This book is structured into three parts. The first part provides general information on the SETAC Europe 22nd LCA Case Study Symposium, conducted from 20–22 September 2016 at the “Montpellier SupAgro” in Mont- pellier, France; the second part comprises the 3-day programme of the symposium, and the third part includes the abstracts of the presentations for the platform and poster sessions. The abstracts are reproduced as accepted by the Scientific Committee and appear in session order. In each abstract, the presenting author’s name is underlined. The author index cross-ref- erences the corresponding abstract numbers. Affiliation, session and keyword indices are also included. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the copyright holder. All rights reserved. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or for the purpose or internal use of specific clients, must be obtained in writing from the Society of Envi- ronmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Europe (SETAC Europe). © 2016 Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Europe (SETAC Europe). SETAC Europe vzw, Av. de la Toison d’Or 67, 1060 Brussels | setac.org | [email protected] Cover photo copyright: Carre Sainte Anne-®OT Montpellier-AC Brossard lca2016.setac.org ISSN 2310-3191 2 3 22nd SETAC EUROPE LCA Case Study Symposium Life Cycle Innovation for the Transition to a Sustainable Society The symposium is co-organised by SETAC Europe and the two industrial chairs on LCA, the Industrial Chair for Environmental and Social Sustainability Assessment (ELSA-PACT) hosted by the French National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agri- culture – Irstea, and the International Life Cycle Chair of the CIRAIG hosted by Polytechnique Montréal in Canada. 2 3 TABLE OF CONTENT We gratefully acknowledge the support of: Industrial partners: Academic partners: Financial support: Scientific contributor: 4 5 TABLE OF CONTENT Table of content: Part I: General information Welcome notes, p.6 Symposium organisation, p.8 About SETAC and the co-organisers, p.10 LCA Awards, p.14 SETAC Europe LCA Advisory Group, p.15 Sustainability - Intending to walk the talk , p.16 Symposium venue, p.17 How to get to SupAgro, p.18 Part II: Programme Programme overview, p.20 Sessions overview, p.21 Invited speakers, p.22 Short course, p.23 Opening session, p.24 Closing session, p.25 Session descriptions, p.26 Daily Programme, p.38 Posters, p.47 Part III: Abstracts Keynote speakers, p.49 Platform abstracts, p.52 Poster abstracts, p.116 Keyword index, p.143 Author list, p.145 Participants list, p.155 Notes, p.78 4 5 WELCOME FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dear Participant, We are delighted to welcome you to the 22nd SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium. The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is a not-for-profit, global professional organisation comprised of some 6,000 individual members and institutions from academia, business and government. Since 1979, the Society has provided a forum where scientists, managers and other professionals exchange information and ideas on the study, analysis and solution of environmental problems, the management and regulation of natural resources, research and development, and environmental education. SETAC’s founding principles are multidisciplinarity, science-based objectivity and tripartite balance among academia, business and government. SETAC has a strong interest in Life Cycle Assessment and sustainability. The fostering of the LCA case study symposia over two decades, the many LCA and sustainability oriented sessions at the SETAC Annual meetings, the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative and the recent Pellston workshop on Life Cycle Impact Assessment held in Valencia, are good indicators of the rele- vance of Life Cycle thinking for sustainable environmental quality and ecosystem integrity and the involvement of SETAC members in the development of this field. The theme of this year’s meeting is “Life Cycle Innovation for the Transition to a Sustainable Society” and the scientific programme was designed to provide every opportunity to share and learn about business practice, application experiences and challenges, as well as LCA’s increa- sing role in governance, and the latest developments in methodology and teaching of LCA. On behalf of SETAC I would like to thank the Steering Committee, chaired by Ralph Rosen- baum for drawing up an exciting programme covering a wide range of topics in LCA. Also my sincere acknowledgement to the co-organisers of this meeting, the Industrial Chair ELSA-PACT hosted by IRSTEA, the French National Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture as well as the International Life Cycle Chair of the CIRAIG hosted by Polytech- nique Montréal in Canada and to the other supporters of this meeting. Last but not least a big thank you to all the presenters at this meeting. By sharing your results and views we can work together on our mission «Environmental Quality Through Science®». I wish you a fruitful and pleasant symposium. I hope that it will help you to establish new networks or build on existing ones and find new alleys to implement LCA towards a sustainable environment. Bart Bosveld , Executive Director SETAC Europe 6 7 WELCOME FROM THE MEETING CHAR AND CO-CHAIR A cordial welcome to Montpellier! It is with great pleasure and anticipation that we welcome you to the gracefully Mediterranean city of Montpellier for the 22nd SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium, which promises to be one of this year’s essential events for the LCA community, gathering experts, practitioners, scientists, and policymakers from business, academia, government and NGOs. The SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposia are a classic series of annual meetings focusing on LCA application and development that were held since the early 1990s all over Europe. Following this tradition, the scientific programme of its 22nd edition was designed to provide plenty of opportunities to share and learn about business practice, application experiences and challenges, LCA’s increasing role in governance and the latest developments in methodology and teaching of LCA. This conference with the overarching theme of “Life Cycle Innovation for the Transition to a Sustainable Society” attracted over 170 abstracts from more than 20 countries on three continents, resulting in more than 130 oral presentations and 40 posters scheduled in 17 sessions with three parallel tracks. We would like to extend our gratitude to the members of the scientific committee for their availability to review abstracts and dedication in supporting the development of the scientific programme of the symposium. The sessions are covering subjects as diverse as emerging technologies, agriculture, buildings, water, transport, energy supply and storage, recycling, PEF, ecodesign, resource management, LCA of large- scale systems like cities or regions, life cycle management, policy evaluation, LCIA modelling, uncertainty, teaching LCA, or social LCA and life cycle sustainability assessment. The conference programme is complemented by two high-profile keynote speakers, Prof. Emer. Roland Clift from University of Surrey, UK and Dr. David Pennington from the European Commission. Conference-events include two evenings of social gathering and a water footprint workshop on ISO 14046 and the new AWARE method recommended by UNEP-SETAC and the PEF / ILCD guidelines. The symposium is co-organised by SETAC Europe and the two industrial chairs on LCA, the Industrial Chair for Environmental and Social Sustainability Assessment (ELSA-PACT) hosted by the French National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture – Irstea, and the International Life Cycle Chair of the CIRAIG hosted by Polytechnique Montréal in Canada. Intending to walk the talk, special attention was paid to organising this conference with environmental and social sustainability principles in mind. To name a few examples: We chose a food supplier focusing on local and seasonal ingredients with a strong social commitment concerning employees, dedicated to limiting/avoiding food waste. The congress bags are reusable as apron and were produced by a local workshop employing persons with disabilities. The plastic glass included with the conference bag is reusable, avoiding disposable plastic cups during the event and thus reducing waste. Experts from Quantis evaluated the environmental footprint of the conference in a dedicated study and will present their results at the event. On behalf of the organising committee we cordially welcome you to the 22nd SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium 2016. We hope that you will be inspired and stimulated by these three conference days and the accompanying events, gaining new perspectives and ideas, meeting old friends and building new collaborations triggering Life Cycle Innovation for the Transition to a Sustainable Society. Ralph K. Rosenbaum Manuele Margni ELSA-PACT CIRAIG French National Research Institute of Science and Polytechnique Montréal Technology for Environment and Agriculture – Irstea 6 7 ORGANISING AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE The symposium is co-organised by SETAC Europe and the two industrial chairs on LCA, the Industrial Chair for Environmental and Social Sustainability Assessment (ELSA-PACT) hosted by the
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