Creation Research Society Quarterly Haec credimus: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh. — Exodus 20:11 VOLUME 32 JUNE 1995 NUMBER 1 RAPID EROSION AT PROVIDENCE CANYON, GEORGIA CREATION RESEARCH SOCIETY Copyright 1995 © by Creation Research Society ISSN 0092-9166 VOLUME 32 JUNE 1995 NUMBER 1 ARTICLES DEPARTMENTS Wernher von Braun; The Father of Modern Space Flight— 7 Membership/Subscription Application Form 3 A Christian and A Creationist . Jerry Bergman Order Blank for Past Publications 4 Late Cretaceous Epeiric Sea or Retreating Floodwater? . 13 Dedication to David Boylan . Don B. DeYoung 5 Carl R. Froede, Jr. Instructions to Authors 5 Editors’ Comments 6 A Review of Claims about Archaeopteryx in 18 Resources for Research and Publication— The Light of The Evidence . Ernst Lutz 28 Lab Director’s Report . John Meyer Methodology for Analysis of Science Teaching Materials 25 Errata 46 from A Creationist View . Steven W. Deckard, Richard Index to Volume 31 of CRSQ . George F. Howe 58 L. Overman, Bryan A. Schneck, Candice B. Dixon, and Letters: The Kouznetsov Controversy, by Don B. DeYoung, p. Robert E. Brook 10 n Surficial Replacement of Dinosaur Bone by Opal in Big Providence Canyon, Stewart County, Georgia— 29 Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas, by Carl R. Froede, Evidence of Recent Rapid Erosion . Jr., p. 11 n Silica in Living Organisms, by Emmett L. Williams, Emmett L. Williams p. 11 n Objections from Science to Global Flood, by Bill Yake, p. 12 n Criticisms of The Universal Flood Based on Unknowns: Polar Dinosaurs and The Genesis Flood . Michael J. Oard 47 A Reply to Mr. Yake, by William Waisgerber, p. 21 n Plant Survival, Floating Debris, and Soil: An Answer to Yake, by PANORAMA NOTES Michael J. Oard, p. 22 n Where Are The Flood Waters? A Reply to Mr. Yake, by Carl R. Froede, Jr., p. 22 n Seed Sprouting, Reprinted CRSQ Volume 20 . Emmett L. Williams 56 Research, and The Global Flood, by George F. Howe, p. 23 n Book Reviews: Diatoms to Dinosaurs: The Size and Scale of Living Things, by Carl R. Froede, Jr., p. 16 n Biblical Cover Photograph Creationism, by Don B. DeYoung, p. 16 n Darwinism: Science This photograph by Emmett or Philosophy?, by Wayne Frair, p. 17 n Wrinkles in Time, by Williams shows a contact be- Don B. DeYoung, p. 17 n Voyage to The Planets, by Clifford L. Lillo, p. 24 n Creation and Time: A Biblical and Scientific tween the Providence and the Perspective on The Creation-Date Controversy, by Danny R. Clayton (caprock) Formations Faulkner, p. 43 n The Great Ice Sheet and Early Vikings in Mid- at Providence Canyon, Stewart America, by Clifford L. Lillo, p. 45 n Starlight and Time, by County, Georgia. Rapid erosion Emmett L. Williams, p. 45 n Lonely Hearts of The Cosmos, by here is a tribute to the great changes that catastrophic events Don B. DeYoung, p. 46 n The Hidden History of The Human can accomplish in a very short time. The two boys in the Race, by Peter Line, p. 46 n Creation Scientists Answer Their Critics, by Emmett L. Williams, p. 60 n Creation: Facts of Life, center of the photograph lend perspective. See page 29 for by Wayne Frair, p. 61 n this fascinating research report. Editorial Committee Eugene F. Chaffin Don B. DeYoung George F. Howe Editor Book Review Editor Associate Editor Wayne Frair Robert Gentet Duane Gish Russell Humphreys Emmett L. Williams Glen W. Wolfrom Board of Directors Emmett L. Williams Don B. DeYoung David A. Kaufmann Robert E. Gentet Glen W. Wolfrom President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Membership Secretary Ted Aufdemberge David R. Boylan Eugene F. Chaffin Duane T. Gish Robert E. Goette Wayne Frair George F. Howe D. Russell Humphreys John W. Klotz Lane P. Lester Richard Lumsden David J. Rodabaugh Paul A. Zimmerman Experiment Stations John R. Meyer Director of Research Van Andel (Grand Canyon) Research Station Grasslands Study Site Creation Research Society Quarterly is indexed in the Christian Periodical Index. Creation Research Society Quarterly is published by the Creation Research Society, PO. Box 969, Ashland, OH 44805-0969. Editor’s Address: Eugene F. Chaffin, 715 Tazewell Ave., Bluefield, VA 24605. Book Review Editor: Don B. DeYoung, 200 Seminary Dr., Winona Lake, IN 46590. Printed in United States of America. MEMBERSHIP/SUBSCRIPTION APPLICATION FORM CREATION RESEARCH SOCIETY See current CRSQ for membership information 4 ORDER BLANK FOR PAST PUBLICATIONS See current CRSQ for ordering information CREATION RESEARCH SOCIETY History The Creation Research Society was organized in Statement of Belief Members of the Creation Research 1963, with Dr. Walter E. Lammerts as first president and Society, which include research scientists representing various editor of a quarterly publication. Initially started as an fields of successful scientific accomplishment, are committed informal committee of 10 scientists, it has grown rapidly, to full belief in the Biblical record of creation and early evidently filling a real need for an association devoted to history, and thus to a concept of dynamic special creation (as research and publication in the field of scientific creation, opposed to evolution), both of the universe and the earth with a current membership of over 600 voting members with its complexity of living forms. We propose to re- (with graduate degrees in science) and over 1100 non-voting evaluate science from this viewpoint, and since 1964 have members. The Creation Research Society Quarterly has published a quarterly of research articles in this field. In 1970 been gradually enlarged and improved and now is recog- the Society published a textbook, Biology: A Search for nized as the outstanding publication in the field. Order in Complexity, through Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506. All members of the Society Activities The society is solely a research and publication subscribe to the following statement of belief: society. It does not hold meetings or engage in other promo- tional activities, and has no affiliation with any other scientific 1. The Bible is the written Word of God, and because it is or religious organizations. Its members conduct research on inspired throughout, all its assertions are historically and problems related to its purposes, and a research fund is scientifically true in all the original autographs. To the maintained to assist in such projects. Contributions to the student of nature this means that the account of origins in research fund for these purposes are tax deductible. The Genesis is a factual presentation of simple historical truths. Society operates two Experiment Stations, the Grand Canyon 2. All basic types of living things, including humans, were Experiment Station in Chino Valley, Arizona and the Grass- made by direct creative acts of God during the Creation lands Study Site in Weatherford, Oklahoma. Week described in Genesis. Whatever biological changes have occurred since Creation Week have accomplished only Membership Voting membership is limited to scientists changes within the original created kinds. having at least an earned graduate degree in a natural or applied science. Dues are $20.00 ($24.00 foreign) per year 3. The Great Flood described in Genesis, commonly re- and may be sent to Glen W. Wolfrom, Membership Secretary, ferred to as the Noachian Flood, was a historical event PO. Box 969, Ashland, OH 44805-0969. Sustaining member- worldwide in its extent and effect. ship for those who do not meet the criteria for voting 4. We are an organization of Christian men and women of membership, and yet who subscribe to the statement of science who accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. belief, is available at $20.00 ($24.00 foreign) per year and The account of the special creation of Adam and Eve as one includes a subscription to the Quarterlies. Al others interested man and woman and their subsequent fall into sin is the basis in receiving copies of all these publications may do so at the for our belief in the necessity of a Savior for all people. rate of the subscription price for all issues for one year: Therefore, salvation can come only through accepting Jesus $23.00 ($27.00 foreign). Christ as our Savior. VOLUME 32, JUNE 1995 5 DEDICATION TO DAVID BOYLAN DON B. DEYOUNG* Dr. Boylan received Chemical Engineering training at the University of Kansas (B. S.) and Iowa State Uni- versity (Ph.D.). His professional career has been spent at Iowa State in teaching, research, and administration. Dr. Boylan was Dean of the College of Engineering at Iowa State during the long span from 1970-1988. He has never hidden his creation views, although personal attacks have been frequent. His gracious response dis- arms most opponents, and his technical competence brings continuing respect from university colleagues. Dr. Boylan has truly helped raise the credibility of creation science on the university level. Dr. Boylan has served on the CRS Board of Directors since 1977. He has contributed in many ways, most recently in helping update the Society’s Bylaws and Constitution. His CRSQ input in past years includes several useful articles and book reviews. Dr. Boylan and his wife, Juanita, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 1994. Retirement from Iowa State duties occurred in 1992. However, David simply “changed hats” and became interim President of Faith Baptist Bible College and Seminary in Ankeny, Iowa during 1993-94. He continues at Faith as Assistant to the President and Adjunct Professor in science. I first met Dr. Dave Boylan when I was a graduate student at Iowa State University. I visited a campus Dr. Dave Boylan is a Fellow of the American Institute church where Dr.
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