THIRTEENTH KERALA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY RESUME OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED DURING THE THIRTEENTH SESSION © Kerala Legislature Secretariat 2015 KERALA NIYAMASABHA PRINTING PRESS. THIRTEENTH KERALA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY RESUME OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED DURING THE THIRTEENTH SESSION 535/2015. THIRTEENTH SESSION CONTENTS THIRTEENTH SESSION Page 1. Governors Address .. 1 2. Obituary Reference .. 1 3. Election of Speaker .. 1 4. Panel of Chairmen .. 2 5. Questions .. 2 6. Adjournment Motion .. 2 7. Calling Attention .. 2 8. Papers Laid on the Table .. 2 9. Presentation of Reports .. 2 10. Message from the Governor .. 3 11. Reference by the Speaker .. 3 12. Suspension of Members .. 4 13. Motion moved by the Chief Minister .. 4 14. Statement by Minister .. 4 15. Motion for suspension of Rule .. 4 16. Question of Breach of Privilege .. 5 17. Legislative Business .. 5 18. Financial Business .. 6 19. Visitors .. 7 20. Termination of the Session .. 7 21. Appendices .. 9 22. Statement showing Constituency, Name and Party .. 45 Affiliation of Members of Thirteenth Kerala Legislative Assembly Speaker : SHRI G. K ARTHIKEYAN * Deputy Speaker : SHRI N. SAKTHAN † Council of Ministers 1. Shri Oommen Chandy, Chief Minister 2. ,, P. K. Abdu Rabb, Minister for Education 3. ,, Adoor Prakash, Minister for Revenue and Coir 4. ,, A. P. Anil Kumar, Minister for Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes and Tourism 5. ,, Anoop Jacob, Minister for Food, Civil Supplies, Consumer Protection and Registration 6. ,, Aryadan Muhammed, Minister for Power 7. ,, K. Babu, Minister for Fisheries, Ports and Excise 8. ,, C. N. Balakrishnan, Minister for Co-operation, Khadi and Village Industries 9. ,, V. K. Ebrahim Kunju, Minister for Public Works 10. Kumari P. K. Jayalakshmi, Minister for Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Youth Affairs, Museums and Zoos 11. Shri K. C. Joseph, Minister For Rural Development, Planning, Culture and NORKA 12. ,, P. J. Joseph, Minister For Water Resources 13. ,, P. K. Kunhalikutty, Minister for Industries and Information Technology 14. ,, K. M. Mani, Minister for Finance, Law and Housing 15. ,, Manjalamkuzhi Ali, Minister for Urban Affairs and Welfare of Minorities. 16. ,, K. P. Mohanan, Minister for Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Printing and Stationery * Expired on 7-3-2015. † Resigned on 10-3-2015 (subsequently elected as Speaker on 12-3-2015). viii 17. Dr. M. K. Muneer, Minister for Panchayats and Social Justice 18. Shri Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan, Minister for Forest, Environment, Transport, Sports and Cinema 19. ,, Ramesh Chennithala, Minister for Home and Vigilance 20. ,, Shibu Baby John, Minister for Labour and Skills 21. ,, V. S. Sivakumar, Minister for Health, Family Welfare and Devaswom Leader of the House : SHRI OOMMEN CHANDY Leader of Opposition : SHRI V. S. ACHUTHANANDAN Govt. Chief Whip : SHRI P. C. GEORGE Secretary SHRI P. D. SARANGADHARAN THIRTEENTH KERALA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirteenth Session Date of Commencement .. March 6, 2015 Date of Adjournment .. March 23, 2015 Date of Prorogation .. March 23, 2015 (At the conclusion of its sitting) Number of sittings .. 8 (Eight) PARTY POSITION OF THIRTEENTH KERALA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (AS ON 6TH MARCH, 2015) Ruling Indian National Congress .. 39 * Indian Union Muslim League .. 20 Kerala Congress (M) .. 9 Revolutionary Socialist Party .. 3 Socialist Janata (Democratic) .. 2 Kerala Congress (B) .. 1 Kerala Congress (Jacob) .. 1 Opposition Communist Party of India (Marxist) .. 44 Communist Party of India .. 13 Janata Dal (Secular) .. 4 Nationalist Congress Party .. 2 Independents .. 2 Total .. 140 Speaker .. 1 Grand Total .. 141 * Shri G. Karthikeyan expired on 7-3-2015 and consequently the Aruvikkara seat became vacant. RESUME OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED DURING THE THIRTEENTH SESSION OF THE THIRTEENTH KERALA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY The summons dated February 19, 2015 for the Thirteenth Session of the Thirteenth Kerala Legislative Assembly was issued to the Members on February 19, 2015. The Session commenced at 9 a.m. on Friday, March 6, 2015 and adjourned sine-die at 8.49 a.m. on Monday, March 23, 2015. The House met on the following days viz., March 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 23 (8 days of sittings). Private Members Business was not transacted during the Session. The House transacted business for 28 hours and 38 minutes. Governor’s Address The Governor Shri P. Sathasivam addressed the Members of the Legislative Assembly at 9 a.m. on March 6, 2015. The discussion on the Motion of Thanks to the Governor’s Address commenced on March 10, 2015 with Shri M. P. Abdu Samad Samadani moving the following motion:— “2015 am¿®v 6-˛mw XobXn Kh¿Æ¿ tIcf \nb-a-k-`mw-K-ß-tfmSv sNbvX {]kw-K-Øn\v \nb-a-k-`mw-K-߃ Kh¿Æ¿°v \µn tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p”. The discussion on the Motion of Thanks lasted for 2 days, viz. March 10 and 11, 2015. The motion was adopted on March 11, 2015. The House devoted 11 hour and 51 minutes for the discussion on the Motion of Thanks and 41 Members participated in the discussion. Obituary Reference On March 9, 2015, the Deputy Speaker made a reference on the demise of G. Karthikeyan, Speaker. Shri Oommen Chandy, Chief Minister, Shri V. S. Achuthanandan, Leader of Opposition and Leaders of various parties associated themselves with the sentiments expressed by the Chair. As a mark of respect to the deceased, the members stood in silence for a while. The House adjourned for the day without transacting other business. On March 10, 2015, the Deputy Speaker made reference on the demise of K. P. Mammoo Master, former member of Kerala Legislative Assembly. As a mark of respect to the deceased, the members stood in silence for a while. Election of Speaker Two Members viz. Smt. P. Aisha Potty and Shri N. Sakthan had been duly nominated as candidates for election as Speaker. The Election was conducted at 9.30 a.m. on March 12, 2015. All together 140 Members including Protem Speaker and nominated member cast their votes. Shri N. Sakthan secured 74 votes and Smt. P. Aisha Potty secured 66 votes. Shri N. Sakthan was declared elected as Speaker. 535/2015. 2 Panel of Chairmen The following members were nominated to the Panel of Chairmen for the Session. Shri Palode Ravi Smt. K. S. Saleekha DR. N. Jayaraj Questions Details regarding the number of questions received and the number of questions answered on the floor of the House etc. are given in Appendix I and IA. Adjournment Motion During the Session 3 notices of Adjournment Motion were received. None out of them was admitted. Details of adjournment motions in respect of which consent was withheld after hearing the views of Ministers concerned on the floor of the House are given in Appendix II. Calling Attention During the Session 4 statements were made by Ministers under rule 62, details of which are given in Appendix III. Papers laid on the Table The details of papers laid on the table are given in Appendix IV. Presentation of Reports The following reports were presented on the dates noted against each: 1. The Report of Subject Committee X regarding 10-3-2015 ‘Protection of Sacred Groves’. .. 2. The Report of Subject Committee X regarding ‘Difficulties faced by the people living in and around forests’. 3. The Thirtieth and Thirty first Reports of the 12-3-2015 Committee on Local Fund Accounts. 4. The Tenth Report of the Committee on Environment. 3 5. The Sixty Eighth to Eighty First Reports of the Committee on Public Undertakings 23-3-2015 6. The Eleventh Report of the Committee on Environment Message from the Governor On March 16, 2015, the Speaker reported to the Assembly the Governor’s reply to the Motion of Thanks which was adopted by the House on March 11, 2015. Reference by the Speaker On March 16, 2015, the Speaker made a reference on the incidents occurred in the House on 13-3-2015: 2015 am¿®v 13 \ΩpsS \nbak`m Ncn{XØnse G‰hpw ZpxJIcamb Zn\ambn amdn. temIØn\p ap∂n¬ XeIp\n®v \n¬t°≠Xmb Ahÿ Cu kw`h߃aqew \ap°p≠mbn. Cu kw`h߃ Ct∏mƒ temIw apgph≥ N¿® sNøpIbmWv. ]e Imcyßfnepw H∂mw ÿm\Øv \n¬°p∂ \Ωƒ°v Cu Hcp ZnhksØ kw`hßfneqsS B H∂mw ÿm\ßsf√mw \jvSs∏SpIbmbncp∂p. hfsc ]cn]mh\ambn IcpXp∂ \nbak`bnse kv]o°dpsS Ub n¬, XpS°s_¬ ASn°p∂Xn\v aptº NmSn°bdpIbpw ASn®p \in∏n°pIbpw sNbvX Zriy߃ \ΩpsS kmwkvImcnI ]ptcmKXnsb Xs∂ sh√phnfn°p∂p. kIe koaIfpw ewLn®psIm≠p≈ {]hrØnIfneqsS \mw \sΩ Xs∂bmWv \mWwsISpØnbn´p≈Xv. CØcsamcp kw`hw `mcXØn¬ Hcp \nbak`bnepw D≠mbXmbn Adnhn√. hfsctbsd kmwkvImcnI kº∂cpw km£ccpamb \ΩƒXs∂ CØcsamchÿbnte°v XcwXmgv∂Xv, \ap°p Xs∂ XocmIf¶ambn amdn. P\m[n]XyØn\pw \nba\n¿ΩmW k`m{]h¿Ø\߃°pw Cu kw`h߃ hn\miIcamb `mhn {]hNn°p∂p. Cu kw`hßfn¬ \mw kzbw e÷n°pIbpw ZpxJw {]ISn∏n°pIbpw P\ßtfmSv am∏p]dbpIbpw sNtø≠Xp≠v. C\nbpw Imeßtfmfw \ne\n¬t°≠ P\m[n]Xy aqey߃ CØcw kw`hhnImkßfneqsS \in∏n°p∂Xn\v \mw ASpØ XeapdtbmSv IW°p]dtb≠Xmbn´phcpw. Hcn°epw kw`hn°cpXmØXv kw`hn®p Ign™p. \mw temIØn\v ap∂n¬ \mWwsI´p. temIw apgph\pw N¿® sNøp∂ Cu IdpØ Zn\Øn\v \msa√mw DØcw ]dtb≠Xmbn hcpw. 4 Suspension of Members On March 16, 2015, the following motion moved by Shri Oommen Chandy, Chief Minister was adopted by the House: “13-3-2015˛¬ k`m ktΩ-f\w Bcw-`n-°p-∂-Xn\v apºv k¿∆{io C. ]n. Pb-cm-P≥, hn. inh≥Ip-´n, tUm. sI. Sn. Peo¬, sI. Ip™-ΩXv amÿ, sI. APnXvv F∂o AwK-߃ _lpam\s∏´ kv]o°-dpsS Ub- n¬ A\-[n-Ir-X- ambn AXn-{I-an®v IS-°p-Ibpw At±-l-Øns‚ tai-∏p-d-Øp-ff Iºyq-´¿, ssa°v, a‰v Ce-Ivt{Sm-WnIv D]-I-c-W-߃, Fa¿P≥kn emºv F∂n-h-bpw ]c-tam-∂-X-amb kv]o°-dpsS Itk-cbpw \in-∏n-°p-Ibpw ^b-ep-Ifpw IS-em-kp-Ifpw _em¬°m-c- ambn FSp-sØ-dn-bp-Ibpw kv]o°sd Ub- n¬ {]th-in-°p-∂-Xn¬ \n∂pw _em¬°m-c-ambn XS-bp-hm≥ {ian-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp.
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