DERAL REGISTER VOLUME 5 1 9 3 4 ¿ v NUMBER 249 ^ i f l W I T E O ^ Washington, Tuesday, December 24, 1940 The President inches or more in length which may be CONTENTS entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, THE PRESIDENT for consumption are suspended, effective Suspending Quotas on Imports op immediately. Proclamations: Page Certain Cotton IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have here­ Cotton, suspending quotas on unto set my hand and caused the seal of imports of certain_________ 5229 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES the United States of America to be Export of certain articles and OF AMERICA affixed. - materials, control of_______ 5229 A PROCLAMATION DONE at the City of Washington this Executive Order: WHEREAS pursuant to section 22 of 19" day of December in the year of our Export of certain articles and the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 Lord nineteen hundred and materials, regulations______ 5230 as amended by section 31 of the act of [ seal] forty, and of the Independence Military Order: August 24, 1935 (49 Stat. 750, 773), as of the United States of America Deputy Administrator of Export the one hundred and sixty-fifth. amended by section 5 of the act of Feb­ Control, duties of__________ 5231 ruary 29, 1936 (49 Stat. 1148, 1152), and F ranklin D R oosevelt as reenacted by section 1 of the act of By the President: RULES, REGULATIONS, ORDERS June 3, 1937 (50 Stat. 246), I issued a Cordell H ull proclamation on September 5,1939,1 lim­ Secretary of State. T itle 7—Agriculture: iting the quantities of certain cotton and Sugar Division, Agricultural [No. 2450] cotton waste which might be entered, or Adjustment Administration: withdrawn from warehouse, for con­ [F. R. Doc. 40-5822; Filed, December 21, 1940; California, 1940 and 1941 sumption; and 10:48 a. m.] sugar beet crop prices____ 5231 WHEREAS the United States Tariff Consumption requirements Commission has made a supplemental in­ and quotas* 1941___ _1__ 5232 vestigation pursuant to the said section Control of the E xport of Certain Mainland cane sugar area, 22 with respect to cotton and has made Articles and Materials 1940 quota a l l o t m e n t findings of fact with respect to certain BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES amendment_____________ 5232 cotton the entries of which were limited OF AMERICA 0 T itle 9 — Animals and Animal by such proclamation; and P roducts: WHEREAS the Tariff Commission has A PROCLAMATION Bureau of Animal Industry: transmitted to me a report of such find­ WHEREAS section 6 of the Act of Rinderpest and foot-and- ings and its recommendations based Congress entitled “AN ACT To expedite mouth disease, regulations thereon, and has also transmitted a copy the strengthening of the national de­ amended________________ 5233 of such report to the Secretary of Agri­ fense,” approved July 2, 1940, provides ¿¿Title 10— Arm y: W ar Department: culture; as follows; Post exchanges, activities regu­ NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. “S ec. 6 . Whenever the President de­ lation amended___________ 5233 ROOSEVELT, President of the United termines that it is necessary in the in­ T it l e 26—I nternal R ev en u e: States of America, do hereby find and de­ terest of national defense to prohibit Bureau of Internal Revenue: clare, on the basis of such investigation or curtail the exportation of any military Income tax under the Internal and report, that the circumstances re­ equipment or munitions,, or component Revenue Code, regulations quiring the provisions of the aforesaid parts thereof, or machinery, tools, or am ended________________ 5233 proclamation with respect to cotton hav­ material, or supplies necessary for the ing a staple of one and eleven-sixteenths T itle 29—L abor: manufacture, servicing, or operation inches or more in length no longer exist. Office of the Secretary: thereof , he may by proclamation prohibit Accordingly, pursuant to the aforesaid Regulations applicable to for­ or curtail such exportation, except un­ section 22, as further amended by the mer employees--------------- 5237 der such rules and regulations as he act of January 25, 1940, Public, No. 406, T itle 30—Mineral R esources: shall prescribe. Any such proclamation 76th Congress, I hereby proclaim that Bituminous Coal Division: shall describe the articles or materials such provisions of such proclamation as District No. 10, minimum included in the prohibition of curtail­ limit the quantities of cotton having a price schedule, temporary ment contained therein. In case of the and conditional final re­ staple of one and eleven-sixteenths violation of any provision of any proc­ lief.— _____ ___________ 5237 lamation, or of any rule or regulation, 14 F it. 3822. issued hereunder, such violator or vio- (Continued on next page) 5229 5230 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, December 24, 1940 CONTENTS—Continued on and after January 6, 1941, the follow­ Federal Communications Commis­ ing-described articles and materials shall sion: * not be exported from the United States FEDEML^fpEGISTER except when authorized in each case by »3* ¿jP Hearings: Page FVNIT0> * Albemarle Broadcasting Co__ 5250 a license as provided for in Proclamation No. 2413 of July 2, 1940,1 entitled “Ad­ Doss, J . Leslie______________ 5250 Fred Jones Broadcasting Co_ 5248 ministration of section 6 of the Act en­ titled ‘AN Act to expedite the strength­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, ‘ KFEQ, Inc__________________ 5249 KOMA, Inc_________________ 5249 ening of the national defense’ approved and days following legal holidays by the July 2,1940.”: Division of the Federal Register, The National Midland Broadcasting Co____ 5250 Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ Patrick, Thomas, Inc_______ 5248 1. Bromine tained in the Federal Register Act, approved 2. Ethylene. July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ Powell, Hugh J ______________ 5249 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Federal Power Commission: 3. Ethylene dibromide. mittee, approved by the President. Home Gas Co., rate schedule 4. Methylamine. The Administrative Committee consists of 5. Strontium Metals and Ores. the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer suspended________________ 5251 of the Department of Justice designated by Peoples Natural Gas Co., hear­ 6. Cobalt. the Attorney General, and the Public Printer in g s --------------- 5251 7. Abrasives and abrasive products or Acting Public Printer. containing emery, corundum, The daily issue of the F ederal R egister Puget Sound Power & Light Co., will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free hearing postponed, etc_____ 5252 or garnet, as well as abrasive paper and cloth. of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per Navy Department: year; single copies 10 cents each; payable in 8. Plastic molding machines and advance. Remit money order payable to the Contract summaries: presses. Superintendent of Documents directly to the Kaiser Co___.______________ 5244 Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 9. Measuring Machines. Maxon Construction Co____ 5244 10. Gauges. Securities and Exchange Commis- > 11. Testing Machines. sion: 12. Balancing Machines. CONTENTS—Continued Associated Utilities Corp., notice 13. Hydraulic Pumps. regarding filing___________ 5254 14. Tools incorporating industrial Hearings, etc.:' Title 42— P ublic Health: diamonds. United States Public Health Atlas Corp____________________ 5253 15. Equipment and plans for the pro­ Service: Page Columbia Gas & Electric Corp., duction of aviation lubricating et al_____ _____________ 5253 oil. Fellowship awards___________ 5238 Merrill, Joseph L___ ________ 5252 T itle 44—P ublic P roperty and National Fuel Gas Co., and Iro­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ W orks: quois Gas Corp., application unto set my hand and caused the seal of Public Works Administration: granted, etc______________ 5253 the United States of America to be Oaths to accounts for travel affixed. Rieger Brothers & Co., proceed­ and other expenses, order ings dismissed____________ 5254 DONE at the City of Washington this rescinded_______________ 5240 20th day of December, in the year of Treasury Department^ Vouchers, certification of___ 5240 our Lord nineteen hundred and Bureau of Customs: T itle 45—P ublic W elfare: [seal] forty, and of the Independence Silver or black foxes, furs Works Progress Administration: of the United States of America Conditions of employment, thereof, etc., determina­ the one hundred and sixty-fifth. appointive compensation tion and declaration un­ der trade agreement with F ranklin D R oosevelt schedule__________________ 5241 By the President: Oaths, administration of____ 5240 Canada. ________________ 5241 C ordell H ull, Title 46—Shipping: War Department: Bureau of Marine Inspection and Contract summaries: Secretary of State. Navigation: Budd Wheel Co________ 5242 [No. 2451] Subdivision lo a d line cer­ National Supply Co_________ 5242 [F. R. Doc. 40-5827; Filed, December 21, 1940; tificates :________________ 5241 Twaits, Ford J., Co. & Mor- 12:17 p. m.] rison-Knudsen Co., Inc__ 5243 NOTICES Wark & Co________________ 5244 . Williams Lumber Co____ ___ 5243 EXECUTIVE ORDER Department of Commerce: P rescribing R egulations Governing the Civil Aeronautics Authority: E xportation of Articles and Materials United Air Lines Transport lators, upon conviction, shall be punished Designated in the P resident’s Proc­ Corp., notice of oral argu­ by a fine of not more than $10,000.00 or lamation of December 20, 1940, Issued ment _____________ ______ 5246 by imprisonment for not more than two P ursuant to the P rovisions of Sec­ Department of the Interior: years, or
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