R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC, 130 S ESSION S ST. PROVI DENCE I RI 02906 Billy Carter Present for Dayan Rebuked For Libyan Celebration Meetings With P.L.O. President Muammar el-Qaddafi hosted a speech. Marchers included contingents of On two separate occasions during the cooperate." rally and celebration marking the 10th An­ P.L.O. guerrillas in camounage uniforms, course of the past week, Foreign Minister Although Mr. Dayan is a member of the niversary of the coup that overthrew King black African guerrillas from the Patriotic Moshe Daya n met with Pro-P.L.O. leaders. committee of six ministers responsible for Idris on September I. Among the Arab Front in Zimbabwe Rhodesia, and other On August 29 Dayan conferred in Gaza with autonomy negotiations with Egypt, he has leaders who · attended the celebrl!tion were Arab troops. a prominent Palestinian Arab who supports not participated in them, since he is dis­ King Hussein of Jordan, President Assad of Billy Carter, who reportedly enjoys a the Palestinian Liberation Organization. pleased with the way the negotiations are go­ Syria, Algeria's President Chadli'Benjedid, close friendship with Colonel Qaddafi was The meeting brought sharp criticism from ing . President Abdel Fattah Ismail of Southern also present in Libya for the celebration of some members of the Cabinet and Knesset. Yemen, Sheik Sabah of Kuwait, Sultan al­ the military coup. When questioned as to Israel's Radio reported on September 3 In a briefing following the meetings, Mr. Nahiya of the United Arab Emirates and whether the President wished to disassoci­ that Dayan had just met with Dr. Ahmed Dayan stated that ho-had begun consulta­ Yasir Arafat of the P.L.O. ate himself from his brother's participation Namaz Natch, a Communist leader, in the tions with the Palestinians because he felt in the event, the White House stated that Military Government headquarters in Colonel Qaddafi delivered an SO-minute that the Israeli talks with Egypt about Carter had no comment at this time. Carter Hebron. Jewish residents of Kiryat Arba speech to a crowd of thousands in which he autonomy for the Arabs of the occupied has in the past said only that he cannot con­ assembled outside the headquarters to denounced Sadat's "treachery" in signing a West Bank and Gaza were not getting trol his brother's actions. protest the meetings. peace treaty with Israel. He also praised anywhere. King Hussein for standing firm against Colonel Qaddafi has suggested, in a re­ Despite deno unciatio ns from other American attempts to bring Jordan into the cent letter to President Carter, that the Said Dayan, "We may even arrive at some government officials, Foreign Minister peace negotiations. European Jews in Israel should be shipped sort of an agreement with ther Egyptians, back to the lands of their forebears and that but for implementing autonomy we have to Dayan has said that he would continue such A four-hour parade of troops, rockets Israel be turned into a purely Palestinian have the cooperation of the Palestinians. meetings in an attempt to find out how Israel and military hardware followed Qaddafi's state. and there is no sign that they are going to and the Palestinians could live together. Support Read By Jewish More Than . Agencies 35,000 With Your People Membe~ship THE O NLY ENGL/':,,H JEWISH NEEKI Y IN R I ANO SOUTHEAST MA S~ VOLUM E LXII, NUMBER 45 THURSDAY, . #8116ii n, ... Su•l • .,, ,,.,, 25t PER COPY New Music PBS To Air Documentary: Director For 'The Russian Connection' . NEW YORK (JTA) - "The Russi an bea~h in Israel in March, 1978. Surround­ Rhode Island Connection," a remarkable documentary ing her death was a web of connections in that details hard evidence of Soviet involve­ transnational terrorism that reached to the ment in the training of PLO terrorists, will Soviet Union, East Germany, Sy ri a and to Philharmonic be televised Sept. 25 by the Public Broad­ PLO training bases in Lebanon. This fall, the Rhode Island Philharmoni c casting Service. The television documenta­ Analysis and commentary are given by Orchestra will open its concert season under ry, a co-production of KERA-TV, Dallas / Ray Cline, formerly head of Intelligence, the direction of a new conductor, Alvaro Fort Worth, and the Canadian Broadcast­ U.S. Department of State, now director of Cassuto. A conductor of international ing Corp., will be aired simultaneously in the Center for Strategic Studies, George­ reputation, Mr. Cassuto was selected from the United States and Canada. town Universi ty; Brian Crozier, director of the In sti tute for the Study of Connict, over 275 candidates, considered by the "The Russian Connection" features the London; and by Gen. Shlomo Gazit, head orchestra for the position of Music Director. first public admission by officers of the Pal­ of Israe li Military Intelligence, 1974-79. See interview on page 11 estine Liberation Organization of their Cli ne calls the Soviet training activities traini ng in the Soviet Union. The program reveals the type of traini ng they received and support part of a pattern of " low inten­ sity warfare" servi ng Soviet geo-political in­ and the names and places of the Soviet te rests in the Middle East and elsewhere. KGB camps where te rrori st training takes The experts' commentary also considered AJS Summer Volunteer place. Three other terrorists groups from questions regarding the free world's re­ Africa and the Middle East also receiving sponse to the intention of Soviet involve­ training are named by those who trained ment in terrorism. Veteran broadcast Returns From Texas with them in Russia. journalist Marilyn Berger will serve as an­ By ARTHUR SESNOVICH The documentary begins with the death chor for the documentary. Producer for of Gail Rubin, an American photographer " The Russia n Connection" is Herb At first, the idea of it all seems a little bit The above description of the location and murdered by a Falah terrorist squad on a Krosney . crazy. They send you to a town or village conditions of the AJSS project might lead you have probably never been before, one one to think that Patricia either had little that is quite pove rty•stricken and in desper­ else to do with her summer or she is an Kushner Appointed RI Representative ate need of assistance, both physical and absolute glutton for punishment, Both the­ moral. You have to work five days a week ories are far off the mark. Patricia, who will Of United Ostomy Association at hard physical labor. Your quarters are be a junior at The Wheeler School this fall , At the 17t h Annual National Conference no serious threat to the Sheraton-Hilton, has very seiness reasons for going on the of the United Ostomy Association held in and, if you're in a hot climate, the lack of project. Washington, D.C. recently, Charles 8 . air conditioning can make you long for the "I really enjoy helping people," ex­ Kushner of 171 Belmont Road, Cranston frigidity of February. plained Patricia. "It makes me feel good to was appointed state representative for the On top of it all, you have to spend money know that someone has benefited from organization. Kushner, who is also presi­ to get down to the place, you spend your something I could do. dent of the Greater Provi dence Chapt~r, own money down there, and you spend "When I am at home and I see everything received an award for his efforts in both ex­ money to get back home. Forall this luxu­ I have, I sometimes say, 'Why me? Why are panding his chapter and for rehabilitation I ry, 2::£!!_ have to pay. there other people who have nothing?' I feel of individuals who have undergone exten­ I it's up to me to help those people." So who would want to get involved with sive abdominal surgery which culminated in 1 Perhaps the real raison d'etre for the something like this, especially during the an ostomy. I summer months, when work changes from project is best summed up by Patricia this In addition, Kushner has helped form a way: ,1 a virtue to a four-letter word? chapter in the northern area of the state "I'm not sure you will understand this, I Patricia Wolfe of President Avenue in with headquarters in Woonsocket. He is but the idea is, we helped the people in Providence would. And did. As a member now involved in activating a group to serve Alice live comfortably in their homes; they of the American Jewish Society for Service, Newport. helped us live more comfortably with our­ Patricia, 16, recently spent seven weeks in There are over 1,500,000 ostomates in selves. We lent them physical assistance to Alice, Texas, helping to repair broken win­ this country alone, and 50,000 operations make their homes more livable. They gave dows,,build porches, install plumbing, and, are performed each year resulting in an us something more; they showed us love, along with 20 other people, generally assist ostomy. in repairing houses in the poverty-stricken they showed gratitude for what we did. In addition to his activities with UOA, They affected us as much as we affected areas of the town. Alice is a town with a Kushner is also a past state department them." ..__ population of 20,000, mostly Mexican­ commander of the Jewish War Veterans, a Americans, in the southernmost part of " Us" refers to the rest of Patricia's former vice presi dent of the Greater Texas.
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