12060 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 25ra SEPTEMBER 1979 Part of a cleared site bounded by Harrop Street to the HIGHWAYS ACT, 1959 North, Guide Lane to the south and east and Pitt Street to the west including part of the respective rear curtilages CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL of shop premises numbered 200-206 Guide Lane and the NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF EXTINGUISHMENT OF Sun Inn Public House, containing approximately 2,708 PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY ORDER square metres and numbered plots 6, 7, 11-21 on the said map. HIGHWAYS ACT 1959 Part of a cleared site bounded by Ashlands Drive to the The Cambridge City Council (Footpath 109—Barnwell Road north, Guide Lane to the south, Pitt Street to the east and —Marshall's Airport Boundary) Public Path Extinguish- the Pack Horse Inn to the west, containing approximately ment Order 1979. 712 square metres and numbered 22-25 on the said map. Notice is hereby given that on llth September 1979 A cleared site to the west of St. Anne's Road between Cambridge City Council confirmed the above Order. Mellor Street and Guide Lane, containing approximately Its effect is to extinguish the public right of way running 186 square metres and numbered plots 40 and 41 on the from Barnwell Road to Marshalls Airport boundary. said map. A copy of the Order as confirmed and the map con- tained in it has been deposited and may be inspected free Part of the land within the respective curtilages of shop of charge during normal office hours in Room 6, 1st Floor, premises and dwellinghouses, numbered 213-225 (odd num- at the Guildhall, Cambridge. bers inclusive) Guide Lane, containing approximately 681 The Order became operative as from 18th September square metres and numbered plots 42 and 43 on the said 1979 but if any person aggrieved by the Order desires map. to question the validity thereof, or of any provision Part of a cleared site between dwellinghouses numbered contained therein, on the ground that it is not within 225 and 245 Guide Lane containing approximately 1,046 the powers of the Highways Act 1959, as amended, or square metres and numbered plots 44 and 45 on the said on the ground that any requirement of the Act as amended map. or any regulation made thereunder has not been complied Part of the respective curtilages of shop premises and with in relation to the Order he may under Schedule 2 dwellinghouses numbered 245-249 (odd numbers inclusive) to the Act, as applied by paragraph 5 of Schedule 7 to Guide Lane and numbered 1-33 (odd numbers inclusive) the Act, within 6 weeks from 25th September 1979 make Denton Road, together with land to the rear of dwelling- an application for the purpose to the High Court. houses numbered 1-27 (odd numbers inclusive Denton Michael Ball, City Secretary and Solicitor Road, part of Richmond Street at its junction with Denton The Guildhall, Road, part of grassed frontage to the Audenshaw Com- Cambridge CB2 3QJ. munity Centre, containing approximately 3,223 square metres and numbered plots 46-58 on the said map. 25th September 1979. (524) The western half of the highway known as Denton Road and fronting properties 32 and 34 and part of 36 and part GREATER MANCHESTER COUNTY COUNCIL of the Library, Denton Road, containing approximately 292 square metres and numbered plots 59, 60, 61, and 62 on the Guide Lane CPO said map. Compulsory Purchase of Land in Audenshaw, in the Part of front curtilages of dwellinghouses, numbered 2,. Borough of Tameside 2A, 4 and 6 Stamford Road, containing approximateley 429 Notice is hereby given that the Greater Manchester County square metres and numbered plots 63-66 on the said map. Council have made the Greater Manchester County Council Part of the front curtilages of dwelinghouses numbered (A6017 Guide Lane, Audenshaw, Tameside) Compulsory 26-32 (even numbers inclusive) Shepley Road, containing Purchase Order 1979, under the Highways Acts 1959-71. approximately 326 square metres and numbered plots 29-32 They are about to submit this Order to the Secretary of on the said map. State for the Environment and Transport for confirmation and if confirmed, the Order will authorise them to purchase The northern half of the highway known as Shepley Road compulsorily, the land described below for the purpose of fronting dwellinghouses numbered 25 and 27 Shepley Road the constrtuction of a highway between the junction of and containing approximately 166 square metres and num- Guide Lane with Chapel Street in the north and the bered plots 27 and 28 on the said map. junction of Denton Road with Richmond Street in the Part of a cleared site bounded by Shepley Road to the south all at Audenshaw in the Metropolitan Borough of north, Cook Street at its junction with Oak Street to the Tameside in the County of Greater Manchester, the con- south and dwellinghouse number 26 Shepley Road to the struction of a highway between the junction of Shepley east and Guide Lane to the west containing approximately Road, with Cemetery Road in the east and the junction of 4,205 square metres and numbered plots 33 and 34 on the Cook Street with St. Anne's Road in the west all at Auden- said map. shaw as aforesaid ; and the construction of other highways Parts of a cleared site to the south of Cook Street between and the improvement of existing highways, all in the vicinity Oak Street and St. Anne's Road, containing approximately of the routes of the above-mentioned highways in pursuance 352 square metres and numbered plots 35-39 on the said of the Greater Manchester County Council (A6017 Guide map. Lane, Audenshaw, Tameside, Classified Road) (Side Roads) Order 1979, and use by the said Council in connection with The whole of the site containing approximately 16,447 the construction and improvement of highways as aforesaid. square metres. A copy of the Order and of the accompanying map may G. M. Tideswell, County Secretary be seen at all reasonable hours at the County Secretary's 21st September 1979. (729> Department, Greater Manchester County Council, County Hall, Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester, at the offices of Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, Town Hall, Ashton-under-Lyme and at the Information Office, Rye- ROCHDALE BOROUGH COUNCIL croft Hall, Audenshaw. Any objection to the Order must be made in writing to HIGHWAYS ACT 1959, SECTION 108 AND 12™ SCHEDULE the Regional Controller, Departments of the Environment Notice is hereby given that the Rochdale Borough Council and Transport, North West Regional Office, Sunley Build- pursuant to arrangements made under section 101 of the ing, Piccadilly Plaza, Manchester, before 19th October 1979, Local Government Act 1972 with the County Council and should state the title of the Order and the grounds of of Greater Manchester, in exercise of the powers of the objection. said County Council intend to apply to the Magistrates Description of Land Court at Rochdale on Thursday 1st November 1979 at A cleared site to west of Guide Lane from opposite the the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon for an Order under Guide Lane Methodist Church to Harrop Street, contain- section 108 of the Highways Act 1959 authorising the closure ing approximately 1,681 square metres and numbered plots of 1-5 and 8-10 on the said map. a rear passage between Vavasour Street and Grafton The eastern half of the highway known as Guide Lane Street for the whole of its length. between Guide Lane Methodist Church and Shepley Road, The effect of the said Order is shown on the plan containing approximately 540 square metres and numbered which may be inspected free of charge at the office of plot 26 on the said map. the Secretary, Rochdale Borough Council, Town Hall,,.
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