DOCUMENT RESUME ED 276 550 RC 016 002 TITLE The Older Americans Act and Its Application to Native Americans. Rearing before the Special COmmittee on Aging. United States Senate, Ninety-Ninth Congress, Second Session (Oklahoma City, OK, June 28, 1986). INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washirgton, D.C. Senate Special Committee on Aging. REPORT NO Senate-Brg-99-827 PUB DATE ES NOTE 214p.; Serial No. 99-22. Document contains small, light, broken type. AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Offide: U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available frem EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *American Indians; *Delivery Systems; Federal Indian Relat:onship; *Federal Programs; Financial Support; *Health Programs; Bearings; Human Services; Lunch Programs; Needs; *Needs Assessment; Nutrition Instruction; *Older Adults IDENTIFIERS Congress 99th; *Older Americans Act 1965 Title VI ABSTRACT Three panels appeqring before the Senate Special Committee on Aging discuss t1 .p. sensitivity of the Administrationon Aging to Native Americans, coordination of services between TitleII and Title VI of the_Older Americans Act, and availability of services under the_act. Witnesses recommend language be included in the reauthorization of the Older Americans Act to fund TitleVI at a level of $12.5 million for fiscalyear 1987!,117.5 million_fOr fiscal year 1988; and $20 million for fiscal year 1989. Experts reporton analysis of computer data from a needs assessment_of 813_older Indians in the United States and trends_ofa_survey focusing on decreasing funding_levels of Title VI grantees and how thisimpacts the targeting_of service to older Indians whoare already unserved and underserved. Recommendations to improve the Title VIprogram at project, tribal: and national levels include incorporatingspecial diets into nutrition services because of high incidenceof_diabetes and hypertension among Indian elderly, continuing_to provide unrestricted home delivered meals,Ancluding_at least_iihe Indian professional on the Office of State and Tribal Programsstaff, and formulating a national policy on Indian aging. Appendices include Title VI history of funding reports from 22 tribes. 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Ham _9a4327 THE OLDER AMERICANS ACT AND ITS APPLICATION TO NATIVE AMERICANS HEARING BEFORE THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-NINTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION OKLAHOMA CITY, OK JUNE 28, 1986 Serial No. 99-22 u.s._emovaraturrOF EDUCATION Offic.olEtionai Research-and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES __ INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) clocuntentJuis Amen received from the reproduced AI onginaling it wean Or Organization 0 Minor chenpeanave reproduction 0401011rbeen made 10 improve Ponts of view °taproom' moot do not womanlystated in thilOocii OERI Position or Policy represent official Printed for the ws-e of the Stiecial Gommittecm Aging U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 62-F77 0 WASHINGTON1986 For sale by the Sukerintentlent of Decumen ts, Congroorionalei OfMe U.S. Government Printing Office, Washinvon; DC 20402 SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING JOHN HEINZ, Pennsylvania, Chairman WILLIAM &-COHEN, btaiiW JOB LGLFNN)hio: LARRYIPAISSLER,-Sciiitb Dakiita LAVITONICHILES,Xlmia CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, Iowa JORNMELMIER, Won-Iona PETE WIISON, California DAVID PRYOR, Arkansas JOHN W. WARNER, Virginia BILL BRADLEY, New Jersey DANIEL J. EVANS, Washinifton QUENTIN N. BURDICK, North Dakota JEREMIAH DENTON, Alabama CHRISTOPHER J. DODD, Connecticut DON NICKLIS, Oklahoma J. BENNETT JOHNSTON, Louisiana PAUIA HAWKINS, Florida JEFF BINGAMAN, New Mexico Swum; R. McOmtatu., Staff Director DIANs Limy, Mimrity Staff Director Roam L KROFT, Chief Clerk (U) 2.4'e 3 CONTENTS Opening Statement by Senator Don Nick Page len, presiding 1 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES Clighorn, Rudy, Red Rock; OK, OtoeMiEsouria Tribe, member, Oklahoma Indian Counciton Aging _2 Diaz, John, regional prograln director,AOA region yi, Dallas,-_ TX Ltuu;ont, Jeannie,: A.da, OK,: cornmiasioner 12 mission; the Chickataw Nakiii Oklahoma Indian Affairs COrn- 16 Wilson, SWve; "Okmulgte,- OK,manfter. rAnnmunity Rceearch and Develop- ment AdMinistration, Muscogee CreekNation Sthbler, PAUL eieciitive Coordinator,Tuloa 46 Woucbi,1 Pit, Ada, OK, administrative Area kgency Oki Agit4 Tata, OK 62 -:-Oklitlioma officer of the Chitkaiaw Nation of 64 White, ElizabetivTotratish; WA,pmgram manager, Yakhna Indian :Nation Area Agency con Aging; chairperson,-National Aisociation of title VI grant- ees analncliam Area Agencies on Aging = 71 Yee, Barbank PhD.; San &fee, CA,School of Human Development; Universi- tycf Oklahoma. Samis,_ Oneida, Durant, OK, title VI 74 _Oklahoma program director, ChocUlw Nation of 84 Durant Agate, Durant, OK, Choctawtribal _councilman Cook, Curtis, Albuquerque, NM, National 91 Indian Committee on Agihg 91 APPENDIX Item 1, Correspondence submitted byRudyieleghorn, member of the Okla; holm_ Indian Council on Aging_andrlirectorof the Otoe-MisTlouria Tribe title VI prOgram, entitled attachmentbrown: National Indian Policy Aging on 165 Repteinber 19,1985 letterito SenatorHeinz from Steve Wilson, shainnAtn Oklahoma Indian Cauncil on Agingrre Council% sioner on Asmealetter toSenatOr impression of Commis- Bingainini 166 Octeber 24,11-RIK-letter to Mr. COrtiiCciok, exechave...... Indian Council on Aging, &OM RudyCleghorn re proposed strategy Naplrrativedescription-of National Indian Policyon AgingA Nesd Attachment yeZow: The Indian DeskMyth.- 170 May24, 1984 WO: of Gongressional_Recordpi, 172 56549 and S6550.- . .... 173 Denember 7, 1954 litter to Senator A.Ta. trom Lennie-Iiiirie P TolliVer, Commissioner on Aging, re is of ACM-. 175 Commenti on previous letterbythe OklahomaIndian Council on Aging Cciinments by Rudy__Cleghorn to the Fe-deral 177 The Indian Desk Myth Council on Aging entitled: 181 EFecember 17,_19E6 letter from Michio Suzuki,ABIOCiate Commissioner. Office of State_anclTribal Programs,to Mi. Stacey Buffalohead,:execu- tive director, Otoe-Mireouria Tribe,re reeonal staff of the AOA to help VIproms 182 Rebuttal to Acting on Aging Wel Fraser Fisk's testimony las deliveral by John Diak).-by Ru& eshorn--_ 165 Letter to Senator Don Nicklesfrom the- Otoe-missowria tribal elders, requesting written concerns be inserted in record of hearing 189 MI) MMUS IV Page Item 2. Leder:to Peril+ Cain, legislative staff assistant tO BeilatorairiNickles from Elizabeth: Bkd; -site coordinator, title VI prograni,,Winnebago Tribe of Nebriailat; re: reduction of funds for title VI prograth 191 Ittan -3. Letter to:Steve Wilson; chairman_;:Oklahoma Indian Council diiAging friDiii:Virginia Coffey, AGA Administrativellrector, Caddo IndianTribi-of Oklahoma, with statements of participants in the SeniorCitizens ADA Nutrition and Supportive &ervices Program 192 Joan_PriddY 193 Sadie Nelums 194 Eilem Williams 195 Noah k Frank__ 195 Rudy and Amite Gonzales i96 Bessie Morrisett 196 Rein kiMemoraroium from Henn, Ellick, business manwer,Quapaw Tribe of Oklalionta;:to Meals: On :Wheels;:title VI participants, re -requestingaddi- tional fun-ding_fortitle VI:program. with: atatementa of theparticipanti 197 Hein 5. Jilb, :16, 1986, letter to Perry Cain, legislative staffassistant to &nator Nickles from Hugh Elnio, chairman; IICOA:and ViolaRodrignez, elderly nutrition program director, on behalf of_ theShoshone-Bannock elders, re lack of futidiiit fer title VI program 207 Item- 6. AuLust 5, 1986, letter to Perry Cain,: legislative staffassistant:to Senator aon Nickles from Retie Mary Joe, director-,_ CommunityServices Department, Toiyabe Indian Health Project, re title VI NutritionProgram 209 5 THE OLDER AMERICANS ACT AND ITS APPLICATION TO NATIVE AMERICANS SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1986 U.S. SENKTE, SPECIAL COMMIME ON AGING, Oktahonta City, OK The committee met; pursuant to notice, at 10 a.m., in the Senate ChamberS, State CaPitol, Oklahoma City, OK; Hon. Don Nickles presiding. Present: Senator Nickles OPENING_STATEMENT BY SENATOR DON NICKLES, PRESIDING &nat.-or Nicstms.:_ First I want to thankeveryone_ for-comin Many-of-you-came-from Some dittance. to _get here by 10 o'clockon a Saturday: morning; and-I-appreciate -your attendance. It shows that there- ill_ 4 la of interest fit the_ Older_ Americans- Actandrn seeing-that-we -improVe the SerViCOS Provided under its provisions. : I appreciate:your interest-in-the-welfare Of air native American elderlyi_anctIihope that this hearing:today_ will shedmore light on the-problems- that Indian :elderlyare having; It is my desire-to4ree to -it that -the epcial needs ofour Indian elderlY_ are _addressed' fir a: compassionate and-timely-manner.- Our State has more than 20,000 Indian elderly citizens;a growing popu- lation that must not -be-forgotten.- Tibia hearing is held on behalf of- the Special -Committee-on Aging,-of which I ain_member. :It is the Tint to:be :held by _the committee on _the-needs-of Mir Indian elderly and the implementa- tion ofseivices under the101der_ Americans-Act. --Under- thit _aCt, title III:authorizes grants to State agencies that provide services-to -the-elderly, Spoiacallyi Statesare :encouraged to preVide a comprehensive _delivery-system-for sumort- and-nutri- tion- -services; and multipurpose senior citizencenters__ Title_ VI offers _comparable-services-to
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