Step-By-Step Product Selection Guide SILICONE MOLDMAKING MATERIALS FROMDOWCORNING AMERICASEDITION qCureaate lity tirmeprodeuctioans,fter 2 6 3 4 2 1 V A The closest thing to a time. reproduction from a silicone mold is the original itself. Our products can be used with masters made of stone, glass, wood, metal, wax, ceramic, plaster and clay. And they’re compatible with a wide range of casting materials. Each moldmaking product from Dow Corning consists of two components: a liquid silicone rubber base and a catalyst or curing agent. There are two basic cure types — condensation cure and addition cure. Within each cure type, we offer several products in a range of viscosities with variable cure times. To identify the product(s) best suited to your application, start by using the product selection tree and typical moldmaking variables chart in Step 1 on the next page. 3 Narrow the field to match your needs STEP 1 Silicone Moldmaking Materials from Dow Corning • Are easy to use • Feature excellent release characteristics • Resist tearing with repeated use • Reproduce intricate details • Provide good resistance to most chemicals • Are flexible to reduce demolding and stress problems • Hold severe undercuts • Offer tailorable working times and cure rates • Work in a wide range of service temperatures Condensation Cure Products Addition Cure Products Dow Cornin g® and Silasti c® Brand Silicone Rubbers Silasti c® Brand Silicone Rubbers • For molding figurines, decorative reproduction and making transfer pads • For engineering design, prototyping, architectural fabrication, and making transfer pads • Provide outstanding resistance to inhibition • Use platinum catalyst • Use tin catalyst • Cure can be heat accelerated • Offer variable cure times at room temperature • Exhibit virtually no shrinkage when cured at room temperature • Offer better chemical resistance Dow Cornin g® HS II RTV Dow Cornin g® 3110 RTV Silastic ® 3496 Base. High Silastic ® E RTV Silicone Silasti c® M-2 RTV Silicone Silastic ® T-2 RTV Silicone High Strength Moldmaking Silicone Rubber. General tear strength, low durometer, Rubber. Good tear resist - Rubber. High durometer, Rubber. Translucent/ Silicone Rubber. High tear purpose, low tear strength, very good resistance to ance, high durometer high inhibition resistance, colorless, low viscosity, low strength, medium durometer. medium durometer, low mixed polyester resin, suited for (hardness), long working regal blue. durometer, high inhibition Well-suited for one-part viscosity, easy to work with, reproduction of figurines. time, high elongation, white. resistance. molds. fills tiny crevices, vacuum de-airing isn’t always required, white. Dow Cornin g® HS III RTV Dow Cornin g® 3112 RTV Silasti c® 3497 Base. High Silasti c® J RTV Silicone Silastic ® M-3 RTV Silicone Silastic ® T-2 Base/T-2 High High Strength Moldmaking Silicone Rubber. General tear strength, low durometer, Rubber. Good tear resist - Rubber. High durometer, Durometer Curing Agent. Silicone Rubber. High tear purpose, low tear strength, very good resistance to ance, high durometer, green. fast room temperature cure, Higher durometer version of strength, low durometer. Well- high durometer, white. polyester resin, suited for demoldable in 2 hours, Silastic T-2. suited for one-part molds. reproduction of figurines. regal blue. Dow Cornin g® HS IV RTV Dow Corning ® 3120 RTV Silasti c® 3498 Base. High Silastic ® L RTV Silicone Silastic ® P-1 RTV Silicone Silastic ® T-4 RTV Silicone High Strength Moldmaking Silicone Rubber. Low tear tear strength, low durometer, Rubber. Low durometer, Rubber. High tear strength, Rubber. High tear strength, Silicone Rubber. High tear strength, high durometer, very good resistance to soft and more flexible, good suited for production of print high durometer, translucent, strength, low durometer, low excellent heat stability, red. polyester resin, suited for elongation, green. pads, can be colored. suited for prototype design. mixed viscosity. Well-suited reproduction of figurines. for one-part molds. Silastic ® M RTV Silicone Silastic ® S RTV Silicone Silastic ® V RTV Silicone Rubber. Medium tear resist - Rubber. High tear resistance, Rubber. High tear strength, ance, high durometer, high very low durometer, low medium durometer, suited for inhibition resistance, demold - viscosity, high inhibition architectural and prototype able in 16 hours, regal blue. resistance, high elongation. design. Silastic ® S-2 RTV Silicone Rubber. High tear resistance, low durometer and low viscosity, suited for reproduc - tion of reconstituted stone. Typical Moldmaking Variables Condensation Cure Products Addition Cure Products ® ® Silastic Silicone ® Dow Corning Silicone Rubber Silastic Silicone Rubber Rubber HS II HS III HS IV 3110 3112 3120 3496 3497 3498 E J L M M-2 M-3 P-1 S S-2 T-2 T-4 V Pattern Characteristics Simple, no undercuts ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ Complex, some undercuts ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ Complex, deep undercuts ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅜ ⅷ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ Vertical surfaces, large or immovable objects ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ Compatibility with Casting Materials Polyesters ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ Polyurethane, rigid ⅷ ⅷ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅷ ⅷ ⅜ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ Polyurethane, foam ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅷ ⅷ ⅷ Epoxies ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ Low-melt metals ⅜ ⅜ ⅷ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅜ ⅷ Recommended ⅜ Can be used 4 Take a closer look at your cure options STEP 2 Working and Cure Times at Room Temperature Base/Catalyst Approximate Approximate (73°F, 23°C) Mixing Ratio, Working Demold Catalyst or Curing Agent By Weight Time 1 Time 2 ® Once you’ve narrowed the field to a few Dow Corning HS II RTV Silicone Rubber Base ® materials, it’s time to look at your cure Silasti c 81 NW Curing Agent 20:1 1.5 – 2 hrs 24 hrs ® Silasti c® 81-F NW Curing Agent 20:1 30 – 45 min 6 hrs options. Dow Corning RTV high strength Silasti c® 81-R NW Curing Agent 20:1 1.5 – 2 hrs 24 hrs moldmaking silicone rubbers are available Silasti c® 81-VF NW Curing Agent 20:1 8 – 10 min 2 hrs with a variety of curing agents to modify Dow Corning ® HS Sprayable Catalyst – Colored 10:1 1 hr 16 hrs working and demold times. For unique ® conditions we offer: Dow Corning HS III RTV Silicone Rubber Base Silasti c® 83 NW Curing Agent 20:1 1.5 – 2 hrs 24 hrs • Silastic ® 81-F NW curing agent for curing Dow Corning ® HS Sprayable Catalyst – Clear 10:1 1 hr 16 hrs against sulfur-containing clays Dow Corning ® HS IV RTV Silicone Rubber Base • Dow Corning ® HS sprayable catalyst – Dow Corning ® HS IV 10:1 Colored Catalyst 10:1 1 hr 24 hrs colored used with Dow Corning HS II to Dow Cornin g® 3110 Silicone Rubber allow spray application onto vertical surfaces Dow Corning ® S Tin NW Catalyst 10:1 3 2 hrs 7 hrs Dow Corning ® 4 Catalyst 100:1 3 3 min 10 min • Dow Corning ® HS sprayable catalyst – clear e r u ® C Dow Cornin g 3112 Silicone Rubber used with Dow Corning HS III to allow n o ® 3 i t Dow Corning S Tin NW Catalyst 10:1 1 hr 8 hrs spray application onto vertical surfaces a s ® 3 n e Dow Corning 4 Catalyst 100:1 2 min 10 min ® d Each Silastic RTV addition cure silicone n ® o Dow Corning 3120 Silicone Rubber C rubber base has its own special curing agent. ® 3 Dow Corning S Tin NW Catalyst 10:1 1 hr 8 hrs For best results, these products should be used ® 3 Dow Corning 4 Catalyst 100:1 2 min 10 min at the specified mix ratios. The chart at left ® Silasti c 3496 Base can help you determine the mix ratios, working ® Silasti c 81 NW Curing Agent 20:1 2 – 3 hrs 24 hrs times and cure times most compatible with ® Silasti c 81-F NW Curing Agent 20:1 1 – 1.5 hrs 8 hrs your equipment capabilities and application Silasti c® 81-R NW Curing Agent 20:1 2 – 3 hrs 24 hrs requirements. Silasti c® 3497 Base Silasti c® 81 NW Curing Agent 20:1 2 – 3 hrs 24 hrs Silasti c® 81-F NW Curing Agent 20:1 1 – 1.5 hrs 8 hrs Silasti c® 81-R NW Curing Agent 20:1 2 – 3 hrs 24 hrs Silasti c® 3498 Base Silasti c® 81 NW Curing Agent 20:1 2 – 3 hrs 24 hrs Silasti c® 81-F NW Curing Agent 20:1 1 – 1.5 hrs 8 hrs Silasti c® 81-R NW Curing Agent 20:1 2 – 3 hrs 24 hrs Silasti c® Silicone Rubbers Silastic ® E Base and Curing Agent 10:1 2 hrs 24 hrs Silastic ® J Base and Curing Agent 10:1 2 hrs 24 hrs Silastic ® L Base and Curing Agent 10:1 2.5 hrs 24 hrs Silastic ® M Base and Curing Agent 10:1 1.5 hrs 16 hrs Silastic ® M-2 Base and Curing Agent 10:1 1.5 hrs 4–5 hrs e r ® u Silastic M-3 Base and Curing Agent 10:1 20 min 2 hrs C ® n o Silastic P-1 Base and Curing Agent 10:1 45 min 8 hrs i t i ® d Silastic S Base and Curing Agent 10:1 45 min 7 hrs d A Silastic ® S-2 Base and Curing Agent 10:1 1 hr 6–8 hrs Silastic ® T-2 Base and Curing Agent 10:1 1 hr 10 hrs Silastic ® T-2 Base and High Durometer 10:1 1 hr 12 hrs Curing Agent Silastic ® T-4 Base and Curing Agent 10:1 1.5 hrs 12 hrs Silastic ® T-4 O Base and Curing Agent 10:1 1.5 hrs 12 hrs Silastic ® V Base and Curing Agent 10:1 1 – 1.5 hrs 6–8 hrs 1 The time it takes for the catalyzed mixture to become nonflowable . 2 The point at which the rubber can be demolded. 3 Refer to data sheet for off-ratio mixing that can result in adjusted working times. These technical characteristics are typical properties. These values are not intended for use in preparing specifications. AV05448 5 Focus on your specific performance objectives STEP 3 When you’ve determined which products have the general performance and cure capabilities you need, review the following typical properties charts to see how these products match up with the specific properties you require.
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