THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XXXIII. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1905. NUMBER 9850. THE CITY RECORD. Court. Plaintiff. Amount. Nature of Suit. Attorney. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Supreme Albany Co. People ex rel. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, theater New York Charter, by the Queens Bor- ough Electric BOARD OF CITY RECORD. Light and Power Com- GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOR. pany Certified copy of order reducing assess- JOHN J. DELANY, CORPORATION COUNSEL. EDWARD M. GROUT, COMPTROLLER. ment for 1901, etc., filed on Au- gust 26, 19o5, in matter against State Board of Tax Commission- PATRICK J. TRACY, Suesavisol. ers. Sheehan & Collin, Published daily, except legal holidays. Supreme, Kings Co.. City of New Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. York Certified copy of order filed on Sep- SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; tember i 1, 1905, in matter of Canvass, so cents; Registry Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance opening Eighth street, Brooklyn. M. E. Finnigan. Supreme, Department supplements, zo cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each Queens Co. Segmund Scherer section. against City of Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City. New York Copy of summons and complaint J. Bohmbach. Supreme, Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. N.Y.Co.. City of New York Certified copy of order filed July 5, 1905, in matter of Townsend ave- TABLE OF CONTENTS. nue Reeves, Todd & Swain. Supreme, Armory Commissioners, Board of- Fire Department- N.Y.Co.. City of New Proposals 8202 Auction Sale . 8598 York Notice of motion to confirm report 8198 filed September 29, 1905, in mat- Assessors, Board of- Proposals 8199 Health, Department of- ter of library site on East Twen- Public Notices of Meeting of August 9, ty-third street, near Third ave- Board Meetings 82o1 Minutes 1905 8179 nue, Manhattan John J. Delany. Bronx, Borough of- Proposals Proposals 8196 8198 Supreme, Manhattan, Borough of- N.Y.Co.. City of New Brooklyn, Borough of- Proposals 8201 York Certified copy of order filed Septem- Minutes of Local Board Meetings 8192 Meteorological Observatory- ber r, 1905, in matter of opening Proposals 8197 Abstract of Registers for the Week Kingsbridge road C. M. Lewis. Change of Grade Damage Commission- Ending September DS, tpos 8192 1 Supreme, Public Notice 8203 Municipal Civil Service Commission- Queens Co. John F. McKeon. Copy of petition, affidavit and order Changes in Departments 8193 Public Notices 8199 to show cause in matter against Commissioners of Quarantine, Board of- Notice to Contractors 8204 Edward M. Grout, as Comptroller, Proposals 8196 Official Borough Papers. 8197 etc., filed on September 18, 1905. Nelson Smith. Correction, Department of- Official Directory 8194 Supreme, Proposals 8199 Official Papers 8197 Second Docks and Ferries, Department of- Parks, Department of- Judicial Proposals 8203 Proposals 8203 District... City o f New Public Notice 8203 Police, Department of- York Notice of filing and of motion to con- Appointments, etc 8191 firm first separate report in mat- Education, Department of- 8199 Auction Sale 8197 ter of Cross River Dam and Res- Proposals Owners Wanted for Lost Property 8198 ervoir, First Division and Second Estimate and Apportionment, Board of- 8198 Division 8203 Proposals Public Notices Richmond, Borough of- Supreme, Executive Department- Proposals 8202 N.Y.Co.. Nathan Fern- Report of Bureau of Licenses for the Street Cleaning, Department of- bacher 113 So Transcript of judgment filed March Week Ending September 23, Ashes, etc., for Filling in Lands 8179 23, 1905 A. B. Gardiner. 1905 8194 Auction Sale 8196 Municipal, Finance, Department of- Proposals 8197 Brooklyn, Abstract of Transactions for the Public Notice 8196 ist Dist Transcripts of judgments docketed Week Ending September 16, Supreme Court, First Department- September 6, 19os, as follows: 190 5 8173 Acquiring Title to Lands, etc 8203 Alfred Basker- Corporat ion Sale of Buildings, etc 8200 Supreme Court, Second Department- ville 77 90 Towns & McCrossin. Corporation Sale of Gas Holders 8200 Acquiring Title to Lands, etc 8204 Corporation Sale of Real Estate 8201 Water Supply, Board of- Patrick Catterson 225 4o Corporation Sale of Tax Certificate 820i Minutes of Meeting of September William Conrady 305 4° Interest on City Bonds and Stock 8201 20, 1905 8193 1 Achille Ferraro. 65 40 Notices to Property-owners 8200 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De- Chas. H. Gui- Notices to Taxpayers 8200 partment of- nand 154 20 Public Notice 8201 Proposals 8198 Mary P. Healy 82 90 46 Charles Heslin 178 40 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Fannie Hem- mings 196 00 Abstract of transactions of the Department of Finance for the week ending Henry Hoffman. 92 15 Louis Levy 260 40 September 16, 1905. M. J. Manning.. 273 40 Deposited in the City Treasury. M. J. Manning.. 274 40 64 To the Credit of the City Treasury $3,981,223 02 Alonzo Martin... 89 0 1,079,989 83 TamesRogers... 161 490 To the Credit of the Sinking Funds yames Rogers... 169 40 di William Roach.. 134 40 Total $5,o61.212 85 Mary Ruehe.... 274 40 44 Mary Ruehe. 125 40 44 Margaret Twohil 170 40 Stock and Bonds Issued. Annie Vogt 187 4o Three per cent. Stock $2.500 00 City Court 500.0oo oo of City of Three and seven-eighths per cent. Bonds New York. Charles M. Ernes Certified copy of order filed on, Sep- Four per cent. Bonds 3,100,000 oo tember 13, 1905, in matter against Walter S. Fowler E. Sturm. Supreme, Tonal $3,6o2,500 oo N. Y. Co.. People ex rel. Margaret L. V Warrants Registered for Payment. Shepard Certified copy of order filed on June 21, 1905, reducing assessment for Appropriation Accounts-"A" Warrants $453,556.04 1899, etc., in matter against Special and Trust Accounts-"B" Warrants 2,521,654 99 Thomas L. Feitner and others... William Irwin. Supreme, Additional Water Fund-"C" Warrants 4,122 51 N. Y. Co.. People ex rel. Margaret L. V $2,979 Shepard Certified copy of order filed on June Total ,333 54 21, 1905, reducing assessment for 1900, etc., in matter against Suits, Orders of Court, Judgments, etc. Thomas L. Feitner and others... Notice.... Thomas Bascombe a T1 d William Court. Plaintiff. Amount. Nature of Suit. Attorney. Richards Notice demanding payment in future as Driver in office of Borough President of Richmond, at $900 per annum Cityy Court Nu.e Y. Co.. Irma N. Straus. Certified copy of order filed September 8, i905, in matter against Frank of Cit of A. O'Donnel and others, reducing New 'York. Copies of summonses and complaints, assessment for 1903 Spiegelberg & Wise. as follows: Max. Tepper Supreme, against City of N. Y. Co Certified copy of order filed September L. Prince. 8, 1905, in matter against Frank New York.... A. O'Donnel and others, reducing Municipal, assessment for 1904, as follows: Brooklyn, ist Dist... Annie Brodie Irma N. Straus. against City of Bella N. Beer.. New York. Notice.... Mary Fryers.... $6o oo Notice of docketing of judgment on September 16, 1905 . W. N. Loew. Walter O'Keefe against City of Supreme, New York.... Kings Co.. City of New Certified copy of order filed on August James Ryan York against City of 3o, 1905, change of grade of Es- York.... sex street, Brooklyn J. A. Flannery. New Municipal, Supreme, Copy of summonses and complaints, Brooklyn, Kings Co ist Dist Transcripts of judgments docketed as follows: September 13, 1905, as follows: Margaret D. Or- Charles A sor against Brower 45 40 A. E. Colwin. City of New Richard Addy. Andrew Canan- York driello 65 40 William H. Or- sor against Louis De Marino 90 40 G• City of New Municipal, York Brooklyn, Supreme, ist Dist ... Samuel Pe de n, Albany Co. People ex rd. Jr. 22 40 Transcript of judgment filed Septem- Queens Bor- ber 14, 1905 S. A. Mott. ough Electric Supreme, Light and Kings Co.. Transcripts of judgments filed Sep- Power Com- tember 14, 1905, as follows: pany . Certified copy of order reducing assess- Charles R. Arm- ment for 190o, etc., filed on Au- strong gust 26, 1905, in matter against 143 84 Slawaost & Tremaine. State Board of Tax Commission George A. Deeke 163 era Sheehan & Collin. 84 8174 - THE CITY RECORD. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1905. Court. Plaintiff. Amount. Nature of Suit. Attorney. Date Filed. Claimant. Amount. Nature of Claim. Attorney. Supreme, Albany Co. Edison Electric 1905. Ilium Mating Sept. x Saverio Gallo 53o oo Sewer overflow, No. 283 Third ave- Company of nue, Brooklyn William 0. Miles. Brooklyn Certified copy of order filed on Au- Sept. Saverio Gallo 53o oo Sewer overflow, No. 281 Third ave- gust 26, 19os. in matter of State nue, Brooklyn 46 Board of Tax Commissioners, Sept. T I Saverio Gallo 530 oo Sewer overflow, No. 279 Third ave- correcting assessments for 19or .. Sheehan & Collin. nue, Brooklyn Supreme, Sept. Saverio Gallo 530 oo Sewer overflow, No. 271 Third ave- Albany Co. Edison Electric nue, Brooklyn Illuminating Sept. Saverio Gallo 530 00 Sewer overflow, No. 275 Third ave- Company of nue, Brooklyn Brooklyn Certified copy of order filed on Au- Sept. x Saverio Gallo 530 00 Sewer overflow, No. 273 Third ave- gust 26, 19( s. in matter of State nue, Brooklyn Sewer overflow, No. 436 Grand street, Board of Tax Commissioners, Sept. 1 x Samuel Halperin.. 124 7o 64 correcting assessments for 1902.. Brooklyn Supreme Sept. Samuel Halperin.. 285 74 Sewer overflow, No. 436 Gland street, Albany Co. Amsterdam Elec- Brooklyn Sewer overflow, No. 436 Grand street, tric Light, Sept. II Samuel Halperin.. 266 28 if Heat and Pow- Brooklyn 12 Sewer overflow, No.
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