Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2018. 7(1): 107–113 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2018.07104 Chromosome numbers in some vascular plant species from the Crimea Nina S. Probatova1* & Sergey G. Kazanovsky 2 Nina S. Probatova 1 * ABSTRACT e-mail: [email protected] Chromosome numbers (2n) for 42 species of vascular plants of 35 genera from Sergey G. Kazanovsky 2 10 families: Apiaceae: Myrrhoides; Asteraceae: Jurinea, Podospermum, Pterotheca, e-mail: [email protected] Step to rhamphus, Tragopogon; Brassicaceae: Alyssum, Camelina, Diplotaxis, Matthiola; Ca ryophyllaceae: Melandrium, Oberna; Geraniaceae: Geranium; Lamiaceae: Salvia; 1 Federal Scientific Center for the East Poa ceae: Aegilops, Anisantha, Arrhenatherum, Avena, Bromopsis, Bromus, Dactylis, Da­ Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity FEB RAS, sy pyrum, Hordeum, Koeleria, Lolium, Poa, Rostraria, Sclerochloa, Stipa, Trachynia, Vulpia; Vladivostok, Russia Ro saceae: Potentilla, Poterium; Rubiaceae: Galium; Violaceae: Viola, from Cri mean 2 Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Pe ninsula and Republic of Crimea are presented. For the Crimean endemic spe- Biochemistry SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia cies Jurinea sordida Steven, Salvia rhodantha Zefir. andPotentilla jailae Juz. we studied the CNs for the first time. Most chromosome data are revealed first in Crimean plants. Keywords: chromosome numbers, vascular plants, flora, Crimean Peninsula, Repub- * corresponding author lic of Crimea, Russia РЕЗЮМЕ Manuscript received: 13.03.2018 Пробатова Н.С., Казановский С.Г. Числа хромосом некоторых видов Review completed: 25.03.2018 сосудистых растений из Крыма. Приводятся числа хромосом (2n) для Accepted for publication: 15.04.2018 42 видов из 35 родов и 10 семейств: Apiaceae: Myrrhoides; Asteraceae: Jurinea, Published online: 19.04.2018 Podospermum, Pterotheca, Step to rhamphus, Tragopogon; Brassicaceae: Alyssum, Camelina, Diplotaxis, Matthiola; Ca ryophyllaceae: Melandrium, Oberna; Geraniaceae: Geranium; Lamiaceae: Salvia; Poa ceae: Aegilops, Anisantha, Arrhenatherum, Avena, Bromopsis, Bromus, Dactylis, Da sy pyrum, Hordeum, Koeleria, Lolium, Poa, Rostraria, Sclerochloa, Sti­ pa, Trachynia, Vulpia; Ro saceae: Potentilla, Poterium; Rubiaceae: Galium; Violaceae: Viola. Впервые исследованы в кариологическом отношении эндемичные для Крыма виды Jurinea sordida Steven, Salvia rhodantha Zefir. иPotentilla jailae Juz. Большинство данных по числам хромосом приводятся для Крыма впервые. Ключевые слова: числа хромосом, сосудистые растения, флора, полуо- стров Крым, Республика Крым, Россия The original vascular flora of the Crimea, which in- with Carnoy’s solution by N.S. Probatova from seedlings cludes 2536 spontaneous taxa of specific and sub-specific ob tained through herbarium specimens. Preparations were rank, belonging to 760 genera (Yena 2012) is poorly inves- stained with iron hematoxylin. Voucher specimens are pre- tigated as to chromosome numbers up-to-date, except the ser ved in the Herbarium VLA, Vladivostok, and in Herbari- representatives of the Poaceae Family (see Prokudin et al. um IRK, Irkutsk. First CN data for the species are indicated 1977). Besides there are several CN data from Crimea for by asterisk (*). The number of the dot on the map follows some species in Tonyan (1968), Patudin et al. (1975), Soko- the number of voucher specimen. Brief information about lovskaya & Probatova (1976, 1978), Magulaev (1984, 1986), species studied is given. Glagoleva & Zemskova (1985), Alexeev et al. (1987, 1988), Probatova & Seledets (2008), Probatova et al. (2015, 2016). We present results of сhromosome number (CN) study APIACEAE in 42 species of vascular plants from the Crimean Peninsula Myrrhoides nodosa (L.) Cannon, 2n = 22 (Fig. 1). Plants were collected by S.G. Kazanovsky in the Republic of Crimea, surroundings of Yalta, Nikita field. As to Poaceae, our contribution continues the recent settle ment, near Massandra palace, Massandrovskie grot- pub li cations concerning the Poaceae of Russia (Probatova, tos, 358 m alt., big lumpy rocky outcrops, 5 Jun 2016, coll. Seledets & Barkalov 2015; Probatova, Barkalov & Chernya- S.G. Kazanovsky 13184: 1 (IRK, VLA). Species distribu- gina 2016; Probatova, Barkalov & Agafonov 2017), and tion: Euro-Mediterranean. In light forests, among shrubs, these data will be added to the book “Poaceae of Russia” wet places at the rocks, sometimes on roadsides. Described by Tzvelev & Probatova (in press), from where we took the from Italy (Sicily). Monotypic genus. In many cases the information about species. Chromosome countings were CN 2n = 22 is reported in the literature. No previous CN made on squashed preparations of root tips taken and fixed counts from Crimea. Diploid (2x), x = 11. ©Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS. 2018 107 Probatova & Kazanovsky ASTERACEAE *Jurinea sordida Steven, 2n = 34 Republic of Crimea, surroundings of Feodos sia, Ku- rortnoe settlement, the Karadagskii na ture reserve RAS, near the rock Zolotye Vo ro ta, 226 m alt., dry rocky slope, 27 May 2016, coll. S.G. Kazanovsky 13190: 2 (IRK, VLA). Distribution: endemic of Crimea. On cretaceous limestone rock outcrops. Described from Cri mea. In Yena (2012) it was included in J. roegneri K. Koch. The close relative J. mol­ lis (L.) Rchb. has also 2n = 34 (Marhold et al. 2007), but sometimes 2n = 30, 36 (see Fedorov 1969, Májovský et al. 1987). In po lybasic genus Jurinea Cass. x = 8, 9, 15, 17 (the basic CNs are given here and after according to Májovský et al. 1987). Diploid (2x), x = 17. Figure 1 Study area. Dots with numbers from 1 to 9 are the sampling Podospermum laciniatum (L.) DC. (Scorzonera laciniata L.), plot loca tions (according to numbering in the text) 2n = 14 Republic of Crimea, Feodossia city, near the Genu jez- skaya fort, 51 m alt., forb steppe, 26 May 2016, coll. S.G. Ka- BRASSICACEAE za novsky 13255: 4 (IRK, VLA). Distribution: Europe, SW Alyssum trichostachyum Rupr., 2n = 48 Asia. Steppes, stony slopes. Described from W Europe. The Republic of Crimea, Sudak town, the Genujezskaya CN is constant, there are many reports in the litera ture (as fort, on the slope at the fort wall, 89 m alt., rocky slope, Scorzonera and Podospermum): 2n = 14 (IPCN Chro mo some 26 May 2016, coll. S.G. Kazanovsky 13185: 3 (IRK, VLA). Reports: Probably the first CN report Distri bu tion: Crimean–Caucasian. On dry slopes. Descri - from Crimea. Diploid (2x), x = 7. bed from N Caucasus. For A. trichostachyum 2n = 16, 24, 32 Pterotheca sancta (L.) C. Koch (Lagoseris sancta (L.) K. Malý, were known (see Fedorov 1969), and 2n = 48 was reported Crepis sancta (L.) Babc.), 2n = 10 from Bulgaria (Anchev 1991 – cit. by Index …, 1994). Per- Republic of Crimea, Sudak town, the Genujezskaya haps this hexaploid cytotype (2n = 48) is distributed around fort, near Konsul’skaya tower, 111 m alt., rocky slope, 29 the Black Sea. The diploid cytotype (2n = 16) was revealed May 2016, coll. S.G. Kazanovsky 13171: 3 (IRK, VLA); from Krasnodarskii Krai (Magulaev 1984). No previous Re pub lic of Crimea, surroundings of Feodossia, Kurort- CN data from Crimea. Hexaploid cytotype (6x), x = 8 (in noe settlement, the Karadagskii nature reserve RAS, near general – the variable ploidy). the rock Zolotye Vorota, 226 m alt., dry rocky slope with Camelina rumelica Velen., 2n = 12 steppe vegetation, 27 May 2016, coll. S.G. Kazanovsky Republic of Crimea, surroundings of Feodossia, Ku- 13200: (IRK, VLA). Distribution: S Europe, Caucasus, 2 rortnoe settlement, the Karadagskii nature reserve RAS, SW Asia. Steppes, dry stony slopes and rocks; as alien – in near the rock Chertov Palets, 374 m alt., grass-forb steppe, waste places. Described from Middle East. Many CN re- 27 May 2016, coll. S.G. Kazanovsky 13203: 2 (IRK). Dist- ports (see Fedorov 1969): 2n = 10 (rarely 2n = 10 +1–2B), ri bution: S Europe, SW Asia; alien in NW Russia. Steppes, but none from Crimea. Diploid (2x), x = 5. rarely on railroads. Described from Bulgaria. We found only Steptorhamphus tuberosus (Jacq.) Grossh. (Lactuca tuberosa one CN report of 2n = 12 for C. rumelica, but also 2n =26 Jacq.), 2n = 16 and 40 reported by Májovský et al. (1987). Diploid (2x), x Republic of Crimea, surroundings of Yalta, near Foros = 6. Polybasic genus (and species ?): x = 6, 10, 13. No CN settle ment, 145 m alt., Quercus, Pinus and Juniperus forest on data reported previously from Crimea. the S slope, at the forest road, 11 Jun 2016, coll. S.G. Kaza- nov sky 13256: 6 (IRK). Distribution: S Europe, SW Asia Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC., 2n = 22 (most ly Mediterranean). On rocks and screes. Described Republic of Crimea, Feodossia city, near the Genujez- from S Europe (Greece?). We found 6 reports of 2n = 16 skaya fort, 51 m alt., ruderal vegetation among the ruins of (see Fedorov 1969; IPCN Chromosome Reports: www. the fort, 26 May 2016, coll. S.G. Kazanovsky 13205: 4 (IRK, First CN report from Crimea. Diploid (2x), x VLA). Distribution: Europe, SW Asia; alien elsewhere. On = 8. In the related genus Lactuca the basic CN x = 9. road sides, in settlements. Described from W Europe. The CN 2n = 22 is the most common for D. tenuifolia (see Májov- Tragopogon dubius Scop., 2n = 12 ský et al. 1987), and it was revealed also from Krasnodarskii Republic of Crimea, surroundings of Feodossia, Ku- Krai (Magulaev 1984). Diploid (2x), x = 11. No previous rortnoe settlement, the Karadagskii nature reserve RAS, CN data from Crimea. Polybasic genus (x = 7, 9, 10, 11). near the rock Zolotye Vorota, 226 m alt., dry rocky slope, 27 May 2016, coll. S. G. Kazanovsky 13187: 2 (IRK, VLA). Matthiola odoratissima (M. Bieb.) W.T. Aiton, 2n = 12 Distribution: Caucasian-Mediterranean; alien in N Ame rica. Republic of Crimea, surroundings of Yalta, Nikita Stony (limestone) and melkozem slopes and rocks, glades settle ment, near Massandra palace, Massandrovskie grot- and forest edges, steppes and along roadsides. Described tos, 358 m alt., Pinus and Quercus forest on big lumpy rocky from Italy. Many CN reports in the literature (2n = 12), but outcrops, 5 Jun 2016, coll. S.G. Kazanovsky 13163: 1 (IRK, none from Crimea.
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