Results of the inspection on radioactive materials in fisheries products (press releases in October,2012䡚December,2012) Muscle part is used as a sample unless otherwise noted. The total value of cesium is written to two significant figures in accordance with the notice issued by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The numbers in the parenthesis indicate the detection limit of analysis. Except for the test operations for giant pacific octopus, chesnut octopus,Japanese flying squid, spear squid, horsehair crab, snow crab, whelks (Buccinum isaotakii, Neptunea constricta , Neptunea intersculpta ,and Beringius polynematicus) , thornhead, greeneyes and rikuzen flounder there are no operations of any coastal and trawl fisheries in the sea area off Fukushima Prefecture currently.(half-tone dot cells) 29 March 2013 Press release Origin Item Radioactive Caesium (Bq/kg) Total Name of sampling Sampling date Facility that conducted the analysis area on food labeling Prefecture Date Prefecture Landing port or area Japanese English Standard limit for Radioactive Radioactive Caesium (Bq/kg) Radioactive Caesium (Bq/kg) Cesium in fish: 100Bq/kg Cesium-134 Cesium-137 Pacific cod 9935 Hokkaido 1 October 2012 Hokkaido Offshore Iburi 26 September 2012 Offshore Hokkaido 䝬䝎䝷 21 8.5 12 Marine Ecology Research Institute (Gadus macrocephalus) Pacific Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Offshore Chum salmon 9936 Hokkaido 1 October 2012 Hokkaido 21 September 2012 Offshore Hokkaido 䝅䝻䝄䜿 Not detectable Not detectable (<0.44) Not detectable (<0.35) Tohoku Ryokka Kankyohozen Hokkaido and Aomori (Oncorhynchus keta) and Aomori Chum salmon 9937 Hokkaido 1 October 2012 Hokkaido Offshore Oshima 21 September 2012 䠉 䝅䝻䝄䜿 Not detectable Not detectable (<0.52) Not detectable (<0.59) Mizuken, co. Ltd (Oncorhynchus keta) Pacific Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Offshore Japanese flying squid 9938 Hokkaido 1 October 2012 Hokkaido 21 September 2012 Offshore Hokkaido 䝇䝹䝯䜲䜹 Not detectable Not detectable (<0.38) Not detectable (<0.36) Tohoku Ryokka Kankyohozen Hokkaido and Aomori (Todarodes pacificus) and Aomori Pacific cod 9939 Hokkaido 1 October 2012 Hokkaido Offshore Hidaka 27 September 2012 Offshore Hokkaido 䝬䝎䝷 14 5.0 9.0 Marine Ecology Research Institute (Gadus macrocephalus) Pacific cod 9940 Hokkaido 1 October 2012 Hokkaido Offshore Hidaka 27 September 2012 Offshore Hokkaido 䝬䝎䝷 9.8 3.7 6.1 Marine Ecology Research Institute (Gadus macrocephalus) Pacific Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Offshore Chum salmon 9941 Hokkaido 1 October 2012 Hokkaido 26 September 2012 Offshore Hokkaido 䝅䝻䝄䜿 Not detectable Not detectable (<0.27) Not detectable (<0.28) Marine Ecology Research Institute Hokkaido and Aomori (Oncorhynchus keta) and Aomori Chum salmon Japan Frozen Foods Inspection 9942 Hokkaido 1 October 2012 Hokkaido Offshore Soya 26 September 2012 䠉 䝅䝻䝄䜿 Not detectable Not detectable (<0.43) Not detectable (<0.47) (Oncorhynchus keta) Corporation Pacific Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Offshore Japanese amberjack 9943 Hokkaido 1 October 2012 Hokkaido 26 September 2012 Offshore Hokkaido 䝤䝸 0.53 Not detectable (<0.38) 0.53 Marine Ecology Research Institute Hokkaido and Aomori (Seriola quinqueraduata) and Aomori Japanese flying squid 9944 Hokkaido 1 October 2012 Hokkaido Offshore Soya 22 September 2012 䠉 䝇䝹䝯䜲䜹 Not detectable Not detectable (<0.44) Not detectable (<0.53) Marine Ecology Research Institute (Todarodes pacificus) Chum salmon 9945 Hokkaido 1 October 2012 Hokkaido Offshore Ishikari 17 September 2012 䠉 䝅䝻䝄䜿 Not detectable Not detectable (<0.24) Not detectable (<0.29) Marine Ecology Research Institute (Oncorhynchus keta) Pacific cod Offshore Kyurokujima, 9946 Aomori 1 October 2012 Aomori 25 September 2012 䠉 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓௨ୖ䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) Not detectable Not detectable (<0.57) Not detectable (<0.65) IDEA Consultants, Inc. Fukaura Town (over 1 kg) Aomori (National Offshore Samekado, Monkfish 9947 1 October 2012 Aomori 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䜻䜰䞁䝁䜴 Not detectable Not detectable (<5.1) Not detectable (<4.8) IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Hachinohe City (Lophius litulon) Medium Trawlers) Aomori (National Offshore Samekado, Spiny dogfish 9948 1 October 2012 Aomori 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䜰䝤䝷䝒䝜䝄䝯 5.6 1.8 3.8 IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Hachinohe City (Squalus acanthias) Medium Trawlers) Aomori (National Offshore Samekado, Giant Pacific octopus 9949 1 October 2012 Aomori 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝭䝈䝎䝁 Not detectable Not detectable (<0.51) Not detectable (<0.6) IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Hachinohe City (Paroctopus dofleini) Medium Trawlers) Aomori Pacific cod (National Offshore Samekado, 9950 1 October 2012 Aomori 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓௨ୖ䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) 7.5 Not detectable (<6.7) 7.5 IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Hachinohe City (over 1 kg) Medium Trawlers) Aomori Pacific cod (National Offshore Samekado, 9951 1 October 2012 Aomori 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓௨ୖ䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) Not detectable Not detectable (<7.3) Not detectable (<7.4) IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Hachinohe City (over 1 kg) Medium Trawlers) Aomori Pacific cod (National Offshore Mukawame 9952 1 October 2012 Aomori 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓௨ୖ䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) 8.8 Not detectable (<7.4) 8.8 IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Misawa City (over 1 kg) Medium Trawlers) Aomori Pacific cod (National Offshore Itsukawame 9953 1 October 2012 Aomori 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓௨ୖ䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) 26 9.8 16 IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Misawa City (over 1 kg) Medium Trawlers) Aomori Pacific cod (National Offshore Mukawame 9954 1 October 2012 Aomori 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓௨ୖ䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) 12 4.5 7.0 IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Misawa City (over 1 kg) Medium Trawlers) Aomori Pacific cod (National Offshore Samekado, 9955 1 October 2012 Aomori 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓௨ୖ䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) Not detectable Not detectable (<7.2) Not detectable (<5.4) IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Hachinohe City (over 1 kg) Medium Trawlers) Aomori Pacific cod (National Offshore Shiogama, 9956 1 October 2012 Aomori 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓௨ୖ䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) 11 3.5 7.1 IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Misawa City (over 1 kg) Medium Trawlers) Aomori Pacific cod (National 9957 1 October 2012 Aomori Offshore Hachinohe 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓ᮍ‶䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) Not detectable Not detectable (<6.9) Not detectable (<7.4) IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of (less than 1 kg) Medium Trawlers) Aomori Pacific cod (National Offshore Mukawame 9958 1 October 2012 Aomori 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓ᮍ‶䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) 7.9 Not detectable (<7.5) 7.9 IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Misawa City (less than 1 kg) Medium Trawlers) Aomori Pacific cod (National Offshore Itsukawame 9959 1 October 2012 Aomori 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓ᮍ‶䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) Not detectable Not detectable (<5.8) Not detectable (<6.7) IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Misawa City (less than 1 kg) Medium Trawlers) Aomori Pacific cod (National Offshore Samekado, 9960 1 October 2012 Aomori 26 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓ᮍ‶䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) 9.4 Not detectable (<7.2) 9.4 IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Hachinohe City (less than 1 kg) Medium Trawlers) Press release Origin Item Radioactive Caesium (Bq/kg) Total Name of sampling Sampling date Facility that conducted the analysis area on food labeling Prefecture Date Prefecture Landing port or area Japanese English Standard limit for Radioactive Radioactive Caesium (Bq/kg) Radioactive Caesium (Bq/kg) Cesium in fish: 100Bq/kg Cesium-134 Cesium-137 Aomori Pacific cod (National Offshore Mikawame, 9961 1 October 2012 Aomori 27 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓௨ୖ䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) 9.5 3.7 5.8 IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of Oorase Town (over 1 kg) Medium Trawlers) Aomori Pacific cod (National 9962 1 October 2012 Aomori Offshore Hachinohe 27 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝬䝎䝷䠄㻝㼗㼓௨ୖ䠅 (Gadus macrocephalus) 10 Not detectable (<6.6) 10 IDEA Consultants, Inc. Federation of (over 1 kg) Medium Trawlers) Olive flounder Japan Frozen Foods Inspection 9963 Aomori 1 October 2012 Aomori Offshore Yuriage 27 September 2012 Offshore Aomori 䝠䝷䝯 Not detectable Not detectable (<0.51) Not detectable (<0.56) (Paralichthys olivaceus) Corporation Pacific Ocean, Japanese amberjack Japan Frozen Foods Inspection 9964 Aomori 1 October 2012 Aomori Offshore Yuriage 27 September 2012 Offshore Hokkaido 䝤䝸 1.3 0.60 0.65 (Seriola quinqueraduata) Corporation and Aomori National Federation of Ryouri, Sea tangle 9965 Fisheries Co- 1 October 2012 Iwate Sanriku Town, 䠉 Offshore Iwate 䝁䞁䝤䠄ᖸ䠅㻔ຍᕤ䠅 (Laminaria) Not detectable Not detectable (<20.0) Not detectable (<20.0) Isotope Research Institute,lnc operative Ofunato City (dried)(processed) Associations National Federation of Taneichi, Sea tangle(wet) 9966 Fisheries Co- 1 October 2012 Iwate Hirono Town, 䠉 Offshore Iwate ⏕䛣䜣䜆 Not detectable Not detectable (<20.0) Not detectable (<20.0) Isotope Research Institute,lnc (Laminaria) operative Kunohe-gun Associations National Federation of Taneichi, Sea tangle 9967 Fisheries Co- 1 October 2012 Iwate Hirono Town, 䠉 Offshore Iwate 䝁䞁䝤䠄ᖸ䠅㻔ຍᕤ䠅 (Laminaria) Not detectable Not detectable (<20.0) Not detectable (<20.0) Isotope Research Institute,lnc operative Kunohe-gun (dried)(processed) Associations Yuzawa City Land-locked salmon(wild) 9968 Akita 1 October 2012 Akita (Minase River) 18 - 20 September
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