Ral Isoforms Are Implicated in Fcγ R-Mediated Phagocytosis: Activation of Phospholipase D by RalA This information is current as Matthias Corrotte, An Phu Tran Nyguyen, Marie Line of September 28, 2021. Harlay, Nicolas Vitale, Marie-France Bader and Nancy J. Grant J Immunol 2010; 185:2942-2950; Prepublished online 2 August 2010; doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.0903138 Downloaded from http://www.jimmunol.org/content/185/5/2942 Supplementary http://www.jimmunol.org/content/suppl/2010/07/30/jimmunol.090313 Material 8.DC1 http://www.jimmunol.org/ References This article cites 45 articles, 26 of which you can access for free at: http://www.jimmunol.org/content/185/5/2942.full#ref-list-1 Why The JI? Submit online. • Rapid Reviews! 30 days* from submission to initial decision by guest on September 28, 2021 • No Triage! Every submission reviewed by practicing scientists • Fast Publication! 4 weeks from acceptance to publication *average Subscription Information about subscribing to The Journal of Immunology is online at: http://jimmunol.org/subscription Permissions Submit copyright permission requests at: http://www.aai.org/About/Publications/JI/copyright.html Email Alerts Receive free email-alerts when new articles cite this article. Sign up at: http://jimmunol.org/alerts The Journal of Immunology is published twice each month by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc., 1451 Rockville Pike, Suite 650, Rockville, MD 20852 Copyright © 2010 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0022-1767 Online ISSN: 1550-6606. The Journal of Immunology Ral Isoforms Are Implicated in FcgR-Mediated Phagocytosis: Activation of Phospholipase D by RalA Matthias Corrotte, An Phu Tran Nyguyen, Marie Line Harlay, Nicolas Vitale, Marie-France Bader, and Nancy J. Grant Phagocytosis is an essential element of the immune response permitting the elimination of pathogens, cellular debris, apoptotic cells, and tumor cells. Recently, both phospholipase D (PLD) isoforms, PLD1 and PLD2, were shown to be necessary for efficient FcgR-mediated phagocytosis. In this study, we investigated the role of a potential PLD regulator, the Ral GTPases RalA and RalB, in murine RAW 264.7 macrophages. Both Ral isoforms are expressed in macrophages and are transiently activated following FcgR stimulation. When Ral expression levels were varied using Ral mutants or interference RNA, phago- cytosis assays revealed that Ral isoforms have antagonistic effects; RalA is a positive modulator, whereas RalB plays a negative role. We then focused on RalA and its possible relationship with PLD. The increase in PLD activity that occurs when phagocytosis Downloaded from is stimulated was inhibited in cells with reduced RalA protein, but it was unaffected by reduced levels of RalB. Furthermore, in macrophages transfected with dsRed-RalA and GFP-PLD1 or GFP-PLD2, RalA colocalized with PLD1 and PLD2 at the phago- cytic cup during phagosome formation. Additional results obtained from immunoprecipitation of PLD from macrophages trans- fected with myc-RalA and hemagglutinin-tagged PLD1 or PLD2 indicated an enhanced interaction of RalA with both PLD isoforms during phagocytic stimulation. The increase in RalA and PLD1 interaction was transient and correlated with the time course of RalA activation. These findings reveal a novel pathway involving RalA and PLD in the regulation of FcgR-mediated http://www.jimmunol.org/ phagocytosis. The Journal of Immunology, 2010, 185: 2942–2950. hagocytosis is a complex, evolutionarily conserved process phagosome matures into a phagolysosome through interactions with that permits the internalization and degradation of large the endosomal–lysosomal pathway, leading to acidification of the P particles (.0.5 mm) in diverse cellular functions, ranging vacuole, degradation of the ingested material, and its eventual recy- from nutrition in unicellular organisms and remodeling of tissues cling for Ag presentation (5). during development to the maintenance of homeostasis and elimi- Membrane trafficking is essential for phagocytosis during the nation of pathogens in the immune response of higher organisms. formation and maturation of the phagosome. A number of intra- by guest on September 28, 2021 The phagocytic signal is triggered by a variety of receptors, in- cellular compartments, including early and late endosomes, lyso- cluding the extensively studied FcgR, which recognizes the con- somes (6), and the endoplasmic reticulum (7), have been proposed stant fragment of Ig opsonized on particles (1). Following activation as membrane sources for focal exocytosis at phagocytic sites. and clustering of the FcgR, signal transduction leads to rearrange- SNARE complexes (8, 9) and different phospholipids (10, 11) are ments of the actin cytoskeleton that drive the extension of pseu- involved in these membrane-trafficking events. Phospholipase D dopods around the particle to form the phagosome, the vacuole in (PLD) activity, which generates phosphatidic acid (PA) from phos- which the particle is engulfed. To maintain homeostasis of the cell phatidylcholine, was reported to increase during activation of sev- surface, this step also requires the insertion of endomembranes by eral phagocytosis receptors, including FcgR (12). Recently, we focal exocytosis (2), which depends on actomyosin contractile ac- demonstrated that PA is produced at phagocytic sites and that the tivity (3) and membrane-fusion events (4). After internalization, the PLD isoforms PLD1 and PLD2 are necessary for efficient phago- cytosis (13). PLD2 is present at the plasma membrane, whereas the De´partement Neurotransmission et Se´cre´tion Neuroendocrine, Institut des Neuro- isoform PLD1 is associated with the late endosome/lysosome com- sciences Cellulaires et Inte´gratives, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Unite´ Propre de Recherche 3212, Strasbourg, France partment that is recruited to phagocytic sites, suggesting a role for PLD in focal exocytosis during phagosome formation (13). How the Received for publication September 23, 2009. Accepted for publication June 30, 2010. PLD isoforms are regulated and their cellular functions during This work was supported by grants from the Agence National de la Recherches phagocytosis remain to be elucidated. (ANR-09-BLAN-0264-01) and the Association pour la Recherche´ sur le Cancer The monomeric Ral GTPases are potential regulators of PLD. (ARC4051). RalA and RalB form a subgroup of the superfamily of Ras proteins Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Nancy J. Grant, De´partement and share ∼85% homology in their amino acid sequences. The Neurotransmission et Se´cre´tion Neuroendocrine, Institut des Neurosciences Cellu- laires et Inte´gratives, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Unite´ Propre de importance of the Ral GTPases in membrane-trafficking events and Recherche 3212, 5 Rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg 67084, France. E-mail address: organization of the actin cytoskeleton is well established in a num- [email protected] ber of cellular functions, such as cell migration, neurite branching, The online version of this article contains supplemental material. receptor endocytosis, and regulated exocytosis (14). In this study, Abbreviations used in this paper: Ag-Ig, aggregated Ig; BSA, BSA-coated; HA, the functional importance of Ral proteins in phagocytosis was in- hemagglutinin; IgG, IgG opsonized; IP, immunoprecipitates; iRNA, interference RNA; Memb, organelles and large membrane fragments; NC, noncoated; NS, nonstimulated vestigated, in particular the relationship between RalA and PLD cells; PA, phosphatidic acid; pEGFP, enhanced GFP; PLD, phospholipase D; RalA-WT, isoforms during phagosome formation. Ral proteins were observed RalA wild type; RalB-WT, RalB wild type; Sol, soluble cytoplasmic fraction. to have opposing roles in mediating the internalization of 3-mm Copyright Ó 2010 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc. 0022-1767/10/$16.00 IgG-opsonized particles: RalA acts as a positive modulator, www.jimmunol.org/cgi/doi/10.4049/jimmunol.0903138 The Journal of Immunology 2943 whereas RalB plays a negative role. Additional results provide Phagocytosis assay evidence that RalA interacts with the PLD isoforms and regulates For these assays, phagocytosis was synchronized by adding IgG-opsonized PLD activity, suggesting that a pathway involving RalA and PLD particles to cells grown on glass coverslips, centrifuging cells for 2 min at modulates the efficiency of FcgR-dependent phagocytosis in mac- 100 3 g at 18˚C, and then initiating phagocytosis by placing them at 37˚C, rophages. as previously described (13). Briefly, phagocytosis was stopped 5 or 30 min later by washing twice in cold PBS. At these time points, the uptake of nonopsonized particles was negligible. After fixation, external beads were labeled with goat anti-human IgG coupled to Alexa Fluor 555. Cells trans- Materials and Methods fected with Ral plasmids were identified by permeabilizing cells in Cell culture Triton X-100 and labeling with anti-myc Ab. Unlabeled internalized beads were visualized with phase-contrast optics. The number of internalized Culture conditions for the murine macrophage RAW 267.4 cell line in RPMI beads per cell was determined for randomly chosen fields ($80 cells for 1640-glutamax medium supplemented with 10% FBS were as described each condition) using superimposed fluorescent and phase-contrast images previously (13). (Adobe Photoshop 9). After determining the mean number of beads in- ternalized per cell, the phagocytic
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