IN THIS ISSUE lRE SUMMER 1983 lAUREL FEATURE, ____________________ 3 5 THE DECISION CAMPAIGN FOR PHI KAPPA TAU STEERING The Phi Kappa Tau Foundation and COMMITTEE Fraternity announce a historical $3,000,000 fund raising campaign to Fourteen alumni direct The Decision permanently endow core programs. for Phi Kappa Tau . DEPARTMENT_________________ ALSO·---------------------- The Mission 6 22 Questions & Answers .... 10 THE CHAPTERS Leadership Givers •....•• 12 REPORT Ways of Giving .•.•...•• 15 Another school year is over, arid the chapters report on scholarship Gift Circles . • . • . • . • . 17 success, philanthropic projects and plans for the coming fall. Development Fund .••..• 18 The Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity Buckeye·Soutt>-Buu Green, 903 Marilyn Dr., Oxford, OH CHAPTER LEADERSHIP CONSULTANT5-Richard P. Har- 45056. Chapters: Alpha, Gamma Beta. Delta Nu. rison. Jr., K Steven Ully, Douglas C Adams Founded at Miami University Deep South-Steve Nelson, 123 Woodhaven Dr., GuHport, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT-Mrs. Ellen L. WIS8CUP Oxford, Ohio, March 17. 1906 MS 39501 . Chapters: Alpha Chi, Beta Epsilon, Gamma FINANCIAL ASSISTANT-MS. Tempie Meyerhoff Upsilon. Della Gamma. RECEPTIONIST -Mrs. Peg Cranmer National Officers Empire-Chris Wood , 589 Mcintyre, Caledonia. NY MEMBERSHIP RECORDs-Mrs. Mary D. Smith NATIONAL PRESIDENT-John M. Green, President. 14423. Chapters: Rho, Alpha Tau, Beta Upsilon. Gamma DEVELOPMENT SECRETARY-Julie H. Nelson Wauneta Falls Bank. 202 N. Tecumseh. Wauneta. NE Nu, Gamma Gamma Colony, Gamma Zeta Colony. TYPIST -Bev DeVrlendt 69045. Erie-Tom Aldrich, 1060 Grayton Rd., Cleveland Heoghts, NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT-Raymond A. Bichimer. 42 The Phi Kappe Tau Foundation OH 44112. Chapters: Alpha Delta , Alpha Omega, Delta Eest Gay St.. Columbus. OH 43215. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD-Ewong T Boles, 724 Atlas HOUSING AND FINANCIAL ADVISOR-Tom Hendricks, Xi. Bldg., 8 E. Long St., Columbus, OH 43215. Golden Bear-Norti>-Stephen Brothers, 45 Clark Dr .. San PRESIDENT -Dan L. Huffer, 155 E. Broad St. , Columbus, 9120 Coral Cove Dr., Dallas, TX 75243. Mateo, CA 94402. Chapters: Nu, Beta Omega, Gamma NATIONAL CHAPLAIN-Or. Rodney E. WUmoth , 2320 N. OH43265. Iota Colony. 55th St .. Omeha, NE 681 04. VICE PRESIDENT-Larry Fisher, 495 Tucker Dr., Worth­ Golden Bear-South-Walter Strange, May Co. Service ington, OH 43085. EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR-Or. Monroe Moosnick, 2010 Bldg., 344 7 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007. Bixby Way, Lexington, KY 40502. SECRETARY/TREASURER-Frederic E. Mills, 4180 ASSISTANT: Eldon Baber, 205·7 15th St., Huntington Greenview, Columbus, OH 43209. The National Council Beach , CA 92648. Chapters: Pi, Beta Rho Colony, Beta TRUSTEES-J. Oliver Amos, Jack L Anson. John L. Bar­ The National President, Vice President, Housing and Flnan­ Psi, Gamma Omicron. Cal Poly Colony. tholomew, Raymond A. Bichimer, Chal1es E. Bonner, cial Adviser, and: Great Lakes-James Lahmann, 9392 Maple, New Lothrop, Ross E. Roeder, 925 31st Terrace N.E., St. Petersburg, Ray A. Clarke, John F. Cosgrove. Thomas C. Cunning­ Ml 48660. Chapters: Gamma Alpha, Gamma Delta, Gam· ham. Melvin Dettra, Jr.. John A. Edwarda, Paul A. FL33704. Sr., ma Lambda, Tau Colony. EHers, Ernest E. Emswiler, David G Hawthorn, John M. John A. Johnson. 1255 E. County Une Rd .. 1-6, Jackson, Hawkeye-Vacant. Chapters: Iota, Alpha Nu. Delta Alpha. Green, Jim K. Heilmeler, F. Kerby, Wlllam N. l..lg­ MS39211. WilHam Hoosier-Jeff Korb, 1653 Uncoln Ave., Evansville, IN gett, Edward A. Marye, Jr., F. L. McKinley, Frank R. John F. Cosgrove, 19 West Flagler St .. Suite 910, Miami, 47714. Chapters: Lambda, Beta Lambda, Delta Beta FL33130. Musrush, Edward M. PauUin, Hari>ld H. Short. Thomas L. Lincoln-Blair Hall, 1320 Hanson, Normal, IL 61761 . Stennis II , Dr. Ernest H. Volwoler, Harold N. Wilson Harold H. Short, 1001 8th Street, Boulder, CO 80302. Chapters: Zeta, Mu, Gamma Mu. Tom C. Cunningham, Vought Aerospace Corp., Unit 1- Lone Star-Gregory Hollen, 2808 Quail Lane , Arlington, 97000, Box 225907, Dallas. TX 75265. Texas 76016. Chapters: Beta Alpha, Gamma Psi, DeHa THE LAUREL of Phi Kappa Tau Robert G. Aldridge, 5420 79th Place N.E., Marysville, WA Omicron. 98270. O.K.-F. Alan Nordean. 100 Center Plaza, #1905, Tulsa, An Educational Journal Walter Strange, May Co. Service Bldg., 344 7 S. Grand OK 74119. Chapters: Beta Kappa, Gamma Xi. Volume 71 , No. 4, Summer 1983 Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90007. Pacffic Northwest-Doug Scoville, Route 1. Box 185, Pot­ Published quarterly (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) by tile Brian Ferguson, 214 Napoleon Rd., Apt. 1, Bowling Green. latch, 10 83855. Chapters: Alpha Kappa, Alpha Pi, Beta Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity at 15 N. Campus Avenue. Oxford, OH43402. Gamma. Ohio 45056. Third class non-profit postage paid at Hunt· Steve Krohn, Phi Kappa Tau , Southam Station, Box 8525, Prairie-L James Kubert, 6900 Saylor Circle, Uncoln, NE ington, Indiana. Hattiesburg, MS 39401 . 68506. Chapters: Ul!$ilon. Alpha Epsilon. Gamma Rho. and Business Offices Keith Vasey. 1623 Wedbee , Fort ColHns, CO 80525. Editorial Rocky Mountain-Jerry Helton, 229 Cypress Circle , 15 North Campus Avenue, Oxford, Ohio 45056 "Dan L. Huffer, 155 E. Broad St. , Columbus, OH 43265. Broomfield, CO 80020. Chapters: Psi, Alpha Sigma. T~(513)523·4193 • Ex-officio, non-voting. Southeast-Or. Lawrence M. Schmidt, 218 Ashley Circle, Founden Martinez, GA 30907. Chapters: Alpha Lambda, Alpha .. .... Tlm w. Colina Taylor A. Borradalle, Clinton D. Boyd, Dwight I. Douglas, Rho, Bata XJ, Dena Kappa, Georgia State Colony. WUliam H. Shideler. Southwest-Blll Soules, 5045 Las Alturss Dr .. Las Cruces, llomllln Directors NM 88007. Chapters: Alpha Psi , Beta Zeta, Delta Mu. Allegheny-Jeff Ri~ard, 3 Glenside, Annandale. NJ 08801 . SunShine-Pat McGrath, 19 W. Flagler St. , Miami, FL Member: College Fraternity Editors Cliapters: Eta, Xo, Omicron, Alpha Gamma. 33130. Chapters: Alpha Eta, Beta Iota, Delta Sigma, Bis­ The Asaodelion AllllnHc Seaboard-Dave Rabb, 13721 Berryville Rd., Gar· cayne Colony, F.I.T. Colony. Postmaster: Please send notice ot undeliverable copies on mantown, MD 20874. Chapters: Chi, Beta Omicron, Tri·State-John Dercoli, 3532 Arden Blvd ., Youngstown, Fonn 3579 to: Gamma Eta. OH 44511 . Chapters: Phi. Beta Phi, Gamma Pi THE LAUREL of Phi Kappe Tau Bluegrass-Joe Joiner, 405 Summit 51 .. Richmond, KY 1 5 North Campus Avenue 44075. Chapters: Delta, Theta, Kappa, Beta Beta. Delta National HNdquerters Oxford, Ohio 45056 Thelll. Della PI, Delta Rho, UT-Martln Colony. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR-John Meyerhoff THE LAUREL IS the exoteric publication of the Phi ~ Buckeye-Central-Jay Salvage, 1324 Shady Ln ., Flndlay, DIRECTOR OF FIELD OPERATION5-Ben F. Nelson Tau Fraternity Published prior to 1919 u SIDELIGHTS A OH 45840. Chapters: Beta, Gamma, Beta Tau. DIRECTOR OF PUBUCATION5-Tim W. Collins quarterly magazine devoted to educational ......... con­ Buckeye-North-Gary L. Pritt, 11915 Lockland Circle, Ca· CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR-Jack L. Anson cerning college and lnltemity Interests publlshacl undllr 11- Nil Fulton, OH 44614. Chapters: Epsilon, Alpha Phi. Del­ ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT-J Luke reclion and aulhortty ot the National Counc:l cl The Phi Klp­ ta l..ambdll. Strockls pa Tau Fraternity. 2 The Laurel of Phi Kappa Tau 'Or Phi Kappa Tau Capital Funds Drive Is Announced $3,000,000 Goal Set "Gentleman, a small group of alumni and I hereby pledge to give $1 ,000,000 as a chal­ lenge gift to the Phi Kappa Tau Foundation.'' Those were the dramatic words of Ewing T. Boles Centre '16, at a luncheon last Decem­ ber. From that statement, and the discussion that followed, came the first leadership gifts to The Decision for Phi Kappa Tau-a Decision to undertake a capital funds drive with a goal of $3,000,000 to be raised by June, 1984. As of July 28, a total of $1 ,857,175 has been pledged or given by supporting alumni and friends of the Fraternity. Attending that luncheon last De­ termined, $3 ,000,000 was decided as ration of materials for printing, the cember in Columbus, Ohio, were the the campaign goal. development of office procedures decision makers of the Foundation, The Boles Challenge gift of $1 mil­ and routines, the identification of so­ the members of its Executive Com­ lion was offered on a matching dollar licitors and of loyal alumni who have mittee, and representatives of the Na­ for dollar basis up to $1 million. the ability to make larger than aver­ tional Fraternity. Those alumni joining with Ewing are age gifts. For months, the Fraternity and his son, Dr. E. Thomas Boles, Jr., Wil­ During this quiet period of organi­ Foundation officers had been consid­ liam and Mary '39, Dr. Ernest H. zation, the staff developed a plan and ering such a project. Many questions Volwiler, Miami '11, and Paul A. a strategy for the drive. The officers needed to be answered: Was the tim­ Elfers, Wisconsin '24. and members of the Executive Steer­ ing right? Would the alumni be re­ The monies resulting from the De­ ing Committee made pertinent policy ceptive? What would be a realistic cision are to be used for three pur­ decisions. goal? Many more meetings were poses, each basic to the educational The initial solicitation of current of­ held, prominent alumni were consult­ goals of the Fraternity: to provide as­ ficers and those closely associated ed, and a National Feasibility study sistance to individual undergradu­ with the National Fraternity and the was started. ates through scholarships, loan Phi Kappa Tau Foundation has been Alumni were enthusiastic. Phi Kap­ funds, and Career Development pro­ conducted and has met with tremen­ pa Tau had never had a major capital grams; to assist chapters through dous success. It is with enthusiastic drive and the time was felt to be right. work-study grants, IMPACT Leader­ confidence that the staff reports, al­ President John Green and Executive ship Training seminars, Leadership though this announcement is being Director John Meyerhoff, both long­ Consultants and an enhanced Do­ prepared more than a month in ad­ time supporters of the idea of a main Director program; and to benefit vance of publication, the entire corps capital campaign, reaffirmed the the Fraternity Headquarters through complete support of the National Fra­ a renovation, modernization program.
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