IAZANIA I ISHALL BE FREE I From Sharpeville to Soweto the road Is bloody. To die for their freedom, they are willing. But Azanians are telling theJr oppressors to their faces, "We won't be dying any longer. We shall be fighting." Canadian Communist . .. Leag~e. (Marxist~Leninist). PAC sends CCL(ML) message on support campaign At the invitation of the Cana­ liberation, including a touching from all over the world in dian Communist League (ML), $100 contribution from a Cana­ condemning farcical trials now· the Pan Africanist Congress of dian miner. These funds have being held against alleged Azania, last December, sent a been swiftly delivered to the Pan members of the PAC in South two-man delegation to tour Cana­ Africanist Congress and have now Africa. da and make public speeches and been deployed for revolutionary deliver lectures on the Azanian work in Africa. All of these activities, and more, national liberation struggle. have demonstrated in a living way The tour took place at a time the close solidarity enjoyed by the when the first in a series of trials, Azanian people from their Cana­ The tour was a huge success and under the death sentence-carry­ clian brothers and sisters. has made an important landmark ing Terrorism Act, against in the ever growing relations Azanian patriots accused of fur­ We warmly thank all who made between the peoples of Azania and thering the aims of the PAC. was the PAC tour a success and take Canada. anno~nced in apartheid South this opportunity to assure the Africa. This is the so-called PAC Canadian Communist League Everywhere they went the PAC Guerilla base trial in Pietermaritz­ (ML) of our very sincere feelings delegates were warmly received burg against Stanley Thabo Pule, . of solidarity and comradeship. and accorded militant hospitality Morgan Cxekwa and Isaac Long live the militant friendship bv Canadian workers, students Mhlekwa. of the Azanian and Canadian a~d a broad section of the people. people! The Azanian freedom fighters also Victory to our common struggle took this opportunity to renew The Azanian People's Support against imperialism - old and and establish ties with fellow Committee in Canada has col­ new! Azanians, other Africans and fra­ lected more than 4000 signatures Down with superpower ternal people from other third of people who denounce this trial hegemony! world countries presently studying and this petition will be handed to Down with all reactionaries! or working in Canada. the Chairman of the Special Viva CCL(ML)! Viva PAC! Viva Committee against Apartheid of A.P.L.A.! Inside three short weeks more the United Nations, H.E. Leslie David Sibeko member of the than $12,000 was raised to sup­ 0. Harriman, of Nigeria, so that Central CommittE'e and Director port PAC's fight for national he may join it with other protests of Foreign Affairs This pamphlet is dedicated to ROBERT MANGALISO SOBUKWE, founding president of the PAC great inspirational leader of the Azanian people and revolutionary fighter. TABLE OF CONTENTS AZANIA SHALL BE FREE ................................................ 4 I. AZANIA, THE LAND OF THE BLACK MAN ............................... 6 ll. APARTHEID- RACIST SYSTEM TO MAINTAIN COLONIALISM ........... 7 m. OPPRESSION BREEDS RESISTANCE ................................... 14 fV.IMPE~ISM IN ~ANIA ............................................. 26 V. ~ANIAN PEOPLE'S STRUGGLE RECEfVES WORLD WIDE SUPPORT ... 31 APPENDICES .......................................................... 34 1. Interview with the PAC ............................................... 34 2. Brief Review of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania Tour of Canada . 42 MAPS: 1. Africa, page 3. 2. Bantustans, page 11. 3. Sea Routes Around Africa, page 27. Supplement to The Forge. Legal deposit at Quebec National Library. MAP OF AFRICA STATISTICS ON SOUTH AFRICA • Population: 28,000,000 (unofficial) In 1976. 22,000,000 blacks 3,500,000 whites • Total area of the country Is about that of the province of Quebec. MOUMOOQ;-1 Natural resources: • DIAMONDS : 2nd largest pro­ ducer in the world with 16% of world production. • GOLD : largest producer in the world with 59% of world produc­ tion. u· • URANIUM : 3rd largest producer In the world with 33% of world production. AZANIA • South Africa is the world's largest producer of platinum and vana­ dium. The country also has signi­ (South Africa) ficant quantities of chrome, asbes­ tos, nickel, fluorspar, coal, etc. Agricultural products make up 40% of the country's exports. Main products: cereals, sugar cane, fruits. BE FREE Great events are taking place inspiration to the peoples of the on the African continent. White world. Its defeat will weaken colonial rule - this five hundred imperialism and particularly to year-old system of oppression is the two superpowers, the USSR going down to final defeat. Free­ and US. dom fighters in Namibia (South The Azanian people, led by its West Africa), and Zimbabwe national liberation movement the (Rhodesia) are waging armed Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) of struggles which are approaching Azania, are rising up in greater complete victory. In Azania and greater numbers to put an (South Africa)* the mass move­ end to the inhuman apartheid ments are creating the conditions regime. for a protracted people's war to Canadian workers have a role to overthrow the white racists. play in this struggle. We must South Afric~ is an illegitimate, explain to our fellow workers and ferociously repressive regime. friends the significance of the lt is a powerful base of Azanian people's liberation war. imperialism in Africa. Its fall and Their armed struggle is an exam­ burial will bring great joy and ple for us. We must learn from *Southwest Africa, Rhodesia, and South Africa are the names used by the white settlers. Colonialism not only robs people of their land but also their language. 4 and be inspired by their spirit of the Canadian people expressed daring to struggle and daring to great interest in the Azanian win. We must mobilize .political people's struggle. This pamphlet and material support for the is being published to deepen our Azanian people and the PAC. understanding and determination These tasks are inseparable from to support the national liberation our goal of overthrowing capital­ struggle of theAzanian people led ism and building a socialist by the PAC. society. The Canadian Communist League (Marxist-Leninist) organ­ ized a Canada-wide tour of the Down with the South African Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) in racist regime! December 1977 and a support Long live Azania! campaign. lt is the international­ Long live the PAC! ist duty of the League to build Long live proletarian internation­ mass support for all struggles of alism! the third world while it works to build the Marxist-Leninist corn~ munist party to lead the proletar­ ian revolution in Canada. Through the course of the PAC tour and the support campaign, 5 Azania: Land of the Black Man European colonialists arrived in Azania in 1652. First came the Dutch and then the British settlers. They brought with them slavery, genocide, land-grabbing and plunder. They all wanted to exploit the rich human and natural resources of Azania. White historians have tried to justify the crimes of colonialism with all kinds of racist theories: "the white man's burden" (it is the burden or duty of whites to educate Africans), "the land was empty and barren before the settlers arrived" and so on... The truth is that the Azanian people, like all the African people, contributed politically, economically and culturally to world progress and that hundreds of years before the arrival of the colonialists, tribes such as the Khoi (Hottentots) and San (Bushmen) occupied and developed the land of Azania. Many tribes such as the Zulus fought heroically against the dispossession of their land. The Khoi people continuously fought against the Boers (Dutch) who wanted to steal their land and cattle. But however valiantly Capitalism greatly developed with the slave the Africans fought, their spears and arrows trade. Millions of Africans were wrenched from were no match for the guns and cannons of their homeland and shipped to the Americas to work as slaves. The white coloniallsts, pushed by the land-hungry colonialists. their greed for profits, stole Azanlan land and With the "Great Trek" of 1836, when the subjected the people to near slavery. Dutch moved into the interior, more and more Azanian land was stolen. The Boer together the four separate colonies of South War (1899-1902) gave the British complete Africa (Natal, Orange Free State, Transvaal control over South Africa. British control was and the Cape). consolidated in 1910 with the founding of the Through their control of the state appara­ "Union of South Africa", which grouped tus, the colonialists began to systematically b institutionalize the national subjugation and supporter of Hitler, so much so that Vorster, racist oppression of the Azanians. In 1913, the present prime minister of South Africa, the Native Land Act stole large tracts of was jailed for war crimes during the Second territory from the Azanians, leaving them World War. with only 13% of the most barren land. South Africa is an illegiti!llate state. It was In 1948, the white fascist Afrikaan formed by white settlers, who stole the land Nationalist Party came to power. It institu­ from its rightful owners and installed tionalized racism with the system of apar­ themselves as all-powerful rulers. The coun­ theid. Apartheid is no different from Nazism. try is run in their interests only- the African The Afrikaan Nationalist Party was a zealous majority has no rights at all. Apartheid: Racist System to Maintain Colonialism Apartheid is based on the ideology that colonialists can maintain their power. whites are superior to Blacks and that to 1hrough their control of the iilegitimate South safeguard this "superiority", there should be African state, the racists have passed all no mixing of the races.
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