Tereza Simonyan leads the Friends and family mourn the death of a 1 Students should be interested Matadors into the playoffs. \.. CSUN alumnus killed in a plane crash. in real issues. Se1: page 16 - ~ee page 3 See page 5 DAILYVolume 41 • Number 91 .SUNDI Since 1957 JONATHAN IMl ~ I QNl'r' JC.#CIW. The. D~lly Sondlai focuses on how psuN, the ~o~munlty and campus organlullons celebrste Euler and PHsover, along with new taket on ancient rsllglou1 tradllion1. 2 •The Dally s..ndial • CSUN • Thursday, April S. 200 I Wire China·demands U.S. apology The reports didn't give any HAIKOU. China (AP) - United States "do something its equipment despite American other delails. but Tang's com· Chinese Presidcnl Jiang Z.Cmin favorable to the smooth develop- objections. ment was thC first expression demanded an American apology ment of China·U.S. relations, Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan of Chinese desire to settle the for a collision be1ween a U.S. spy rather than make echoed Jiang's demand plane and a Chinese fighter jct. remarks that confuse for an apology in a standoff. China's deputy U.N. ambas· But China's foreign minister hint· right and ~rong and are meeting with U.S. ed Wednesday at a way out of the bannfut to the relations,'"' .. Ambassador Joseph sador Shen Guofang said crisis, saying Beijing wants a Xinhua said. Prueher, who was summoned to China hoped the tensions C'ould quick but dignified settlement The Chinese president· left hear a fonnal protest. be "solved though peaceful The White House ruled out later Wednesday for a six~nation But Tang added that China negotiations on the basis of any apology, a day after Pn:sident visit to Latin America, sticking to "hopes to sec the collision mutual respect." But he said it Bush • warned that tics with his official schedule despite U.S. incident resolved appropriate- was up 10 Washington to make Beijing could suffer unless it complaints that Chinese lcadcB ly• as soon as poss i ~l~ ... the next move. "It depends on quickly releases the EP-3E plane. haw: failed to focus oo setlling the according to state tclev1s1on the U.S. attitude and we are BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) -Black and which made an emergency lancJ. conflict. Jiang arrives Thursday in and Xinhua. Tang said China waiting for their reponse. The Hispanic admissions to the Universiry of ing on a Chinese island. and the Chi1e and also is to visit wanted to protect its "sover- • ball is on their side," he told California increased "in the first year of a 24 crew members. Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba. eignty and dignity." The Associated Press. progral" guaranteeing a Spol for the top 4 Washington "shoukl bear all Venezuela and Brazil. percent of high school gradilates. responsibilities for the collisioo U.S. officials said Wednesday they UC officials say don't yet know if inciden~" Jiang said, quoted by that the crew indicated they man- the new program was directly n:sponsible, the official Xinhua News Agency. ased to destroy at least some of Bu.s·h ·taps Ca.Iif . although it seems li kely since the plan "The U.S. side should apologiu: the electronic intelligcnce-gather- boosted applications from those groups. to the Chinese people." The ing equipment and data aboard Figun:s released Tuesday oo the Fall 2001 Chinese pilot is still missing after the plane before !)landed. Earlier, freshl11llll class continued a foor-ycar trend of for administration parachuting from his fighter °""r U.S. military omcials said they steady increases in black and Hispanic enroll- the South China Sea on Sunday. believe Chinese officials had SACRAMENTO (AP) - Al Gore despite spending ment. following sharp drops immediately fol- Jiang demanded that lhe boarded the piane and examined Despite speculation 1hat more time and money cam· lowing the end of affirmatiw: action. President Bush would brush off pa\gning here, some political Admissions of underrepresented minori· the Golden s'tate after his over· observers predicted the state tics -blacks. Hispanics and American whelming loss here, he has wou ld lose the VIP treatment Indians -for the fal l semester are up by Estrada indicted tapped several Californians to it got from the Clinton admin· . about 17 perccn~ from 7,336 last year to serve in his administration istration and have to fight for MANILA, Philippines (AP) next few days. 8,S8Q. Proportionately, underrepresented - from national security *federal spending including - His presidential immunity Immigration Commissioner mi norities make up 18.6 percent of in.state adviser to top technology transponation money, dis· stripped, Joseph Estrada was Andrea Dom~ngo said she S e freshman admissions, compared to 18.8 posts. aster relief and defense indicted Wednesday on charges ordered round-the-clock surveil- perccn\ in 1997, Jhe last year race and gen· Three of the Republican's contracts. alleging he amassed $82 mil· lance at airports nationwide to dcr were taken into account Cabinet members hail from "Cal.ifornia was good to •"- lion from kickbacks and pay· ensure Estrada doesn't try to flee. Estrada said he has no California - more than any other President Clinton and President ~~sc~n 2 I~ yeaB in' stale including Texas. Clinton was gOo~ to . plans to leave the coun· Among the _.al try. "I would rather be Among them: Agricu lture California.'' said Steve 1 Secretary Ann Veneman, Maviglio, spokeSman for charges leveled by _... • jailed than to leave our Transportalioo Semtary Normal) Democratic 'Gov. Gray D,avifl. Pf>Secutor Aniano· ~ pcop.le," Estrada said. Dljftno were' plunder - ;;a.'1he·char&es follow a unani· Mineta and veicrans ·.!!fairs ' 'W.heoc9~'thc 'gll>etnoi ask!lf; • • de.fined as illegally accumulat· mous Supreme Court vote on Seiorctary Anthony Principi. • he came through." ing_ more than $ I million while t Tuesday that reaffirmed the A former Stanford While the verdict is still out on Body ~vered in Alaska waters· in office. Plunder is a capital legitimacy of his successor, University provost, Condoleeza the Bush administration, Maviglio crime, but it is considered Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, 'and Rice, is Bush's national security said having Californians in top pot. ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -A fish- ~tions doubtful Estrada would get th stripped Estrada of presidential adviser. And at least a dozen lcy is key. ing vessel with 1.5 people on board death penalty. immunity. The ruling dashed other Californi ans have headed ' . •"That's all important - apparen1ly sank in the Bering Sea in what ~ase The Philippines· anti·graft Estrada's final hope to retake to high·profile White House being able to make our may be one of the worst fishing disasters coun, the Sandiganbayan, must the presidency through legal ·posts. whenever possible and getting in Alaskan waters in nearly two decades. now decide whether the charges means. After Bush lost California's in the front of the line for The body of one crew member from arc solid enough to issue an Estrada said Wednesday that 54 electoral votes to Democrat funding, he said. the Arctic Rose was recovered Monday. arrest warrant for the oncep.. the charges are "fabricated" Officials did not identify the victim. hugely popular action fil m star. and he will "exhaust all legal planned to continue The Coast Guard No decision was expected in the remedies." i1s search Tuesday but warned rescue British attempt to effons could be hampered by forecasts of 20- 10 25·foo1 waves -and 40 kno1 winds. "Any1ime you get a system like that it Public outraged by end foot-and-mouth hampers 1he search effons. The winds TEDBURN ST. MARY. and disposal of carcasses. make ii harder to find people in the power increases England (AP) - Roger Cann does The government is considering water," said Coast Guard spokeSman Jn: believe vaccination would have a targeted campaign to vaccinate Keith Alholm. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) the utilities and the power gencr- saved the 300 cattle and 100 sheep up to I SQ,000 dairy caltlc bound -Whilc California Gov. Gray ators reaping huge profits at that graud his land from cootract- for slaughter in the worst-hit areas Davis urged lawmakers to approw: California's expense. ing foot·and--th disease. "- of Devon, in southwest England, $1.12 billion in energy coeserva· "You are cronies for big busi- "It is so quick to spread, ~nd and the nonhwcstern eounty of tion measures., st.ate JX>WCI" regula· ness," sneered Oakland resident vaccination takes time to Cumbria tors bore the brunt of the pul>- Joel Tena. take elf~" said Cann, , . After getting lic's outrage over rising ·elcc- ~'You r stench of unspoken who owns I 00 acres of al European Union pennis- tricity races during an animat· S rrogance disgusts us." siid San verdant Devon country· \ ..t sion, the government cd hearing Tuesday. cisco resident David Alt as side. "And then you lose has twice put olf a deci· Flight attendants OK strikes In strident remarks dcliv· d from an acerbic poem. your disease.free status." sioo - it was first promised by ercd in crowd·pleasing rap backlash aimed at the A feW. miles away along a Saturday, then Mooday, lhcn post-. CHJCAGO (AP) - Unit«! flight auen- songs, indignant poelry and PUC came on the same day that twisting country lane, Mary pooed indefinitely. dants haw: \Ued overwhelmingly to autho- pleas of poveny, utility cus· the regulators ended months of Quickc says vaccination could be In \he H'Ouse of Commons. riu random. unannounced strikes if the air- tomers blasted the Public delay and agreed to investigate used to build "firewalls" around lawlllllker Stephen O'Brien frofll line's purchase of US Airways goes through.
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