^#^ 35p USA $1-75 May 14-27 198 DEPARTMENT S ;t HIT LYRICS including WHEN HE SHINES I WANNA BE FREE KIM WILDE-UNDERTONES in colour >OR*HUMANLEAGUE*HONEYBA . Vol. 3 No. 10 I^^St^ I WANT TO BE FREE AVAST THERE, me hearties! Capn speakin'. Welcome aboard, scaoby landlubbers, to another voyage of me crusty bark "Ye Smashe Hittes" upon the salt-stained briney. Gadzooks! Be that a galley-load of rum-soaked reviews o'er yonder, or the brow of a Tenpole Tudor feature? And — egad! — foamin' in its wake, those scurvy seadogs The Human League with an Undertones colour spread up the crows nest. But, soft! Keel-haul me over a weed-encrusted Star Teaser if that irons. ain't a Books Round-Up and Fact Is Page a-clamberin' up the grappling Save yer doubloons! There's booty a-plenty to be won! Thrash asunder the baccy-chewin' Vaughn Toulouse and second mate Honey Bane and earn yerselves a Tenpole LP while firing in the direction of the Madness Poster Offer. Don't 'e read it all at once . -. 2 ! WANNA BE FREEToyah..,.,....,.-....... CARELESS MEMORIES Oyran Duran.. -...7 SWORDS OF A THOUSAND MEN Tenpole Tudor ......... J STARS ON 45 Star Soynd .....................10 on Safari Records DON'T SAY THAT'S JUST FOR WHITE BOYS Way Of The West........................ - H I'm bored THE SOUND OF THE CROWD Hmnan Uagse 11 to school 23 I don't wanna go LOVE GAMES LeveJ 42.......... Don't wanna be nobody's fool CHEQUERED LOVE Kim Wilde 27 I wanna be me, I wanna be me n' neat 27 I don't wanna be sweet PERFECT TIMING KM Oee. life I don't want someone living my for m« FUTURE MANAGEMENT Roger Taylor 32 I wanna be free 33 SMALL ADS Small Ads Chorus NIGHT PORTER Japan 39 I'm gonna turn this world inside out Gonna turn suburbia upside down FOR LOVE T S. Monk 45 CANDIDATE Gonna walk the streets scream and shout YOU DRIW ME CRAZY Shakin' Stevens 51 Gonna crawl through the alleyways being very loud WHEN HE SHINES Sheena Easton 51 I don't wanna be told what to wear As long as you're warm who cirea I wanna be me, I wanna be me DEPARniEIITS: Feature........... 4/5 So what if I dye my hair? 16/17 TENPOtE TUDOR: Coiour Feature I've still got a brain up there HUMAN LEAGUE: Feature. 20/21 And I'm gonna be me I'm gonna be free THE UNDERTONES: Colour Poster 28/29 HONEY BANE: Feature 40/41 Repeat chorus 52 KIM WILDE: Colour Poster................. I'm gonna turn this world inside out Gonna turn suburbia upside down 9 BOOKNOWI............. Tear down the wallpaper, turf out the eat and get rid of that FACT IS - 9 Tear up the carpet 13/14/15 Blow up the TV, blow up the car BITZ Without these things you don't know where you are DISCO. 23 all obscene CROSSWORD .24 Pull down the abattoirs and that's Everything in life should be totally free CARTOON.. 25 We should live and let live and all live our dreamt INDEPENDENT BITZ 30 I'm gonna turn this world inside out STAR TEASER 34 I'm gonna turn suburbia upside down REVIEWS 35/36 Gonna pull my hair scream and shout Gonna crawl through the alleyways being vary loud TENPOLE TUDOR COMPETITION 44 LETTERS 47/48 Repeat last verse BADGE OFFER/POSTER OFFER 48 I'm gonna be free I'm gonna be free 6162........ 50 I'm gonna be free I'm gonna be free I'm gonna be free The charts appearing in Smash Hits are compiled by Record Business Research from information supplied by panels of specialist shcps. Words and music by Willcox/Bogen P National Publtca Reproduced by permission Sweet n' Sour longs Ltd. printed by East Midland Litho Printers, Peterborough Copyright exists on all songs appearing in Smash Hits nust not be repr( without the consent of the copyright holders HWNT COVER PIC: DEPARTMENT S BY JIU. FURMANOVSKY 1 / .*• t «-1^ ^»% '' ->, \ •*^ TOYAH PICS: BARRY PLUMMER ' »?.gimffv;;CT^w;g~?g^aYg,i^'<jgB»aBffsaEis» --, -4'. DEPARTMENT HORY VAUGHN TOULOUSE, LEAD SINGER WITH DEPARTMENT S, IS A CLASH, EDITH PIAF, MARC BOLAN AND TOM JONES FAN. PAUL WELLER IS A DEPARTMENT S FAN. NOT BAD FOR STARTERS. "ENOUGH OF THIS NAME DROPPING, " SAYS TIM DE LISLE. VIC HAP?" "WHO'S THIS C ' "IS HE HERE YET? " ASKS JILL FURMANO' "A friend of mint, Qing*, EVEN O'CLOCK on a way it's better than a taking it more seriously. -HE NEXT single, on readying for Spilt at tl Wednesday evening, and in twenty-year-old coming up and Department S first appeared at was whatever label, will be time, picked up th« phoMi Studio Tliree at the saying he thinks you were the Rock Garden last July, "Clap Now", written again audience this voice at th« oth«r mdl Television Centre a hundred brilliant." although to boost the by Vaughn and Mike Herbage. "Is Vic there?" And Qing* knmv teenagers are milling about they were billed, for the first and Unlike "Is Vic There?", it has a about the Monty Python tkotGh beneath the white arc lights of last time, as Guns For Hire. They message. used to be had only four'original songs, but andhe*ald,'"Nah,thl(lt "It's about people doing what Top Of The Pops. ^ EPARTMENT S versions (T. Rex, Norman. Haa ho boon round Flick Colby, the American Guns For Hire, or rather with a few cover they're told, and also about tha again?" and It aoundad really choreographer of Legs & Co, gets A^ three of them did. (Their Rolling Stones) they managed to worship of the dead — Sid funny "cauaa I'd navar hoard the Vicious up on stage to tell them what's closest brush with fame was a fill 25 minutes. and so on." Monty Python. 80 1 juat jotted on the show tonight and how to picture in Smash Hits last year). Vaughn, meanwhile, was Vaughn numbers two a modest name for down tha lyrlca. Thay're nothing now-dead artists his dance to it. Vaughn, Michael and Tony were making among writer. He'd had no really, just a loiio." greatest influences; Edith Piaf "The next one is by among the twenty-odd himself as a So much for daap and Department S and that's a real musicians (and, says Vaughn, steady job for two years, spent and Marc Bolan. passed of his time on the road with meaningful. "I was brought up on Piaf and Blitz Kid number. I want some non-musicians) who most "'la Vic Thara?" firet came out intense, meaningful movements. through Guns For Hire. The Clash, and was "skint". Tom Jones, and when I left home tiny Logan asked to on Damon Raeorda, tha I their None of this silly disco stuff!" "When it was originally "Then Nick me went out and bought first F-Baat offahoot run by Jaka Mark Taylor and Michael conceived we couldn't even play write The Clash story for the records to make sure I still had I Riviera, Cllva Banka and Oarv Herbage, keyboards player and the instruments. It was just a issue of The Face, and said, them around. Tom Jones is a I Crowlay (tha band'a PR). A guitarist respectively, burst out joke. We had badges done, and yeah, I'd do it. So did, and he great performer. I a the labal'a output ar* aln( laughing when they hear this. stickers, and this myth grew up. said it was great, and could do "Apart from 'The Israelites' by I did them for Nick Kant'a group Tha But Ms. Colby's remark has It got so strong that people were few other things. Desmond Dekker, Marc Boian'a I don't think I'm a Subtarranaana, tha Flying <.,, unwittingly raised an important just dying to see Guns For Hire. It the money — 'Hot Love' was the first record i Padovania (foaturing point about "Is Vic There?", the was quite funny while it journalist." bought. Marc was the first ." stopped writing now, but ex-Pollca-man Hanry PadovanI) person think, superb first single from lasted . He's who made me to have andTV21. Department S. No one knows "People are a bit stupid — we the experience seems wow, it must be great doing that. and see helped him in one sense; he's a But Dapartmant 8'a Before him it was a little bit dull." how to describe it. It's got a good used to go into a venue interviewee, relaxed but arrangamant wKh tham and with In Solan's honour the B-side of hook, okay; it's good to dance someone wearing a GFH badge good sharp and very sure of himself. RCA, who pickad up tha aong "Is Vic There?" an inventive, to; it's certainly "New Wave". and we would say, 'oh, they're was is very from tha indlaa chart, waa a But what does that mean? Like great aren't they, we saw them On stage and off, Vaughn irreverent version of the T. Rex point — one-off. Now thay'ra looking for so many new bands, Department the other day,' and they'd go, much the band's focal hit "Solid Gold Easy Action". ^^ a major daal, hoping to make an I too." It and he's equal to the task; strong Vaughn is 21, the others about S aren't keen to be pigeonholed, 'yeah, yeah, saw them .^ i) looks, good name.
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