COUNTY BOROUGH OF BLAENAU GWENT REPORT TO: MAYOR & MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL SUBJECT: SPECIAL PLANNING COMMITTEE – 29TH JULY, 2014 REPORT OF: EXECUTIVE / SCRUTINY OFFICER PRESENT: COUNCILLOR D.J. OWENS (CHAIR) Councillors B. Willis (Vice-Chair) D. Bevan K. Brown B. Clements D. Hancock John Morgan D. Rowberry C. Tidey W.J. Williams L. Winnett WITH: Development Services Manager Team Leader Development Management Solicitor Principal Planning Officer Principal Engineer Engineer Infrastructure Manager Public Speakers Mr. P. Marinou Mr. D. Howells Mr. O. Griffiths Mr. J. Cowley Mr. M. Robbins Mr. R. Mardon DECISIONS UNDER DELEGATED POWERS ITEM SUBJECT ACTION No. 1 APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received and noted accordingly:- Councillors M. Bartlett, C. Meredith, Mrs. Jen Morgan and B. Pagett. No. 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND DISPENSATIONS No declarations of interest or dispensations were reported. No. 3 PLANNING REPORT Consideration was given to report of the Development Services Manager. He outlined the applications contained in the report and explained the proposals to Members with the aid of slides. Application No. C/2014/0127 (Full) Waun Pond, Pond Road, Nantyglo Construction of a Water Overflow System to Comply with The Reservoirs Act 1975 and a 1 in 10,000 year Return Period Flood The Development Services Manager explained the application to Committee, informing Members that the proposal was for the construction of a Water Overflow System. He added that this was a complex application and that the scheme must be determined on planning merits. The Development Services Manager informed the Committee that although concerns had been raised the application was recommended for approval. He added that although the Coal Authority had concerns this would be addressed subject to a condition requiring a site investigation. In answer to a question raised with regards to costs, the Development Services Manager explained that legal advice was that Planning Committee confine the decision to planning merits. The Chair added that a comprehensive presentation on this development had been received by a different Committee. RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED, subject to the conditions outlined in the report of the Development Services Manager. Application No. C/2014/0050 (Full Application) Abertillery Junior & Infant School, Newall Street, Abertillery Phased Demolition of Existing Abertillery Primary School and Construction of New Primary School on Existing Site The Development Services Manager informed the Committee of the application adding that the proposal was for a single building with all facilities under one roof. He added that concerns had been raised with regards to drop offs etc, but the proposal was recommended for approval by Officers. A Member said that he was very pleased to see that the development would have the existing access and that he really had no need for complaint. The Chair added that Members should be pleased with the application. The Development Services Manager pointed out that the car park would be adjacent to the main access. RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED, subject to the conditions outlined in the report of the Development Services Manager. Application No. C/2014/0097 (Full Application) 32B Beaufort Street, Brynmawr Change of Use from A1 to A2 (Estate Agents) The Development Services Manager explained the application to Members, which sought planning permission for the change of use of an A1 retail premises to an Estate Agents. He added as this proposed A2 use was within the Primary Retail Area of Brynmawr, it therefore conflicted with the adopted Local Development Plan. He reminded Members that an application for a takeaway had previously been refused for the same reason. The Development Services Manager informed the Committee that officers recommended that the application be refused as they needed to adhere to the policy. The Chair informed the Committee that speakers wished to speak as part of the public speaking protocol. At the invitation of the Chair, Mr. Peter Marinou, who was in support of the application, addressed the Committee. He informed Members that he respected the Planning Committee’s previous decision to refuse the application for a takeaway, but they had failed to obtain suitable tenants. He added that various charities and retailers had been approached, but unfortunately there had been no interest until now, whereby a professional company was willing to take the building on. Mr. Marinou explained that premises would be a first class shop and would be better than an empty shop in a prominent area. He informed the Committee that the premises had been empty for four years and asked Members to look at the proposal. He added that this shop would replace the estate agents which had recently closed. Mr. Marinou concluded that the flats above the shop needed upgrading and that this would be undertaken if the proposal was granted as they were not in a financial position to do so at the moment. He stated that they did not wish to go down the route of an empty shop and asked Members to approve the application. At the invitation to the Chair, Mr. David Howells, the applicant addressed the Committee. He informed the Committee that this was an established company and he was at a point where they wanted to expand the business. If the application were approved, he explained that the estate agents would take on three new employees. Mr. Howells said that they respected the policy, but were under pressure to get the business opened as their establishment in Abertillery was very busy. He asked for Members support in approving the application. A Member informed the Committee that he had spoken to his ward colleague who was satisfied that the application should be approved. He added that since the last Planning Committee, three shops in Brynmawr had closed. He stressed that times had changed that shops were needed in a prominent area such as this. A Member said that the shop had not been empty for four years and that the applicant’s estate agents in Blaina had closed. The Chair pointed out that the proposal was for Brynmawr, not Blaina. Mr. Marinou clarified that he had evidence in the form of emails to how long the premises had been closed. In answer to a question raised regarding the number of estate agents present in Brynmawr, the Development Services Manager informed Members that the policy was protecting viability. A Member pointed out that one of the estate agents in Brynmawr had now changed its use to a sun tan lounge. A Member said that as the premises had been vacant for years, and that a tenant was willing to take up, it would be a shame to turn the application down. He added that there were fourteen empty shops in Tredegar and that sometimes you must deviate from the policy. A Member informed the Committee that the estate agents also undertook a substantial number of letting so it would be quite busy. A Member added that the shop was located in a prominent place and it gave a bad impression on the town being empty. The Chair agreed, that the change of use should be approved, as in his opinion he much preferred to see businesses open than closed for three or four years. A Member concurred with this view that the premises was located in a prime area and the application should be approved. Upon a vote being taken, it was unanimously RESOLVED that planning permission be APPROVED. Application No. C/2013/0313 (Full Application) Land at Oak Road, Tanglewood, Blaina, Abertillery Development of 12 Housing Units. Mixture of Semi- Detached, Terrace and Flats The Development Services Manager explained the application to Members. He reminded Members that the Planning Committee agreed to grant planning permission subject to a S106 Agreement, but this was deemed not viable for the applicant. He informed the Committee that the application was the same as previously only minus the Section 106 Agreement. A Member said that she was happy to see the development, but was divided because of the problems with the S106 Agreement and concerns raised by residents with the development. The Chair asked the Member if Officers could help alleviate these concerns. The Member informed the Committee that concerns had been expressed with regards to the cleanliness of the highways and police matters. The Chair reminded the Members that these concerns were not planning matters. RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED, subject to the conditions outlined in the report of the Development Services Manager. Application No. C/2013/0170 (Outline Application) Former Rhyd-y-Blew Reservoir, Beaufort Road, Ebbw Vale Outline Planning Application for Residential Development, Together with Associated Access, Car Parking and Servicing, Open Space and Landscaping and All Other Ancillary Works and Activities The Team Leader Development Management explained the application to the Committee adding that this was a detailed report. She explained that the application was for a substantial development which had been with Planning Control for some time. The Team Leader Development Management informed Members that there had been objections raised from several consultees on the grounds of drainage, archaeology, landscape and ecology which had been addressed in the report, with the agent agreeing to these. She added that the application met significant financial contributions requested for by Leisure and Education for landscaping park and education facilities at Glyncoed School. The Team Leader Development Management explained that it would be difficult to develop 250 units on the site, but asking for the agreement in principal. In answer to a question raised, with regards to highways, the Team Leader Development Management reported that there were two access points and a puffin crossing being implemented. It was noted that Planning were obviously negotiating on the S106 agreement and would not grant permission till the S106 is agreed.
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