June 18, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1081 Such a war would be useless, dangerous, and Sikhs should take this opportunity to re- leased. The U.S. government recently added a disaster for Pakistan, India, the minorities of claim our lost sovereignty and liberate our India to its ‘‘watch list’’ of violators of reli- the subcontinent, and the world. homeland, Punjab, Khalistan, from Indian gious freedom. It should impose sanctions to Many South Asia’s watchers speculate that occupation. stop the oppression of Sikhs, Christians, L.K. Advani has said that when Kashmir Muslims, and others. India needs a war to keep its multinational goes, India will fall apart, and he is right. We Jaswant Singh Khalra, who exposed the empire together and to divert attention away must take advantage of this situation to re- government killing of Sikhs in fake encoun- from its other internal problems. They have claim our lost sovereignty. Sovereignty is ters, became a victim of the Indian police even speculated that India’s collapse is not a our birthright. The Guru gave sovereignty to himself. He was kidnapped outside his house fantasy, and that even L.K. Advani, the militant the Khalsa Panth. (‘‘In grieb Sikhin ko deon and murdered in police custody. Even Akal Hindu Home Minister of India, is worried about Patshahi.’’) Banda Singh Baliadur estab- Takht Jathedar Sardar Gurdev Singh India’s territorial integrity. lished the first Khalsa rule in Punjab from Kaunke was murdered by SSP Swaran Singh However, a war in South Asia could become 1710 to 1716. Then there was a period of perse- Ghotna and then his body was disposed of. the trigger that brings freedom to the minority cution of the Sikhs. Again Sikhs established The Badal government was forced to conduct a sovereign, independent rule from 1765 to an inquiry by three Punjab police officials nations such as the Sikh homeland of 1849, when the British annexed the Sikh under the leadership of DIG Tiwari into the Khalistan, predominantly Christian Nagaland, homeland, Punjab, into British India. killing of Jathedar Kaunke. As of today that Kashmir, and others, just as World War I This is a wake-up call for the Sikh Nation. report has not been made public. brought independence to many nations living The massacre of Muslims in Gujarat is a tes- The only solution is the formation of a under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire tament to this. The fanatic Vishav Hindu Khalsa Raj Party under new, honest, dedi- and the Ottoman Empire. The end of the Cold Parishad (VHP) burned Christian missionary cated, and committed leadership. Now is the War brought freedom to many nations which Graham Staines and his two young sons time to do it. Let’s not waste time and pro- had been living under Soviet rule, including alive. They murdered priests, raped nuns, long the suffering and agony of the Sikh Na- and burned churches. They are assimilating tion. The only remedy is to sever our rela- Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and others. A war in Christianity, Islam, and every other minor- tionship with Delhi completely, declare inde- South Asia could have a similar effect on the ity into Hinduism. The Sikh Nation must pendence from India and start a peaceful agi- nations and peoples of the subcontinent. free itself from India to ensure its survival tation to free the Sikh homeland, Punjab, The Council of Khalistan recently called on as a nation and to enjoy a prosperous future. Khalistan. The present Akali leadership of Sikh soldiers not to fight for India, but to fight Without political power, nations perish. Badal, Tohra, Mann, and others are under In- to free their homeland, Khalistan. Given the About 80 percent of the sacrifices during dian government control. Their betrayal of oppression that has killed over 250,000 Sikhs the fight to regain freedom from the British the Sikh Nation is well documented in the since 1984 according to the Punjab State were Sikhs, even though Sikhs formed only Book Chakravyuh: Web of Indian Secularism Magistracy, that continues to hold 52,268 polit- 1.5 percent of the Indian population at the by S. Gurtej Singh. time. At the time of India’s independence, Siklis are a sovereign, independent nation ical prisoners, which the Movement Against Sikhs were equal signatories to the transfer and ruled Punjab until 1849. The only way State Repression reported that the Indian gov- of power from the British. The Sikh leader- the Sikh Nation can protect itself from the ernment has admitted to, that has killed over ship should have gotten an independent Indian government’s ongoing efforts to de- 80,000 Muslims, over 200,000 Christians in country for the Sikhs at that time, but they stroy the Sikh religion is to achieve inde- Nagaland, thousands upon thousands of other were fooled by the Hindu leadership of Nehru pendence for our homeland, Khalistan. Guru minorities like Bodos, Dalit ‘‘Untouchables,’’ and Gandhi so Sikhs took their share and gave sovereignty to the Khalsa Panth. The Tamils, Assamese, Manipuri’s, and others, joined India on the promise that they would new Sikh leadership must launch a why should any of these minorities fight for the have the glow of freedom. Shantmai Morcha to liberate our homeland. We have seen this ‘‘glow of freedom’’ in the The only way the Sikh Nation can prosper is Indian state? form of the attack on the Golden Temple in to free the Sikh homeland, Punjab, The Council of Khalistan’s recent Open Let- June 1984, when over 20,000 Sikhs were killed Khalistan. The freedom of the Sikh Nation ter contains much more information on this. To in Punjab in a single month. Sikhs can never will bring prosperity, stability, and peace to help my colleagues and constituents stay fully forgive or forget the desecration of the Gold- Punjab and to South Asia. informed about the sentiments of many Sikhs en Temple. This is the history and tradition Panth Da Sewadar, within India, I would like to put that open letter of the Sikh Nation. DR. GURMIT SINGH AULAKH, The next massacre of Sikhs occurred after into the RECORD at this time. President, Council of Khalistan. the assassination of Indira Gandhi in Delhi. COUNCIL OF KHALISTAN, There was a mass murder of Sikhs through- f Washington DC, May 21, 2002. out India, including Delhi. The Sikhs were THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE OPEN LETTER TO THE SIKH NATION pulled out of trains and burned alive. Sikh MORE THEY REMAIN THE SAME: CLOUDS OF WAR BETWEEN INDIA AND PAKISTAN truck drivers were pulled out of their trucks. GATHER; INDIA IS ON THE VERGE OF DISINTE- Hindu militants put tires around their necks ERIC HOFFER ON ISRAEL IN 1968 GRATION—SIKH SOLDIERS AND OFFICERS and burned them to death. Sikh police offi- SHOULD NOT FIGHT FOR INDIA BUT TO FREE cers were disarmed and confined to their bar- HON. TOM LANTOS KHALISTAN; NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME TO racks. This is very similar to what happened OF CALIFORNIA LAUNCH SHANTMAI MORCHA TO LIBERATE recently to the Muslims in Gujarat. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES KHALISTAN Human Rights Watch Asia has clearly stat- DEAR KHALSA JI: WAHE GURU JI KA ed that the Indian government orchestrated Tuesday, June 18, 2002 KHALSA, WAHE GURU JI KI FATEH! the recent genocide in Gujarat. Policemen Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I recently came War clouds are gathering in South Asia. stood and watched while Muslims were at- across an article by the American social phi- tacked and murdered. One policeman said War between India and Pakistan looks immi- losopher Eric Hoffer, about the double stand- nent. It is expected to break out this fall. that he was ordered not to stop the violence. Troops have been gathering on the borders, This is the same modus operandi that the In- ard to which the world holds Israel. The sad and the recent killings in Kashmir provide dian government used in 1984 to burn the irony is that this extraordinary piece was writ- the Indian government with an excuse to at- Sikhs alive and destroy their property. For ten 34 years ago, and it is just as relevant tack Pakistan. The killing of Abdul Ghanni the Sikh Nation to ensure their safety, we today as it was then. Mr. Hoffer’s insightful Lone, a leader of the Kashmiri freedom must free our homeland, Punjab, Khalistan, analysis was published in the Los Angeles movement, merely heightens the tensions. from Indian occupation. We pray every day Times on May 26, 1968. Remember that the fanatic BJP leaders ‘‘Raj Kare Ga Khalsa.’’ We must do our best Eric Hoffer was an American social philoso- are on record that they want to make an to realize our God-given right to be free. pher, author of nine books and a winner of the ‘‘Akand Bharat’’ by defeating Pakistan and The Indian government has murdered over incorporating it into India. Their aggression 250,000 Sikhs since 1984. The U.S. State De- Presidential Medal of Freedom. His first book, in Kashmir is internationally known. They partment reported in 1994 that the Indian The True Believer, published in 1951, was will not hold a plebiscite in Kashmir, as they government paid out over 41,000 cash boun- widely recognized as a classic. promised to do in 1948. It is India that ties to police officers for killing Sikhs. Ac- This article, which as I mentioned appeared launched the nuclear arms race in South cording to a report by the Movement Against in 1968, describes the trend of international Asia and has nuclear weapons pointed at State Repression MASR), the Indian govern- scorn focusing solely on Israel; whether it is Pakistan.
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