THE NiSW YORK HERATP. Ti3URSDAY, OCTOBER 2CK 1921. 21 ' nurses juimori and Bather Hughes, Nhw bort G. Gates, to Division 13; Llsut. Leon 8. AT AUCTION. APARTMENTS. APARTMENTS. J. WATSON WEBB WILL Yciic; Piedmont, Norfolk, lowing bargee N'oa Flske, to U. S. 8. Tattnall; Lieut. Earle W. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTIOH. REAI ESTATE 18 (from Beverly), M md 24; Paoli, towing Mills, to U. 8. 8. Hocan; Lieut. John N. WOMAN BIDDERS BUILD NEAR WESTBURY barge Haverlord, Hock(anil..Wind dW, 23 Whelan. to U. 8. 8. Delong; Lieut. WllUain uillti; rain; rough aea. M. Ktlfcl. to U. 8. 8. Farcival, Lieutenant to Lieut. || BALTIMORE. Md, Oct 19-Arr(ved. stra Commander Arthur Moore, home; ni mum it cm- Whitton Farm Ban Oregorto (Br), Tuxpain; Vlatula (Danri, Maurice B. Durgln, relieved all active duty. Central Union Trust Company in i vuvu ni unuu Bey9 for Now Port Lubos; Grecian. Boston and Norfolk (community 1Life at its Best Home flatter 18th. and aailed on return). Site; Other Dealt. Cleared 19th, atru Tuacatooaa City, f»00,000 FOR SHIP CAMPAIGN. of New York, 1rrustee of the and Kobe: Phallron (Greek), YokohamaPort Maria; Bow den (Nor), Port Antonio; Washington, Oct 19..An extensive is enjoyed by every Make Part of Crowd J. Watson Webb, the polo player who (Dana), Port I^oboa. Vlatulaadvertising campaign in behalf of Estate of HENRY HILTON, Dec'd f Up Large la to aell his House" Jn Sailed ltttli, atra Lake Chelan, Near York: American lines operating "Woodbury Pawnee, do. passenger one L. at auction next Shipping Board vessels was approved Has Ordcied the of the 600 Ameri- In Auction ltoom at Ewen Syoaset, I., Saturday) BRUNSWICK. Ga, Oct 19.Arrived, atr Fleet has purchased from Charles B. Lake Gllboa, Wilmington. to-day by the Emergency Estate Sailed 19th, echr George W Elxey, Jr (from which appropriated Offering. his alxtv aero nrooertv. formerlyMcDonaldOwens Kerry), New York. for such advertising inCorporation.the can families who avoid n BEVERLY, Muse, Oct lb.Sailed, atra 19(10,000 provisionallyAbsolute Trustee' s Auction Sale the Whltaon (arm. on the old Weatbury Sewalla Point; Gulfland. Port ArthurNowton.next twelve months. The appropriation road, Weatbury, U I., on which he wilt CHARLESTON, SC. Oct 1»-Arrlved. atr was said to be tentative, dependent on rents in A large crowd, the majjorit;- of whom build a small residence. Mr. Webb, who OphU, New Orleans (and proceeded tor a results. high by living wero women, attended the auction of ia a Vermont Mediterranean port). member of the Legislature, Sailed 19th. atrs Uedanla (Dana), Tampico; 164 lota belonging to the estate* of spends most of his time In that State. L J Drake, Bayonne, NJ; Peckaklll, Bristol; 2.684 OCT OF SHIP OFFICES. 111 GREENP*OINT LOTS their own Apartments, Eoulsu and Caroline G. held He has purchased the Westbury prop* Qeorgeanna Weenie. Baltimore. 19..The jj Ewen, cry. however, in order that he may CAPE HENRY, Va. Oct It). 1 PM.Passed Washington, Oct. personnel Borough of Brooklyn, City of Now York by Bryan U. Kennelly, In a residence near the In, atr Valacla (Br), New York for of the flipping Board and the Inc.,yeaterdayhave temporary been located only 22 min- I 14 street. sum of Meadowbrook Club grounds, in the Baltimore. Fleet Corporation has on Meeker. Vsrick. Stewart A'venues and Aves. Vesey The $95,900 Passed out 18th, 2:48 PM, tug Eureka, the 14.041,500Emergencyre' Adjacent waa neighborhood of the acreage just towing barges Clenfuegoa. Newport News for duced 2.664 and payroll realiaed for the property. I'l-r.wiH.e 14f~f V... CI.t- W. are the estates of ClarencepurchasedH. In the last four months, raid Joseph utes from 42nd St., at m The first lot offered waa nought by ford. Powell, president of the Fleet Mackay, Harry Payne Whitney, Harry l'<iawi) out 10th, 3 AM, Htr Osilneke, John Ewen, a lawyer, and one of the Payne Bingham. Robert Bacon, W. for Philadelphia; 10 AM. Howard,Baltimore to-day. Corporation, descendants of John Ewen, founder of Ilussell Grace and John S. Philips. The do for Jacksonville: 11:40 AM, West Haven, was do for W. 10 miles; AY Philadelphia..Wind TOD deal William the Ewcn estate. Mr. Ewen owns the negotiated by J. clear. Hooir.e & Co., Inc. Mr. Webb's Syosset FALL Maes, Oct 18-tn port, tugs seal estate at auction. at 12 o'clock noon, in Brooklyn Real Ei;toto Exchange, 189 MontagueSt. Jackson plot, 170*200, at tho northeast corner of will be sold on RIVER, place- Saturday by Watuppa, with barges Havana and ARTIILR C. SHKKIDAN, Real But. AueUoa'r Heights Spuyten Duyvi! Parhway and West Arthur C. Sheridan, auctioneer. for Hampton Roads; 10th, NarraganCardenas at at p May Remain on with 188 Bmdtrty. fort. I3M. 70% 0%.60% 5ytf You, too, may enjoy the same freedom 231st street. was Joseph K. Merrlam sold the Van barges Somerset, Warren, ott, The lot No, 1, Easton and Taupton, for New York.Rockland, JERK JOHNSON, JR.. CO.. Auctioneer*. Title Guerantee end TVuat Title Policies FreeMortgageCo. from hitrh rpnfs. hv one of the estate, of acres purchasing his on Duyvil consisting sixty TassellOALVK8TON, Tax, Oct 19.Arrived, str« St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. property Spuyten adjoiningat Mount Klsco, adjoining the Poole Comal. New York; J E O'Neill. Philadelphia; l».l Montagae Messrs. Larkin, Rathbone and Perry, Attorneys Parkway, aiwl he paid $4,900 ror tt. we estate and the Del Cambre property, to Saco, Rotterdam; Newona (Br), Tamplco. JOSEPH P. DAY, Real Kotate Aoctloneer, G. Sailed 19th, sirs El Orients, New York; «7 Liberty St.. N. Y. Phono Cort. 744. for Central Union Trust Co., 80 Broadway. New York City New Gardeii hought the lot abutting same. No. IS. George Mevl of this city. Falls City (Br), Bremen; Golden State, Apartments for $1,000. Tho adjoining lot. No. 16. on Chauncey B. Griffon & Co. sold for Tamplco. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Room8.1 to 3 Baths Catherine A. Welch her new on Oct echr Fairfield h© for $1,600, house, GULFPORT, Miss. 18.Arrived, CITY REAL ESTATE. 67 avenue, bought a 100 foot plot In White Plains, to Freeman, Brighton. Liberty St., g 0 Telephone Every Room «m Outside Room and the two lots at the JACKSONVILLE, Fla, Oct 10-Arrived, adjoining Schuyler Bramley. stra Lake Klamerc, Boston; Sundance, New York City Cortlandt 0744 avenue and Stilwel! Offices the & G. A corner of Fairfield northwest Realty sold Tampa. F. PFLOMM, nt*sr M Moderate Initial Payment 23lat Noa. 17 and he bought of Agnes Otburg at Harborresidencesailed 19th. str Cretan. Baltimore. REAL ESTATE, JK\X:.\X0 street, 18, HelghtB Park. Mamaroneck, to Gwilym MANILA, Oct 18.Arrived, atrs Alloway, will give you immediate occupancy. Sma 1 monthly for $1,600 each. By making these New York; Coaxet. Portland, O. at 35th St. H. Morgan of Hobokcn, N. X. professor MOBILE, Ala, Oct 10-Arrived, TJ S cruiser 1333 Broadway, ments thereafter wi! cover carrying charges and payalpay he was able to square out his of in De Witt Clinton atra San Anionic Management of purchases,mathematics Galveston, Pensaroln; Bnsineow Propcrtioa a Bpaclalty. the balance of your s;o that in a little over six years property. Lots Nos. 2 and 3 on Spuyten School. The buyer will make it bis tMex), Tamplco; Tliyra (8w), Gulfport. ^ equity, Hailed 10th, atra Co pari (Hond), Tela; oicn , were Jacob permanent home. Port you will your apartment outright Kuyvll Parkway bought by sold for the Thyra (Sw>. Antwerp; Brynhlld (Dan). Block for $4,900 each. Lot No. 7. at Cooley Realty Company Tarafa via Clenfuegos, Antllla and Nuovltaa; Social and Businetis Betty Wales Gardens, Inc., the stucco schrs Sttmson. t-ort Arthur; Sehome, A References Required the southeast corner of Spuyten Duyvtl niOSSs-BROWN PUBLIC kUCTION and timber house on Wales place. Betty Vanlear-Black, San Juan via Areelbo.Prtiton; 2 Parkway and 287tli street, was bought NEW ORLEANS, La. Oct 19.Arrived. *tr« COMPANY The Newest Apartments ire Tax Exempt for 10 Years Wales Gardens, Mount Vernon, to Real K.tate in all it* bntDfheo. by A. C. Cannon for $3,330. The three A C Bedford, Port Lobos; Electrician (Br), TU7 BROADWAY. 22 MINUTES FR OM 42nd STREET lots adjoining this, Nos. 4, 5 and 6, Mitchell W. Alexander. Liverpool; John Worthlngton, New York. 18 EAST 41ST ST. Thomas S. Burke sold for the estate Tosca (Nor), Bremen. 175 FIFTH AVE. It'tVAY ft 57 St.. pi.k Bid*. NEXT SATIRD/LY AT 3 P. M. Golf, Tennis Courts, CIlildreu's etc. were sold to separate buyers for $1,650 of Hailed I8lh, etra Comus, New York; Playgrounds, each. Josephine L. H. Wright to Albert (Nor), Tamplco; 19th, BralichohuMendocino IN LARGE ENTRANCE I IALL OK MANSION Fauser the property at 340 Main street, (S«). Visit Jackson Heights -take Subway to Grand Central, B. B. Waterbury of 513 West 125th Vonkers. The will it Gothenburg. Inc. I; to was tho Nos. purchaser alter Hailed from Port Eads 19th. atrs Barcelona HOLT & MERRALL, QUEENSBORlTo-daytransfer3 SUBWAY (Corona Line street, purchaser of lots into store and topj, -Barcelona; uooy, orrmernnvcji; INDUSTRIAL. HKAI. ESTATE. 91 were dwelling. to 25th St. (Jackson Heights) S>tation.(Office Station) and 92. upon which discovered D. P. De sold three lots on Wast India*: Governor (Br). ^olumbla,343 Madioon Av. Tel. Vanderbllt 4699. J. WATSOP1i WEBB'S Opposite on by Pelh&m Bolton Young Legle tCZ), London via Norfolk; West Saturday Reginald Hillside avenue. Verona, N. J., to J.
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