-" .. -, - ----. .. - _._---_......-- ,..---- _. -·-~I··l·h· . I ff":';:-:,. - ., " Page Six~-elSh,~ THE Jl!1.~IS:1J, POaT Thursday, May 2, HI68 . ,. ",_.' Cordial ....- ....In ... ,,_._. '. 'Gre&"--:-. premiership will on<;e lIIIajn be given C L IIB N iIJf. ,., E' S Branch of the National Council of ~1'-"""" ........ "- to' Wasfi ~ wh~ is !;he' most pro- " '" ... .lEJJ' Jewish Women at $12 per couple A~,IJ;e''s '.' "'Western, ~iid:'~~J,"Cefiil o~ the men STUDY GROUP OF PARENTS' HARM9NY C$\J.'TER, ORDER (which Inhludes $'SO,Ooo. of', play who ):lad h<iad~ the Jordanian Gov- Association of the ,I. L. Peretz-Folk of 'Eas star 'U'h Id Moth' money), Proceeds are m ald of a Ch:mft.-'iSlteehs e~~t dunl1g, the ~ast few ~ears. School will meet Frida IMa 3 at Pay Pft:':':. w~d :ale of ho':t: ~obeinAed'Bofro'x. · TI!Mrs·clte. tsHymay aJes~_~ '" .. ,.~ JI.j'...... :' .. ;. .,... 1'1iese rumors have been cU"cu- . y, y, =- ""." ~ m Dash V<>A:> Affiliated 'Witha>;retro ;HeII.tIDg . lilted with' the apparent purpose of ~ p.m. ~t the home of Mr.~d ~. baking and handicraft JrOm 2 pm. (phone 489-4112), or Mrs. Allan ~................. m('OO BUrlier '~d"o' "_ri t· . tho '''al ti . h' L Victor, 32 Mortimer ce.. to 4.:3Q, ~m. Sa~rdI,lX, ~y 4, in, FeLdman (phone 832-""""). E av""........ u "'~~ , . ..... 1C8-.. 0 e:.- es mans w 0 J B El '11 1 d th dis' • Ea' As bl Hall Mrs it. '-_ ____ u"""' -~ ..... Heater'Servke . li "b' I 1..-1 d . th . ar- WI ea e CUSSlon. ton s sern: y ..' . u ..... and ~,..~ are a e -to re"" esplte e Clr- . MIlUAM VHAPT., HADASSAJI, Vol. XIJV WINNi(PEG, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1968 No. 19 =",,,uCES . Neaman alid!Mrs. Minnie Gl"j!en are.. ,~~_ WE ct.EAN:- • ",'U"'''''' cumstimces, that the King has sev- BRANDEIS LODGE LADIES'" , '. .' c.,· 'WIll hold a bazaar meeting on !w<tn- • HOT Am 1PlP1!lS • BLOWERS eral fields of manoeuvre open to Auxiliary will hold their Spring Tea co-::.v~~ ~-=s!:o be day, May 6, at 2 p.m. at Hadassah • Clothes Dryer VeI1ts CleaIled him and that he can choose the at the home of their president, Mrs. D)?!!, .' ,}f,.. •... ng, headquarters NorIyn Bldg. Hostess • Gas l,Ilowers and ~cts C.~ed Grand ~er. ReceIving wiJI ~. ' . c. d .' Davar Looks at Jarring Talks • FI1l11luies Cleaneil aQ4 ~~ appropriate. one according to cir- Sam Green, 205 Forest Park Drive, Mrs. R1,ltil-b~s, 'Wo~ M;,,~n;' will ibe MzS. Fanny GOI enberg. Dustless Vacuum ~Ce cumsta1!.ces. on Sunday, May '5. Convenor is Mrs. Ceceli.·a..... ~r A.ssocia,te. Ma- . ~ CBAPTER, PIONEER Jerusalem, '(JTA) -Yakob Malik, official tour of the Scandinavian out any prior agreements between 24'!Hoili:S'~ce These manoeuvres and the circum- Mrs. Harry Bernstein with her com- d M' '~~F' Gold" Women, 'Will meet on Monday, !May' chief of the Soviet M1ssion to the countries. the two sides. , .. '.. " .. "'1.. (d 1 thr b . U d R b C h tron, an rs. anny . eDuerg, 6 830' th h f !M Licensed for: Wmni~, 'l:i~ James, stances an severa eats y nuttee, ...es ames: u e 0 en, Past Grand Matrqn. ' .' ,. at : ?.m. at· e orne 0 rs. United NatiQns, told the Israeli chief According to Davar, Mr. Malik ObserverS here said that the " St. Boniface, Fort Garry, Tr1mseoha, sabotage groups) nave silenced those Nate SChachter, Harry Silverman, Eva Shoonlan, 455 Seven Oaks Ave. delegate, Ambassador Yosef Tekoah told Ambassador Tekoah' that the Davar report was further proof that n St. Vital, East aDd West Kihlon.. circles which have up to now spoken Nate Turbovsky, George TumeJ: ,MANITOBA ClIAl'TER of B'NAI GARDEN. CITY CiI4l'T" B'NAI at a secret meeting, that the Soviet Jarring formula was not acceptable the Soviet Union was ~ebind Arab " 5 3 - 2.7 \) 3 up publicly. and Sid Winestock. There will ,be aB'rith . Women held their annual B'rith 'Women, will hold their an- Union does not approve of UN to the Arabs because it ~oes ~ot intransigence over talks with Israel. 1130 Lorette St. (Copyright, the Jewish Chronicle sale of home baking and a raffle. inatallation as a !Mother and Daugh- nual Installation Dinner and Wind- peace envoy Gunnar Jarring's for- contain safeguards ·for the "imple- They noted that the;United States Winnipeg Ma. Feature and Service) All membl'l"S are urged to bring ter Dinner at the Lincoln Motor up on Monday, !May 13, at 6:30 p.m. mula calling for a meeting between mentation" of last November's had been urging Jord8n to meet their friends. Hotel, April 30, at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. at the City Centre Motor Hotel. Arab and israeli tepres.entatives Security Council l"j!solu.tion on the with '[srael .and that Dr. Jarring's Edward (Bess) Jeliries Wa$ inatalled Chairman will be :Mrs. Leslie Riskin under, his auspices, the morning Middle East. The' resolution called efforts for the :past.;few ' ....."eks have ! WE WHO BIDLIEVE • • • ,B RAN DEI S LODGE LADIES~ as president. She succeeds 'Mrs. Jack and inStalling officer will be Mrs. daily Davar reported here Monday. for '·an agreement between -both been centred arriundbringing such Auxiliary will hold a rummage sale Diiunond who served for two years. Irvin Rodi~.. P;rq~m Will ;be a paper said the meeting took sides on certain issues including the a meeting· about. But the Russl\UlS that a strong united Jewish. co~Ul)it~ is from 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday, "'; . th f _1., urt essential In the' ~P9ra, who are UJll!ed m ded!ca­ Other olricers installed were: vice- fashion show, wi. a ......ons ~ esy place some time ago at UN head- withdrawal of Israeli forces from inatructed Egypt to w'arnJordan tion to Kashrut, united to a full realizatio." of Jewish­ 'May 8, at the Stella Mission, Stell~. president Mesdames Isadore of Elaine's. Commentator, Mrs. Irvin qual'l:ers in New York. occupied territories. The Arabs and away from talks with Israel. The ness, are united in our efforts for Medrnat Israel. Ave. ,Depots are at the homes of ,Isenberg (,fund raising), Earl Win- Schom. Prograril arrangetrulIlts com- IAmbassador Gunnar Jarring was the Soviet Union have ·been inter- Russians believe that such talks Stanley Fox, 381 Dufferin Ave., ' ( ti) T_"_~ M ( . ". d Emi N Jk J ck , BibJefor a President . ters I reten on , '.LI,.-..0.&.A6' oss mem- mJttee: ~.les runes e· ~ 0,. a to return here Wednesday for talks preting the resolution as a blanket would be interpreoted as an Ameri­ 205 1.. __1..') 'EtIOn' In this spirit we greet : Pand k Mrs.Dri Sam Green, Forest '............. p , Gera Id GIow ( program;) an.d!Ha' rry Levm'' ..e Social nI'lOl1K-Preside~l WHUam v. S... Tubllaoof liberia Is presented a silver·bound with Gideon Rafael, director-general order for Israel's withdrawal with- can success, it was said here. ar ve. .financial secretary, 'Mrs. Mary committee: Mesd,ames Harry BilIIIIIJ.'ulll'rnb;.. Jb~ Je'd~~s'lYiCl organization, In Jeco~ilion of bis country's of the Foreign Ministry. He is ---------------:.....--------..,--~-- · ' Tll~ STATE OF ISIMEL BRA N DEI S WDGE LADIES' ·Lerner; treasurer, Mrs. Harry Cra- Levine 8lld Sen BillinkmJ, lriepdsblp., .. lId close .. tIri '!ItJf the .. Plopla of IsraeL Making the presentation are scheduled to visit Cairo, on Thurs- ~ (left) of New presldeat on our Twentieth Anniversary Auxiliary will hold their election ven; recording secretary, Mrs. Lou H~ ACADEMY, SlSTER­ ••, IlJavits York and Eugene Sagaiman, 01 day. Dr. Jarring will meet with Mr. ". "; . Iraq Acts Against Jews' meeting on Wednesday, May 8, at Gitelman; corresponding secretary, ·HOOD will hold thep- annual; Spring Dr. lI'rilh'sHortlieaslern district Mr. Tubman .Is a stodant of the. Blbl.. II Rafael in the absence of Foreign -.l!IeilfOe d8sctilled.it as "a Jightto Bruminate tha pathways of mau." New York, (JTA) -' The Irllqi pose of any immOVable property the home of Mrs, Nate Elkin, 804J Mrs. 'Irv. Cooper; 'bulletin, Mrs. Har- Tea on Sunday, May 19, from 2 to .-. .",' .. , . 'Minister Abba S. Eban who is on an • Government has embarked on a or to try to' get a mortgage,' loan, VAA,D. KAR;A8,,"INl Ash St. vey Baker; publicity, Mrs. Allan 5 p.m. at the Herzlia Academy, ~~~!S L ..N~ Shukster; social, Mrs. Percy Packer. Brock and Fleet Tea convenors policy of economic strangulation of or lease on it· without prior Permis~ M. SCHWAiRTZMAN the 2,500 Jews '\'iho have remainedsion from the iMlnis~ of Interlor. GIRL WANTED A gift for outsumding achievement are Mrs. Belle Stern and Mrs. S. '.Knesset CIa@@rs B@D-GurioD P. WEIZlMAN was· presented to !Mrs. Jack Diamond. (Esther) Stern. in that country since last June's Another provision orders. Govem~ , Y'MHA Community Centre needs .Jerusalem, (JTA)-President and Minister Pinhas Sapir sajd that two- ing: "I see no reason for suCh an Arab-Israel war, the American Jew- ment offices and prlvat!! hwiines'ses a girl - switchboard, typing and Receiving gifts for fund-raising en- REBECCA SIEFF cHAPTER OF Mrs.' Zalman Shazar, the entire fifths of the sum will be diverted award. All 'I did was to fulfill my ish Conunittee reported here. ';l'he not to pay .. out any sums "dlui'to the clerical duties. Phone <Mrs. Rosen­ deavors were Mrs. Morris Berkal Hadassah will meet on !Monday, berg at 943-6551. Cabinet andGene~al. Staff and an from development projectS but the duty to my country just as tens of new anti - Jewish measures were Jews" but to notify' the 'Mmtster VAAD, HA-IR and Mrs.
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