DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021, KOLKATA SINCE 1932 `5.00/EX-KOLKATA `6.00 (`12 IN NORTH EAST STATES &ANDAMAN) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM Kolkata WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 THEINDIANEXPRESS,WEDNESDAY,JANUARY13,2021 MUMBAI METROPOLITAN REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (A Government of Maharashtra Undertaking) New Ofice Building, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai -400051. Tel: 26590001/04.Fax: 91-022-26591264. Website: https://mmrda.maharashtra.gov.in ·ffSX°f ÀfSXIYfSX e-RFP NOTICE ´fSX¸ff¯fb DYªffÊ d½f·ff¦f Name of Work: Appointment of Consultant for Study of Physical and ·ffSXe ´ff³fe Àfa¹faÂf IYûMXf Social Infrastructure in Rural Areas of Mumbai Metropolitan Region. BÊ-d³fd½fQf Af¸faÂf¯f Àfc¨f³ff Àfa.: ·ff´ffÀfaIYû/dÀfd½f»f/2020/421 1. Tender No. MMRDA/Planning/0002310 ·ffS°f IZ Sf¿MÑ´fd°f IeAûS ÀfZ AüS C³fIZ d»f¹fZ ¸fWf´fi¶fa²fI ,·ffSe´ff³fe Àfa¹faÂf, IûMf BÊ-MZÔOdSa¦f ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ kk½f¿fÊ 2. Tender Fee Rs. 5,000 +GST 2021 IZ d»fE ·ff´ffÀfa (I û) Af½ffÀfe¹f Ifg»fû³fe ¸fZÔ d½fd½f²f dÀfd½f»f SJSJf½f If¹fÊll WZ°fb A³fb¸fûdQ°f, ´ffÂf E½fa A³fb·f½fe NZIZ QfSûÔ ÀfZ Afg³f»ffB³f ¸fQ QS d³fd½fQfEa Af¸fadÂf°f Ieªff°fe W`ÔÜ 3. Earnest Money Deposit Rs.1,000/- d½fÀ°fÈ°f E³fAfBÊMeE½fa d³fd½fQf QÀ°ff½fZªf ½fZ¶fÀffBM www.tenderwizard.com/ DAE for free view/ 4. Bid Document 13.01.2021 (10:00 hrs) ´fS OfC³f»fûO WZ°fb C´f»f¶²f W`Ü available for download ´faªfeIÈ °f NZIZ QfS We d³fd½fQfAûa Iû JSeQ/ OfD³f»fûO E½fa ´fiÀ°fb°f/ A´f»fûO IS ÀfI °fZ W`ÔÜB¨LbIEªfZÔdÀf¹ffa 5. Pre-Bid meeting 19.01.2021 (15:00 hrs) ´faªfeI S¯fWZ°fb BÀf ½fZ¶fÀffBM IfA½f»fûI ³f ISÀfI °fZ W`ÔÜWS½f¢°f ÀfWf¹f°ff/ À´f¿MeI S¯fWZ°fb Àf¸´fIÊ ISmÔ 24x7 via video conference @09969395522 (ßfe øýiZVf), BʸfZ»f: [email protected] ¹ff dae- [email protected] QcS·ff¿f Àfa.: 011-49424365 6. Last date of online 09.02.2021 (Till 15:00 hrs) AfaI d»f°f »ff¦f°f: ÷Y.25,91,863/-,BÊE¸fOe: BÊE¸fOe´fS LcMQe¦fBÊ W` »fZdI ³f Àf·fe ¶fû»feQf°ffAûa IZ d»f¹fZ k¶fû»fe submission ÀfbSÃff §fû¿f¯ffl ªf¸ff IS³ff Ad³f½ff¹fÊ W`ÜIf¹fÊ´fc¯fÊ A½fd²f: 12 ¸ffW,d³fd½fQf ´fidIi ¹ff Vfb»I ÷´fE: ÷Y.1,529/- • Contact Details: Sunayana Kumbhare, Senior Planner (A/C), Afg³f»ffB³f·fb¦f°ff³fÜ ´fi°¹ff·fcd°f ªf¸ff d³fd½fdQ°f ¸fc»¹f Ie2.5/- Wû¦feÜ (3% PG +2.5% SD). d³fd½fQf QÀ°ff½fZªf IfdQ³ffaI 12.01.2021 (10.00 ¶fªfZ) ÀfZ 23.01.2021 (15.00 ¶fªfZ) °fI QZJf/ OfC³f»fûO Planning Division, • Tel:022-26595997 /26594177 /26595984 dI ¹ff ªff ÀfI °ff W`ܶfû»fe ´fc½fÊ À´f¿MeI S¯fdIEªff³fZ IedQ³ffaI 25.01.2021 (10.00 ¶fªfZ) ÀfZ 28.01.2021 • Email: [email protected] (16.00 ¶fªfZ) °fI W`Üd³fd½fQf Iû Afg³f»ffB³f ´fiÀ°fb°f IS³fZ Ie Aad°f¸f dQ³ffaI 01.02.2021 (14.30 ¶fªfZ) W`Ü °fI ³feI e¶fû»fe dQ³ffaI 01.02.2021 Iû15.00 ¶fªfZ Jû»fe ªffEa¦feÜ ´ffÂf ¶fû»feI °ffÊAûa Ie°fI ³feI e¶fûd»f¹fûÔ IZ The e-RFP will be available for download on registration at https:// Af²ffS ´fS d½fØfe¹f ¶fûd»f¹fûÔ IûAfg³f»ffB³f Jû»ff ªffE¦ff dªfÀfI ed°fd±f IeÀfc¨f³ff A»f¦f ÀfZ Qe ªffE¦feÜ etendermmrda.maharashtra.gov.in. The submission of the e-Tender d½fÀ°fÈ°f E³fAfBÊMe½fZ¶fÀffBÊM www.hwb.gov.in ´fS IZ ½f»f QZJf ªff ÀfI °ff W` A³¹f ªff³fI fSeWZ°fb Àf·fe response is through MMRDA e-Tendering portal only.For any e-Tendering If¹fÊdQ½fÀfûÔ ´fS IÈ ´f¹ff B³f QcS·ff¿f ³fa. ´fS Àfa´fIÊ ISmÔÜQcS·ff¿f- (01475) 242201/ 242231, R` ¢Àf: 01475- support, bidders shall mail MMRDA e-tendering Helpdesk at 242203 [email protected] or call helpdesk on (½fe.½fe.EÀf.E. ´fiÀffQ) Tel.: 022-2659 7445. Sd/- ¸fWXf´fi¶fa²fIY Date : 13.01.2021 Chief, ·ffSX°fIZY SXf¿MÑX´fd°f IYe AûSX AüSX CX³fIZY d»fE Place : Mumbai Planning Division,MMRDA Fulrani Kolkata DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2021, KOLKATA, LATE CITY, 14 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00/EX-KOLKATA `6.00 (`12 IN NORTH EAST STATES &ANDAMAN) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM PushingINTERIM ORDER,theNEXT HEARINGenvelope,IN 8WEEKSSCstays farmlaws,namespanelfortalks Panel to begin hearings in 10 days;Khalistanis have infiltrated protests,saysAG ANANTHAKRISHNANG NEWDELHI,JANUARY12 OSTENSIBLYto“assuage” farm- ers’ “hurt” and to createaspace fordialogue on the contentious farm laws,the Supreme Court Vehicles with the firstbatchofSerum InstituteofIndia’s Covishield vaccine reachKolkataonTuesday. Express REPORT,PAGE5 Tuesdayput on hold, until further orders, the implementation of the three laws and namedacommit- teetosuggest—intwo months — Farmer leaders at Delhi’s Singhu border afterthe Supreme Courtorder Tuesday. AbhinavSaha what changes, if any, were Vaccines hit the road, over 50 lakh neededafter it listens to all sides. This interim order by abench headedbyChief Justice of India S Most on SC committee Farm unions ABobde andcomprisingJustices doses are shipped across India ASBopanna and V have backed farm laws, welcome Ramasubramanian, echoed what the courthad said Monday. rations forthe mass inoculation Lucknow, leftPune at 2.10 pm. Guwahati, Ahmedabad, Shillong, Claiming that negotiations called protests misguided stay but PRANAVMUKUL,PRABHA drive againstthe novelcoron- By 4pm, 54.72lakh doses of Hyderabad, Vijayawada, between the farmers and the RAGHAVAN,ANURADHA avirus that begins on Saturday. the vaccine had reachedstores Bhubaneswar,Bengaluru, Patna, government had been fruitless, reject panel: MASCARENHAS The firstconsignment of 2.64 around the country, the Health Lucknow, and Chandigarh. the courtsaid a“committee of UDITMISRA &ATIKHRASHID lakh doses of the vaccine took off Ministrysaid at abriefing in the Atotal 477boxes of vaccine experts”to“negotiatebetween NEWDELHI,JANUARY12 NEWDELHI,PUNE,JANUARY12 forDelhi on aSpiceJetflight soon evening. cargo,eachweighing 32 kg,were the farmers’ bodies and the it’s pro-Govt after8am, landing in the na- In the morning, Civil Aviation shippedout, officials in Pune Government of India maycreate DECLARINGTHEY will notpar- ABOUT HALF acrore doses of tional capital alittle before 10 MinisterHardeep Singh Puri had said. In the evening, SII CEO Adar acongenial atmosphereand im- ticipateinany court-ordered Serum InstituteofIndia’s (SII’s) am. AGoAir flight to Chennai postedonTwitter that the four Poonawalla tweetedapictureof provethe trustand confidence committee process, the All India ARANYASHANKAR& Covishieldvaccine were shipped and an Air India flight to carriers would operatenine alarge group of the company’s of the farmers”. Kisan Sangharsh Coordination RAAKHIJAGGA out of Pune to cities across India Ahmedabad followed. The last flightsfromPune to ferry56.5 employees with the message: It addedthat astayof“imple- Committee has said the mem- NEWDELHI,LUDHIANA, on Tuesdayasthe country flight of the daywith the vaccine lakh doses of the vaccine to “An emotional moment forthe mentation of all the three farm bers of the committee namedby JANUARY12 launchedits final phase of prepa- cargo,anIndiGo flight to Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, CONTINUEDONPAGE4 laws”may “assuagethe hurt the apexcourt“arepeople who feelings” of protesting farmers areknown fortheir supportto WELCOMINGTHE suspension of and encouragethem to come to the three Acts and have actively the newlyenacted agriculture the negotiating table with “con- advocated forthe same”. laws,farmer unions opposedto Law catches up 14 yrs on, With BJP seeking foot fidence” and in “good faith”. There’s good reason why. (Clockwise from topleft) the laws announcedTuesdaythat It wastohelp arrive at a“fair, All four members have pub- Gulati,Mann, Joshi, Ghanwat theywould notparticipateinthe SC orders demolition of equitable and justsolution,” the liclybeen in favour of the farm consultation process to be initi- in Andhra door, TDP courtsaid, that it wasstaying the laws and none of them has sup- ated by afour-member commit- implementation of the laws,a portedthe demands forrepeal- in their viewthat the farm laws teeappointed by the Supreme illegal Mcleodganj hotel move AttorneyGeneral KK ing them.Three of the four be- will benefit the farmers im- Courttoresolve the standoff. takes aHindutva turn Venugopal Mondayhad called lieve the protesting farmers are mensely. The unions maintainedthey “drastic”. misguided; theyare unanimous CONTINUEDONPAGE4 would onlysettle forthe repeal JAYMAZOOMDAAR The three laws are: Farmers’ of the laws,and their protest NEWDELHI,JANUARY12 SREENIVASJANYALA WhyNaidu Produce Trade and Commerce would continue until that de- HYDERABAD,JANUARY12 ischanging (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, Court enters uncharted mand wasmet —lawyers who THEFATEofafive-storey, 40- E 2020; Essential Commodities represented the unions Monday, ● hispolitics room hotel, built illegally“by ROUTED IN Assemblyaswell as EXPLAINED (Amendment) Act, 2020; and Dushyant Dave,HSPhoolka, and throwing intothe air the statu- Parliamentaryelections in 2019, CONTINUEDONPAGE4 territory; in Aadhaar, poll Colin Gonsalves, were notpres- tory provisions of law” in con- and with the BharatiyaJanata TO BE politicallyrelevant ent in the Supreme Court nivance with officials of multi- Partytrying to getafoothold in and staveoff the BJP,the Tuesdaywhen the order wasde- ple government agencies, on The hotelcame up on land the state, NChandrababu Naidu’s Telugu Desam Partyled BUSINESSASUSUAL bonds, took another stand livered.
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