ST JOHNS NEWS Volume VI.—No . 2. ST.JOHNS, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4,1894. Whole No. 258 einiine bargaiiiH in -levvelery and Op ­ Bicycle Races at Athletic I’ark to ­ .Mix . M’ill Fields is visiting her sister at Lynti Beudle nnd sisters, ('ora and THE NEWS!® tical (looda. Kyea teatetl Fn e at morrow. Donglus. Hattie, ure siiending the first of the wi'i'k ill Lansing. Au Independent Newapeper, Kiikpi 'm, Dk Witt & Co ’s. Miss Blanche Barrie, of Saginaw, is Watch for the wlu'elim'ii parade at 1:3() visiting .Miss Nora Bull. Pabllehed every Tuesday at 118 Htate.Street Take your watch, clock, and jewelry tomorrow. The I’nioii Fanners ’ Club will meet En»t. repairing to C. S. .\lliHon, the old reliable Mrs. .Mary (iuimby is visiting her sis­ lieavej’onr order for a quart of ice with Mr. and Mr. Decatur Bross Satur­ HOLLIS CORHIN, jeweler. ter, Mrs. L. L. Hammond. cream at Place A Roberts ’. day, Septemlier 15, at 10 a. m. A good Editor and Proprietor, program has been pivjiared and H[>eciHl At 7t eeati • Tear etrietly ia Adraaee. Get a first-class cream soda at Place A I*er?e 3’ Patterson, the 10 mile champ ­ NEWHX^ETW. Roberts ’. It will do you good. ion of the world, will stnrt in the raw's at features wilt be added. CardM of thanka 2.1 eenta each. Leval Notieea at atatule ratea. Bicycle nu'ea to-morrow'. Will Fields returned last week from a Athletic Park to morrow. Anjpist31, 1804 is the date on vol ­ MarrioKe and Death notieea free. ume 1, nunilier 1, of The ('larkston BualneHM lovala .1 centa per line each time. School n*-o|*ened yesterday morning. two weeks’ fishing trfp in Grutiotcounty . R. Stei'I wax iu Bay City Monday on BiiHineiM Directory carda f 1 a line per year. (Oakland county) .Advertisi'r, a bright, Every race to-morrow will be won on L. .\. W. husiiiesH and incidentally boom ­ Tranaient advertiain>c payable In advance. Buy your Baked (iooda at I’lat'e «Sc newsy sheet of which James Slocum is Yearly advertlainK ratea made known on its merits. Come witm?ss some good ing the Wheelmens ’ meet here to-morrow. ‘application. Rob<*rt« ’. proprietor and B. Lyle Fisenbrey editor. Anonyraoua communicatlona will never re- clean sport. •Mesdames .Anna Brooks and Maggie wlve notice. H..I. Gould was in LaiiHiitg Sunday A man who gave his name as D. C. Locale amon>c readltitc matter 10 centa per Miss Alice Emmons returned to her (Jurtis, of Chicago, were the guestw of Mr. llBe each Inaertlon. and .Monday. riiim'h and claimed to hail from Indiana, home in Detroit 3'esterduy after a visit and Mix . L. L. Hammmond on Saturday Obituary poetry ttr reaoliitlona will poal- Mina Helen (’orbit entertained triends was brought tw'fore Justice Si.'verance tlvely not be Inaerted unleaa paid for at !i with Miss Nora Bull. lust. eente per line. Friday evening. AV'eiliiesday, August 20, charged with be ­ Addreaa all communicatlona to Miss Lena DeGrodt and father left The ladies aid society of the Baptist Geo. \V. Kmmons was in Durand Fri­ ing drunk. He pled guilty and, being ST. JOHNS NEWS. St. Johns. Mich. for New York state lust night wheixj Lena church will inwt with .Mix. Vosbnrg Wed­ day on busint'Hs, broke, is s)>ending twenty da^ys in jail. will spend several months. nesday afternoon. .V good attendance is .Mrs. H. >V. Morris will open a kinder ­ desired. Rev. C. G. Thomas, for the jiast five Business Directory . Mrs. F. R. Jackson is expecbnl home garten this week. j’eaix pastor of the M. F, Wiurch, will to-night after a two weeks’ visit at .All farmers are earnestly urged to preach his farewell sermon next Sunday, Clias. Fowler returned yesterday morn ­ .\TT0RNKYS. various points in the southern jinrt of co-operate with the mamigers of the llehasgivi'ii excellent satisfaction and ing from .\uTruin. the state. t'linton county fair in ninking it the best the rt'grets that he is to leave will be ALBRIDGK A O.SBOKN. Ottlce over Mrs. A. J. Wiggius was in Durand Fri­ ever held. Make an exhibit. W Alllaon ’a Jewelry atore, St. Johna. Alex. Kinmond and O. C. Hollister many. He will attend the M. F, confer ­ day and Saturday. were in Flint yesterday to assist the Lay off a half day and go to. Athletic ence next week and receive his ajipoint- AVLDING. NORTON A WKIMKR. Of- Warden Fuller, of Ionia, was iu St, Park iG morrow, where yon will B«*e the s-lice over National Dank. Owosso ball team in |)la\’ing aguinst the ment for the coming year. Johns Friday evening. Flint bo.ys. best racing evi-r Ht*en in the state. Races The ball game between the I'ast and YON A OOOLING, Attorneya at Law, start promptly at 2:31). Be sure and 8 t. Johna. 12.8 Mrs. Blizzard, of Maple Rapids, spent Reserv(*d seats for the grand stand are west sides last Tliursdiiy at .Athletic get there early. last wet'k in St. Johns. now on sale at Travis «.k Baker's for the park resulted in a score of 1.3 to 14 in EDEWA a WALRRIDGK, Attorneya Health Officer Travis reports thn'e at Law. Olllce over ('oriier Drim Store. Miss Brownie Bromley returned from a wheelmen ’s nu'ct at Athletic Park to favor of the east side. The game was F visit at Jackson Friday. morrow. cast's of strarlet fever. The victims are very close all the WU3’through, and was Ida Pflegliarr, Nellie Fletcher and Frankie ILL H. RRUN.SON, Attorney at Law, Geo. Smedley, of Owcjsfio, visited friends In ancient times advertising was some­ heartily enjoyed b.y a large crowd. The W Footett. Pnriie Fletcher has just re- (?) in St. Johns Sunday. times done from the tops of the of houses; players were ('ostnnied in every iningin- covert*d from the disease. uble sfv’le. 'I’he wi'st siders, however, KWLS severance . A, IL, Attorney, “General ’’ t’o.xey can bfstify to the in modern times, however, the tops of Over Putt’a Grocery. Mill. R. Rishop was tried in Justice were dissatisfied and cluillenged the east L value ot good advertising. colums us preferrwl. There will be a spt'cinl r«*view of St. Duncan ’s court last ww'k on a charge of side to pla.v again, which was done .v<x- PHYSICI.VNS. Mrs, Wm. H. Turner is visiting friends assault and battery on his wife. He was terda.v afternoon nnd resnlti'd in a post- in Hamburg for a few days. •lohns Hive No. 31)7 !>. O. T. .M., Sept. 7. .Ml members are requested to be jirewMit. Hiuh I $10 and $1).4H costs which he (loninent of the game nt the end of the r. a . J. WIGGIN.S, Phyalclan and Siir- Mrs. May, of Chicagij, is visiting at the promptly jinid and was discharginl. third inning on aecoiint of rain and Kcon. Ottlce over Siilllvan ’a Clothing Visiting members are cordially welcome. DStore. 4Htf home of Mr, and Mrs. Dr. Haveus. stood 5 to 4 in favor of the west side. No person need stay away from the \ large field ol starters in all events of Mrs. Frank K, I’erkins is visiting re­ M. POST M. I>. Phyalclan, Surgeon and races to-morrow. Nothing but good the whet'lmens ’ nu'et at Athletic Park to • Notary Public. Ottlce eoat aide of main latives in the eastern part of the state. morrow. The races will .start i)romptl.y Business Locals . Sat.. Eureka, Mich. clean racing can be seen. No pool selling Mr. and .Mrs. !>. D. Gibbs and Miss at 2:30 rain or shine, and from the pres ­ or faker will be there to disgrace the Fildew A Millimin have eveiytliing in ary P. havens , M. D. otnce overR. Pauline Adams were in Lansing yesterday. ent outlook the nu'et promises to far J. Woodruff ’a atore, St. Johna. Ottlce audience. School Books. houra: 9 to 11 am and 2 to .1 pm. 1 suiqiass (ill pix'vious ones. M S|>ecial attractions each day at the There are lots of things in the agricul­ WaiiteU. Clinton County Fair, October 2, 3, 4 and ({rand Le<lge Republican: “Louis T J. TRAVIS, M. 1). Ottlce at Reaidence tural line, that were produced in Clinton Live Poultry on nn.v we«‘k day excejit O over Flldew a Millmnn ’a drujc atore. 5. county, which are worth looking at. Gibson, of Lansing, is half owner in u Saturday’. Fokkch A Da .nlv . Diaeasea of Women and Children a ape<'lallty. process for generalingeleetricit.v, increas ­ Mrs. J. H. Gillet and daughter Hor- Bring them to the Clinton ('ount^ ’Fair, $10.00 Iteward. tense, of Detroit, are visitiug St. Johns OctobiT 2, 3, 4 and 5. ing its (lower an indefinite number of I will pay ’ the above reward for an.v in- DENTISTS. times, which within the past two or thrt'e torniation of the whereabouts of George friends. Henry Wilbur, who has been working weeks they have been offered $100,000 Howarth who left home in Fssi'x town ­ rthur corhin , i». d . s.—Crowna, Miss Fdna Spaulding will return to for a few wet'ks at Ithaca, was in St. “Brldjce Work” (teeth withotit platea) for but refus(‘d it.’’ ship, Clinton com ity, .Mich., Sntnrday, indA all the l.ateat ProceaaeH.
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