Extraction of black hole coalescence waveforms from noisy data Martin A. Greena, J. W. Moffata,b aPerimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo ON N2L 2Y5, Canada bDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON N2L 3G1, Canada c 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ Abstract We describe an independent analysis of LIGO data for black hole coalescence events. Gravitational wave strain waveforms are extracted directly from the data using a filtering method that exploits the observed or expected time-dependent fre- quency content. Statistical analysis of residual noise, after filtering out spectral peaks (and considering finite bandwidth), shows no evidence of non-Gaussian behaviour. There is also no evidence of anomalous causal correlation between noise signals at the Hanford and Livingston sites. The extracted waveforms are consistent with black hole coalescence tem- plate waveforms provided by LIGO. Simulated events, with known signals injected into real noise, are used to determine uncertainties due to residual noise and demonstrate that our results are unbiased. Conceptual and numerical differences between our RMS signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and the published matched-filter detection SNRs are discussed. Declaration of interests: None Keywords: Gravitational waves, black hole coalescence, signal extraction, GW150914, LVT151012, GW151226, GW170104 1. Introduction gravitational wave signal and measures how strongly the template's correlation with the measured signal exceeds its The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collab- expected correlation with detector noise. Strong correla- oration (LIGO) have reported six events in which spa- tion indicates a good match, but the true signal may not tial strain measurements are consistent with gravitational exactly match any of the templates. The dependence of waves produced by the inspiral and coalescence of binary matched filter outputs on template parameters informs es- black holes [1{7]. In each case, similar signals were de- timates of the physical parameters of the source event [11, tected at the Hanford, Washington (H) and Livingston, 12]. Louisiana (L) sites, with a time offset less than the 10 ms Template-independent methods, using wavelets, were inter-site light travel time. The latest event, GW170814, used to reconstruct the waveform for GW150914 from the was also detected at the Virgo site, in Italy. The likelihood data [9, 12{14], achieving 94% agreement with the bi- of these being false-positive detections is reported as: less nary black hole model. A template-independent search for −4 −1 than 10 yr for GW150914, GW151226, GW170104 generic gravitational wave bursts also detected GW170104, −4 −1 and GW170814; less than 3:3 10 yr for GW170608; but with lower significance than the matched filter de- −1 × and 0.37 yr for LVT151012. This paper examines the tection. For GW170104 a morphology-independent signal earliest four events, GW150914, LVT151012, GW151226, model based on Morlet-Gabor wavelets was used, follow- and GW170104, using data made available at the LIGO ing detection, to construct a de-noised representation of Open Science Center (LOSC) [8]. the binary black hole inspiral waveform from the recorded GW150914 had a sufficiently strong signal to stand strain data [5]. This was found to have an 87% overlap above the noise after removing spectral peaks and band- arXiv:1711.00347v3 [astro-ph.IM] 24 Aug 2018 with the maximum-likelihood template waveform of the pass filtering [9]. For the other events, primary signal binary black hole model, which is statistically consistent detection involved the use of matched filters, in which with the uncertainty of the template. the measured strain records are cross-correlated with tem- In [15], a Rudin-Osher-Fatemi total variation method plate waveforms derived using a combination of effective- was used to de-noise the signal for GW150914, yielding one-body, post-Newtonian and numerical general relativ- a waveform comparable to that obtained with a Bayesian ity techniques [10]. Matched filter signal detection treats approach in [1]. The same authors also applied dictio- each template as a candidate representation of the true nary learning algorithms to de-noise the Hanford signal for GW150914 [16]. Cresswell et al [17] have independently analyzed the Email addresses: [email protected] (Martin A. Green), [email protected] (J. W. Moffat) LIGO data for GW150914, GW151226 and GW170104. Preprint submitted to Elsevier August 27, 2018 They report correlations in the residual noise at the two about 30 Hz and at frequencies higher than expected in the sites | after subtracting model templates obtained from gravity wave events. Statistical analysis gives no indica- the LOSC | and suggest that a clear distinction between tion that the filtered signals differ significantly from band- signal and noise remains to be established. Recognizing limited Gaussian noise, with the exception of a few obvious that a family of template waveforms may “fit the data glitches. Also, no significant correlation is found between sufficiently well", they claim that \the residual noise is detectors. Section 3 describes the use of time-frequency significantly greater than the uncertainly introduced by bands to further reduce the influence of noise that masks the family of templates". The claim of correlations in the the astrophysical strain signals. This allows determina- residuals is contrary to analysis in [10]. We discuss below tion of the event time, phase and amplitude differences why we believe [17] is erroneous. between the two detectors, and construction of a coher- The present work introduces a new method for ex- ent signal once the Hanford signal time, phase and am- tracting signal waveforms from the noisy strain records plitude are adjusted to match Livingston (which is taken of black hole binary coalescence events provided by the as reference). The clean signals are compared with the LOSC. Noise that is inconsistent with prior knowledge re- reasonable-fit templates provided by the LOSC. Analysis garding timing and a reasonable-fit template for an event of simulated events, with known signals injected into real is selectively filtered out to better reveal the gravitational noise, demonstrates the reliability and uncertainties asso- wave signal. Our method relies on knowledge obtained ciated with our signal extraction method. In Section 4 using the matched-filter techniques, discussed above, for we discuss the relationship of our work to matched-filter signal detection and identification of a reasonable-fit tem- signal detection, provide some remarks on signal-to-noise plate. We rely on the (approximate) signal event times ratios, and comment on correlations of noise and residuals given by the LOSC and the broad, time-dependent spec- between detectors. The final section provides brief conclu- tral features of the black hole coalescence templates.1 In sions. the case of GW150914, we have also done signal extraction without using the template, but assuming the event has 2. Signal cleaning and noise characterization the smoothly varying frequency content typical of black hole inspiral, merger and ringdown. Our waveform ex- The LOSC has made available time series records of traction method does not use the templates' phase or de- the measured strain data for each of the reported events. tailed amplitude information | instead such information is The events are roughly central within short (32 s) and obtained directly from the recorded data. The extracted long (4096 s) records, each available at 4096 samples per waveforms are compared with similarly filtered templates second (sps) and 16384 sps. The 4096 sps records | used to determine best-fit amplitude and phase parameters and in the present work | were constructed from the 16384 sps associated uncertainties. records by decimation. Our limited objective in this work was to independently From each long strain record, sl(t), the power spec- analyse data provided by the LOSC in the hope of ob- tral density (PSD), S(f), was constructed using Welch's taining clean representations of the black hole coalescence average periodogram method with overlapping 64 s seg- strain signals that could be compared with the provided ments and Planck windows [18] with 50% tapers. This templates and published results. Our analysis method enabled identification of the positions and widths of nu- is not designed to detect gravitational wave events, and merous sharp spectral peaks corresponding to AC power- should not be confused with the matched-filter techniques line harmonics, detector calibration signals, and other de- used for such detection. Application of our method to es- terministic sources. A smoothed PSD baseline, Sb(f) was timation of physical parameters or to events other than constructed, corresponding to the PSD with the narrow black hole coalescence is beyond the scope of the present peaks removed. This was used as the PSD for subsequent work. analysis of the given event and detector, and for whiten- In Section 2 we describe the characterization of detec- ing of signals. The square roots of the PSDs and baselines tor noise and identification and removal of spectral peaks (i.e., the amplitude spectral densities (ASDs)) found for due to AC line power (60 Hz and harmonics), calibration GW150914 are shown in Figure 1. signals and other non-astrophysical causes. Band-pass fil- Order 2 Butterworth notch filters were used to remove ters are used to remove the high amplitude noise below the deterministic signals from the 32 s records, s(t), leav- ing a clean signal, s (t), in the pass bands of interest. 1 clean It is noted at https://losc.ligo.org/ that the provided numeri- The filter frequencies and widths were manually adjusted cal relativity template waveforms are consistent with the parameter ranges inferred for the observed events but were not tuned to pre- to reduce obvious spectral peaks to the level of the broad- cisely match the signals.
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