
MUSIKA KLASIKOA 03 CLASSICAL MUSIC Karlos Sánchez Ekiza MUSIKA KLASIKOA 03 CLASSICAL MUSIC Karlos Sánchez Ekiza 2 Etxepare Euskal Institutuak sortutako bilduma 01 MUSIKA KLASIKOA Euskara honek hamabi kultura-adierazpide bildu CLASSICAL MUSIC The Basque Language ditu. Guztiak kate bakarraren katebegiak dira, hizkuntza berak, lurralde komunak 02 eta denbora-mugarri berberek zeharkatzen Karlos Sánchez Ekiza Literatura Literature dituztelako. Kulturaren eskutik, euskararen lurraldean tradizioa eta abangoardia nola 03 uztartu diren jasoko duzu. Kulturaren leihotik, Musika klasikoa bertakoaren eta kanpokoaren topalekua Classical Music erakutsiko dizugu. Kulturaren taupadatik, 04 nondik gatozen, non gauden eta nora goazen Euskal kantagintza: pop, rock, folk jakiteko aukera izango duzu. Liburu sorta hau Basque Songwriting: pop, rock, folk abiapuntu bat da, zugan jakin-mina eragin eta 08 Sarrera Introduction euskal kultura sakonago ezagutzeko gogoa 05 Artea piztea du helburu. Art This collection created by the Etxepare 10 Sortzaileak Composers 06 Basque Institute brings together twelve Zinema cultural disciplines, all of them intertwined as Cinema they share language, land and history. Hand in 24 Interpretatzaileak The Artists 07 hand with our culture, we invite you to witness Arkitektura eta diseinua the fusion of tradition and innovation, the Architecture and Design melding of local and foreign. In short, we invite 46 Azpiegitura The Infraestructure 08 you to learn where we come from, where we Euskal dantza are now and where we’re heading. This set of Basque Dance books is a launchpad intended to spark your curiosity. 09 52 Bibliografia Bibliography Bertsolaritza Bertsolaritza 10 Tradizioak Traditions 11 Sukaldaritza Cuisine 12 Antzerkia Theatre BASQUECULTURE.EUS THE GateWAY TO BasQUE CReatiVITY AND CultuRE Nola lortu du Mendebaleko Europako berezko How has the only indigenous language of Western hizkuntzen artean indoeuroparra ez den bakarrak Europe that is not of Indo-European origin achieved its bere lekua hartzea XXI. mendean? Zertan datza own place in the 21st century? What is Basque culture euskal kultura gaur egun eta zertan bereizten and what sets it apart from others? What international da da besteengandik? Zer presentzia merezi du presence does it deserve? nazioartean? Through the books that make up this collection, the Liburu hauen bidez, Etxepare Euskal Institutuak Etxepare Basque Institute would like to offer a series of erantzun batzuk proposatu nahi ditu, beste kultura responses to reach out to other cultures and identities. eta identitate batzuei eskua luzatzeko asmoz. Elkar The better we know each other, the more we appreciate ezagutzea baita elkar estimatzeko eta ulertzeko each other. Ongi etorri. modu bakarra. Ongi etorri. Irene Larraza Aizpurua Irene Larraza Aizpurua ETXEPARE EUSKAL INSTITUTUKO ETXEPARE BASQUE INSTITUTE ZUZENDARIA DIRECTOR Sarrera Introduction Euskaldunen ezaugarrien artean, musikarako Hala ere, aitortu behar da munduko ia herri One of the qualities that has been most associ- described in these terms, as possessing an innate gaitasuna da historian zehar gehien nabar- guztiei buruz esaten dela gauza bera, musikarako ated with Basques through history is their mu- ability for music. And it is equally true that the mendu izan denetako bat. Bereziki ospetsua berezko gaitasuna dutela, alegia. Nolanahi ere, sical ability. Especially important has been their main currents of so-called classical music, west- da euskaldunek koru edo abesbatzetan kan- musika klasikoa –musika eruditua edo akade- choral dimension, as expressed in the saying “one ern academic music or have not been centred tatzeko duten zaletasuna; hortik dator esaera mikoa– deritzogunaren ildo nagusiek ez dute Basque, one beret; two, a game of pelota; three, a historically in the Basque Country. Having said ezaguna: «Euskaldun bat: txapela; bi euskaldun: Euskal Herrian eragin handirik izan historikoki. choir”. Indeed, the international prestige enjoyed that, this does not mean that this small people pilota-partida; hiru euskaldun: orfeoia». Euskal Horrek ez du esan nahi, ordea, gure herri txikiak by Basque choirs today is, in effect, no different have not had an interesting past, with certain abesbatzak entzutetsuak dira nazioartean gaur musikaren alorrean bide interesgarririk egin ez to that of interpreters during past eras, such as major international figures both throughout egun, baina iraganean ere izan ziren interpre- duenik. Nazioartean izan dira, punta-puntako the violinist and composer Pablo Sarasate or the their history—a history that has been officially tatzaile famatuak gure artean: Pablo Sarasate musikarien artean, euskaldunak, nahiz eta modu tenor Julián Gayarre. One of the greatest com- recorded in far too few places—and today in terms biolin-jotzaile eta konpositorea eta Julián Ga- ofizialean leku askotan agertzen ez diren; eta posers of all time, Maurice Ravel, was also Basque, of both composers and performers. yarre tenorra, esaterako. Era berean, histo- gaur egun ere badira, bai konposizioan, bai eta as are some of the most prestigious names in Throughout this work I will attempt to rian izan diren punta-puntako konpositoreen interpretazioan ere. contemporary composition, led by Luis de Pablo, summarise this activity, contending that music artean, bada bat euskalduna: Maurice Ravel. Eta Liburu honetan, musika-jardueraren erre- Agustín González Acilu and Félix Ibarrondo. —whether classical, erudite or academic—is a gaur egun ere badira musika-konposizioan izen pasoa egiten saiatuko gara, uste osoa baitugu It is also true, however, that there are few key element of contemporary cultural activity handiko euskaldunak: Luis de Pablo, Agustín musika, arlo klasikoan, erudituan edo akademi- people in the world who have not also been in the Basque Country. González Azilu eta Félix Ibarrondo, esaterako, koan, garrantzi handiko elementua dela gaur ezagunenak aipatzearren. egungo euskal kulturaren barruan. 8 9 MUSIKA KLASIKOA CLASSICAL MUSIC Sortzaileak Composers The history of western classical music has been played out in very few countries. In the Middle Ages, it was centred in France, whose proximity— especially from the thirteenth century on when the throne of Navarre was occupied by several French dynasties—led to the most outstanding com- posers of the era spending time in the Basque region. This was the case during the reign of the first French monarch in Navarre, Theobold I of Cham- pagne (known today as Theobold I of Navarre), one of the most prominent representatives of the troubadour movement. We still have fifty of his me- lodies today arranged in more than three hundred versions, an exceptional amount for the era. Another figure associated with Navarre was arguably the most important composer in the Middle Ages: Guillaume de Machaut, court composer to Charles II of Navarre. Following the fall of the Kingdom of Navarre at the beginning of the 1 sixteenth century, Hispanic musical influence (with all that this entailed) became more important in the southern part of the Basque Country. One Mendebaldeko musika eruditua ez da herrialde askotan landu Historian ba- Basque figure spanning the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, for example, rrena. Erdi Aroan, Frantzia izan zen herrialderik pribilegiatuena, eta gugandiko was the polyphonist Juan de Anchieta, who occupied various potions in hurbiltasunak euskal orbitan jarri zituen orduko musikagile handienetako Castilian royal chapels through to the reign of Charles I (and Charles V, Holy batzuk –bereziki XIII. mendetik aurrera, Nafarroako tronua Frantziako dinastien Roman Emperor). From the seventeenth century onwards, music in the Ibe- mendean geratu zenean–. Musikagile haien artean ezagunena Nafarroako rian Peninsula remained detached from fashionable European trends. As a Teobaldo I.a da, Champagneko kondea eta Nafarroako lehenengo errege result, important eighteenth-century Basque composers like Juan Francés frantsesa; gaur egun trobalarien mugimenduaren ordezkari nagusietako bat de Iribarren (religious music), Blas de Laserna (tonadilla escénica or musical dela kontsideratzen da. Haren doinu asko, ia berrogeita hamar, gorde dira comedy), Joaquín de Oxinaga and Sebastián Albero (both keyboard music) bostehun bertsio baino gehiagoetan, eta kopuru hori zinez harrigarria da remained within the Hispanic milieu. Curiously, however, also during these garai hartarako. Guillaume de Machaut da Nafarroarekin lotzen den beste centuries a number of French composers of the time included Basque refe- musikagile handi bat; Erdi Aroko konpositore garrantzitsuena da askoren rences in the titles or subtitles of their works. However, in their music, as is ustean, eta Nafarroako Karlos II.aren gorteko musikagilea izan zen. 1. Tronpeta- eta 1. Trumpet and flute also the case when considering references to other nations in similar pieces XVI. mendearen hasieran, Nafarroako erreinua desagertu ondoren, flauta- eta and drum performers. of the era, it is difficult to appreciate any specifically Basque influence from danbor-jotzaileak. Pamplona Cathedral Euskal Herriaren hegoaldea Hispaniako giro musikalean murgildu zen, eta Iruñeko Katedraleko Capital (Navarre). our perspective today. horrek ondorio nabarmenak ekarri zituen. XV. mendearen amaieratik XVI. Kapitela. The musical environment in the Basque Country began to change mendearen hasierara bitartean ezinbestekoa da Juan Antxieta polifonista slowly with the Enlightenment. The Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos azpeitiarra aipatzea, Gaztelako
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