THE MORNING OBEGONIAN, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1905. 7. Chicago today in a disappointing same, lng to New York. The Englishmen Is marked by costly errors by the visit- mere or less an enthusiast over the racing ors. Attendance 2200. Score: S AFTER MITCHELL game, and will get back to New York In GAME M FRENCH TIRES; of sport in the EUETAKES A tailor may chalk R. XL E.1 R.H. 33. time to see the best the H All Boston 5 10 3)Cnicago ....0 10 4 East. Batteries Young and Needham: UiQllllaDlC down and charge what TIGERS HOP Pfelffer and O'Neill. NELSON LOOKS FOR PURSES I' Umpires Bauswine and Emslie. B PFiCC e Phases, but only m John L. Sullivan Would Meet Will Take on Six-Rou- 3Iatches in Proves a Stronger Team Than 11 Xcw Tork 4, St. Ixmls 0. the Wool Test and Fifty Old-Ti- the East. 3 NEW TORK, May 11. Through in- Opponent. the Local One. fSSSSSfSSSSSKKM Years of Knowing How f May 1L (Special.) ability to hit Mathewson, SL Louis lost SAN FRANCISCO. will produce an equit- Giants Lose Ten-Inni- ng Game the third game of the series with New Battling Nelson, accompanied by his man- at York today. The visitors were out-field- ager, Bill Nolan, departed for the East able price, that final and outbatted. Attendance 4000. 'afternoon, he will engage in When Their Pitcher Score: this where NO six-rou- touch of perfection iden- R. H. E. R. H. E. MATCH WITH BURNS YET several bouts before he returns SCORE IS SEVEN TO TWO Lets Down. 5L Louis. ..0 5 lJNew York.. .4 S 2 to fight Jimmle Britt for the championship tified by the label found ; title. As soon as Nelson consummated Batteries Taylor and Warner Math- TfirifTi i i I i i i i' Stein-Bloc- ewson arrangements a return match with iirTmtT on h Smart and Bowerman.. for Umpire O'Daj-- the champion, he figured that it would Clothes. Chicago Boxer Offers to Stop be useless to hang around San Francisco Portland Fought It Out to the End. NO SCORE AFTER SIXTH American League Games Postponed. for several months doing nothing, when' in Ten Rounds, but could up several purses by fight- Although She Never Had a Write for "Smartness." an education he pick Stein-Bloc- In correct dress which also exclams At Cleveland Washington-Clevelan- d Xo Agreement Is Signed ing six-rou- engagements In the East. Hit in the Last Three h the wonderful Wool Teat and tells yoa game postponed, rain. Nolan says that ntf definite matches where the Stein-Bloc- Smart Clothes At Detroit Boston-Detro-it game post- In Spite or Talk. have as yet been made with atjy .of the Innings. are sold In your city. ' would -- poned, rain. Eastern boxers and that he not THE STEIN-BLOC- H CO. "Dp Smart Tacoma's Players Take the Cud- allow the Dane to clash with any heavy Wholesale Tailors, men. Willie Fitzgerald Is anxious to No Game at Spokane. 130-3- 3 Fifth Ave., Tailor Shops, gel at This Point and Make catch on with Nelson, but Nolan 'says the Clothes Bolee-Spoka- New York. Rochester. N.Y. "Win SPOKANE. "Wash.. May 1L Frank Hall. John L. Sullivan's man- hard-hittin- g lightweight will have to come Eugene High School lads proved the bet- Enough Runs to - game postponed, rain. ager, and Tommy Burns, who issued a down to Ills charge's weight before arti- ter mudhorses - of. the two and- romped the Game. challenge and agreed to stop Sullivan cles will be signed. Another match that home "oyer the High School team of Port- ESS 6 Is one by' of- - Cates 111. in ten rounds, met last evening at will possibly be made the with land a score 7 to I Multnomah Pitcher Is o'clock, but failed to reach an agree- Willie Lewis, who is well thought of In field was In no condition to steal bases, pitcher manager once Philadelphia. but Goodell. the local High School points to St. Paul, when the company" Ely Catcs, for the Portland ment. The of the twlrler. own baseball team, is ill and Is undergoing mighty John L. and the Chicago boxer The date of the ut has after he had his finger hit by a ball, blew cars were used. S THIS YEAR When the Armour cars were used, how- ever, he said, a charge of 535 was made, rACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. and the extra 510 went to the Armour peo- 4 ple in addition to the rental charges made Yesterday's Score. by the Armour lines. In concluding his Tacoma, 5; Portland, 4. testimony, Mr. Ober said that his com- Oakland, 4; Los Angeles. 2. pany only charged shippers of fruit the Seattle. 4: San Francisco. 3. Spokane Millionaire to Put Up actual cost for the icing of the cars. Standing of the Teams. Eight-Stor- y Won. Loeu P.O. Structure. Seattle Steamer Damaged In Storm. Tacoma 24 14 .0.12 May 1L Oakland 22 10 .7.70 SHANGHAI. The American Ban Franclaco 21 in .r.23 steamer Garonne, Captain Sawes, from Los Angeles 10 18 .421 Seattle via Hlogo, has arrived here with Seattle 16 22 .421 considerable damage about the deck and Portland 15 23 .393 AT SEVENTH AND MORRISON the loss of two boats. She reports having encountered a gale after leaving Hiogo. The vessel is repairing. TACOMA, Wash., May 11. (Special.) AT TILE HOTELS. innings Sweeny Invests For tlx French played splendid Charles in Portland The Portlard C White and wife. C D. ball, shutting the Champions out. Blbblns and wife. Spokane; T. W. Mather. a Portion of Large Sum Re- y. end he Grace Van Studdlford and maid. S. L. Stud-le- Towards the became tired and the New York; J. K. Llnlberger, Delavan, Tigers, by heavy batting, pulled a victory ceived From Federal Smelt- III.; T. H." Curtlss. Astoria; H. J. Lathey. out of the fire. Tacoma played a sloven- Seattle: O. W. Walker. St. Joseph. Mo.; H. J. ly game in the field. Householder and ing Company Stock. McGrese. Milwaukee; M. R. Beckethoff. Osh-kos- h; Buren were applauded L. Mayer. New York; J. Irvlny. Vic- Van for brilliant toria. B. C; R. N. Bode. St. Louis; J. S. catches, while Schlafly distinguished him- Danner. San Francisco; Mrs. D. Keith. Salt self by some very fast and clever work. Lake; Max StelfTel. Chicago; H. Frank. M. Nordyke Brown pulled off A. Conn. New York; E. R. Smith, W. K. and the most May 11. (Special.) sensational play for Tacoma. Atz' bat- SPOKANE. Wash., Belss and wife. Chicago; L. E. HIrsch. Louis- ting was "I shall build an eight-stor- y struqture in ville. Ky.; L. E. Alexander. San Francisco: a feature, and he fielded in great G. R. Ingles. Kansas City; M. H. Fay, R. J. 6tyle. Portland this year for Tull & Gibbs, at Taussey. San Francisco; M. Lewis, Cleve- Portland got one in the first on Atz the southwest corner of Seventh and Mor- land. O.; L. S. Rosener. K. G. Dunn. Saa double. Van Buren's sacrifice and Nor-dyk- rison streets. It will be 100 by 100 feet, Francisco; A. Heavenrlck. W. Jacobson. Bos- error In throwing wild to Hogan with an L 50 by 100 feet, and It will cost ton: F. A. Baldwin. San Francisco; H. Green. over 5100,000," Sweeny today, Chicago; H. Green and wife. Spokane: N. P. to catch Atz at the plate. Another run said Charles Nelson. Chicago; C E. "Warren. Chicago: was added on Atz fielder's choice, wild who has just returned from New York. J. D. Jenkins. Cleveland; D. Keith. M. Keith. pitch, two battery errors and McCre-dle- 's "Sine selling my stock in the Federal Salt Lake: A. C. Allen and wife, Medford; Mining &. Smelting Company to J. C. Calcf. Vedmont: O. H. Kellar and wife. hit. Householder was caught at the Amer ; home trying to score. Atz' triple and ican Smelting & Refining Company, I am Marlon. Ind : T. Nasa. Toklo; J. Ridge, tem- E. M. Gallen. Rochester: E. C. Bel- Hogan's error left the shortstop score merely holding the office of president knap. Mrs. O. C. Hutchlns. Worcester: H. S. the third time. The fourth run was porarily, and I hear that Fred Bradley, Hogan. San Francisco; E. N. Davis, Chicago; scored by Schlafly on his hit, Sheehan's the head of the Bunker Hill &. Sullivan, W. W. Armstrong. Salt Lake; A. Zuerlch. error and a fielder's choice will be elected to succeed me. New York. Singles by McLaughlin. Casey Gra- sold my The Perkins G. A. Thompson. M. Mulloy. and "I out Federal stock several Seattle; A. R. Upright. Tacoma; J. H. Poor, ham gave Tacoma one. Three were added weeks ago for 52,660,000. and at the same Detroit; N. W. Bethel. The Dalles: W. T. on a pa3, a sacrifice, singles by Mc- time Mr. Gould and Mr. Rockefeller also Phy. Hot Lake: A. J. Corbett, Miss Nellie Laughlin prored the winning run In the sold out. I got 5120 for my common stock Corbett. Miss Buford Corbett. Miss Kate tfnth on his hit. a stolen base. Lynch's and 5100 for my preferred. The American Sweeney. Nashville. Tenn.; Clara B. Burson. single Dallas. Or.; W. W. McCrang, T. "W. Martin. and Casey's safe bunt which might Smelting & Refining Company now holds Spokane; G. Zember. Miss Laura Zember. have gone foul had French not attempted a large majority of Federal.
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