from a Reporter's Notebook tbimt By BEULAH FRITCH VOLUME XXX. Z-348 CONCORDIA COLLEGE, MOORHEAD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1938. NUMBER 2. • MOUSE DISTURBS LEAGUE TRACTOR UPSETS Year's First 'Music Hour' To Be Broadcast Sunday Prof. Christiansen Chooses 52 LYNN GETS SENTIMENTAL 1 FOR MEN ONLY On Enlarged Afternoon Schedule Over WDAY Initiating a new time schedule and summer. With Dolores Kron as ac- will again be the announcer for the Of 165 Singers For 1939 Choir; Hermoine Gordon has uncovered the 30-program series, the Concordia cempanist, the personnel is Erling Sunday radio hour. Beginning Sun- ifause of the mild disturbance in Luth- Music hour will be broadcast over Lian, Robert Borstad, Obert Salveson day and continuing through April 30, er league Sunday night. This is the WDAY, Sundays at 4:30 p.m. instead and James Horton. a total of 30 half-hour performances Freshmen Make Good Showing "'••toiy: Dorothy Waag, quietly settled of 10:30 pan., the radio time used last The Sunday program begins Con- will be given by musical organizations ;*to enjoy the program, discovered an year. cordia's thirteenth year in radio. on the campus, from the Conservatory energetic grasshopper inside her coat. Regular broadcasts of the chapel hour of Music and by the Phi Iota chapter First Rehearsal To Be Finally locating the culprit she seized Appearing on the first program Sun- Oscar Kjorlie Elected v day will be the Concordia Male quar- at 9:45 a.m. will be resumed Monday. of Mu Phi Epsilon, national honor mu- This Afternoon; Several ' it, only to let go immediately—it wasn't Howard Nelson, instructor in radio sic sorority in Fargo and Moorhead. a grasshopper. Hysterically she made tet which toured Montana and west- To Concordia Board ern North Dakota for two months this and a regular staff member of WDAY, Upperclassmen Replaced '•'her exit, removed her coat and there Chamber music will constitute the Oscar Kjorlie of Fargo was elect- . fell to the floor a somewhat dazed, second program, Oct. 2. Mu Phi ed to the Concordia board of direc- Selecting 52 from a field of wee, sma' furry mousie. Happy to UPPEKCLASS PRESIDENTS Epsilon members will broadcast Oct. tors at the L65, Prof. Paul Christiansen mpart company, Burns' friend scampered 9, while Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Logan, Lemi-ann ua 1 announced personnel of the to safety. The moral of the story: violinist and pianist, will perform the meeting of the 1939 choir after final tryouts always look at what you're getting half hour, Oct. 16. board in July. Wednesday. into. The band will make its first ap- Mr. Kjorlie First rehearsal of the group will be pearance Oct. 23 and will play again | succeeds John today at 5 pjn. in the chapel. Pro- Dec 4. The Music hour by alumni That new star fullback who N y s t u 1 who fessor Christiansen was pleased with will be one of the closing homecoming talent shown in the freshman class, transferred from the Minnesota U. events on Oct. 30. i has moved to may be a wonder on a football Columb u s, several of the yearlings replacing Beginning the November programs those with more experience. field but he certainly doesn't will be the college choir under Paul I Ohio. He is amount to much on a farm. J. Christiansen on Nov. 6. Students also a member Warning that the selection made Returning with the team, Ken- from the Conservatory of Music, wiU jof the Luther- might not be final was voiced by Pro- neth AVillcy stopped off at home- broadcast Nov. 13 with the Concordia an church's sy- fessor Christiansen since his list had town Valley City imbued with a trio, consisting of Robert Lium, Thel- Kjorlie nodical board not yet been checked for eligibility healthy desire to commune with ma Dahlstrom and Dolores Kron ap- of -education and is a former presi- late Wednesday. nature on a tractor. Well, some- pearing Nov. 20 and the Men's chorus dent of the Fargo board of educa- Sopranos, include Helen Wiberg, body must have called the signals on Nov. 27. tion. Vivian Aas, Myrtle Halgrimson, Pearl wrong because Willie fell—not off Mattfeld, Beatrice Utne, Sylvia Rein- Following the Christmas recess in ertsen, Rachel Anderson, Jewel Mos- the hi ph line—but off the tractor. January, two programs of vocal music The referee says it came up and trom, Edna Hanson, Ruth Aanestad, have been scheduled with the male Viola Zeiszler, Gladys Onstad, Lois hit him in the air, but, just to quartet singing Jan. 8 and the Ma- make sure, penalized him five Registration Hits Ristvedt, Miriam Stockton, Jean Pit- drigal club, Jan. 22. A chamber mu- senbarger, Julie Daehlin and Irene yards—of gauze. sic group will perform Jan. 15 and V • • Satrom. Mu Phi Epsilon on Jan. 29 487; 22 Transfer And it's rumored (though it couldn't Remainder of the programs have Altos are Ardith Lee, Anna Walla, possibly be true) that Coach Joey not been released. Virginia Thorson, Marion Olsen, LydU Erickson, Barbara Rosenquist, Sigrum Rognstad was the most playful of the ERLING LIAN LOYAL NETTELAND From Other Colleges boys on their recent excursion trip. Eidboe, Meda Westberg, Grace Berg, When the coach gets collegiate I guess Totals Are Thirteen More Than Valborg Berge, Janet Rustad, Marjorie it's really killing. The boys say that Dr. Sodergren Of LBI Last Year; Freshmen Now Heidinger, Beulah Hedahl, Irene they owe their fine record to his Lian, Netteland Chosen Senior, Junior Quanbeck and Ruth Foss. cheery smile and occasional joke which To Open Bible Service Number 179 For High Mark Singing tenor are Orvin Bilstad, kept them from worrying moodily Olav Torvik, Torval Torvik, Orville Dr. C. J. Sodergren of the Lutheran Registration yesterday topped Berg, Obert Salveson, Paul Conmey, about the classes they were missing. Heads As Classes Get Set For Year last year's mark on the same date • * * Bible Institute, Minneapolis, will give Frederick Finger, Manvel Lillehaugen, Utne, Mickelson, Thompson the first in the annual series of Bible by 13. The total now is 487 as Carston Brein and Vernon Duntley. Lynn Lindgrcn, who has a very compared with 474 last year. Complete UppercEass Slate; lectures at Concordia Tuesday at 7:30 Basses are Ernest Harris, Morria esthetic nature, stood one day at Pep Meeting Friday p.m. The number registered by classes the window weary and ill at ease Torvik Heads Sophomores Bakken, Melvin Larsen, John Saeter, Prospective rooter kings will "Life of John the Baptist" is the is: seniors, 80; juniors, 106; Maynard Silseth, Ingolf Sandager, Or- looking out over and beyond the sophomores, 115, and freshmen, campus. As she looked at the With election of Erling Lian as senior try out during the first pep title of the 10-lecture series. Lectures ville Onstad, Morris Ulring, Erling president and re-election of Loyal meeting of the year at 6:45 p.m are open to Moorhead-Fargo residents 179. There are seven unclassified Lian and Erling Aarthun. green sloping terraces and the ir- students. idescent pool which is Proxy's Netteland as junior head all classes Friday in preparation for the as well as students. pond, her savage spirit grow calm. have organized for the year's work. Mayvillc game Satunrday. Twenty-two students from colleges "Isn't it beautiful?" she whispered, Beatrice Utne, vice president, Helen Last year's Rooterite, Harris in an area between Parkland, Wash., "that cemetery—it just gets me!" Mickelson, secretary, and Clifton Christianson, requests appli- and Haverford, Pa., have transferred Grid Men Head Dormi And, we add, it probably wilJ, Thompson, treasurer, will assist Lian. cants to hand in their names be- Mrs. Ostby 'Pleased' to Concordia this year. Three are sooner or later. Chosen to serve on the junior executive fore the pepfest. students who took their freshman committee with Netteland are Lyle work here. Misner Is President • • « Lee, vice-president, Marguerite Hansen, With Initial Efforts The 16 colleges and students trans- House Officers Chosen At FOR MEN ONLY: secretary, and Viola Zeiszler, treasurer. ferring from them are: St. Olaf, In on attempt to ascertain just what Lian, music representative on the Netteland's Oration In Choir Speaking Northfield, Mary Garberg, junior, and Election Monday; Dyke makes up the ideal college male we Student Forum, is a member of Mon- Inez Rodsater and Charlotte Sathre, Named Fire Captain have made an analytical survey on the damin literary society, choir, band and Wins High Mention sophomores; North Dakota Agricul- subject among the frank freshman 32 Women Report For Burly football _ men evidently make Music club. He also has sung in the First Tryouts Wednesday; tural college, Fargo, Frank Benson, femmes who have come to grace our male quartet and in the male chorus. In National Contest Evelyn Clementson and Lorraine good administrators, if the house offi- campus. Netteland has been active in foren- Director Outlines Work Dunlevy Nelson, juniors, and Duane cers of Men's dorm are an indication. We asked thorn if the college man sics, taking part in debate, freshman- "Th'e Temple of Understanding," an Strand, freshman; Floyd Misner was elected president must be sartorially perfect. "What's oration given last year by Loyal Nette- "I'm very pleased," said Mrs. Nor- and Clifton Thompson vice-president sophomore declamation contest and ma Gooden Ostby after initial tryouts the difference," they said, "as long peace oratory contest. He is president land won honorable mention in the na- U. OF ML SENDS TWO of the men's dormitory at an election as he's well-dressed." tional contest, according to an annouce- for the Bible speaking choir yesterday Augsburg college, Minneapolis, Ra- held Monday evening.
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