when It nrrived here shortly after 9 from Siler City, N. C., to the es up with the first, you want to Jump shopping in town Wednesday. Mrs. Instead of himself, and , fired into the submarine, the fourth Dally Mall LOCAL AFFAIRS. o'clock. It Is understood that 14 Observer, will be of InterestCharlottehere, out of bed. It is Just terrible. Then Linden Smith and daughter of Clover, and hitting a vital spot and blowing the with this Idea in mind he did not bearded the train at since the Rev. Ham conducted a there is a shot from the hypodermic, were shopping in town yesterday. excursionists i Straps to atoms. A number of German a find Nell Moore returned ' Jacts. craft to try to make the Daily Mailhesitate NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Blacksburg, 10 at King's Creek, 5 at here a year ago: "The Hammeetingand in few mlnUtes you Just Miss yesterday sailors were swimming in the water. between to her home at McConnellsville, after of him as he would like Smyrna, 72 at Hickory Grove, 45 at closed Wednesday night withrevivalyourself floating half way Some swam to our abandoned ship speak just fno. R. Logan.Asks if you need any numbers of the attendance since the the bed and the celling, wide awake, being the guest for a few days of Miss . and Donald McD. Mabon, a Columbia to the deck. to bo of. lumber or lumber products, lime, Sharon large people largest LaPar. Mss Cora and climbed up ropes spoken ' on at and other three weeks ago. Not less and every fibre of your being tingling Margaret Louise boy who is now visiting relatives in the boat swept cement or builders' hardware. He got Tirzah, Newport began meeting the week the Shots from patrol No newspaper man worthy of the stations. than 1,500 were crowded into and with pleasure that is Indescribable, Lee Dellinger is spending England, proposes to join English several from the ropes. We were wants you to see him before buying. and the that feel as if it were with Misses Bess and Gertrude and then the name cares to serve as a mere mouth- Li. E. Heath.Sells and recommends Among the white people who went around the tent great except you army. aboard the patrol boat, taken on the were: Messrs. J. D. closed amid scenes of deepest bound to last forever and a in the Bethany neighborhood.MoCarter around our ship, piece for somebody else. He might the uwensboro wagon for farm use. excursion meeting necessarily has returned . E. J. Watson commissioner of ,oat steamed slowly Clark, E. G. Pursley, Tom, Jasper and Mr. Ham is one of the mostinterest.day. But after a while when the Miss Sandal Beamguard and emigration, it while the marines shut and killed all not object to saying nice things about He has disc and drag harrows. Rrice Stowe. Choate Quinn, Walker convincing pulpit speakers who has of the morphine die down, andeffectsto her home in Clover, after spending agriculture we had Goods Co..Reminds »nd the annual convention of the the Germans in the water. As the individual;"but if he is of the right 1VicConnell Dry Gordon, William McClue, J. R. been here and his sermons have made the pains begin to race through your a few days in the city with ^ attendingleft three carbines and cartridges you that it has fine advantages in all who and there is no way to Mrs. T. G. Beamguard. Dr. T. N. Drainage congress. National reason kind of stuff, he does not care to say wants J. D. Robinson, Tom Nlvens,Robinson,W. a profound impression upon body again, aboard the Nicosian, we had buying dry goods and you to M. McLoud, Will White, Brown have heard them. There were more stop it except by another shot with Dulln of Bethel, was a Gastonia visitor . street own Employes of the Columbia o believe the Germans had found them unless he knows of his see it for prices. and I saw what it because of our Smoak, Frank Sandifer, George than 200 conversions many the needle. When yesterday. railway are on a strike them. So the marines went on Knowledge that they are true, and he (Carroll Supply Co..Will carry the Banks Nivens, J. L. McManus, to the different churches.accessionsMr. would bring; me to, I resolved to stop the street railway company's and killed seven men there. We accounts or its customers irom i\ov. Ferguson, has "hip certainly will not stand for being put R. D. Dorsett, M. B. Hall. J. A. Ham, with Mr. Lyon, who charge It, and set the time. The agony i noil i iroNioc of two conductors for allegeddismissalwere then towed to port." 1st, at 6 per cent straight interest J. of the left Thursday morning soon after the last in the position of having appeared to its J. F. Stewart, D. E. Finger,Richardson, singing, pretty commenced stealing. on cotton in warehouse. J. Plexico. Marcus Dickson. F. L. for Laurel Bloomery, Tenn., where he shot, and I began to twldt and squirm Until January, 1916. that somebody else has said ]?"irst National Bank, a had . Charley Logan, a negro who was say things Miskelly, C. I>. Miskelly, Frank and will hold lO-days' meeting. and groan. My daughter, who The of The Yorkvtlle of the for him. the reasons forSharon.Emphasizesits existence. R. D. T. 20 he will begin a meeting at become with the needle, seeing price Enquirer convicted in Abbeville last week Roy Grayson. J. Kelly, Woods, September expert is cents. Scott near <?TUc (inquirer. matter to help the people of its community. R. E. Richardson, I. C. Grayson, C. H. Hamlet In which the churches are my misery, would come in from time for three months 60 Upon murder of Mrs. \lorkrillr The Mail has handled this , at sentenced to as 3. J. Kimball.Will be James Bros.' E."E. Dickson, J. E Johnson. united in the call for the revival. to time and prepare an injection receipt of this amount, the paper will March 16, has been LowndesvilleEntered at the Postofflce at York in a that and truthfully next to war Dickson, on 15. way fully stables Thursday buy Truman Turner, H. G. Woods, H. C. ready to give it to me. Now, here be electrocuted October Wail Matter of the Second Class. means business, be sent to any address from this date puts the whole things on its merits, mules. He Sowell. Charlie McKnlght. G. W. SHARON ROAD you are racked from head to foot; . court of * sold a of THE to January 1, 1916. In the Orangeburg and in the way that all honest news- lames Bros..Have carload W. H. McDaniel, W. W. Bindeman,Blanton, with the most excruciating misery, session last Saturday Peter generalByrd, "war mules," and will ship car of C. F. Sherer. The Sharon people have been with instant relief in sight only at the Bethesda Vital Statistics. white man of papers should handle "booster" stories mules next week. a well known young a tremendous amount of work acceptance. But that would mean was of assault and Hill.Wants to sell doing Mr. S. H. Love, registrar of vital found guilty Branchville, generally. ; T. B. Barron, Rock small amount only another bigger and stronger link battery of a high and aggravated or rent two-horse farm and COURT OF COMMON PLEAS with a comparatively in the chain already forging, and I statistics for Bethesda township, nature upon a 11-year-old white girl MERE-MENTION at Tlrzah. residenceTwo cases were disposed of during of money on the road between gritted my teeth and said, no. There 15 births and 3 deaths duringreports and was sentenced to nine months 1. M. Barnett and E. N. Miller, Friday afternoon and Saturday and the Pinckney road, withSharona were five days and nights of this the month ending September 10. David a church notice of auction sale of imprisonment. Fountain, janitor, Trustees.Giveand the first week were view to making Sharon more the pains were finally conquered,beforeEleven colored births were Glendale school house next Jurorsmorning, now I am safe." reported was in and I . The dead of a young white hanged at Folsom prison hope body to highest bidder, excused from further service at the to a large and prosperousaccessible It is fair to say that Mr. Sherer and two white. Two colored and one man, supposed to be that of Chancey C*U., Friday, for the murderSacrameito,^ras. A. Barrett, for Com..InvitesSaturday,the The first of the from which It has heretofore he white was found dinner hour Saturday. territoryhad no idea that this story would person died. Hlldreth of North Carolina, of a littlo child in the basement of to at Clover how beside the railroad track near public "Flag Raising," two cases was that of Amanda been cut off, and incidentally published; but when he realizes Lost Fins Mule. The the German Lutheran church in that next Saturday, auspices of Jr. O. U. much good it is likely to do, he will Qang early Saturday morning.Timmonsville A. Clover Leaf Council, Clover. Henderson vs. the First TrustGllmour up a better and more practicableopening make A fine mule, the property of the off an on December 6, 1914 Chas. M., hardly be likely to any man is supposed to have fallen YORK, S. C.: city, 13ank of Clover.Publishes its and Savings Bank of Rock Hill route to Yorkville. excursion train which was returning S. Barrett of Union City, Ga., was re- objection.York county chaingang, died Saturday of condition at the closestatementof of the estate of Foy administratorAlthough the proposed During the time the writer was in from the effects of heat.
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