THE MIAMI HURRICANE Coral Gables, Florida Since 1927 Volume 80, Number 1 WVVW.TMEHURRICANEONLINE.COM Friday, August 30, 2002 Friday, August 30, 2002 NEWS I in MIAMI HI KKK AM Campjis Cienabr lions (nr Student Government ^epltinhcr 2Vd September 2^ Mark dent-activ tlii-s and a Ink on I le. n.m- I ' Palm ., m in UC 245 ati nisi around lhe .inner ( ampaign vour calendars and Mill' In find (ommission !.. beaoini a Senatoi and help out more aboul Student dovernment "Happv Hour tk Kelly Bus! .miu SIPTIMBIR t improve life al I'M tor all undergrad asailahlc offices, and the election AUOU2T 30 ds slum at 4 to p m in the nah stu,lune I In tilths .in priicesk, visit www miami cdirsiu smokin Pitt at I 1.(0 a.m in the Rathskeller Ferris Wheel lunkies on I i Patio ai I I Mia m AUGUST 31 Optional SAFAC Budge! lhe annual I reshmen Tailgate, Workshop tor club treaiurrrs at 12 sponsored bv Athletics, takes place pm inl'( 245 betore the start ot the first football game, I'M vs l-AMl hir tree food, Applications for COSO and SAI-AI drinks prizes and a chance to go on membership due at 5 p.m. in the Ihe field hetore the game, meet Mil (ategorv Son thi I ( Rock August H ai I (0 pin Any students faculty "i Optional SAFAA* Budget tans interested in helping with this Workshop for club treasurers at .1 evenl or before lhe honii tootball pm in IX 245 games should ein.nl u mat h le I i a si* hoi m a i I com It vou have a voice with a rock Iransportation is provided to and edge and no shame then (Juantuni Irom all home games For informa tinmen! is looking tor vou. lion on Athletics visit www hum l nine audition tor the Rocky llorroi aanesports.com Picture Show any time Irnm S In p m al the UC 2nd floor on Sepl 6 Rattlei Round I p Mtet Party al 10 p.m in the Rathskeller 222T2M22R 7 221 tailgate al 4 p. m the Kathskellei Yearbooks will he distributed luesday morning adjacent to the 222T2M22R 10 Stanford ( itt It Starting todav at 12 p.m.,'('arte Oplinii.il SAhAC Budget ( ards will no longer be issued at lh Workshop ftu .lub treasurers at ( Registrar's Office Students musl p -ii i n I i .'I io room I If) Balien Hall al the Sella ol t ontinuing studies lo obtain 'Car If vou ban ,i nine with a rock i mis Hours nl operation will be ind nn shame then Quantum Monday to l-rnlav from 8:X) a.m. Kntertainmetil is looking for vou p.m t unit audition lot the Rockv Horror Pit lure shitw am time from 5 10 222T2H222 12 • p.m. at the U< -'ml floor on Sept .1.4 OCTOMft 12 j*t"- m% or tv The Hispanic Heritage Month Scorpion king is showing at the ( ommittee and the IVpartment ot ( osford Cinema al H & 10 p m Multicultural Student Attain ii pleased to bring you National SIPTIMBIR 4 Hispanic Heritage Month As part ot the celebration, we have planned a Optional SAI-A( Budget month long calendar thai promises Workshop lor dub treasurers at I In have something for everyone loin p m in I'C 245 the Universilv of Miami community iVj2i$iii in reiogni/itig and exploring Optional SAFAC Budget Hispanu culture and achievements Workshop for club treasurers al ! Opening Ceremonies are cm Mondav, p.m in I'( 245 Sept Ih at noon on the University (enter Palm All events are free to lhe II vnu have a voice with a rock Iniversitv ot Miami community edge and no shame, then Quantum Hope in see vou there! hir more Knterlainmenl is looking tor vou information visit Come audition lor the Rocky Horror www miami.edu/mia. Picture Show any time from 5 10 ecampus.com p.m al the It 2nd tloor on Sep! 4 or 22PT2I 12 - 12 Senior portraits will be taken Books and Stuff. Cheap. starting September Ih Sign up at www Mcdrathstudins com The Optional SAFAI Budget password to registet is Ibis. A sitting Workshop for club treasurers at 11 fee of $l 5 dollars will he charged IHI MIAMI HL KKK AM NEWS Friday, August 30, 2002 Picnics, hypnotists, barbecues initiate freshmen ated In teach I'M traditions like whv we're called the (anes and whal Class of 2006 our colors signify That was my favorite, it was a loi ul settles in to life lun SHUI I cslei I isher. a freshman trom Shrewsbury. Massachusetts on campus 1 aler that evening. I ireek organi/a By Edward Lyman tions sponsored a harbeipie un the l'( dreen I'he harheque included music Va V'l trom W\ I'M I M and a hysterical per tormann bi a hypnotist. Armed wilh the latest clothing,, san Mori' than 2,0011 students spent a .I.ils sunglasses, and backpacks, the few hours mingling on the lawn . l.iss iif 2lKks took over the dorms, obtaining information about mining kissed their parents goodbye, and Iraterniiies and sororuies while eating were treated to a really exciting tali free holdogs and hamburgers served oriental ion program called. "All Roads by organization members I end to Of Wi re trying to expose the new Incoming Irishmen along with students to dreek life and help them transtei students wenl through the meet new people.' said sophomore program with the guidance of more David Bradbury Irom Alpha Kpsilun than I SO studenl volunteers Pi The goal to introduce new students Once it started getting dark nation to opportunities at UM, give them a ally recognized hypnotist 1 homas i hance to meet new friends, and help Bresadola Irom New York look the gel Iheir vear started off right stage Almost everyone showed up tor At firsl students didnt know whal entertainment and a chance to social to expect and some in the back of the CHMLOTTf SOUTNf Mt / * i7t at the program's biggest evenls like crowd could be heard socializing. That THI JOV OF UNMCKIN6: Freshman Lindsay Leter rummages through suitcases and the Cane Kick Off, the (.reek Life changed quickly, fifteen minutes into garbage bags in order to settle m to her new abode Barbequc, and a picnic at President the show you could hear a pin drop Donna Shalala's house The entire audience was mesmerized coming out ot a hypnotic state Shalalas! oral dables home (Min stu Miami band Libido hverything went smoothly and stu completely silent watching twenty ot Bresadola talked to intrigued stu denls arrived. President shalala was lead singer Cristina Morris cap dents gol to learn about the benefits ot their fellow classmates plunge into a dents tor awhile after the show "You ve waiting in her driveway to welcome tured everyone's attention and gni iampus involvement, according to on deep hypnotic stale gol a great school here and it's an each student individually people lo dance while she sang popu entation coordinator lavier Mel Rio. The audience broke out into laugh excellent atmosphere to studv vou're Continuing down her driveway lar RNB songs "I've been gelling compliments ter when one student wa.s made to all reallv luckv," he said towards the back vard. I M It s greal to plav tor the new stu trom parents and students about how believe his shoe was on fire and Cheerleaders and the color guard denls. they're so appreciative," Morns well things have been running" Del another was convinced his name was MONDAY could be heard ahanting. Theres s lid Km said. Tinkerbell On Monday more than I,SOU stu some! anes over here1' I ushman deorge lewis from dents gathered on President Shalalas Andovet M.iss.ii husetts shocked lhe SATURDAV Bresadola hypnotized treshman In her back vard. students were lawn for a picnic that included free delighted to find .1 variety ol tood iiowd win 11 In stripped down lo his II you were around the campus 1 hns /.n.iiski making him dance on tood. games, and musi. including philh cheese steaks, cheese boxer shorts and dove in the green on Saturday and saw a couple command tor thirty minutes alter the 'This is reallv personal and shows tries, In Mex, beans and rue, jambal President's pool thousand people singing a strange show if anvone asked him to that she lares.' said Ireshman I-ran .ii.i. and ue cream lur dessert After "I had a hlast.Orienlat ion was great song, popping balloons, and doing the "I am the king of Salsa." said farmer from New |erse) eating, some students placed voiles and this parti is rucking." I ew.a Rocky Horror Piiture Shows Time Zavatskv, who wa.s dancing in the Siudents were transported in six ball, football, or soccer on the lawn, Warp, Ihen vou were witness to ,1 middle ol ,1 small crowd that formed a large tour busses from the campus to while others danced to the musu ot Sec Orientation • Page 6 series ot icebreakers led hy a motiva­ 1 ircle around him while he was slowly tional speaker during lhe i ane ki. k (ill Incoming students were assigned to Parking woes to diminish as semester starts one ut nmelv groups w*th a volunteer orientation assistant lhe small By Rebeca Oliveira and d.ivs, whili the existing space* groups gave students Ihe opportunity above will be opened in September to make new friends Robert Untertack New garage, lotsy cheaper permits Both garages utter M hour sun Orientation coordinator (una rilv.
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