J U N E 1969 50C 75 Cents VECCOR Outside of California ■v*v .V ;>>■, ■'I > i . ts- -'.' * • % ■ • **,> \ * ; > ■ <iy><:• L-- ■'■\' N 1 'S ' Tzw" IN THIS ISSUE: 1 ‘ • / MALE NUDE AS ART V READER INTEREST SURVEY TELEPHONE TALKS BACK SOTO-VOCE RETURNS FICTION-POETRY-REVIEWS ' '■. J v^. LJ ____ AVOICE FOR THE HOMOSEXUAL COMMUNITY Copyright 1969 by The Society for Individual Rights JUNE, 1969 VECTOR is the official monthly luiblication of the Voi. 5. No. 6 Society for Individual Rights, 83 - 6th St,. San Fran­ cisco 91103. WHAT IS S.I.R.? SIR is nearly five years old and already the largest active homosexual organization in the United States. SIR is detlicated to giving freedom to the homosexual male and female, freedom from guilt, hara.ssment. and STAFF social injustice. "Believing in our democratic heritage and that ethical Fhatorial Rerieie Board values are self-determined and limited only by every Ijirry R. Littlejohn, person's right to decide his own, we organize for; the CRUISE BY GAY COMPUTER President i-eaffirming of individual pride and dignity regai-dless MEET UP TO 14 NEW PEOPLE A MONTH Bill Plath, Director of orientation; the elimination of the public stigma at­ Public Relations tached to human self-expression; the accomplishing of FOR ONE FULL YEAR effective changes in unjust laws concerning private re­ Robert Cramer. lationships among consenting adults; the giving of real Director Publications and substantial aid to members in difficulties; the pro­ Forget standing on street corners-being harassed by the moting of better physical, mental and emotional health; authorities - searching through smoky bars - Now! do it - Buxhu’iiK Mu imycmciit the creating of a sense of community; and the estab­ Dale Switzer, lishing of an attractive social atmosphere ai^ construc­ the easy-scientific way. Treasurer tive outlets for members and their friends.” Prenndile, S.I.R. Constitution Make the friends you've always wanted to make! For a one Adroiiniitu NOTICE TO ADVKRTISKRS \\1 night stand or forever. Space age.computer science sees that Mike Cunningham VECTOR is produced by unpaid staff and volunteer you meet the really right for you people, the safe, dignified, workers who donate their time towaiils the attaimnent CiiTulation of S.l.R.'s expressed goals. Advertising is solicited confidential way. Richard I.asker fi'om such firms as wish to supp<»rt the.se aims, and can be acce))ted with no c-ondilion other than that copy shall No matter where you live, the gay computer will find Art Direction be correct as ordered and that the magazine shall issue matches for you right in your very own area. Matches that Sesto Chiarello before the end of the month of publication. Copy should l>e wonled to avoid date<l material, and should be sub­ will match your desires and interests. Let Man-To-Man do Photoyraiìhu mitted accompanied by check in full payment before the loth of the month proceeding publication. the trick for you. Jim Briggs . ADVER'I’ISING RATES__________________________ The reasonable one time only fee assures you of meeting up Poetry Eklitor 1 1‘2 ....................................................................... .$15.00 to 14 new people a month for one year. Paul Mariah 1 6 ......................................................................... 25,(K) 1 3 ......................................................................... 45.00 Our service is, of course, absolutely confidential and total Contributors 1 2 ......................................................................... 65.(M) S. Adams F'ull Page ............................................ 1................ 115.00 discretion is our motto. Computer Cruising is fun and sure Inside front or back cover .................................... 150.00 beats walking so don't delay - join today. L. Flynne P. George Graphic charges will be added to display ads not Our illustrated and informative brochure on gay computer F. Howell "camera ready”. ■ G. Mendenhall dating is your passport to happiness. Don't delay - mail the J. Vigil C1.ASS1F1ED ADS; coupon today. O. Villavicencio Personals free to SIR members. Business & others; $1 per 2'1-i" line. Oirer and Photos on pp. ■i. Vi. U, 15. & Iff by Articles represent the viewiwint of the writere and are not necessarily the opinion of the SOCIETY FOR IN­ Walter Rinder DIVIDUAL RIGHTS. HM-TO-HiH APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Enclosed Rease Find: 17 Barstow Street, Great Neck, New York 11021 ( ] Money Order | ) Other SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS I In T h e A m o u n t O f: Please enclose $1.00 for handling and mailing. 83 Sixth Street-San Francisco, California 94103 I I Telephone: (4I5j 781 1570 [ ] S100 Lifetime Member [ 1 $10 1 Yi. Voting Member I N a m e .......................................................................... I 1 1 ts 1 Yi. VECTOR Sub, A TTENTION: MEMBERSHIP COMMIETTEE ( ) N ew ( ) R enew al A ddress ) State. Citv: State: Zip- I Certify that I am twenty-one years o f age or older. SIGNED The c o ït s of San Francisco Present WHEREAS it appears that profession­ ally trained and properly supervised po­ lice officers could have taken decedent Third Annual into custody by lawful means without the use of deadly force; WHEREAS the use of deadly force in arresting an unarmed misdemeanant is totally unjustified and unreasonable; Coìt-Tillìon WHEREAS this shooting discloses that Officer Kline is psychologically unquali­ fied and professionally incompetent to Saturday, June 21st handle his duties and that his superiors RUSSIAN HALL should never have assigned him to the Aquatic Park “ entrapment” detail; and 2450 Sutter Street WHEREAS it appears to this organ­ 8:30 PM to 2:00 AM ization that decedent was executed in cold blood simply for being a homosexual; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE­ Tickets available at: P/J's Casual Man, Mint, Mistake, SOLVED that the President of the Baj & Bradley's SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS be and is hereby directed to deliver a copy of this resolution to the following Grecian Garden Decor by Michael of law-enforcement agencies and officers: Michaels Flower Shoppe (1) Honorable Cecil Poole, United States Attorney for the Northern Cali­ Sausalito fornia; WHEREAS the SOCIETY FOR INDI­ (2) Honorable Thomas C. Lynch, Pete Escovedo Orch. Donation *6 VIDUAL RIGHTS is a California non­ Attorney General of California; profit corporation organized for the pol­ (3) Honorable Thomas Coakley, Dis­ itical, economic, and social advancement trict Attorney of Alameda County: of the homosexual citizen and dedicated (4) The Chief of Police of the City la ia La la la La la la b la la La La ta la 131313 La u La la la 1313 i3 i3 la la u la 11 to the principles that homosexuals are of Berkeley: n entitled to equal protection under the (5) Federal Bureau of Investigation: 3 laws and that sexual practices between and Ü U consenting adults are not a proper sub­ (6) Such other agencies and officers ject for state regulation; n U as may be deemed appropriate by the WHEREAS it has come to the attention President. a of the SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL c i u r c i n i u BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that n RIGHTS that Frank V. Bartley was shot the President of the SOCIETY FOR u through the head by Officer Weiker Kline INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS be and is hereby a (The Ernie’s of the Gay Set) u of the Berkeley Police Department in directed to request and demand a presents u Aquatic Park, Berkeley, California, in (1) that said law-enforcement agen­ a THE GAI.AXIE OK STARS TO SERVE YOU the evening of April 17, 1969, and that cies and officers conduct a prompt and Sandy Sanchez ................................. Sole Owner & Host u said Frank V. Bartley died of this wound thorough investigation of the killing of a I. es Balmain..................... Manager & Bartender n on April 23, 1969; decedent: a Robbie Robinson................................................Bartender WHEREAS it appears that Officer (2) that if, as a result of this investi­ J. Ue Bar.......................... Bartender c Weiker Kline was posing as a homosexual gation the facts so warrant. Officer Kline a Tony Nemger .................................................... Bartender u for the purpose of entraping the decedent be prosecuted for murder and for violation Ken Hardison...........................................................Waiter into committing an alleged unlawful so­ of decedent’s civil rights: and a Chuck Emmons .......................................................Waiter c a Dutch March ...........................................................Waiter licitation, and that the shooting occurred (3) that Officer Kline’s superiors be Carl D rew .......................................................................chef u while Officer Kline and his partner. reprimanded and punished as appropriate, a Earl Tuttle ..................................................................... chef u Officer Frank Reynolds were arresting for negligent supervision, training, and [a Jimmy Aceves............................................................. chef the decedent, who was unarmed, for placement of this unsuited police officer. and 10 others to bring you u “disorderly conduct” under Section 647 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the best of service, food and liquor n of the Penal Code; the President be and is hereby directed a Mondays Only WHEREAS the offense of disorderly to contact other homophile organizations LUNCH, featuring the famous Sandy's Hamburger u conduct is only a misdemeanor under in the Bay Area to arrange plans for a Sunday Brunch.....................................
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