NOVEMBER 9, 1961 THE TORRANCE HECAL'D 45 ONLY THE HERALD HAS AUDITED CIRCULATION COVERAGE OF TORRANCE - - - GO WITH THE LEADE f Automotive * Automotive Automotive _Ajjtpmotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive AUTOMOBILKiT AUTOMOBILES" ~ AUTOMOBILES AUTOMO BILES AUTOMOBILES 190 AUTOMOBILES" " AUTOMOBILES ~~ AUTOMOBILES For Sale 190 For Sale 190 For Sale 190 For Sale 190 For Sale 190 AUTOMOBILES For Sale 190 For Sale 190 For Sale 190 OLDSMOBILE SPECIAL AT HUNT RAMBLER SALES RONALD E. MORAN INC. Open OLDSMOBILE Pricei 9 a.m. Slashed Immediate Delivery All Models, All Colors, to on 8 p.m Serviced, Polished, Ready To Go! AH 7 days EXAMPLES Inventory CT.EABITfa OUT FOB NEW CAB TRADE-IN'S Week MODEL 503 W. ANAHEIM TE 5-6649 EQUIPMENT 1960 Hillman '57 Dodge Royal '56 Cadillac '61 Metropolitan Dlx. sedan, like brand new. Hydramatic, power steering, cutlass motor, back - up 4 dr. cedan. Automatic 2 tonp gri-en & wliilp. Li 4 speed trani., radio, heat­ 4 door sedan. Air Con- 1962 WHITE lights, radio, outside mirror, wheel discs, E-Z-l-glas$ er. Red and white, extra trans., radio, heater, red UXH427. I{adio, lioate white wall tires - Sen?l 621 <b white. Real, real nice! Xlnt. condition. Real gas F-85 DELUXE SEDAN COI079. Factory price spcclnl, i-conomv! $3,240.76. $995 $795 $1295 $1345 Your Price 2,994 '57 Chevrolet '53 Ford Plck-Up 56 to 60 Ramblers to Choose From Group Wagon. 4-door. Automatic 2. Hydramatic, power steering, Cutlass motor, U ton. Real, Reel Sharp! transmission, radio, hpat- outside mirror, Fiesta wheel disks, tinted glass, electric SARAHA MIST $695 Up <T. Real Nicr! lailgate window, white wall tires. Polish. Serial No. F 85 621COI074. Factory price $3612.77. $595 DELUXE STATION 20 New 1961 Ramblers Left $1095 WAGON $ Your Price 3,359 PUBLIC NOTICE Final 5 Dayi Our Best Foot Forward! 1962 BLUE & WHITE DYNAMIC HOLIDAY wall tires. 2 tone paint, blue & white Finance Resales SEDAN c. 622C02253. Factory price $4,020.54 Must B» These Jars Are The Your Price ^k. Sold 3,499 Regardless of Los* Cream Of Our Crop Hydramatic, power steering, power brakes, back-up 1962 CAMEO CREAM lights, radio, E-Z-I glass, electric windows, white wall STARFIRE COUPE tires Serial No. 626C01201 .Factory price $4,625.89 CHEVROLET ;.<> Station Wagon Standnril Fresh New Car Trades Ti-un.«ml3nlon. .......... $5 '46 4 door. Standard Trana nloii. O.D. ............ 26.28 Your Price S4,048 '66 4 door. Standard Tranumls- slon O.D. ............ 28.112 '5i> Station Vfagon Autonmtln and traiiBinlHHlon ............ 2.T78 PRICED TO GO Hydramatic, heater, power steering, deluxe steering '66 2 door Hard top Standard Triiii.«mlfc*lon .......... 21.65 1962 wheel, tinted windshield, power brakes, crankcase '.Vi :: door Ilurd top automatic WHITE TranonilMHlon .......... 27.83 ventilator, glaze. Serial No. 622C0240). Factory price 66 4 door Standard Tranumli- '57 CHEVROLET Nomad Station Wagon. V-8, stick DYNAMIC CELEBRITY ion .................... 26,40 $3633.50. shift, radio, heater, whits walls. Beautiful coi plui SEDAN economy. FORD S3,097' 69 T-BIrd Autoniatla Trana. Your nlon .................. JS2.60 Price '6H 4 door. Automatic Triuismli- '1499 nlon .................... 37.M) 67 2 door Hard top ...... 30,21 '57 Station Wneron Automatic TrnnmnJcsloii .......... 29.95 '57 CHEVROLET Convertible. Radio, heater V-8, 65 Convartlblt Automatic Trans- Powerglide, white wall tires. mlMlon ................ 32.30 Our black beauty MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! '6"i 2 door. AutotniMo Traiwmlii- with a brand new white top. nlon .................... 18.90 64 ronvertlbU. Aurtoniatl« 3 Year or 30,000 Mile Warranty! Tran.sinlnslon .......... 10.60 5!/2% Financing Available! Highest Trade-in Values! 1299 PLYMOUTH 'M Wafton. Automatl* Trani- '57 FORD Fairlano 2-door Sedan. Radio, heater, au­ minslon ................ 54.98 '59 CHEVROLET Impala 4-door Sedan. V-8, auto­ RONALD E. MORAN INC. '69 Fury 2 door Hard top. Auto­ tomatic transmission, V-8, white wall tires. This car matic transmission, radio, heater, power si firing, Your Oldsmobile-Cadillac Dealer matic Transmission .... 39.41 is \"iry onginal. '5il 2 door. Automatic Transmis­ white walls. A beautiful JOO No. Pacific Coast Hwy. sion .................... 36.21 family car. Rt . do '67 3 door. Automntlo Transmis­ FRontier 2-2181 sion .................... 23.4B SPring 2-2811 Titi 4 door. Automatic Ti-anxmlx- 1299 Mlun ...................... lil.10 '1999 B(i TonviM'liblo. Autoitmtlc' Ti-aimml.-fUm .......... 62.80 '58 CHEVROLET Biscayne 4-door Sedan. V-8, auto- '55 FORD Ikudtop Victoria. V-8, Fordomotic, radio, malic transmission, radio, heater. Golden B e i g p DODGE heater, white walls. Popular Ivor/ and Tuiquoisu 'lid 2 dniir. KlBmlurd Transmis­ color. Makes a nice family car. sion .................... 4.'l.95 coior. Ti7 Ciinvnrllblc. Automatic Tnmsmlsalim .......... 28.40 $ 67 2 door Hardtop. Automatic Tninsmlnslon 1299 .......... 26.82 '51 4 door. Automatic 699 Trans­ mit.>n .................. J2.10 62 B '59 CHEVROLET Impala 4-door Soort Sedan V-8, '54 PONTIAC 2-door Sedan. Radio, heater, automa­ automatic transmission, radio, healer, Silver Blue. PONTIAC tic transmission. Transportation '61 3 door Hardtop Automatic at its best. See to appreciate. TnuiKiiiiHKlon .......... 71.60 5(1 1 door. Automatic Trmismls- S399 NO SECRET (don .................... 28.1K) HERE 'U\ 4 door. Automatic Tran.«ml.i- nlon .................... 1999 14.06 'fi!t namhli.r Wagon. Slandnrd 59 DODGE Sierra 4-door Station Wagon. V-8, au­ '59 CHEVROLET Brookwood 4-door Station Wagon Traniiiil^Mion .......... 29..'IS ',',; II.MC Ti'ilrk - 4 »p.-..,l SIUII'I- tomatic transmission, radio, heater, power steering, V-8, automat.c transmission, radio, heater, powe. WE BEAT ANY iiid 'I'niiiHmis.ilon ...... 2(i,60 power brakes, while waNs. A very fine running car. steering, white walls, tutone Blue. See this nice DEAL! if, .MIMVIII-V 2 door. Hard too. Aiiloniatii' Transmission $24 !ir, roomy comfortable wogon. Til) Olds. 2 door. Hard top 'Jl.TJ 1899 All cum may be purcham>i] MAKE fur mull. Take over abov,i '1899 nnymenU or reflnnnco tnr ROOM USED CAR SALE lower payment*. (Jood credit MR. RILEY FULL PRICES | DOWN PAYMENTS PAUL'S CHEVROLET, Inc. Pacific Acceptance Co. '62 BUICK air, power, 500 miles $3195 '59 RAMBLER wagon, power ..... $349 FR 9-1774 1640 Cabrillo Ave. in Torrance '56 BUICK 2-door ........................... '59 BUICK 4-door, power ............. 299 599 1 %(Y ~OU V~A I K~Slm; k~Hh7n7 FA 8-1647 OPEN SATURDAY and SUNDAY 8:30 A.M. to 6 P.M Rlnnily fmploynd IIITHOII may '60 FORD 4-door, power .................. 349 ai'niime pHvmonU of $21.00 and '61 BUICK power ........................: 2895 IH8.73. Call Mr. Taylor. NOW Another Used Car Lot Annex tor PAUL'S 20725 Hawthorne Blvd - '59 FORD wagon .............................. 349 _ __ JTK 1-5459 ___ '60 FORD Sfarliner ...................... 2095 Many Bargains There, Too. Or Call FR 1-1284 '58 RENAULT '59 OLDSMOBILE 2-door, 4 door Hi-dan. excellent ron- '55 PONTIAC 2-door, hardtop 295 hardtop, power ......... ................ 349 dilion. Kull price only. I04H rllKVKOI.KT J'H'luili. 'j ton. Uuml Mliiiiiiv ai7:i W. IK-'MH '56 BUICK 4-door. hardtop $795 t HA -l-lulll ....... 295 '58 T-BIRD power .............................. 329 Slil.lM mill i-oiitnirt hidun J11S7.62. ('nil Mr. Tuylo ASSIJMI'i imymi'iitH on i.'liiivi'oli-l 206} i" H AWI HORN'! "BLVD. TK 1-MB'J 'lift Bill Air t door. Aiitiunntiu We Finance Anvone RAMBLERS 2-'61'$ tninmnlHHlon, radio. l..',,ler, ilKKCUHY '56 9 IMIH nlr. Orltfliml one im-imr. $17.00 '/, Mile N. Torrance Blvd. tlaii wajfon. Auto mill tat.UO iiur inonlh. llllMHlon, rilcllll, I In* Credit iniiliiilfi'r. liA 7-1747 FR 1-1244_ _ mlli'ri. Bi-nliliriil iMihilllloii. I'UM'A'CHTIN IIKAI.KV. Mivlmn- HIM TIIIINI-iNltmKI) a' door, Tuko over fin' $24.i)d. niul $:i:i. iw Irully |i,.ir,., I tiill.'i MOENCH-DAVIS hardti.p. ur iii nth. L'li-iiii iiii-h. Illlll) radio, heater, power. Mmliil A roiiiM!. Ili'lniMt iiiiilor. I'llvalc parly W:III|IM| to an- ____ _ UA_7-IT47 tJAu. mimo |,,IVI,MI.IH of SJI.OD mid UA :i-442ll. >:.7 !i:l |iiM- inontli. Call Mr. IIAK MKKCM'UV . "MV. TAKK OVKIt UiidKH '"Hlnlloll _Tiylor, TK l-rMfi!). _ wnii'in. 'M for .VJI.iin mi.I $7.nil >-li. l.'il'.'i;. und r,M,n.,. i li.il.ui UA 7-1747 - BUICK - 59 MERCURY VIUVUO. Call Mr. Tuyloi, K 4 door Imrdlop. lmmaciilali< Thl 1-B469 IUIII KOI1I) 2' door Vlclurhi, Fully i^inlppiMl. l..,ur,il Kri-i-n. ia<llo. h.'iititr, 8011 So. Vermont - 2 Giant Locations - 2025 Miikn Offi-r Todav i'i»-nl'l.'"or' IrlrY'i'' »'ud' "contrni't W. Florence lialiui.r i<r »:»Ul.iiii. Cull Mr. 2061 I HAWTHORNE BLVD. Taylor. TK 1-5451). _ TODAYS SPECIALS Your Buick Dealer SAME LOCATION 20 YEARS V, Mile N. Torranre Blvd. i'HIVATK J'AIITV wallti-d lo h.kr ,,\.i ;,:, j'ontlur 4 ili;.>r. '.V| FR I 1244 OAK BHICK Ontiiry conv«rllbl«. Kudio .-mil lM-iili-r. K\.'nlli'llt KOIU) ............ PL 3-3200 OPEN 7 DAYS PL 3-3201 Itadlo, hiiiitcr, uiitomutlc IJynii- ll «2!I.OO pel- rlo\v, power, cn-niii und while lilt ': K0ltl> .....,,,.... $610 top A.HH.imc iiiiyiiH-nlK i.f 4U.75 nth. and i-i.nlriii-I hnl.,11.- or tH7ll 21 _ DA 7-1747 58 CIIKVItOI.I'.T .. i.n\iiii-iitH or 121.1X1 and con- Tiiylor, TK I-S45D. JUDO flA'l'.AXIK " 8* doiii-r rudlo, Ici.l lialalict or H!!K 00. Call lii-iitnr. riiilxoMiiitlu, whilif AH- Mr Tiiylor. TK 1-5459. ;'!' Htalioli WiiKiill,' Miim, jmyiiiniiiii of *.iV 45 mnl rollll-lli-t Illlllllin- of M57,',IIU, RAMBLERS 2- '61'i r $27.00 und fi.'ino Cull Mr.
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