Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-28-1967 The B-G News February 28, 1967 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News February 28, 1967" (1967). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2062. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2062 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 'Tuesday, February 28, 1967 Bowling Green State University Volume 51, Mo. 70 *Lovin' Spoonful ' On Greek Week Slate The popular singing group "The Memorial Hall. Tickets for the the Union oval. Also, the Greeks |-* Lovln' Spoonful" will be presented concert will go on sale in the will conduct a charity drive that In concert as part of the Greek Union March 28 and will cost day. The Sigma Chi Derby Day and Week activities. May 10-13, ac- $1.50 each. cording to plans announced yes- Many of the group's hits, such the Zeta Beta Tau Sorority A11- * terday. as "Daydream," "You Didn't Have Star Softball game will be held The week's events will begin To Be So Nice," "NashvllleCats," Saturday, May 13. Wednesday, May 10, with a speech "Darling, Come Back Home," Finally, a Greek Feast will be BEAT YOUR crazy head against the sky, the Lovin' Spoonful by a nationally known political "Did you Ever Have to Make Up held from 2 pjn. to 7 pjn. Satur- suggest in their latest hit record. University students just might figure. Your Mind?", "Do You Believe day, In the C onklln recreation area. The committee Is still planning In Magic?" and "Summer In the The area will be covered with a be doing that when the Lovin'Spoonful arrive on campus for Greek Week. The Spoonful art in reality (sitting), Zal Yanovsky, John the °vent and will announce the City" will be Included In their Tarpaulin in the event of bad •.speaker within the next two or two-hour concert. weather. Sebastian, Steve Boone, and (standing) Joe Butler. three weeks. On Friday, May 12, the Beta Two bands, "The Missing The Spoonful concert will be held 500, sponsored by Beta Theta PI Links" and 'The Intruders,' will at 8 p.m. Thursday, May 11 In social fraternity, will be held In play continuously during the feast. In an effort to Include as many Renovation Canceled; persons as possible In the ac- tlvltes, the Greek Week committee 264 Men Pledge; has opened all events to the entire campus except for the feast. High Cost Blamed All Greeks have been assessed for the entire weekend. Because The remodeling of Moseley Hall M r. M oyer said the high estimate Phi Delts Take 33 of the cost Involved, non-Greeks will not take place as planned, Is due to rising construction costs. A total of 264 men pledged fra- Nuske, James Williams, Manfred will be charged admission to the according to Paul E. Moyer, trea- He said that construction costs ternities Saturday, announced Tim Meder, Christian Domlnick, Mark Spoonful concert. surer of the University. have Increased 25 per cent since Smith, coordinator of Interfra- Gagyi, Dale Fordham, Robert The feast will be for Greeks Mr. Moyer blamed higher es- the state appropriation. ternity Affairs. Last semester's Munn, Harold Olsen, GeofferyCol- only because of the cost factor. timates and rising construction "A lso, the building trades will be total was 183. Pledges and their 11ns, Thomas Leech, PeteCzarak, "We are trying to promote a costs for the cancellation of the negotiating for new labor contracts respective fraternities are: Alexander Mayewsky, Steven Fry- better understanding between extensive refurnishing of Moseley on May 1," he added, "and It Alpha Sigma Phi man, Martin Sllvka, Daniel Long- Greeks and non-Greeks through Hall. appears this has caused an in- Randall Brundage, James fellow, Gerry Kozar, CralgCar- combined participation In cultural, Mr. Moyer stated that a 1963 crease in recent construction bid- Meyer, Charles Thomas, and John rler, John BoaL. social and charitable events," Jim state bond Issue provided an ap- ding. Stewart. Delta Tau Delta Taft, entertainment chairman of propriation of $407,250 for repair "The final estimate was high, Alpha Tau Omega Larry Fester, Richard Thomas, the committee said. and Improvements of Moseley to so we tried to cut back and yet David Plank, Howard Hall, Frank Stoops, Clayton Leach, "This Is the first year that the be done during 1965- 67. However, retain most of the original plans," Robert Mclntee, Timothy Young- Larry Woo ten. Lee Stephens on, majority of the Greek Week ac- final estimates for the Job were Moyer said, "yet we found this bluth, John Thompson, Michael tivities have been open to the entire over $700,000, which is In excess Impossible." Emerine, Richard Curry, Thomas (Continued on Page 6) campus," Taft also said. of funds available. "Therefore we'll have to go Carton, James Henretta, Roger ahead on an interim basis, and McCraw, Robert Murchlnson,Wil- make Moseley as usable as pos- liam Burch, Michael Miller, Ray- sible," he added. mond Froellch, John Scourfleld, Plane Crash Injures 3 Mr. Moyer said that the Aca- demic Space Committee Is study- Lloyd Beaber, David Solch, David Three area men were Injured M altby, Gerry Pedoto, J ames New- 10:30 a.m. Friday when two private ing the problem and will re- commend to the Capital Budget city, Craig Bell, Robert Bortel, planes belonging to Crow Incorp. Kenneth Bailey and Alan Ponrlck. Council what remodeling can be crashed while landing at Bowling done. Beta Theta Pi Green University Airport. Joseph Chlrko, Craig Crego, A Piper Cheroke 140, piloted Louis Gamlere, Donald Tews, Al- by Pierce A. Rogers, R.R. 3 Bry- len Bohl, Thomas Lovejoy, David an, and a Piper Cherokee 160, AWS Election piloted by Alex Sarjeant, Perrys- burg, and his passenger, Roy Ever- Forms Due . $250 Art Work man of Toledo, collided after both planes had apparently landed and Today is the deadline for | Stolen Yesterday were taxing on the runway. women Interested In running for Accorlng to George "M" Hipp, a position In AWS next year to | A religious an work on loan Instructor at the airport, the 160 return their application to be to the University Fine Arts Dept. coming from Toledo had requested placed on the ballot, Sally Lus- and valued at $250 was stolen a landing pattern and was told cher, AWS president, said yes- * from the Fine Arts Building some that one plane was already In a terday. time yesterday afternoon ac- pattern. Applications are available cording to Harold Hasselschwert, The 140 was landing southeast from resident assistants, head | assistant professor of art at the and the 160 was coming In due residents, and sorority presi- * University. north. A« Mr. Hipp said, "I was dents. They must be turned into I The panel, made of walnut, silver watching my student, (Rogers), Carol MoCutcheon, 124 Prout;, and black satin plastic, Is thepro- coming In for his landing and did by 3 p.m. today. v perty of the Newman Foundation at not see the other plane until they The election Is March 8.J ™ Eastern Michigan University.John were approximately 200-300 feet Van Haren, professor of fine arts away on Intersecting runways." at Eastern Michigan, had loaned The two planes collided at the ID Card Photos * the work to the University for an Junction of the two runways at a exhibit. 120 degree angle. Mr. Hasselschwert said that the Mr. Hipp, ran to the scene as Deadline Given panel approximately 6 by 12 Inches soon as the planes collided and then Tonight will be the last chance in size was a holy water font ran back to the office to phone the with a contemporary figure of for night students to have their authorities. pictures taken for I.D. cards. Pic- C hrlst above the cup used to hold Soon after the accident, a state tures will be taken from 6 to 7:30 the water. patrol plane, making a routine As nearly as can be told the pjn. In 120 University Hall. flight over the area landed and Students will need a valid fees panel was stolen between noon and the pilot, Don Humphrey along with receipt, a student copy of their 3 p.m. yesterday afternoon ac- other state patrol officers and registration, or some other written cording toHasselschwert.The ALEX SARJEANT was trapped in his Piper Cherokee 160 after representatives from the Bowling his plane collided with another at the University Airport Friday. for*) indicating registration before campus police were notified but (Continued on Page 6) a picture will be taken. there is no evidence at present. (Photo by Tim Culek). Page 2 The "3-G iJews, Tuesday, February 28, 1967 3$$f . •. ... -_. ;«4 InbV OBSERVER'S NOTEBOOK Better Spent Elsewhere By LARRY FULLERTON years ago can't be expected to stay portion of the campus (including Columnist In the best shape for ever. President William T. Jerome), A recent editorial In the Toledo --And performing arts center the money could have been put University COLLEGIAN presented would be a very worthwhile addition to much better use. arguments for a new basketball to the campus. To University officials, I can 4&&&L arena at TU.
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