~--'------~--~---..-.---- - - ·=~=;;;:;::::::::=:::::; __________,. ... _ ........ ·, ..J < Jerusalem Guards u -D 0 ~ 0- 0 ('J Against Terrorists t-- 0 Cl) TEL AVIV: israeli officials part of the city, ·heavily Arab, -:i:: called a security alert in Jerusalem ·which was occupied in the 1967 and much of northern Israel to war. LY ENGLIS H-J EW ISH W EEKLY IN R. I AND SOUTHE AS T MASS. guard against Palestinian terrorist A number of roadblocks were set --------- -------- attacks on civilian centers. up and many Arab cars and some NUMBER 12 FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1974 16 PAGES 20¢ PER COPY It was believe4 that a group of pedestrians were searched. Th.e men had infiltrated into Israel atmosphere was tense but not I from Lebanon. The scale and area panicky . of the spreading security alert After-school progra ms for 1s Festival Starts , in&icated, however, that authorities students. including some · sports, feared that other groups of and other acti vities, were canceled , Evening May 26 terrorists ·might move into the during the afternoon. In at least country. one Arab vil lage south of LUl''l\,llE.'GA TION CONGREGATION Israeli officials linked the security Jerusalem a night-time curfew was AGUDAS ACHIM SHAARE ZEDEK­ measures to last week's massacre of imposed. Attleboro, Mass. SONS OF ABRAHAM 20 teenagers at the northern town of In saparate action , police Shevuos services at Congrega­ Providence Maal·ot and the subsequent officia ls announced that they had tion Agudas Achim will start Sun­ At Congregation Shaare Zedek. retaliatory air raids on Palestinian uncovered and arrested a ··cell" of day, May 26, with festival candles Sons of Abraham Sbevuos services , guerrilla areas in Lebanon. terrorists .in East Jerusalem, -and being lighted at 7:45 p.m. will start on Sunday, Mar 26 at 8 that ··considerable quant-ities of The officials said it was "logical" p.m., following the Lighting of the arms and sabatoge material were Services on Monday morning, to assume the Pales tinian Candles at 7:49 p.m. round in posession of the three May 27, will start at 9 o'clock and organizations would want to show Services on Monday and Tues­ members of the gang. Rabbi Philip Kaplan will deliver that their ability to strike at Israel day mornings will be at 9 o'clock his sermon on "Training in To­ had not been hampered by the The anouncement alleged that followed. by the sermon at 10:30. rah" at 10: 15 a.m. Evening ser­ heavy air raids. the arestcd men were responsible vices on Monday will be at 8:30. On Tuesday there will be Yizko_r • for several incidents, including the memorial services at 11 a.m. Eve­ Volunteers Aid Police emplacement of three large Soviet­ Services on Tuesday, May, 28, ning services will _start at . 8 will start at 7: 15 a.m., followed by In the area around Nazareth, made rockets aimed at the center of o'clock. Reverend Martin Gottlieb Afula and nearby areas ~uthorities Jerusalem on the same day as the the sermon, "Yizkor and Sinai" at will conduct th_e services. 8:15 a.m. and Yizkor memorial ELECTED PRESIDENT: Robbi Joel H. had• ar.med several hundred civilian Ma"alot attack. The rockets, meant ·coNGREGATION services at 8:30 a.m. - · Zaiman of Temple Emanu-El -• volu_nteers who were helping police to be fired by a timing device, were SONS OF JACOB elected president of the Rhode ls­ and troops in searching schools, discovered and dismantled before CONGREGATION Proridence land Board of Rabbis at a moeting ractories and other sensitive areas they went off. MISHKON TFILOH The Shevuos holiday begins at 8 of !he ~rd on April 30, ror infi ltrators. r The arrested men were also said Providence p.m. on Sunday, May 26 at Con- Other officers elected -re Rab­ Along the northwestern Lebanon to have emplaced several Shevuos services for" Sunday and · gregation Sons· ·or Jacob.· Services bi Jerome S .. Gurlancl, Tem'ple rrontier a major search, involving bazooka rockets that went off on Monday, May 26 and 27, at Con- on Monday and Tuesday, May 27, Sinai, secretary; · Robbi Leslie Y. trackers and heli c_o pter observers, the night of May 14 but did no gregation Mishkon Tfiloh are will be held at 8:30 a.m. and 8 Gutterman, Temple Beth El, trea­ continued for the second day. damage. The police also attributed scheduled to commence at 7:30 p.m. Yizkor services will be held surer. The slate of officers was presented by Robbi William G. In Jerusalem, unusual numbers to them the murder of a Jewish p.m., and the Shacharis service on on ·-Tuesday at 10 a.m. Braude. or policemen stood on ihe streets, taxi-dri ve r in April an d the attempt Monday and Tuesday, May 27 TEMPLE BETH AM as well as augmented ·details of to set off a demolitiOff charge on an and 28, will start at 9 o'clock. Warwick troops, especially in the easte_rn offi~c building i_n the same month .. Rabbi Emanuel Lazar will ad- Shevuos services will be held at } dress the congregatipn on both · Temple Beth Am on Monday and days before the Musa!. (Continued on page· 15) · JFRI -Women's·Divisio -n­ / To Honor Director, ,Wile Plc/,i~ ,A~n-nua·1 M·eeting _~ The Women's Division of the • Jewish Federation of Rhode Island At Bureau Annual Meeting will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday; June 4, at the Royal Roost of the Providence Civic Center. The meeting will start at 10 a.m. with a Dutch Treat.lunch­ eon following at 12 noon. Shiny Stones will present an informal showing of Israeli fashions during the luncheoh. Senator Julius Michaelson will serve as installing officer. The pro- _ ·posed slate "is headed by Mrs. Ja­ JEROME KAPLAN cob Stone, president; and Mrs. Manfred . Weil, .Mrs. Benjamin Jerome Kaplan Chi!lilZ, Mrs. Benjamin Mellion and Mrs. Maurice Shore, vice Named President presidents. · Mrs. Arthur Altschuler, a mem­ ·01 T_emple Sinai ber of the national board of the United Jewish Appeal, will be the Jerome Kaplan was elected guest speaker. She is a graduate president of Temple Sinai at the · MRS. BENJAMIN MELUON of Bryn Mawr, the Boston Univer­ election held at tile annual congre­ sity School of Thc.ology and is Flink, Mrs. Karl Foss and Mrs. gational meeting held on May 15 . currently a candidate for a Ph.D . Sheldon L. Gerber. He will succeed Herbert Galkin. degree in Old Testament at Har- Also, Mrs. M·al!rice Glicksman, Elliot S. Schwartz, executive di­ Other officers who were elected vard 'University. She is secretary Mrs. Herbert Goldberger, Mrs. ·cctor of the Bureau of Jewish were Edwin ·-. Brooklyn, Junius of the Joint Mid-East Policy Com­ Arnold Goldman, Mrs. Sidney Education, and bis wife, Aorcnoc, Ger~z and Sta~ley Horo~itz, vice mittee and Special Gifts chairman Goldstein, Mrs. Lawrence gordon, wi11 be honored at ·a reccptiod presidents; Adrian Horovllz, trea- of the National Women's Division Mrs. Marvin Granoff, Mrs. Max which will be held for them at the surer; Richard Kaplan, financial..._ of the UJA. Greenberg, Mrs. Irving Greene, annual meeting of the Bureau of sccrc_tary, and Roslyn Fradin, t,frs. Sumner B. Halsband, Mrs. Jewish Education on Wednesday, recording secretary. ~ Other members on the proposed David Horvitz, Mrs. Louis Hor­ May 29, at 8 p.m., at Temple slate arc Mrs. Milton G. Scribner, vitz, Mrs. Stanley Jagolinzer, Mrs. Trustees, elected for three recording secretary, and honorary Emanu-El. years, arc Eileen Wexler, Edith E. Sherwin Kapstcin, Mrs. Arthur J . Nominations for the officers of presidents, Mrs. Bertram L. Bern­ Levy, Mrs. Isador S. Low, Mrs. Grant, Abbott Dressler, Joseph hardt, Mrs. Julius Irving, Mrs. the Bureau for the oomin1 year - Postar and lrvin1 Si1al. Leo_ Marks, Mrs. Richard Mittle­ will be presented. They will be Raymolld L. Cohen, Mrs. Merrill man. Elected as trustees for two years Sanford I. Kroll, president; Pro­ L. Hasicnfcld, Mrs. Leonard I. were Daniel Adler and Sheila Hal­ Mn. Benton Odessa, Mrs. Mil­ fessor Benjamin Chinitz, ProfCSIOr Salm1n10n, Mn. Edmund I. ton Pierce, Mrs. Marvin Pitter­ perin. Stanley Turco was elected · Waldman and Mn. Max Alpctin. Sidney Goldstein and Bernard J. • u a trustee for ·one year. man, Mrs. Jan C. Prqer, Mrs. Mar1olis, Yic:c presidents; Ben­ Members of the board of dfrec- Samuel Rapaportc, Jr., Mrs. Sid­ jamin Ha-, ..actary, and Dr. G,-11 ~ 1 tors arc Mn. David Allen, Mts. ney Roecnbloom, Mrs. Sol L. &twill S. Melllmm, trcuarer. BUDAPEST: One of Europe'• Philip Biron, Mn. Eliot B. Baron, Resnik, Mrs. Alan Samdpcril, M~bcn to be nominated for foremost specialists in Arab culture Mrs. Stanley P. Blacher, Mrs. Al­ Mrs. Abraham Schwartz, Mrs. Jo- thc Bureau board arc Dr. Eliot B. and history, Budapest-born Gyula den H. Blackman, Mn. Victor J. • ICph J. Seefer, Mrs. J. Sidney Barron, Dr. &ttmd Bencr, Har• Germanus, is of Jewish ori1in. C.bclli, Mrs. Martin Chuc, Mn. Shepard, Mrs. Aaron Slom, Mrs. Ian J. Espo, Carl H. Feldman, Dr. ' Twice converted, rirst to Ernest Chernick, Mrs. Jason H. Sheldon S. Sollosy, Mn. Alan Joeepll G. Fishbeill, Geraldine SA...0.1. IIIOU. Christianity, then to Islam, Prof. Cohen. Mrs. Newton B. Cohn, Swartz, Mrs. Euacne Wachtcn- Foller, Dr. IUdlard Hellman, · Moaber1, William L. Robin, Gcrmanus bas 1pcnt most of hi• 90 Mrs. Lou11 Cokin, Mn. J01eph A. - hcim, Mr,. Frederick Wcin1eroff, Louis I. Kr-. Dr. Morris Le­ Donald M, Robbins, Dr. Edward years in the Arab world and holds Dannin, Mrs. Martin I. Dittclman, Mrs.
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