UNCLASSIFIED AD NUMBER AD392633 CLASSIFICATION CHANGES TO: unclassified FROM: confidential LIMITATION CHANGES TO: Approved for public release, distribution unlimited FROM: Controlling DoD Organization. Assistant Chief of Staff for Force Development [Army], Washington, DC 20310. AUTHORITY AGO D/A ltr, 29 Apr 1980; AGO D/A ltr, 29 Apr 1980 THIS PAGE IS UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL DEPARTMUNr OF THE ARMY 'oI N.. POPOF ADJtW ENURAL IN lUYMM TO / ALAM. p (mf) (5 Aug 68) FOR OT RD 682266 21 August 1968 ( SUBJECT: operational Report - Lessons Learned, Headquarters, 9th Infantry Division, Period Ending 30 April 1968 (U) Sj9I DISTRIBUTION Ct 1. Subject report is forwarded for review and evaluation in accordance with paragraph 5b, AR 525-15. Evaluations and corrective actions should be reported to ACSFOR OT RD, Operational Reports Branch, within 90 days 41 of receipt of covering letter. 2. Information contained in this report is provided to insure that the I Army realizes current benefits from lessons learned during recent opera- (.., tione, 3. To insure that the information provided through the Lessons Learned L-t Program is readily available on a continuous basis, a cumulative Lessons --- Learned Index containing alphabetical listings of itemo appearing in the & reports is compiled and distributed periodically, Recipients of the 4 . attached report are encourAged to recoinnd items from it for inclusion " ' 'Ein the Index by completing and returning the self-addressed form provided. qt at the and of this report. .,4 !1 1 0 r.,, BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARHY: Las -G. +IC. $ KEN 1. j , : asMajor General# USA -- "+4 , DISTf,,UOI r - .- .... r ' ,,nr -4 or. Id I'. +'"..' 1 US Contineantal At* Commnd . ,1, ,, US Amy Combat Developsonts Commlnd U . ~Cosndantso ! + '+ ' . ' IIK *J, 0 U ArI y War ColleCe .0 as US AmyCoimndandGeneralStff CollegeMn S US A a s Adjutantchool General * 3 US Army Croba Schoolop.t, Cud V * 0 US Ar m Comefia dol S us Ar.y Ctiller and sell .School Regraded unlassified when sepratd %A 0 03 US Army Adjat enaSchool U ArmaAvii School from cdassified Inclosure. .3 USArmy Chaplain School SONFIDENTIAL' E R INTZVALS, -;L-" I-IV Ar'T _- 12 YEA SECURITY MARKING The classified or limited status of this repoit applies to each page, unless otherwise marked. Separate page printoutsMUST be marked accordingly. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTIONS 793 AND 794. THE TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. NOTICE: When government or other drawings, specifications or other data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a defi- nitely related government procurement operation, the U. S. Government thereby incurs no responsibility, nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the Government may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise as in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. ILf MTI .............. ..... Co- .,DISTRTAUTION (Cont~d) .'.Army Chemical School PS Army Civil Affairs School US Army Engineer School PS Army Infantry School US-*rmy Intelligence School US Army Medical Field Service School US Army Military Police School US Army Missile and Munitions School US Army Ordnance School US Army Quartermaster School US Army Security Agency School US Army Signal School US Army Southeastern Signal School US Army Special Warfare School US Army Transportation School Copies furnished: Office, Chief of Staff, US Army 4 Deputy Chiefs of Staff . Chief of Engineers Chief of Research and Development Assistant Chiefs of Staff The Surgeon General A The Provost Marshal General Research Analysis Corporation (Library) OSD(SA), Assistant for Southeast Asia Forces National Aeronautics and Space Administration Defense Documentation Center Director, Weapons Systems Evaluation Group Hudson Institute Naval Inshore Warfare Project Office USAF Air Ground Operations School Commandant of the Marine Corps (AO3HIO) Senior Army Representative, Marine Corps Dev & Educ Cmd Commanding Generals US Army Materiel Comand US Army Weapons Command US STRIKE Contmand US Army STRATCOM US Army Southern Command 9th Infantry Division Commanding Officers US Army Limited War Laboratory US Army Logistics, Doctrine Systems & Readiness Agency Joint Action Control Office 2 Hl I 3 CON-Fl O N r AL TAMLE OF coNTENTS (U) I 9TH TnF DIV ORLL 1 I VOLM I _ I ?ARAGRAPE PAGE 1. Section 1, Operations Signifioant Aotivitiemo ao Intro0duc tion a..-. b. Organization . ...- b - c. Personnel and Administration c ....-.. 4 d. Intelligence d ---- ---- 7 f.e. TrainingOperations ..... .f....- e 3618 g. Logistics g 37 h. Psychologi cal Operations and Civil Affaires- h ......... 39 i. RF/PF Upgrading and ARVN Training ± - -- 48 J. Engineer Support j 51 k. Sigal Support - k -.. 51 1. Army Aviation -- 1 - - 52 m. Chemical Operations ----- - --- 52 2. Section 2, Lessons Learned: Commandera, Observations, Evaluations and Recommendations. a0 Personnel 56 b. Operations ..-.- 57 c. Training 66 d, Intelligence ... -....... .....- 67 e. Logistics - - ----------- 70 f. Organization ....... 72 g. Other . .... .. 74 3. Section 3, Headquarters, Department of the Army Survey Inforuation. Lessons Learned from Employment of Tactical Cover and Deception. 76 REGRADED UNCLASSIFIED WHO SEPARATED FROM CLASSIFIED MATERIAL I IC I S ,.;:;iADEF.2 , -:::,;, -..- DEL.,. Jl ..; ) ' 12 YkARS iDO) D12. 52:00.10 ! CON'FIDEN TtAL TABLE OF CONTUTS (az) (U) 9TH IMF DIV ORLL Inolou, e. Inl 1. 9th Infant:7 iYvision.--.. --.. _--- ------- .. 1 a. Organization b, Task Organization and Locations * C. etr of It;E Pev=8~* 2 3o Tact:oal Area of Interest (TAOI) 3 40 Personne] and Administration Data 4 5. EneV Unit Locations - 5 6. Artillery Support ...- 6 7. G-3 Air Opnrational Support Chart -- .- .....- ..--- 7 8. Class V Supply . .....- -8 * 9* FVT0P Nzvelettcr "MDELTA MN 9 * 40..- . ;eLPp±.e . .. ...-- 10 * . Ste... ReAfYlresher Tra....... _ * P U'P 646t *i B1ase Qpevt on - ~ - - -- 11 *12. lotu sun Opcrstional n;per Lesson@ L.e... .d (ORLL) 12 13. 2d Bde OR'LL .. .... 13 14. 3d Bde ORLL-(Inclosure 6 only) --- 14 *s 5 ) Gop* QflT - ----- 15 * p O. 7T7P.'-. - - - 16 * 9 _ f -_-_ ---- 18 3VOLUM I Withdrawn, HQ, DA Comat Operation After Aotion RUwports (COAAR) * 00COAR Opsrakui)n RILEY (!st Bde) 68X041 ** 2t. 'OAAR Orfra!on CORONADO X (2d Bde) ------ 68X042 ** 22. COAA Onerst.-on CORONADO XI (2, Bde) 68X043 * ,23o2 COAAR Operation TRUONG CONG DINH (2d Bde) 68X044 24. COAAF Operation ENTERPRISE (3d Bde) 68X045 ** 25. COAAR Operat*ion QUYET THANG (3d Bde) 68X046 * 26. COAAR Operation WORTH (3-5 Cay) 68X047 k" 27. COAAR's Operation KILO (35 Car) --- 68X048 ( 5 o WK a. s COAAR Operation0p attion KILO PhasePha se III (-53 OaCa). ) * 28. COAAR Operation CHARLTON (0- 5 Cay) - 68XC49 * Withdrawn, Hq , DA; not published ** Withdrawn, Hq, DA; published separately CONFIDENTIAL S9T IFANTYEIALION. AVD-.*I 2 _y6 SUBJECT: Operational 2epert.of 9th Infantry Division for Period Ending 30-" l 1968, RCS CSFOR-65 (R1) (U) 7 Commanding General, II Field Force Vietnam, ATTN: AVFBC-RE-H, APO 96266 Commanding General, United States Army Vietnam, ATTN: AVHGC(DST), APO 96375 Commanding General, United States Army Pe.cifio, ATTNz GPOP-DT, APO 96558 1. (C) Section 1. Operations: Significant Activities. -a. (C) Introduction. (1) During this reporting period 1 Feb - 30 Apr 68, the 9th Infantry Division continued operations'in support of missions and tasks either specified or implied by the III Corps/II Field Force Combined Campaign Plan 1968, 15 Dec 67, and the RVNAF, JGS/FiACV Combined Campaign Plan 1968 AB 143, 1 Nov 67. The 9th Inf Div also conducted operations specified by II FFORCEV either during (1 - 10 Feb 68) or as a result of (10 Feb to date) the VC/NVA Tet Campaign. Division Headquarters remained at Camp Martin Cox (YS 1799) except when control of major operations in the Dinh Tuong Province within the division's tactical area of interest (TAOI) dictated displacement of a tactical forward command post to Don Tam Base Camp (XS 4143). On 21 Apr the division's TAOI was increased to include the Go Cong and Kien Hoe Provinces and reduced by the loss of the Rung Sat Speclal Zone as depicted on Inclosure 3, Map of Division Tactical Area of terest (TAOI)o (2) The mission of the Inf Div islto conduct strike operations to locate and destroy the V1t Cong (VC) and North Vietnamese (NVA) main and 1 al force units and teir installations and infrastructure in the TAOI fonduct consolidatio and pacification operations to identify and destroy VC guerrilla unit and infrastructure and secure population centers snd lines of co icatn in clo coordination and cooperation with government of VietM (CVi) Forces;|*6uct support operations to further assist the gove ment of Vietnam Pacification Programby enhancing DOwlIGRADED AT YR INTrERVALS DECLA>IFIaD AFTL!'123 hS FO(>crr R T) DOD DIR 5200.10 GB2 ~ CON FIOENTIA L ij CONFIDENTIAL AVDE-H 12 May 68 SUBJECT: Operational Report of 9th Infantry Division for Period knding 30 April 1968, RCS CSFOR-65 (RI) (U) the capability of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), Popular Force (PF), and Regional Force (RF), and by contributing to the health and welfare of the civilian population. The 9th Inf Div. has successfully acoom- plished this mission by conducting stability operations in Bien Heg Phuoc Tuy, Long Khanh, Long An, Kien Hoa, Gia Dinh, Vinh Long, Dinh Tuong, Phong Dinh, Vinh Binh, Go Cong, and Ba Xuyen Provinces. (3) The 9th Inf Div was involved in 90 days of combat while con- ducting twelve major operations that commenced, terminated, or continued during the reporting period.
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