1971 IVIADHVA. PRA.DESH DISTRIC. CENSUS HANDBC>C>K 'V'"ILL.A...<J-E ~~I> T<>W~ I>I:R..E..c:::--rc>~ y- "II......I--A..<3I3 A.__r...r.r> rr<:>Wl'l-"W' IS1:£. PL~I~.A.Ft.."Y" <:!EI"IS~S .A...BS~.R.. A..<::"I- ""'-_ ~_ ~~~~"V".A. c>P ~ .~I:J'~"","~ A.W::::»~S-Y-R.A."r"I"VE se.,..VT<:::E L>L ~~c::-z-c:;> ~ ~.z-- C:LJ:1V.s-CJ.s ~~E: ~;4 -r-r~ Z"VoS, ~L"'1 L>E:I ~_,.. ~ ~~ ~..E:.5 Ef p~ Dc"_.SI-I~ I3 -y- "I"I-I.B. CJ <> 'V" ~~ ~ 1"<0.11 E!.~-r <>F'" ~.Ar..I>I-I ~ .A.. P R. A.. I:> E.S~ ~975 coNTENTS Page 1. Preeace i-ii 2. List of Abbreviations 1 3. A Ipbabetical L~st of' Villages 3-17 ( i ) Sonkatch Tahsil 3-5 ( ii ) Dewas Tahsil 6-8 ( iii ) Bagli Tahsil 9-12 (_ iv ) Kannod Tahsil 12-15 \ v ) Khategaon Tahsil 15-17 Prl-.RT A 1. Explanatory Note 21-33 2. Village Directory (Amenities and Land-use) 34-83 ( i ) Sonkatch Tahsil 34-43 ( ii) Dewas Tahsil 44-53 (iii) Bagli Tahsil 54-67 (iv) Kannod Tahsil 68-75 ( v) Khategaon Tahsil 76-83 3. A ppeodix to Village Directory 84-85 4. Town Directory 86-92 ( i ) Statlls~ Growth Hist.ory and Funct.ional Catogory of" Towns 86 ( ii ) Physical Aspects and Location of" Towns 87 (iii ) Civic Finance 88 ( iv ) Civic and other Am.enities 89 ( v ) Medical~ Educational. Recreational add Cultural Facilities in Towns 90 (vi) Trade~ Commerce, Industry and Banking 91 (vii ) Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in Towns 92 Page PARTB 95-96 1. Explanatory No.e 97 2. Figures at a GI.~e 98-173 3. Pri.lnary Census Absuaet District Abstract 98-~01 Sonkatch Tahsil "02-~I5 (Rural) 102-113 (Urban) 1~2-115 Dewas Tahsil 116-131 (Rural) }16-127 , (Urban) 126-131 Bagli Ta.hsi) :132-1.53 (Rural) 132-151 (Urban) 150-153 Kannod Tahsil ~S4-I(j3 (R.ural) 154-163 (Urban) 162-163 164-173 Khategaon Tahsil (Rural) 164·173 (Urban) 172-173 LIST OF ABBREVIA'rIONS I. Clyte: Administration 32 Hospital H 33 T.B. Clinic 1 Corporation C THe 34 Maternity and Child Welfare Centre 2 Municipality M MCW 35 Ayurvedic DIspensary AD 3 Notified Area Commiul"'..e NAC 36 Nursing Home NH 4 Cantonment Board CB 37 Family Planning Centre FC 5 Non-Municipal = Non-To'Wn. Comm;t1ee 38 VeterInary Hospital VH Non-Panchayat NM 6 Gram Panchayat p V. Electricity II. Other AlDenities (Sewerage & Drainage) 39 Electricity E 7 Open Surface Drains os£> 40 Electricity for In... ~at on El 8 90)1[ Surface Drains BSD 41 Electricity I"or 'ndust.-y EIN 9 Sewerage S 10 Head Loads HL VI. Drinking Wate.. Supply 11 Wheel Barrows WB 42 Tap Wale.- T 1:2 Bullock Cart BC 43 River Watel" R 13 Tractor /Truck TRJT 44 Nala "Water NW 14 Septic Tank Latrines ST 45 Tubewell ,\-Vater TW 46 Well Water W iiI. Educational 47 Tank Water TK IS Primary School PR 48 Fountain Water F 16 Middle School fl..lid .. S 49 Canal C 50 Over Head Tank OHT 17 Secondary High School Sec.S 18 Higher Secondary School 5L Service Reservoir SR. 19 Arts College A 52 Pressure Tank PT 20 Science College S 21 Commerce College C VII. Communications 22 Arts. Science & Commerce College ASC 53 Pucca Roa...1 PR 23 Basic Primacy School BPR 54 Kutcha Ro..> .. Hi K.R 2<1- Ba~ic Women Sewing Centre BWSC 55 Railway 25 Shorthand and °ryping TraIning R Institute Sh. Type 26 Vocational Training Institute V VIJJ. Post and Telegrapb 27 University U 56 Post Office PO 28 Home Science ColJege HM 57 Telegraph Offi~e TO 58 Telephone Phone IV. Medica) 29 Primary Health Centre PHC IX. Others 30 Health Centre HC 59 Inf"ormat.ion not available NA 3. Dispensary D bO Others <> 1.971. CENSUS PUBLICATIONS, MADHYA PRADESJ:-l ( All the Census Publications of" this State will bear series No. 10 ) PART 1 Ceo'5US General Report including Subsidiary (in Sub-Parts) Tables PART II-A Cen'>us Tables on population PART II-B Economjc "rabIes (in Sub-Parts) PART 11-0 Social and Cultural Tables (in Sub-Parts) PART III-A Establishment Report and Subsidiary Tables PART III-B Establisbment Tables PART lV I-lousing Report and Tables PART V Special Tables a nd Ethnographic Notes aD (in Sub-Parts) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled 'I ribes PART VI-A TOV.'ll Directory PART VI-B Special Survey Reports on selected Towns PART VI-C Survey Reports on selected Villages. PART VII Special Report on Graduates and Technical Personnel PART VIII-A Administration Report-Enumeration PART VIII-B Adrni nistration Report-Tabulation PART IX Census Atlas PART IX-A Ad ministrat.ive Atlas STA''I.E GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS PART X-A Village and Town Directory PART X-B Village and Town, PJ"imary Census Abstracts PART X-C Analytical Report and Administrative Statements and District Census Tab1es (District Census Handbooks are published under Part X in 3 Parts-A" B & C ror each 0./ the 43 districts in the Stale. Parts A and B are published in one volume). PREFAc::::;E Prior to the 1951 Census, there was no regular separate publication at thc d.istrict levcl regarding the data collceted" alLhough the seeds 01 "the District Census I-Iandbooks can be traced 10 "the <Village Lists brought out tor evcxy di'5trict in 1901 and <Village Statistics' o:fevcry district rn_.bli::chcd in 1911 and 1941. No_ definite ansvver is :fOL t:hcon~ing as to 'vhy such publications_, giving vjllagc-vvise inlon:nation of occupied houses, break-up of population into Hj_alcsJfen:.,_ales and literates, ,\-ere not brought OUL in 1921 a:nd 1931 The reason could be transfer From 1921 o:f certain c},arges on C:CH5US previously l:r.et from the provincia. revenues to the Central revenues and the Government of'India may not have considcred it necessary to publish statistics up to the village level. 'Village Statistics' in 1941 "VC1'e brought out by the Central Provinces & Berar Government and this practice of bringing out district-,-....-ise publications at- thL cost ufthe State Goycrn­ men t has since been. con tin uing. 2_ -The scope orthe district-wise publications, now called the District Census ::E-Iandbooks, has been under­ going change wi tll each succes,~ive Ccnsus from 1951. In 1951, the DistTict Ccnsu~ Handbooks only contained the Primary Census L\_bstract and the Census tablcs. In vic,V' of the usefulness of separate publication 101' each district, improvements ,vere nlade at the time o:f the 1961 C:ensus by including Ilon-Cen:::.us data like climate" agriculture" co-operation, industry, education, etc. _.:-'\.n 'Introductory Note' .... vas also added 'to highlight "the more striking f'eatures_ Unfortunately, the desire to mal~c district-,,,,,-l:o.e Census publicat.io:lls very comprchensive resulted in late availability o:fllie books to the users. rrheref'ore" Lhis time the District Census Handbook.,: have becn. divided into three parts in order to release maxinHl.lYl data, as and when finalised, so that the publications may have a useful life of about seven to eight years ofintcr-Censal decennium. Part A "viII con.tain. Prin~arily nOll-Census statistics~ Part B the Primary Census Ab",tract and Part C various adul.inistrative statistics ""lith a chapter titled Hlntroducing the district". It may be men.tioned here that subsequently a decision has been taken to mcrge Parts A and B in one volume on. grounds 01 e(:onOllJY_ 3. :rv.1uch u:f the delay in the publication. of' the Di~trict Census Handbook» ~rlcr t.he 1961 Census 'vas due to delay in. collection of administrative statistics and the decision. to "vritc Lhe IntroducLory Note in the head office. Separation of administrative statistics as Part C; of thc District C:t'n~us Handbook and the kiLd Co­ operation of the State Government. permitting Collectors of'the 1961-71 decade to V\Trit.e the chapter on •• Introducing the Distdct," is likely to go a long "vay in early publication of' all the parts of the DistI .lct C~c n~us Handbooks. A •. nother favourable factor this time is the early decision o:f the State Government to pcrlnit printing in. private presses as and vvhen. the work-load on the State Goverrilnent PreSSES is heavy and likely to result in. delay in the bringing out of the District Cen.sus Handbook 01 aEY distyjet. It: vvould not be out cf' place to point out here that the vvork-load in connection vvith the District CCESUS I-iar:..dbooks is very much ITI.Ore this time, not only on account of wider coverage but largely due to the deci'-.i_o~~ to bring out the Di~trict Census Han.dbooks in Hindi as well as Engli.,:b. In all~ there will be 172 publications, 4 per district of which. 2 will be in hindi and 2 in english. Advance action "vas t~ken lhis time to collect the non-Census data and it is hoped that the combined volurne of Parts A and B of all 1.he 43 distLicts ~ ....-oulc1 bc out by the end of 1973 and Part C of all the districts by the middle of 1975. This v,T)1l1d DC a definite il:nproven~ellt on the 1961 performance when printing of the District Census I-Iandbooks covered the period 1964 to 1967.
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