Direct link to the copy of the Syllabus of the Research Methodology Course Work (highlighted) if Research Ethics is included 1. Syllabus of Ph.D. Programme in Animal Science (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611386670.pdf) 2. Syllabus of Ph.D. Programme in Applied Psychology (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611386734.pdf) 3. Syllabus of Ph.D. Programme in Bengali (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611386593.pdf) 4. Syllabus of Ph.D. Programme in Chemistry (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611387666.pdf) 5. Syllabus of Ph.D. Programme in Commerce (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611312690.pdf) 6. Syllabus of Ph.D. Programme in Education (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611313905.pdf) 7. Syllabus of M.Phil. Programme in Education (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611313954.pdf) 8. Syllabus of Ph.D. Programme in English (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611389001.pdf) 9. Syllabus of Ph.D. Programme in Hindi (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611386820.pdf) 10. Syllabus of M.Phil. Programme in Hindi (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611312523.pdf) 11. Syllabus of M.Phil. / Ph.D. Programme in History (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611387737.pdf) 12. Syllabus of Ph.D. Programme in Law (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611388555.pdf) 13. Syllabus of Ph.D. Programme in Mathematics (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611388888.pdf) 14. Syllabus of M.Phil. / Ph.D. Programme in Philosophy (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611388369.pdf) 15. Syllabus of M.Phil. - Ph.D. Programme in Physics (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611386493.pdf) 16. Syllabus of Ph.D. Programme in Political Science (https://www.knu.ac.in/uploads/tempimagepdflink/1611388191.pdf) DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCE KAZI NAZRUL UNIVERSITY Nazrul Road, Kalla More, Asansol, Paschim Bardhaman West Bengal- 713 340 INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL ETHICS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 27th December 2020 at 02.00 P.M MEMBER PRESENT: Sl. No NAME DESIGNATION ATTENDANCE 1. Dr. Asamanja Chattoraj Professor PRESENT 2. Dr. Kuladip Jana Principal Scientist, Division PRESENT of molecular medicine, Bose Institute 3. Dr. Suprabhat Mukherjee Assistant Professor and PRESENT Coordinator (Dept. of Animal Science) 4. Dr. Sourabh Sulabh Assistant Professor PRESENT 5. Dr. Manas Paramanik Assistant Professor PRESENT AGENDA: 1. Requirements for establishing minimum facilities for animal housing. 2. CPCSEA registration. MINUTES: 1. Animal house should be completely separate for biosecurity purposes. 2. Separate floors should be assigned for separate work with a provision for a separate laboratory area. 3. The whole house should have provision for maintenance of temperature, humidity and circulation of air. 4. Other requirements: Quarantine room, Isolation room, washing and sterilization area, food and waste material disposal area, changing room. 5. For the time being a temporary setup will be established with basic minimum facilities for CPCSEA approval. Details for the same will be send by Dr. Kuladip Jana to Dr. Suprabhat Mukherjee. Website: www.knu.ac.in : +91-341-2252024 Fax: +91-341-2271024 8/28/2020 Kazi Nazrul University Mail - [URKUND] Welcome to URKUND! Maheswar Malo Das <[email protected]> [URKUND] Welcome to URKUND! 5 messages [email protected] <[email protected]> Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 6:01 PM To: [email protected] Dear Maheswar Malo Das, You have received this e-mail because your organisation Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol has access to URKUND, a pedagogical support system for plagiarism checking, and has requested that a user account be created for you. More information on URKUND is available at http://www.urkund.com/en/ A document intended to be checked should be e-mailed as an attached file to: [email protected] This analysis address is connected to your personal e-mail ([email protected]) and reports will be sent there when they are ready. With best regards, URKUND automatic registrar -- Additional functionality ---------------------------------- All users have a personal web based inbox for URKUND reports. 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If you would like to know more about how your information is managed and protected, see URKUND’s Personal Information Policy. https://secure.urkund.com/static/documents/ENG_URKUND_Policy.pdf Digitally signed by MAHESWAR MALO DAS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2020.08.28 This is an automatic e-mail message. You cannot reply to it 14:52:28 +05'30' https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2?ik=1ddf4be2c2&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1642932677528577746&simpl=msg-f%3A16429326… 1/2 Dr Santanu Banerjee Assistant Professor Date: Department of English Kazi Nazrul University Nazrul Road, Kalla Bypass More P.O.Kalla C.H., P.S. Asansol (North) Pin-713340, West Bengal www.knu.ac.in [email protected] Telephone (O) 0341-2270456 0341- 2271024 (Fax) Mobile: 91-9475002844 Certificate This is to certify that the thesis “Exploring the Interface among Marginality, Power and Resistance in Postmillennial Indian Fiction in English: A Study of Select Novels of Kunal Basu, Neel Mukherjee and Aravind Adiga” submitted by Mr. Rakes Sarkar for the degree of Ph.D. for Kazi Nazrul University is a record of original work done under my supervision in the Department of English of Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol. I certify that the work is free from plagiarism and his indebtedness to other works and sources has been duly acknowledged. I further certify that Mr. Sarkar has fulfilled the statutory requirements relating to the nature and period of research, publication of research article and presentation of seminar lectures on his thesis (as per Regulations relating to Doctoral (Ph.D.) degrees, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, to be implemented from the Academic Session 2013-14). This work now submitted in partial fulfilment of his Ph.D. (Arts) degree in English has not been submitted previously anywhere for any degree whatsoever either by him or by anyone else. U R K U N D Urkund Analysis Result Analysed Document: Ph.D. Thesis Before Print.pdf (D55261172) Submitted: 9/4/2019 12:21:00 PM Submitted By: [email protected] Significance: 6 % Sources included in the report: Arvind Kumar Deptt of History School Of Social Sciences.docx (D54185858) 4chapter1.docx (D32991806) 2281222P_Socio5075_Assignment1.pdf (D27266373) http://banking.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/national-identity-and-sovereignty.pdf https://archive.org/stream/in.ernet.dli.2015.99385/2015.99385.Subaltern-Studies-Iv_djvu.txt https://www.academia.edu/36492611/Refiguring_the_Subaltern http://www.fondazionealmamater.unibo.it/risorse/files/cv-collaboratori/cv-ganguly-debjani https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/338932.Subaltern_Studies https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/39aa/1ec800c676b8d6eed7a6eb4a6ed9c80499b4.pdf https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Selected-Subaltern-Studies/Ranajit-Guha/9780195052893 https://books.openedition.org/etnograficapress/831?lang=en https://asianstudies.github.io/area-studies/SouthAsia/Ideas/subalternBib.html https://asianstudies.github.io/area-studies/subaltern/ssallau.htm https://lh.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/lh/article/download/15042/14089/0 http://blogs.ubc.ca/span501/ https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/rohingya-crisis/2018/12/03/rohingya- https://indianexpress.com/article/india/the-most-unwanted-a-gripping-account-of- https://www.fortifyrights.org/publication-20181112.html https://www.thecitizen.in/index.php/en/NewsDetail/index/3/13183/Pall-of-Fear- https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/15/asia/rohingya-repatriation-myanmar-intl/index.html https://thewire.in/rights/jammu-rohingya-refugees https://www.unhcr.org/ph/campaigns/rohingya-emergency http://xchange.org/bangladeshi- 97e2ba0d-4ea8-4f93-af22-3497e53dda70 ddce29f0-4d83-4cc3-8343-4eeae8f935de 6a27cd31-86f8-4d94-9eb8-86571f629f20 6c0b7b92-3dde-4a54-982f-70be6f56ba77 a045c74c-007d-4674-ad7a-08d02599b3a7 c1432e97-d0e2-44b3-bbc9-cb5a898854e6 Instances where selected sources appear: U R K U N D 270 U R K U N D Ph.D. Thesis Before Print.pdf (D55261172) i Remapping the Subaltern after the End of Subaltern Studies: Representations, Exclusions and Silences Thesis Submitted to Kazi Nazrul University, India for award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Md Mursed Alam with the supervision of Dr. Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha July, 2019 ii Dedicated to The subalterns of the world whose lives and struggles keep us grounded iii Declaration I certify that a. The work contained in the thesis is original and has been done by myself with the general supervision of my supervisor.
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