • tnemoiy. has changed his Ideas about the Contracts Awarded Jersey as a possible model for the Or lamlly physician. These rec- Co. Stale police quoted Mr. Hcln- sewer plant. He Is thinking of a Contracts were awarded the Pflt- 15th Anniversary district. The board secretary cau- •riii plus a birth certificate must rlch as saying that Dr. Bikker's Philip Nerplrn. Kny port. wa. re- tle-ln with the borough system ock Construction Co., LJtUe Silver, tioned nothing was to be concluded t presented whan you register trip to this country wai for per- 'luctud currti.pnndlng aocrctary; for general construction oil Us bid Charter Member Pins to Imply school construction Is Im- p sonal reasons. He was to have been EVART V. 81LCOX Uontatnln J. Androtich, Konns- and making a contribution to that o gr oo 'your childhild. burg, was elected recording tec- imminent sewer improvement. Dis- of $W,000; Rlegert, Inc., for plumb- To Six Of Founders minent In thit the school board a house guest (or the weekond ol ~ t bid ltV must await the lloal Mr. HelnrlCh port Yacht Club, and served as rotary, rapluclnu Mrs, Hlleon Do- Two of the Injured wars Catho- treasurer tor 11 years on the board Ian, Kstontown, anil Uon Wil- but not believed to be within'I ol governors, liams, Now Shrewsbury, was re- capacity to finance without assist- for $1930, All were low bidders".' Mr, and Mi ance, Is going on'with the Reming- The new municipal building, de- S .
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