E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2001 No. 152 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was In the wake of the events that have working for months to develop a clear called to order by the Speaker pro tem- occurred since September 11, there has outline and plan for security measures pore (Mr. CULBERSON). never been a more pressing need for the that do not compromise livability. f Federal Government and other part- It has been apparent of the need for ners in the private sector to link hands DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO this action since the closing of Penn- with neighbors, civic and business lead- TEMPORE sylvania Avenue in front of the White ers to assure that our families are safe, House after the Oklahoma City bomb- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- healthy and economically secure. It is ing. This sort of temporary action is fore the House the following commu- essential that we accomplish these ob- still in place 6 years later. Security nication from the Speaker: jectives without unnecessarily bur- measures that may have made sense WASHINGTON, DC, dening the normal everyday functions temporarily have led to a seemingly November 6, 2001. of our communities. permanent closure that has created I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN Here in our Nation’s capital, Con- costly traffic problems and a blighted ABNEY CULBERSON to act as Speaker pro tem- gress and the Federal Government have pore on this day. scene in front of the home of our Presi- the opportunity to lead by example and J. DENNIS HASTERT, dent. be a productive partner in working Speaker of the House of Representatives. The task force outlines several steps with the District of Columbia, local f that can be taken to ensure the safety business leaders and concerned citizens of Federal buildings and national MORNING HOUR DEBATES to meet our needs. We need to work to- monuments. The report calls for a mas- gether to protect our national treas- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ter design that achieves the same secu- ures up and down the Mall, our employ- ant to the order of the House of Janu- rity objectives of the items that we ees’ offices and the transportation ary 3, 2001, the Chair will now recog- currently see littered all over the Cap- routes without suffocating the city’s nize Members from lists submitted by itol complex, concrete barriers, ability to operate. the majority and minority leaders for bollards and steel posts, without mak- Security measures can have a dev- morning hour debates. The Chair will ing it look like it would be a burial astating effect on communities. Look alternate recognition between the par- ground for chunks of concrete. ties, with each party limited to not to at the extended closure of National exceed 30 minutes, and each Member, Airport that has resulted in the loss of The task force report also stresses except the majority leader, the minor- hundreds of jobs, perhaps some perma- transportation concerns that have de- ity leader, or the minority whip, lim- nently, and the displacement of thou- veloped as a result of road closings. It ited to not to exceed 5 minutes. sands of others. The roads that have proposes a fascinating solution dealing The Chair recognizes the gentleman been closed around the Capitol and the with the circulator system of either from Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 White House have snarled traffic and buses or streetcars that would allow minutes. frustrated commuters. for safe and secure transport of people throughout the downtown, the Mall f We are well aware that we will never return in our lifetime to the pre-Sep- and the Capitol area. Such a circulator DESIGNING FOR SECURITY IN THE tember 11 mindset. Therefore, it is crit- system could help reduce traffic con- NATION’S CAPITAL ical that we take a long-term view to gestion, allow for the removal of park- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, make sure that our safety concerns are ing spaces in areas of security concern the atmosphere in many cities today is planned in a manner that do not make and improve traffic flow while all the one of apprehension and anxiety. We things worse. We cannot allow ter- time improving air quality, saving en- can witness this right outside the doors rorism to destroy our sense of commu- ergy and making it a more appropriate, of this Capitol by the hundreds of jer- nity or the ability of those commu- enjoyable experience for visitors to our sey barriers and concrete blocks that nities to serve us. Nation’s capital. surround these buildings and the street With this in mind, the report of the The task force will have a real dollar closures around the White House and Interagency Task Force of the Na- impact if its proposals are put in place; our offices. Safety is of vital impor- tional Planning Commission issued last but to put in context, the expenditure tance, but we must remain aware of week titled ‘‘Designing for Security in of perhaps a hundred billion dollars in the effect that hasty and poorly the Nation’s Capital’’ deserves our spe- the context of billions of dollars al- planned actions can have on the liv- cial attention. The task force began ready lost and billions more that are ability of our communities. meeting far before the recent attacks, proposed for security measures, this b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7725 . VerDate 06-NOV-2001 02:49 Nov 07, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06NO7.000 pfrm02 PsN: H06PT1 H7726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 6, 2001 amount is a small price to pay to pro- the country after their visas had ex- ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE tect the public and our national treas- pired. Two were expected to have en- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under ures in a manner that does not hold tered on foreign student visas and the the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- this local community hostage. INS has no information on the six re- uary 3, 2001, the gentleman from Ohio I urge my colleagues to examine maining hijackers. As such, we can (Mr. BROWN) is recognized during morn- these proposals and the funding of this keep enacting legislation and, of ing hour debates for 5 minutes. plan. I am not suggesting that it nec- course, spend more money; but efforts Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, in essarily needs to be the final answer, to counter terrorism will be futile un- response to the emergent threats of but it is an important first step to keep less we establish effective controls to bioterrorism, Congress will take con- our Nation’s capital and its citizens secure our boarders and points of crete steps in the coming weeks to safe, healthy and economically secure entry. strengthen our Nation’s public health while we assure that Timothy McVeigh Each year there are more than 300 infrastructure. To fully prepare for the and Osama bin Laden are not the domi- million border crossings in the United potential bioterrorist attacks, we will nant forces in American landscape ar- States. These are just the legal cross- have to deal with a wide variety of pub- chitecture, public space and transpor- ings that are recorded. While there are lic health issues including vaccinations tation for the next 50 years. 9,000 border control agents working to and food safety and government stock- f keep America secure on the U.S.-Mexi- piling of antibiotics. In doing so, we STRENGTHENING IMMIGRATION can border, there are less than 500 must not forget to address the issue of agents tasked with securing our 4,000- antibiotic resistance. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under mile border with Canada. The links between antibiotic resist- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- To make matters even worse, out of ance and bioterrorism are clear. Anti- uary 3, 2001, the gentleman from Flor- the 128 ports on the northern border, biotic resistant strains of anthrax or ida (Mr. STEARNS) is recognized during only 24 of them are open around the other bacterial agents would be ex- morning hour debates for 5 minutes. clock. The remaining are not even tremely lethal biological weapons, and Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, Presi- manned, thereby allowing anyone with they are already a reality. dent Bush signed into law the good or evil intentions to enter into According to the Journal of the antiterrorism bill. This new law con- the United States without even so American Medical Association, during tains many provisions that will in- much as an inspection, not to mention the Cold War, Russian scientists engi- crease the ability of law enforcement, even a question or a record of their neered an anthrax strain that was re- intelligence and other government entry. sistant to the tetracycline and peni- agencies to combat terrorism. While A recent report by the nonprofit or- cillin classes of antibiotics. We can this legislation is an important critical ganization, the Center on Immigration only assume that anthrax and other piece, although some may say con- Studies, indicates that there are more bacterial agents could also be engi- troversial, in eradicating terrorism and than 8 million people now living in the neered to resist antibiotics, including ensuring the safety and prosperity of U.S.
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