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Center for Research Libraries Identifier: f-n-000001 Downloaded on: Jun 15, 2017 4:56:16 AM n- Mli 3i» Vot* 46> Uifa Juft0, LN* 180011980 {GOHSOTUTOl^) ORpEftS m mmcth, 19S4 to 1959 3^iiiwslvo tKS^ialative|liiJj: (Declaration of Federal /; JPorti) Cki3w, I959 ' iZOtUJltme feiWicitcRtCfih^littWeiNreeitfeia^AEylWtn^cfPjrtXefj&eFiiil^edWe td; tii)i| Order la 1954* the Gavwniet^^aerali '* ecNKuialiatlea wii^ the OettheU .df h^ietert, has made the followfaig Oroi«*~ 1» TO« 0r4eif jtftfcy J>e dted m the Bkdusive legislative List (Eieclaratidh Citatioh (md of Order, 1959, and shall be oi federal ap^liciitien. application. 2i *rhe following poft Is declared to be ft Ecderd Rort for the parpoae of Dedara> the Higeri (Conadwtlon) Ordett in Council, J9S+ to 1958^ -1^ ■ tion of Federal Kom Fort. "1 Made at luftgoft this 5th day of Junc» 1959. ; Mauwce JmKms, ActmgiDeputy Secretai^ io the . Cowunl of Mimsters FXVU.NATORV Note The eflioct of this Order is thftt Koko in addition to Lagos and tlie eight ports fpeclded in Legal Notices S and X7 of 1955, will hecomc the subject of Federal Legislative control. Tms L.Na40ofl9S9 k ' NlGEltm CEN'fMt* MARKmNO BOARD ORDINANCE, 1955 , (No. 10V 1955) AMrdddi Bdhtdft (Tf diisfer of Funds) Orte, 1959 V llfA 1959 Wl»lti£A$ tho Li^ttMato? of the Nigeria Groundnut Marketing Board has detd^inadj tiidththoa^fovtdof thoJ^oister, that the wholerof the feniaining Riads and ftwcm beloa^hg:to the Nigerfa Groundnut Marketing Board will iOt bo required to Jxe«. the lilb^tic^ of the said Board and Reuses of: windlngupj ' ) • r' ■ - ilHD witftaaii^ tHo Gfiv«rmop*General has complied wMi the provisions of paragraph 1^ P) of the Fourth Schedule to the above Ordinance; Now in exeisjiio of the powers conferred by paragrapl^ 13 (1) of the Foh^ Schedule tu the Nigetm Cenual Marketing Boihd Ordinance 1955,^ the Govecnor-Gencial, after consul^tion\vith the Council of Ministers . has made the follovwg Order—* . 1, may he eited as the Marketuag Boards (Transfer of Funds citation and ftndAwfft*)Ordtr, m9raftdshglf beofFedetalapplication. application. B2U Direction to transfer. ImdB aad assets of the Nigeria Groundnut Marketing ii they ye certified by the Auditors of the Uquidator’s Firwl Account in resect of * date to be agreed by the Liquidator and the Auditors, In the followng Hpropoitions— (a) to the Nortbem Remould M^uketk^ Board 99.84> perjcent; (&) to the Eastern Rcgion4 Markedc^ Board 0.1fi per cent, Deduction 3* From the amount otfimds and amem oahmlated to be tnmifwabie to a of InUinm Regional h>|axketlng Bc^d m atsxirdance mth the pnmeding tnnsfers. there sM be dedhicted the amotmt of any interim soide m LJT, 152/ txm^er 1954, that Board under rite prorislons of the hfarketing Boaxd* 0am$fet of Funds L,N*109/ and Assets) Order in Omndi, 1954, the MaSetiaf Botnlt 4*iV*ntfcr of 1955. Funds and Afliete) Order, 1955, lUid die MmiSli^ of L.K, 137/ 1957, : Funds and Assets) Order, 1957, * Trausfefto 4 Transfers in accordance trith riui Order «W b^ynade by thOitimirfef he in cash. of cash to the London bank accounts of the Boardi muned in paragt^h 2, MAOBatLag08thi8 4thdayof June, 1959, ^ I MaORICE Jl^^KiKi, Acting Dttmiy SedteUxty to the CtmdloJ Ministm ExPLANAfORY NOtE llie Order provides for dlstributtoii of daft remaining assets of mp Gromid* nut Markering Board and is made in accordance ’mth die provisiona of the Nigeria Centw Marketing Board Ordimmce, 1955, BOH L,N. Ml of 1959 NIGERIA CENTRAL hJARKETING BOARD ORDINANCE, 1955 (No. 1 OP 1955) i. Markeriog BoRzds (Tenntfer of Ftead^ (Nm 2) OrdnsV 1959 r llihJmft tW ' , WHEit&t? the Liquidator of the Nigcriit Cotton, Harkcfing Board h^ determinedj’vrifii the approval of the Mlmster, that the whole of the remamlng funds and asaem belm^ng to the Ni^ht Cotton MMmttng Board wilLiol » he required m meet the liabilities of meaald Bmced and expenw^of wm^ng «PiV' ' WHEREAS the Govemor<,Geocral has complied vrim^the provisiona of paragraph 13 (3) of the Fourth Schedule to the above Ordinance j Now THBREhiRE in exerrise of die |>oweri conferred by 1^ (1) of the Fourth Schedule to the Nigeria Cental Markeimg Board Ordi^ce, 1955, the Oovernqr-«G^n«i^, after conwiltarioa witii the Omxudlof liBmftefS, has made the following Order— Citatioa md 1, This Order may be cited as the Marketing Boards (Trm»fer of Funds j^pp^mdoa. and Assets) (No* 2) Order, 1959, and be of Federal ap^tatwe# • • A . P .2rs an« liiiQtt of thfe Nigeria Go ttoa Marfccdng Boards as they are certified by the Auditofi of the Xfiquidtttor^* Finid Account in respect or a date td be agreed by the jLiquidatof and the Auditorii in the foibwtng proportional^ (o) to the Northern Regional Markefing Board 9p,Q2 per cent;; (i^) to the Weatern Re^on Markedng Board 0»98 per <^t, • t 3* From the tmoiint of bjiidi and aiaeta ca1culab<f to betransfcrabl©, to a Deduedon Regional h*fcriceting Board In accordance with the preceding paragraph, therejihall be deducted the. amount of any interim transfer already made to W w 152/ that Boarduiidef the pioviiioniofthe Marketing Boards ('Fransfer of Funds 4954 - imdA^eti) Order In CouncilVl9S4, the Marketing BoardafTransfer of Funds W9i imd ^ti> Order, 1955, and the Marketing Boards (Transfer of Funds and PB Aiaeti) Orders 1057» v ^ ' {957 - 4r Tranifert in accordance with thb Order shall be made by the transfer Tre«»fer to ; of cash to the London bank accounts of the Boards Jiamed in paragraph 2^ be mcaafi, Mapb at Lagos this 4th day of June, 1959. MAunioi Jenkxns, ; Acting Deputy Sea^ktmy to the Cofumlof Mmstm r ■ © Noi£J LANATORY ^Ifhe prd^j^videa for dishibntion of Ae femsaituiig a$set|;of the i^on ; ^^^^M«*ettogSSd the,^«M0Bs of fhe ® > BQ14 L^JL42ofl959 NIGERIA CENTRAL MARKETING BOARD ORDINANCE, 1955 (No* 1 OF 1955) Marketing Boards (Transfer of Funds) (No. 3) Order, 1959 CoimtncmmttXXth yutie, 1959 WlfiBREAa the Liquidator of the Nigeria Ck)Coa Marketing Board has determined, with the approval of the Minister, that the whole of me remaining lunds and asseta belonging to the Nigeria Cocoa Marketing Board will not be required to meet the liabilities of the said Board and expenses of winding upj ^ ' , Akd‘ WHaRBAS the Govemor-G«icral has complied with the provisions 6f . paragraph 13 (3) of the Fourth Schedule to the above Ordinance; T KoW TRBHWORtin cxerdae of the powers conferred by paragraph 13 (1) of the Founii Schedule to the Hgeria Central Marketing Board Ordinance, 1951, theGovernor«Generat,after con8uitation%ith the CpuncUpf Ministers, has ma# the loUowiog 0rder>f- . ^ • 1. TWa Order may be cited as the Marketihg fioar<to (Transfer b F Funds Citation and and Assets) (No. 3) Order, 1959, and shall be 0? Federal applicadon. application.' ’Am Dlre^iloii % llifi; l«lqui<^tor ths Nfjg^Ktiit Cdccm M arketing Boiurtl dbtti m «oofk M to tM hitftff; ^dseible kfter the 4&te of coiZBneiKMMiil thii Cmkf tnmsfer the fuodt iihd asset$ of the Nig^a Blerlctliqf Bowdt»they ire certified by the Auditor^ of the Httal Account in ri^pect of t date to be tgteeil by the Liguidatof and the Auditor*, iii the following pto|)oJtiont (a) to^the W estern Ee^onal Bdkrketing Board %.W per oeat; (J}) to the Southern Cametoone M arketing Board 2B8 per cent; (e) to the Baatem Marketh^ BOeid O.02^p^ eent | (il) lo.the Northern jRei^fiai Marketmg Board 0.40 per cent 'v IDeducfion Fr<un the amount of hinde and aeieta a^coSutk^ to be traaslBrable u> . ofinitexfm taai»tet$i a Eel^onal AJfekedilg Board In accordance with the |»rec«dm| p«agri|ai, L.Nt152/ there ahall be deducted the amount of my interim mmcr ajit^y made to 1954. that Board under the provisiotia of the M arketing Board* fftimfer of Fund* UN. 19/ and Asset*) Order in Council, 1954, the M arketing Board (Transfer of Funds 1955. B.N.109/ and Aiiets)' Orders, 1955, and the M arketii^ Boards fFranafft*. of Funds 1955. and Assets) OrdexV 1957. 137J 1957. > T ■-i Refund of 4. Should the total amount due, as eeitifiedlby the Auditors of the transfix in Liquidat<»!^* Final Aeooimt, to any of the Boards spedfied in^wnagraph 2 be excess of entitlement. l^s than the total tk the interim tramder or transiers stated in paragraph 3 made to that Board, the Liquidator shall recover from the Board tlie amount already transferred in excess of the Board’s true entitlement as certified by the Auditom, Transfer to 5. Transfers in accordance with this Order shall he made by,the assknment be of speci­ of the outstanding balance on the loan of jg2i700,000 to the Federal fic as^ts.
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